Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner

Seasol PastureMasta is a commercial strength blend of Seasol with fish, Kelp, liquid humate and added Nitrogen, developed specifically for optimum effectiveness on pasture. 

Seasol PastureMasta improves pasture regrowth and palatability, enhances pasture nutrition with essential trace elements and increases pasture growth in early Autumn and late Spring.

Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner Ingredients: Seasol, Fish, Kelp, Liquid Humate & Nitrogen.

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Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner SEASOL-PASTUREMASTA Seasol


Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner

Ingredients: Seasol, Fish, Kelp, Liquid Humate & Nitrogen.

Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner is a commercial strength blend of Seasol with fish, Kelp, liquid humate and added Nitrogen, developed specifically for optimum effectiveness on pasture.  Seasol PastureMasta stimulates a broad range of soil microbes to improve soil function and provides a small amount of added nitrogen to help boost plant growth.

Seasol PastureMasta is especially valuable when sowing new grass and when applied immediately after grazing for vigorous growth and sustained productivity of exiting pasture. The specialised blend of kelp, fish and humate in PastureMasta helps improve both the structure and biological activity of the soil.  It also directly stimulates pasture growth and this is supported by the added Nitrogen. For best results PastureMasta should be used to complement the benefits of a balanced fertiliser program, stimulating soil microbial activity, enhancing plant nutrient uptake and improving soil structure.

Why choose Seasol PastureMasta;

  • Combines the ingredients Seasol, Fish, Liquid Humate & Nitrogen.
  • Commercial strength fertiliser and soil conditioner.
  • Improves pasture regrowth and palatability.
  • Increases pasture growth in early Autumn and late Spring.
  • Enhances pasture nutrition with essential trace elements.
  • Boosts soil biological activity.
  • Helps reduce stress from heat, drought, frost, pests & disease.
  • Seasol is Certified as an allowed organic input by Australian Organic Ltd.

Typical Analysis:  W/V: Nitrogen (N) 9.4%. Phosphorus (P) 1.1%. Potassium (K) 6.2%

Pack Sizes: 20L, 200L & 1000L

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Features & Benefits

  • Combines the ingredients Seasol, fish, liquid humate & nitrogen.
  • Commercial strength fertiliser and soil conditioner.
  • Improves pasture regrowth and palatability.
  • Increases pasture growth in early Autumn and late Spring.
  • Enhances pasture nutrition with essential trace elements.
  • Boosts soil biological activity.
  • Helps reduce stress from heat, drought, frost, pests & disease.
  • Seasol is Certified as an allowed organic input by Australian Organic Ltd.

Directions Of Use

How to use Seasol PastureMasta:

  • Using PastureMasta is simply a matter of spraying it onto the pasture after sowing or grazing.
  • Irrigated pasture application can be done via travelling or pivot irrigators.
  • PastureMasta is best used in conjunction with an existing fertiliser program to maximise the effectiveness of the fertiliser.

Boom sprayers & Under-tree sprinklers.
Rate: 5-10L/Ha
Comments: For all types of spray equipment, use the area normally covered by one tankful to determine how much product to add.

Drip or Micro-irrigation systems.
Rate: 5-10L/Ha
Comments: Use higher rates for lighter soils

Overhead sprinklers: Travelling or Pivot irrigators.
Rate: 1L to 5L per mm of irrigation.
Comments: Use higher rates on lighter soil; lower rates on heavier soil (ie. The amount of concentrate needed per hectare of irrigated area for 10 mm of irrigation is 10L to 50L)

  • The application rate depends on the intensity of grazing – the tighter your rotation, the lower the application rate.
  • If you move your stock only a few times during the season, then use 10L/Ha after each move.
  • If you are on a 14 to 21-day rotation (or thereabouts), use 5L/Ha each time.
  • For set-stocked pasture, there is no need to remove stock. PastureMasta is non-toxic and so may be applied to one part of the paddock while stock are grazing in another.
  • Best practice requires that application be avoided under extreme weather conditions.

