Vigilant II Herbicide Gel
Active Ingredients: 44.7g/kg Picloram & Aminopyralid @ 4.47g/L
Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is a ready to use gel developed especially to control a wide range of woody weeds and trees, scrambling weeds and vines and general broadleaf weeds.
Vigilant II Gel contains the powerful and proven active ingredient aminopyralid which offers;
- Faster brownout and knockdown.
- Extended weed spectrum.
- Improved robustness.
Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is effective against a vast range of common problem weeds, making it perfect to have on hand.
Vigilant II will control a range of woody weeds, trees and shrubs, scrambling perennial weeds, Rhizomatous plants, Wandering Jew and general broadleaf weeds.
Formulated as a gel, Vigilant II is ready to use straight out of the pack. There’s no need to deal with messy chemicals, plus it has the added advantage of limited user exposure thanks to the novel applicator bottle. Simply apply the gel to freshly cut stems or foliage and Vigilant II will take care of the rest! The 240g applicator bottle is reusable and can be refilled from the convenient 5L container.
Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is ideally suited for use in environmentally sensitive and difficult to access areas. It is easily transported and is safe to the user when applied according to label directions.
Vigilant II Gel is a low toxicity herbicide gel that provides a simple non-spray alternative for selectively controlling invasive weeds.
Vigilant II Gel is applied directly to freshly cut/crushed stems or trunks of weed plants and is suitable for use in sensitive areas including native bush, conservation areas, farms, lifestyle blocks, gullies, parks and reserves.
Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is effective on a large range of woody, rhizomatous and vine weeds and is ideal for use by professional weed controllers, government and local government employees, land-care and volunteer groups.
Vigilant II is a low toxicity herbicide gel that provides a simple non-spray alternative for selectively controlling invasive weeds without the risk of spray drift.
Vigilant II is applied directly to freshly cut/crushed stems or trunks of weed plants and is suitable for use in sensitive areas including native bush, conservation areas, farms, lifestyle blocks, gullies, parks and reserves.
Weeds Controlled:
Susceptible Species: (this is not a complete list, registration for woody weeds only):
African Olive | Formosan Lilly | Mysore Thorn |
Agapanthus | Glory Lilly | Night Scented Cestrum |
Arum Lily | Golden Rain Tree | Ochna |
Balloon Vine | Gorse | Onamental Fruit tree |
Bitou/Boneseed | Grafted Apricot | Paddys Lucerne |
Blackberry | Green Cestrum | Prickly Pear |
Broadleafed Pepper | Groundsel Bush | Privet (broad & narrow leaf) |
Camphor Laurel | Hiptage | Rubber vine |
Canna Lilly | Honey Locust | Senna Senna |
Cassia Senna | Hybrid Pine | Siam Weed |
Castor Oil Plant | Japanese Honeysuckle | Smooth Tree pear |
Cat’s Claw Creeper | Kahili Ginger | Sweet Briar |
Chinee apple | Lantana | Umbrella Tree |
Chinese Celtis | Lemon Tree Citrus | Wild Tobacco |
Coastal Morning Glory | Madeira Vine | Willow |
Cockspur Maclura | Mesquite | Yellow Bells |
Coral Tree (smooth and rough bark) | Monsterio | Yellow Oleander |
Cotoneaster | Moth Vine | Tree of Heaven |
Pack Sizes: 240mL & 5L
- 240mL Brush Bottle – Reuseable
- 5L Pack – Drum Pump Included
Registrant: Dow Agrosciences Australia Limited (APVMA #: 68484)
Barnum Enterprise (verified owner)
Product Herbicide performed as advertised but my complaint is the 240 mm applicator. The applicator fails after several refills and empty bottles are not sold. After purchasing the 5 litre container, it is ridicules to be required to repurchase the full 240 mm applicator for the 80+ dollars. Why aren’t empty applcators available?
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Thanks for the review on the Vigilant II Herbicide Gel. The manufacturer of Vigilant II Herbicide Gel, Corteva, do not make available the empty 240mL containers. It is also very uncommon for the 240mL bottle to fail after only a few refills. Some customers have used empty plastic squeeze sauce bottles that can be purchased from supermarkets as a refill option. Although they don’t have the plastic brush head, they do allow the product to be applied with some precision.
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