Clopyralid 300 Selective Herbicide
Active Ingredient: Clopyralid @ 300g/L
Similar or comparable to Lontrel Herbicide (Dow), Archer Herbicide (Nufarm) & Victory Herbicide (Adama)
Clopyralid 300 Herbicide is registered to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola, pastures, fallow land, forests and industrial situations. Although Clopyralid is effective on many broadleaf weeds, it is especially good at targeting many thistle species. Clopyralid belongs to a group of chemicals called the Pyridines.
Clopyralid 300 Herbicide for Woody Weed Control can also be used to control Silver Wattle via foliar spray and boom application. It is classified as a Group I Herbicide, with a mode of action where the weed cannot grow due to disruption of plant cell growth. Clopyralid is widely used as a “spike” to improve the activity of other herbicides on volunteer legumes, thistles and capeweed.
What situations can Clopyralid 300 Selective Herbicide be used in;
Barley | Pasture |
Canola | Pinus Radiata Plantation |
Fallow Land | Rights of Way |
Forest | Triticale |
Industrial | Wheat |
Oats |
What weeds does Clopyralid 300 Selective Herbicide target;
Californian Thistle | Shore Or Sheep Thistle | Volunteer Faba Bean |
Cape Ivy | Silver Wattle | Volunteer Field Pea |
Capeweed | Skeleton Weed | Volunteer Lentil |
Creeping/Russian Knapweed | Slender | Volunteer Lucerne – Seedling |
Groundsel | Soldier Thistle | Volunteer Lupin |
Nodding Thistle | Spear Or Black Thistle | Volunteer Medic |
Prickly Lettuce | Stemless Thistle | Volunteer Safflower |
Saffron Thistle | Variegated Thistle | Volunteer Subterranean Clover |
Scotch Thistle | Volunteer Chickpea | Volunteer Vetch Or Tares |
Why choose Clopyralid 300 Selective Herbicide;
- Contains the active ingredient Clopyralid.
- It can be used as a ‘spike’ to improve the activity of other herbicides.
- It is especially good at targeting many thistle species.
- It can be used in various situations, including Woody Weed Control, broadleaf weed control in crops, forests and industrial situations.
- Excellent crop safety.
- Wide grass and broadleaf selective herbicide compatibility.
Pack Sizes:
- Apparent Clopyralid 300 Herbicide 1L, 5L and 20L
- Corsair Clopyralid 300 Herbicide 10L
- Apparent Pty Ltd. (APVMA #:65243) – Apparent 1L & 5L
- Conquest Crop Protection Pty Ltd. (APVMA #:60346) – Corsair 10L
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