Vigilant II Herbicide Gel (Picloram & Aminopyralid)

Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is a ready to use gel developed especially to control a wide range of woody weeds and trees, scrambling weeds and vines and general broadleaf weeds.

Active Ingredients: 44.7g/kg Picloram & Aminopyralid @ 4.47g/L

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Vigilant II Herbicide Gel (Picloram & Aminopyralid) VIGILANT-II Corteva


Vigilant II Herbicide Gel

Active Ingredients: 44.7g/kg Picloram & Aminopyralid @ 4.47g/L

Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is a ready to use gel developed especially to control a wide range of woody weeds and trees, scrambling weeds and vines and general broadleaf weeds.

Vigilant II Gel contains the powerful and proven active ingredient aminopyralid which offers;

  • Faster brownout and knockdown.
  • Extended weed spectrum.
  • Improved robustness.

Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is effective against a vast range of common problem weeds, making it perfect to have on hand.

Vigilant II will control a range of woody weeds, trees and shrubs, scrambling perennial weeds, Rhizomatous plants, Wandering Jew and general broadleaf weeds.

Formulated as a gel, Vigilant II is ready to use straight out of the pack. There’s no need to deal with messy chemicals, plus it has the added advantage of limited user exposure thanks to the novel applicator bottle. Simply apply the gel to freshly cut stems or foliage and Vigilant II will take care of the rest! The 240g applicator bottle is reusable and can be refilled from the convenient 5L container.

Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is ideally suited for use in environmentally sensitive and difficult to access areas.  It is easily transported and is safe to the user when applied according to label directions.

Vigilant II Gel is a low toxicity herbicide gel that provides a simple non-spray alternative for selectively controlling invasive weeds.

Vigilant II Gel is applied directly to freshly cut/crushed stems or trunks of weed plants and is suitable for use in sensitive areas including native bush, conservation areas, farms, lifestyle blocks, gullies, parks and reserves.

Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is effective on a large range of woody, rhizomatous and vine weeds and is ideal for use by professional weed controllers, government and local government employees, land-care and volunteer groups. 

Vigilant II is a low toxicity herbicide gel that provides a simple non-spray alternative for selectively controlling invasive weeds without the risk of spray drift. 

Vigilant II is applied directly to freshly cut/crushed stems or trunks of weed plants and is suitable for use in sensitive areas including native bush, conservation areas, farms, lifestyle blocks, gullies, parks and reserves.

Weeds Controlled:

Susceptible Species: (this is not a complete list, registration for woody weeds only):

African Olive Formosan Lilly Mysore Thorn
Agapanthus Glory Lilly Night Scented Cestrum
Arum Lily Golden Rain Tree Ochna
Balloon Vine Gorse Onamental Fruit tree
Bitou/Boneseed Grafted Apricot Paddys Lucerne
Blackberry Green Cestrum Prickly Pear
Broadleafed Pepper Groundsel Bush Privet (broad & narrow leaf)
Camphor Laurel Hiptage Rubber vine
Canna Lilly Honey Locust Senna Senna
Cassia Senna Hybrid Pine Siam Weed
Castor Oil Plant Japanese Honeysuckle Smooth Tree pear
Cat’s Claw Creeper Kahili Ginger Sweet Briar
Chinee apple Lantana Umbrella Tree
Chinese Celtis Lemon Tree Citrus Wild Tobacco
Coastal Morning Glory Madeira Vine Willow
Cockspur Maclura Mesquite Yellow Bells
Coral Tree (smooth and rough bark)  Monsterio Yellow Oleander
Cotoneaster Moth Vine Tree of Heaven 

Pack Sizes: 240mL & 5L

  • 240mL Brush Bottle – Reuseable
  • 5L Pack – Drum Pump Included

Registrant: Dow Agrosciences Australia Limited (APVMA #: 68484)

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  1. Barnum Enterprise

    Vigilant II Herbicide Gel

    Barnum Enterprise (verified owner)

    Product Herbicide performed as advertised but my complaint is the 240 mm applicator. The applicator fails after several refills and empty bottles are not sold. After purchasing the 5 litre container, it is ridicules to be required to repurchase the full 240 mm applicator for the 80+ dollars. Why aren’t empty applcators available?

