All New Organic Paste for De-horning Cattle

Bruising costs the Australian beef cattle industry an estimated $20 million annually. Research undertaken in New South Wales and Queensland has shown that the single major cause of bruising in cattle is horns.
De-horning is one solution to the problem. Compared with hornless stock, horned cattle:
- can cause more severe injury to other cattle, especially in yards, feedlots and transport;
- can damage hides and cause bruising which reduces the value of carcases;
- are harder to handle in yards and crushes;
- can be potentially more dangerous to handlers;
- require more space at a feed trough and on cattle trucks;
- are not as tractable and quiet to handle;
- may suffer discounts at sale especially if they are destined for feedlots.
Caring for your cattle and keeping their stress levels low is imperative for good beef production. For many years, Specialist Sales has been supporting beef and dairy producers to do exactly that through their comprehensive range of animal health products. New to our extensive animal health range is Organica Australia De-Horning Paste.
This new de-horning paste is an organic balm that helps protect your herd from environmental problems associated with de-horning when applied correctly to the wound.
Utilising a lanolin based formulation that contains Australian essential oils and botanical products, Organica Australia De-Horning Paste is the perfect organic, non toxic solution to keeping your herd healthy after this necessary workplace safety practice.
The essential oils present in the paste exhibit antiseptic and aesthetic properties and also act as a repellent to nuisance fly, reducing cattle stress through faster healing and contented grazing. Organica Australia De-Horning Paste is non-toxic, chemical free and an Australian Organic Registered Farm Input and is USDA, NOP & BFA certified.
Organica Australia De-Horning Paste has a nil withholding period it is suitable for use with Beef & Dairy cattle.
Organica Australia De-Horning Paste comes packaged ready to use and can be applied directly by hand, with a cloth or a soft brush.
For further information on this product, please visit our website or call Specialist Sales on 1800 780 317.