Vista 200SC Insecticide

Vista 200 SC Insecticide is used for the targeted control of various insect pests, such as wireworm, diamondback moth, garden weevil & thrips in a wide range of crops including asparagus, bananas, brassicas, cotton, forestry, ginger, wine grapevines, mushrooms, pasture, potatoes, sorghum, sugarcane and swede.

Active Ingredient: Fipronil @ 200 g/L

Similar or comparable to Regent 200SC Insecticide (Nufarm), Onslaught Insecticide (Apparent), & Emporium 200SC Insecticide (Axichem).

Click For Technical Info & Tips For Use
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Vista 200SC Insecticide VISTA-200SC PCT


Vista 200SC Insecticide

Active Ingredient: Fipronil @ 200 g/L

Similar or comparable to Regent 200SC Insecticide (Nufarm), Onslaught Insecticide (Apparent), & Emporium 200SC Insecticide (Axichem).

Vista 200 SC Insecticide is used for the targeted control of various insect pests, such as wireworm, diamondback moth, garden weevil & thrips in a wide range of crops including asparagus, bananas, brassicas, cotton, forestry, ginger, wine grapevines, mushrooms, pasture, potatoes, sorghum, sugarcane and swede as specified in the directions for use table.

Where can Vista 200SC Insecticide be used;

  • Brassicas: Ensure thorough coverage of foliage and heads.
  • Cotton: For ground application, use a prepared spray volume of 35- 75L/ha depending on the size of the crop. For aerial application see Aerial application instructions on the label.
  • Wine Grapevines: Vista 200SC Insecticide should be applied by handheld equipment as a high volume directed spray of approximately 500ml solution per vine.
  • Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes: Apply as a broadcast spray to the surface of the soil and incorporate to a depth of 15 cm prior to planting.
  • Swede and Turnip: Ensure thorough coverage of foliage.

Vista 200SC Insecticide is not registered for use as a Termiticide.

What are the pests controlled by Vista 200SC Insecticide in each crop;

  • Cotton: Apple dimpling bugs, cotton thrips, green mirids and green vegetable bugs.
  • Brassicas: Diamondback moths, cabbage white butterflies and cabbage cluster caterpillars
  • Pasture, sorghum and forestry plantations: Australian plague locusts, migratory locusts, spurthroated locusts, wingless grasshoppers, small plague grasshoppers.
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes: Various types of wireworm, mole crickets and white-fringed weevils Bananas: Banana rust thrips and banana weevil borers.
  • Sugarcane: Sugarcane weevil borers, sugarcane wireworms.
  • Asparagus: Garden weevils.
  • Ginger: Symphylids.
  • Grapes for wine: Fig longicorn beetles.
  • Mushrooms: Mushroom flies.
  • Swedes and turnips: Diamondback moth.

Why choose Vista 200SC Insecticide;

  • Contains the active ingredient Fipronil.
  • Highly effective control of key sucking pests and key chewing pests in a wide range of horticultural crops.
  • Protection of cotton pinhead squares to maximise first position fruit retention and final yield.
  • Control of diamondback moth populations that have developed resistance to other insecticidal modes of action such as Group 2B Insecticides in horticulture.
  • Provides protection for sorghum crops, pasture and forestry plantations against locusts and grasshoppers. 
  • Powerful protection for pasture, sorghum and plantations against locusts and grasshopper damage.
  • Flexible application methods adapted to each crop and target pest.

Pack Sizes: 1L & 5L

Registrant:  PCT Holdings Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 63581)

How to get rid of Grasshoppers & Locusts

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  1. John Tervo

    Funnel Ants

    John Tervo (verified owner)

    I have been using this for years now to get rid of funnel ants. Sprayed directly down the holes. Works every time.

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  2. One person found this helpful

    Funnel Ants

    Greg (verified owner)

    Great product for getting rid of 10 Acres of Funnel Ants. Mix rate 2ml per Litre and sprayed directly onto dirt mounds.

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  3. One person found this helpful
    Nick Buick

    Nick Buick (verified owner)

    No more funnel ants after following the instructions on BigPond

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  4. One person found this helpful
    Ken Pidd

    Ken Pidd (verified owner)

    Excellent for getting rid of funnel ants

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  5. One person found this helpful
    Les Fowler

    Les Fowler (verified owner)

    This is the best product we have found for the control of ants around the house.Also controls most things in the garden especially grass hoppers.

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Fipronil.
  • Highly effective control of key sucking pests and key chewing pests in a wide range of horticultural crops.
  • Protection of cotton pinhead squares to maximise first position fruit retention and final yield.
  • Control of diamondback moth populations that have developed resistance to other insecticidal modes of action such as Group 2B Insecticides in horticulture.
  • Provides protection for sorghum crops, pasture and forestry plantations against locusts and grasshoppers. 
  • Powerful protection for pasture, sorghum and plantations against locusts and grasshopper damage.
  • Flexible application methods adapted to each crop and target pest.