Instructions for use:

  • PastureMasta must be diluted with water. Water is the carrier to ensure proper coverage.
  • Shake well or agitate before use. Continuous agitation during dilution is recommended. Maintain agitation while spraying or irrigating.
  • Add the quantity of PastureMasta as per the application guidelines to the spray tank that is needed for the area normally covered by a tankful with the speed, pressure and nozzle setting you normally use. For example, if a full tank covers 2 Hectare, then 10L in a tankful will apply 5L per Hectare.

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Seasol PastureMasta Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.

Questions and answers from customers

    How many litres of Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner would be needed for 20acres?

  1. Q How many litres of Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner would be needed for 20ac...... Read more
    Asked by Barbara on October 18, 2024 5:21 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The label Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner suggests using a rate of 5-10L/Ha for boom sprayers and under-tree sprinklers, which equates to 2-4L/acre.

  2. When applying Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner to turf, 100L of water is applied over 500sqm. What would be the amount of product added to the 100L of water?

  3. Q When applying Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner to turf, 100L of water is app...... Read more
    Asked by KJAY on September 16, 2024 8:38 am
    Answered by the admin

    As Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner is recommended for use in pasture, not turf, the pasture rate would need to be used for turf. The recommended application rate for Seasol PastureMasta on established pastures is 5-10 L/ha (hectare). Assuming an average of this range, you would work on 7.5 L/ha. This rate equates to 375mL/100L Water evenly applied over 500sqm.

  4. What time of year is best to apply Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner?

  5. Q What time of year is best to apply Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner?
    Asked by Paul on August 5, 2023 7:33 am
    Answered by the admin

    The best time of year to apply Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner is from spring through to autumn when the pasture is actively growing and will benefit the most from the nutrients in the fertiliser. Seasol PastureMasta can also be applied in the winter if the pasture species are winter active, but it is important to make sure that the pasture is actively growing and not dormant. It is important to note that the specific timing of when to apply Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner may vary depending on your location and the type of pasture you have

  6. Is Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner an old product, as I belive it has a 3-week no graze period?

  7. Q Is Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner an old product, as I belive it has a 3-w...... Read more
    Asked by Mark Ivanusa on July 24, 2023 3:26 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser was released for sale in Australia in 2017. It does not have a grazing withholding period when used as directed. In general, pastures should not be grazed too soon after fertilising. This is because the nitrogen in the fertiliser can be toxic to grazing animals if they eat it too soon. The amount of time needed to elapse before grazing can resume depends on the type of fertiliser used. For high-nitrogen fertilisers, waiting for three to four weeks before grazing is best. For phosphorus and potassium fertilisers, it is usually safe to graze immediately after application.

  8. Can I use Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner to fertilise Australian native species?

  9. Q Can I use Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner to fertilise Australian native sp...... Read more
    Asked by John on July 23, 2023 5:54 pm
    Answered by the admin

    As the name suggests, Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser is formulated and recommended for use on pastures. It is not recommended for use on native species of plants. Australian native species can be unique and adapted to specific soil and environmental conditions. Some native plants are sensitive to high levels of nutrients or certain chemicals commonly found in fertilisers, so choosing the right fertiliser and using it judiciously is essential. When selecting a fertiliser for Australian native species, opting for a low-phosphorus, slow-release, and balanced formulation is best. Native plants typically thrive in soils with low phosphorus levels, and excessive phosphorus can harm their growth. Slow-release fertilisers provide nutrients gradually, reducing the risk of over-fertilisation.

  10. After applying Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner, what is the horse withholding period?

  11. Q After applying Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner, what is the horse withholdi...... Read more
    Asked by Dianne powell on September 12, 2022 9:34 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Regardless of the animal, the withholding period (WHP) of Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner is 'not applicable when used as directed.' Refer to compatible products WHP if used in conjunction with other products in a tank mix situation.

