Why CattlePro is our bestselling pour-on drench

With so many cattle drench products on the market nowadays, it can be difficult for farmers to know which product is the right one for them. For us here at Specialist Sales, cattle drench is one of our most popular product categories. We have years of industry knowledge and experience to offer valuable advice to our customers when they’re unsure about which cattle drench is best suited to their needs.
Specialist Sales has been selling its own brand of affordable Ivermectin Pour-On Drench CattlePro to cattle producers Australia wide for a number of years now. Such a large quantity has been shipped through our warehouse that we can now say it is our highest selling drench!
Continuing with our great advice, quality products and competitive pricing, CattlePro comes in a variety of sizes to cater for all producers, large and small. Sold individually or as a packaged deal, CattlePro has now been used by customers for over four years with excellent results.
With the parasite season upon us, CattlePro provides an affordable and effective solution for internal and external parasites. CattlePro offers a wealth of benefits, as a convenient pour-on treatment for the control of internal and external parasites in beef and dairy cattle with a nil milk withholding period for lactating dairy cattle. It even comes with a registered safety claim for both dung beetle and earthworm populations, and best of all, it’s manufactured right here in Australia.
Specialist Sales customers are very happy with the results they’re achieving using CattlePro, and they’re even happier with our sharp pricing and quick delivery times. With the ability to ship animal health products Australia-wide and working directly with the manufacturer, we always have stock available for producers to purchase.
Producers have a number of options to buy their pour-on either online through our website or over the phone. Our friendly and efficient sales team in Toowoomba are more than happy to talk with customers about their needs. We can provide you with the right advice, and the right product at the right price every time. With our fast and free delivery service Australia wide, producers are finding the convenience of buying through Specialist Sales is saving them time and money.
Along with CattlePro, Specialist Sales offers many other branded and generic cattle products covering tick, lice and fly control, nutrition, tags and general animal health merchandise.
We encourage producers to look at our website to view our complete range. If for some reason the product you are looking for is not on the website, either call us on 1800 780 317 or email [email protected].
At Specialist Sales, we are firm believers that if we can’t save you money, we don’t deserve your business. Learn more about our complete range of CattlePro products.
Interested in reading more about cattle drenching? Be sure to check out: