House Fly, how to get rid of them?

Are your homes, sheds, stockyards or buildings being plagued by pesky flies that just won’t fly far, far away? Australia is home to so many varieties of insects that it can be difficult to tell exactly which flies are swarming, and how best to deal with them in preparation for the hotter months ahead. At Specialist Sales, we get a lot of questions about how to get rid of house flies in particular and about what products are ideal for controlling these irritating insects, so we’re here to share our wisdom with you.
House flies are common pest insects and are found in many environments inhabited by humans and their domestic animals. The common housefly lays its eggs in decaying material, resulting in a possible health hazard due to its contamination of food.
The house fly is the most common fly found in and around homes, businesses and industrial sheds. Flies are not only nuisance pests while buzzing around, but they are potential disease carriers. House flies have short lifespans, but they can quickly reproduce in large numbers, leading to large house fly populations effectively controlled.
House flies take advantage of structural issues, such as damaged weather stripping or torn screens, in order to enter a building. These pests are attracted to buildings by air currents and odours. Due to the fact that their preferred temperature is 28 degrees, house flies are attracted to warm air currents coming from buildings on cooler days and vice versa on warmer days.
House flies do not bite, but they are capable of transferring more than 100 different pathogens. House flies contaminate food surfaces by spreading disease organisms picked up on their legs and mouths when feeding on trash, faeces, and other decaying substances. As if that wasn’t enough, they defecate constantly.
Like many other pests, the house fly experiences a four-phase life cycle. Depending on conditions, the development time of a housefly from egg to adult may require as little as 6 days. Female house flies can lay between 350-900 eggs in their lifetime.
House flies are usually active during the day when they will gather indoors on floors, walls, and ceilings. Outdoor flies will hang around plants, fences, garbage bins, and ground areas. At night flies can be found resting on the ground and close to food sources. They survive cold weather by positioning themselves in indoor corners and edges and then hibernating until the weather is warmer.
Specialist Sales has a house fly bait in stock that is extremely effective in controlling the numbers and spread of flies. Surefire FlyStar Bait is a ready-to-use fly bait granule for the control of adult house flies and lesser house flies (including organophosphate resistant strains) in commercial, industrial and domestic areas. Surefire FlyStar Bait is made from the active ingredients Imidacloprid and (z)-9 Tricosene which is a biological insect pheromone.
Surefire Flystar Bait contains BITREX, an acutely bitter agent that reduces the possibility of accidental ingestion by children, domestic animals or wildlife.
Surefire Flystar Bait can be applied in many locations. Avoid cool or windy locations as flies prefer warm sites for resting. For best results, time applications to begin at the start of the season before fly populations have reached their peak. Fly control should be considered part of an integrated strategy that incorporates good sanitation, appropriate management of breeding sites (eg. manure and other decaying organic matter) and exclusion measures for preventing the access of flies into internal areas.
NOTE: This product is not attractive to all species of flies and control of non-target species may require other means of control.
Need to nip your house fly problem in the bud right now? Call our friendly customer service team on 1800 780 317 to place your Surefire FlyStar Bait order today!
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