  12. What would the rate of Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner be for a 50ltr boom spray tank

  13. Q What would the rate of Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner be for a 50ltr boom ...... Read more
    Asked by Peter Graham on April 12, 2022 12:29 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The application rate for Seasol PastureMasta Fertiliser & Soil Conditioner via boom spray is 5-10L per Ha.  If you can evenly apply 50L of water per Ha (10,000m2), add 5-10L to the 50L tank.  It is up to you to know what your boom spray is calibrated at, so you can calculate the correct amount of PastureMasta and water.  Once you know how much water you are applying per hectare, you can adjust how much PastureMasta needs to be added to your 50L tank.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Tips For Use

  • PastureMasta should never be applied undiluted – water is the carrier to ensure proper coverage. Once diluted, it should be used within 24 hours.
  • PastureMasta is filtered to 150 microns so that it is suitable for application with any conventional spray equipment including boom-sprays or irrigation equipment.
  • PastureMasta is best used in conjunction with an existing fertiliser program to maximise the effectiveness of the fertiliser.

Tank Mix Compatibility:

  • Seasol products are tank-mix compatible with most pesticides and fertilisers, provided best practise mixing and application procedure is followed. This includes a jar test of any mix  before blending in the tank, application immediately after mixing and using PPE as recommended on the label.
  • Seasol liquids are filtered to 150 microns meaning they are suitable for all common spray nozzles and filters.
  • Seasol cannot guarantee the efficacy of all products in tank mixes, as is the case with all chemical manufacturers unless specified on the label.

Step 1.

  • Consult the label of the chemical you are mixing.
  • Follow any instructions specified for organic liquid products.

Step 2:

  • Check the label and formulation against the following checklist:

pH Requirements:

  • Some pesticides require an acidic spray tank.
  • Seasol is an alkaline product.
  • Seasol will foam slightly in tank mixes below PH 6. Mixes with Phosphoric acid may also cause drop out of the alginate. We recommend caution if mixing Seasol in a very acidic tank mix.

Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC):

  • EC formulations are unstable with many products in tank mixes. High concentration seaweed products can destabilise emulsions and leave fruit and leaves directly exposed to the active constituent. It is recommended to be extremely cautious when mixing with EC if the tank mix will be sprayed on fruit.

Liquid Calcium:

  • Seasol is not compatible with high concentration liquid calcium as it will drop out the alginate, forming a gel.
  • This is why Seasol Plus Calcium with patented chelation was developed.
  • Calcium Nitrate is regularly mixed with Seasol provided there is a high water rate, immediate use and good agitation.

Trace Elements:

  • Trace elements are compatible as long as tank concentrations do not exceed label rates.
  • High concentrations may result in precipitation.

Step 3:
Mixing Order:

  • Fill the spray tank at least half full with water and run the agitation.
  • If needed, add ammonium sulphate (or other fertiliser-type adjuvants) and agitate thoroughly for several minutes before adding anything else.
  • Add the required amount of Seasol product(s) and allow sufficient time for the agitation to mix thoroughly.
  • Add the required amounts of other products in the following general order:
  • Wettable powders (WP’s) and water-soluble powders (SP’s).
  • Water Dispersible Granules (WG’s) and water-soluble granules (SG’s).
  • Non-ionic surfactant last to reduce the amount of foaming in the tank.
  • Other surfactants may also be used, but strictly at label rates.

Storage and Handling:

  • PastureMasta should not be kept for prolonged periods in hot conditions (>30oC) or in direct sunlight.
  • Always use safe work practices for lifting and handling drums.
  • Once diluted, PastureMasta should be applied within 24 hours.

Safety Directions:

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Not to be swallowed.
  • May cause irritation to the skin or eyes.
  • If splashed, wash off with copious amounts of water.
  • If swallowed or if irritation persists, see prompt medical advice.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Not applicable when used as directed. 
  • Refer to compatible products WHP if used in conjunction with other products in a tank mix situation.

SDS & Technical

Seasol PastureMasta Label Download Pdf
Seasol PastureMasta SDS Download Pdf
Seasol PastureMasta Product Analysis Download Pdf
Seasol Applications Post Harvest TechSheet Download Pdf
Seasol Applications Heat Stress TechSheet Download Pdf
Seasol Applications Iron Nutrion TechSheet Download Pdf
Seasol Applications Frost Tolerance TechSheet Download Pdf
Seasol PastureMasta Tank Mix Compatability TechSheet Download Pdf
Seasol PastureMasta Fertigation TechSheet Download Pdf

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