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    Something wrong with this post? Thanks for letting us know. If you can point us in the right direction...

    • class="comment byuser comment-author-specialistsales odd alt depth-2" id="li-comment-205049">


      Thanks for the review on the Vigilant II Herbicide Gel. The manufacturer of Vigilant II Herbicide Gel, Corteva, do not make available the empty 240mL containers. It is also very uncommon for the 240mL bottle to fail after only a few refills. Some customers have used empty plastic squeeze sauce bottles that can be purchased from supermarkets as a refill option. Although they don’t have the plastic brush head, they do allow the product to be applied with some precision.

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Features & Benefits

  • Less herbicide needed (than for spraying)
  • Lower concentration of active ingredient
  • No measuring or mixing required
  • No need for pumps and sprayers
  • Easy application
  • No spray drift
  • Minimal risk to non-target plants.
  • Safe to the User
  • Available in 2 convenient pack sizes – 240mL Brush Bottle – Reuseable & 5L Pack – Drum Pump Included
  • Unique Gel Formation
  • Ready to Use
  • No Spray Drift
  • No Mixing Required
  • Specialty herbicide for use as a spot treatment for a wide range of common troublesome woody, rhizomatous and herbaceous weeds.
  • A ready-to-use gel packed in an applicator pack that requires no preparation prior to use and provides targeted weed control with minimal off-target risk.
  • Particularly useful for rapid treatment of isolated weeds where access for foliar spray equipment is difficult or where foliar treatment may cause off-target spray drift and damage to desirable trees or crops.
  • Blue-coloured gel ensures users can clearly see which weeds have been treated.

Directions Of Use

Directions for Use:

Application should be made in fine weather at any time of the year.

  • Do not use if rain is likely to fall within 12 hours of application.
  • Do not allow animals to graze treated plants until they have died down.
  • Do not compost treated plants.

Woody Weeds, Trees and Shrubs: e.g. barberry, broom, buddleia, climbing spindleberry, cotoneaster, Elaeagnus, elder, gorse, hawthorn, matagouri, pine, poplar, privet, sweet briar, tutu, wattle, willow, woolly nightshade, etc. Cut stems horizontally between 20 and 100mm above ground level. Apply a 3-5mm thick layer of Vigilant II over all the cut surface. Alternatively, for larger shrubs and trees with a trunk diameter greater than 150mm, make a series of 15-20mm deep cuts around the main trunk using an axe or pruning saw. Cuts should be evenly spaced at 20-40mm intervals. Apply a 5mm layer of Vigilant II over the lower surface inside the cut. In the case of multi-stem plants, treat 80 percent of stems including all main stems.

Scrambling Perennial Weeds: e.g. banana passionfruit, blue morning glory, greater bindweed, honeysuckle (Himalayan, Japanese), ivy, (Cape, English, German, etc), jasmine, old man’s beard, vines, etc. Cut stems horizontally between 20 and 100mm, above ground level. Apply a 3-5mm thick layer of Vigilant II over all the cut surface.

Rhizomatous Plants: these include Kahili ginger & agapanthus. On agapanthus prune all shoots horizontally at the rhizome and apply a 3-5mm layer of Vigilant II across all the cut surface. On Kahili ginger prune and treat as for agapanthus, plus, if there are more than four rhizomes between shoots, drill a 10mm hole into every fourth rhizome from a shoot, 80 percent the depth of the rhizome, and fill the hole with Vigilant II.

Wandering Jew: apply Vigilant II at 16g per square metre over the foliage using a paint roller or similar. Make sure the foliage has been completely flattened during application.

Broadleaf Weeds in Pasture and Waste Areas: including capeweed, docks and woolly mullien. Apply a small dollop, approximately 20mm in diameter to the centre of each plant.

Methods to apply Vigilant II include;

  1. Cut stem application for woody weeds. Suitable for all woody weeds.
  2. Cut stem and stem and drill application of rhizomatous plants. Suitable for Agapanthus, Kahili ginger and Canna lily, Arum lily and similar species.
  3. Roller treatment. Suitable for wandering Jew.
  4. Applications for standing trees and woody weeds. Stem Injection/Frilling/Drilling, blazing.

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Vigilant II Herbicide Gel Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.

Questions and answers from customers

    Is Vigilant II Herbicide Gel safe to use in areas where dogs are present.

  1. Q Is Vigilant II Herbicide Gel safe to use in areas where dogs are present.
    Asked by Valda Struwig on October 23, 2024 5:59 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is generally safe to use around dogs when applied according to the label directions. However, it's always best to err on the side of caution and take some precautions to minimise potential risks. Precautions to take: (1) Keep dogs away during application: It's best to keep your dog away from the area while applying the gel until it has dried completely. (2) Avoid treated areas: Prevent your dog from accessing the treated areas until the weeds have died and you've cleaned up any debris. (3) Store securely: Always store the herbicide gel out of reach of children and animals.

  2. Does Vigilant II Herbicide Gel control lantana?

  3. Q Does Vigilant II Herbicide Gel control lantana?
    Asked by Neil on April 23, 2024 7:55 am
    Answered by the admin

    Vigilant II Herbicide does not specifically list Lantana as a species that it is registered to control. However, as Lantana is a broadleaf woody weed/tree species, Vigilant II should have good control activity. In various Corteva Woody Weed recommendations, Vigilant II Gel is recommended to be applied to Lantana as a cut stump application (neat) at a 3–5 mm layer.

  4. Is Vigilant II Herbicide Gel safe to use in a paddock that is home to horses & chickens? I have no way of keeping them away from it once it's painted onto the box thorns.

  5. Q Is Vigilant II Herbicide Gel safe to use in a paddock that is home to horses & chickens? I ha...... Read more
    Asked by Sharelle on November 15, 2023 11:14 am
    Answered by the admin

    Vigilant II Herbicide Gel 'directions for use' do not indicate a withholding period or livestock precautions when used as directed. The best practice would be to remove animals from the treated area until the gel has dried.

  6. I wonder if there's a way to purchase empty dabbers to refill Vigilant II Herbicide Gel 240mL containers. We have a dozen with very tired brush heads and loose labels. Perhaps even similar style brush bottles I can label with high-quality adhesive stickers. Thanks!

  7. Q I wonder if there's a way to purchase empty dabbers to refill Vigilant II Herbicide Gel 240mL con...... Read more
    Asked by Jake Pringle on May 26, 2023 5:09 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The manufacturer of Vigilant II Herbicide Gel (Corteva Agriscience Australia) previously made available the replacement 240mL containers for Vigilant II Herbicide Gel.  Unfortunately, this has been discontinued.  We are unaware of a similar application container that would be suitable.

  8. Is Vigilant II Herbicide Gel effective when applied on cut stumps of Desert Ash? We have been using Garlon in diesel 1:30, but frill when over 20mm.

  9. Q Is Vigilant II Herbicide Gel effective when applied on cut stumps of Desert Ash? We have been usi...... Read more
    Asked by Derek Fenton on February 20, 2023 11:00 am
    Answered by the admin

    Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is registered to control many tree species but does not explicitly list Desert Ash on its label.  An 'off-label' trial would be required to test the effectiveness of this herbicide in your situation.  As Vigilant II Herbicide Gel includes the active ingredients Picloram and Aminopyralid, it should be an effective tree control option, but it can't be guaranteed.

  10. Does vigilant have an expiry date? I was given Vigilant II Herbicide Gel bottles that say, produced in 2010. It’s now 2023, is it still good to use?

  11. Q Does vigilant have an expiry date? I was given Vigilant II Herbicide Gel bottles that say, produc...... Read more
    Asked by Scott on January 26, 2023 7:19 am
    Answered by the admin

    Vigilant II Herbicide Gel does not have a best-before or expiry date. The storage life of picloram herbicides (i.e. Vigilant II) can vary depending on the product and storage conditions. In general, picloram herbicide should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. The best practice is to use the chemical in approx. 2-4 years from manufacturer. Before use, it is essential to check the product for any signs of deterioration or discolouration.

  12. There is a considerable amount of Wandering Jew in a home we bought recently. We wish to remove it but it is difficult to do by hand since it is 50% intermingled with other ground cover. We accept that to remove the weed it may be necessary to kill both the Jew and the other groundcover and re-plant. We are ideally looking for a permanent solution to the problem but if one can't be found then we will avoid replanting another ground cover and potentially risking reverting to the current situation we find ourselves in. Could you provide recommendations/suggestions/alternative courses of action?

  13. Q There is a considerable amount of Wandering Jew in a home we bought recently. We wish to remove i...... Read more
    Asked by Peter Ricketts on April 18, 2022 4:49 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Herbicides made from Fluroxypyr (i.e. Starane) effectively control Wandering Jew or Trad (Tradescantia albiflora) in agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures and rights-of-way.  Fluroxypyr is also likely to kill broadleaf groundcover plants if they come in contact with the spray.

    As there are different strengths of Fluroxypyr, the mixing rates vary.

    Fluroxypyr @ 200g/L - 150mL per 10L Water 
    Fluroxypyr @ 333g/L (Starane Advanced) - 90mL per 10L Water 
    Fluroxypyr @ 400g/L - 75mL per 10L Water

    Note - Use as a foliar spray and apply to young plants, including flowering.  Some regrowth will usually occur and will require retreatment.

    Another good selective option is to use Vigilant II Gel as a leaf wiping application and must be applied to at least 50% of the leaves.
  14. Hi there, a national park ranger told me that Vigilant II kills Leucaena. I was going to buy some, but then read on your website that it should not be used in urban gardens. Is there anything you sell that would suit suburban gardens that kills leucaena? regards Christine
  15. Q Hi there, a national park ranger told me that Vigilant II kills Leucaena. I was going to buy some...... Read more
    Asked by Christine finlay on October 4, 2021 5:42 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Vigilant II Herbicide does not have Leucaena listed as a species that it is registered to control, however as Leuceane is a broadleaf tree species Vigilant II should have good activity of control.  Note though that use would be off-label and at your own risk and not guaranteed.

    Vigilant II is not recommended for use in urban gardens as desirable plants may be severely damaged if Vigilant II is used in areas where their roots may intertwine with roots of target plants or where the chemical may be washed or moved to their roots.  One of the active ingredients used in Vigilant II is Aminopyralid which has residual properties that can last in the soil/compost for many months after application.

    To the best of our knowledge, there are no herbicide products specifically registered for the control of Leucaena, particularly in domestic garden situations so an off label application would be required.  To avoid damage to desirable species we suggest either cut stump or drill and fill applications using a non-residual herbicide such as Glyphosate.  If the Leucaena infestation is severe then you could also look at specific woody weed herbicides.  These usually contain the active ingredients Triclopyr & Picloram.

    This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​  If you would like to speak with the manufacturer of Vigilant II, please call 1800 700 096.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Conservation Area, Drainage Ditch, Non-crop Area - General, Public Area - General & Vegetation - General Agapanthus, Canna Lily, Capeweed, Cotoneaster, Dock, Furze Or Gorse, Herbaceous Weed, Japanese Honeysuckle, Paterson's Curse, Prickly Lettuce, Privet, Rhizomatous, Variegated Thistle, Wild Tobacco Tree, Willow, Woody Weed (see Label)

Tips For Use


  • Do not use if rain is likely to fall within 12 hours of application.
  • Do not use in turf or lawns.
  • Do not use in the urban home garden.

General Instructions:

  • Some visible effects of the treatment should be apparent within 2-3 months of application but as picloram and aminopyralid can be active within the plant for up to 2 years, total plant death may take from 6 months to 2 growing seasons after application.


  • Do not allow public entry into treated areas until the gel has dried.

Safety Directions:

  • May irritate the eyes
  • Avoid contact with the eyes
  • Wash hands after use.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre.
  • Phone: Australia 13 11 26.
  • If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor.
  • Additional information is listed in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

Why Use Vigilant II Herbicide?

How to read Vigilant II Herbicide Label

Vigilant II Herbicide Application Techniques

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Not applicable when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Vigilant II Herbicide Gel Label Download Pdf
Vigilant II Herbicide Gel SDS Download Pdf
Vigilant II Herbicide Gel Brochure Download Pdf
Vigilant II Herbicide Gel TechNote Download Pdf

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