Directions Of Use

Application Rates (General): 

  • Cotton 62.5–125 mL/ha
  • Brassica 250 mL/ha
  • Sorghum & Pasture 6.25 mL/ha
  • Forestry Plantations 6.25–12.5 mL/ha
  • Sugarcane 2.0–5.7 mL /100 m row for sugarcane weevil borers 1.1 mL/100 m single row length or 1.8 mL/100 m double row length for sugarcane wireworms

Other fruit and vegetable crops refer to the Directions of Use.  Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Vista 200SC Insecticide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.  The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Hi, can you use vista 200sc for termites? If so, what would be the dilation rate for mixing to treat a post. I already have this product and would like to use it if appropriate. Thank you

  1. Q Hi, can you use vista 200sc for termites? If so, what would be the dilation rate for mixing to tr...... Read more
    Asked by Robert Cameron on January 27, 2022 2:02 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Vista 200Sc Insecticide is not registered as a termiticide.  Specialist Sales is legally bound only to recommend what is on the product label for use.  If you intended to use the product 'off-label' as a termiticide, you would have to look at a 100g/L formulation such as Termidor Residual Termiticide and calculate the rate yourself.  As this is an 'off-label' use, we can't guarantee Vista would be effective as a termiticide.

  2. I have bought this product to exterminate Mole Crickets in my residential backyard. It is 40m2. How many mil to litres should I mix. Best regards Chris
  3. Q I have bought this product to exterminate Mole Crickets in my residential backyard. It is 40m2. H...... Read more
    Asked by Chris Archer on October 16, 2021 12:05 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Vista 200SC Insecticide is registered to control Mole Crickets in Potato Crops.  It is not registered or recommended for use in turf/lawns hence why there is no mixing rate.  The mixing rate for use in potatoes is 250mL per 10,000m2.  This equates to only needing to apply 2.5mL evenly over a 1oom2 area or 1mL per 40m2.   The 1mL would need to be mixed in enough water to evenly cover the 40m2 area and it would then need to be incorporated into the soil to be effective.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Asparagus Garden Or South African Vine Weevil
Banana Banana Rust Thrip, Banana Weevil Borer
Brassica Leafy Vegetables - See Label Cabbage Cluster Caterpillar, Cabbage Moth, Cabbage White Butterfly
Cotton Green Mirid Bug, Onion Or Cotton Seedling Thrips
Ginger Symphilid
Grape - Wine Fig Longicorn
Potato Sweet Potato Mole Cricket, White Fringed Weevil, Wireworm
Sugar Cane Sugarcane Weevil Borer, Sugarcane Wireworm
Swede & Turnip Cabbage Moth

Tips For Use



  • Use the higher label rate under heavy and sustained insect pressure.
  • For ground application, use a prepared spray volume of 35–75 L/ha depending on the size of the crop.
  • Use application volumes of 20–50 L/ha for aerial spraying.

Sorghum, pasture and plantations:

  • Apply in a minimum of 50 L/ha of water by ground rig or in 20–50 L/ha of water by air.


  • Use a spray volume of between 400 and 1000 L/ha according to crop size. Use a nonionic wetting agent at the rate specified for use in horticultural crops. Ensure that the rate of wetting agent used results in efficient spray coverage of the leaf surface.
  • For all other crops, check the label for specific instructions


  • Vista should be applied at the first sign of the target pest for cotton. Refer to the label for recommended application timings for target pests on other crops.
  • One key consideration is that Vista has immediate impact – especially in stopping feeding, so no further crop damage occurs – but its full effect on insects may not be observed for 3–4 days.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP): (H)= Harvest, (G)= Grazing

  • Bananas: Not required when used as directed.
  • Brassicas: Do not harvest for 7 days after application.
  • Cotton: Do not harvest for 4 weeks after application. Do not graze or cut for stock food.
  • Wine grapevines: Not required when used as directed (H). Do not feed trash or by-products resulting from treated grapevines to livestock (G).
  • Mushrooms: Do not harvest for 14 days after application.
  • Pasture: Do not graze or cut for stock food for 14 days after application.
  • Potatoes: Not required when used as directed. Do not graze or cut for stock food any part of the failed crop (including tubers).
  • Sorghum: Do not harvest, graze or cut for stock food for 14 days after application.
  • Sugarcane: Do not harvest for 12 weeks after application. Do not graze or cut for stock food for 12 weeks after application.
  • Livestock withholding period: Withhold stock from slaughter for 21 days after application, where stock was present in crop or pasture at the time of application

SDS & Technical

Vista 200SC Insecticide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Vista 200SC Insecticide Label Download Pdf
Vista 200SC Insecticide SDS Download Pdf
Vista 200SC Insecticide Brochure Download Pdf
Vista 200SC Insecticide Container Label Download Pdf

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