Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide

Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide is a non-selective and non-residual herbicide for controlling a broad range of aquatic, annual and perennial weeds & is 20% stronger than traditional biactive glyphosate 360 herbicides. Xtraqatic Biactive is used for general weed control in domestic areas (home gardens), commercial, industrial and public service areas, agricultural buildings and other farm situations.

Active Ingredient: Glyphosate Present As The Isopropylamine Salt @ 450g/L

Similar or Comparable to Roundup Herbicide (Monsanto)

Click For Technical Info & Tips For Use
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Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide GLYPHOSATE-450-XTRAQATIC Ozcrop


Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide

Active Ingredient: Glyphosate Present As The Isopropylamine Salt @ 450g/L

Similar or Comparable to Roundup Herbicide (Monsanto)

Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide is a non-selective and non-residual herbicide for controlling a broad range of aquatic, annual and perennial weeds & is 20% stronger than traditional biactive glyphosate 360 herbicides. It is used for general weed control in domestic areas (home gardens), commercial, industrial and public service areas, agricultural buildings and other farm situations. For specific weeds, brush and woody weeds or unwanted trees, refer to the appropriate weeds-controlled table listed in the directions for use.

Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide is registered for use in aquatic areas to control emerged weeds in all bodies of fresh and brackish water, which may be flowing, non-flowing or transient. Xtraqatic is also used to control weeds on the margins of streams, lakes, dams, and channels and drains.

Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Herbicide has 20% more active ingredients (20% Stronger) per litre than similar products such as Roundup Biactive Herbicide.

What annual & perennial weeds does Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide control;

Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Kangaroo Grass (Themeda australis) Prairie Grass (Bromus unioloides) Summer Grass (Digitaria ciliaris)
Amsinkia (Amsinkia spp.) Carpet Grass (Xonopus spp.) Kikuyu Grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) Qld Blue Grass (Dichanthium sericium) Sweet Summer Grass (Brachiaria eruciformis)
Annual Ground Cherry (Physalis angulata) Cereals Volunteer (Barley, Wheat, Oats, Sorghum) Lesser Swinecress (Coronopus didymus) Redleg Grass (Bothriochloa macra) Thornapple (Datura spp.)
Annual phalaris (Canary Grass) (Phalaris spp.) Chickweed (Stellaria media) Liverseed Grass (Urchloa spp.) Rhodes Grass (Chloris gayana) Turnip Weed (Rapistrum rugosum)
Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) Cobbler’s Peg (Bidens pilosa) Lovegrass/Stink Grass (Eragrostis curvula) Rope Twitch (Agropyron repens) Variegated Thistle (Silybum marianun)
Artichoke Thistle (Cynara cardunculus) Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) Lupins (volunteer) (Lupins albus) Ryegrass Annual (Lolium rigidum) Volunteer Sorghum (Sorghum halepense)
Aust Bluebell (Wahlenbergia gracilis) Couch (Cynodon dactylon) Mexican Poppy (Argemone ochroleuca) Saffron Thistle (Carthamus lanatus) Volunteer Sunflower
Barley Grass (Hordeum leporinum) Cudweed (Gnaphalium luteo-album) Mintweed (Salvia reflexa) Scotch Thistle (Onopordum acanthium) Wild Lettuce (Lactuca saligna)
Barnyard Grass (Echinochloa spp.) Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) New Zealand Spinach (Tetragonia tetragonoides) Silver Grass (Vulpia spp.) Wild Mustard (Sisymbrium officinale)
Bent Grass (Agrostis tenuis) Dock Seedlings (Rumex obtusifolius) Noogoora Burr (Xanthium pungens) Silverleaf Nightshade (Solanum elaegnifolium) Wild Oats (Avena spp.)
Bladder Ketmia Doublegee (Emex australis) Nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus) Skeleton Weed (Chandrilla juncea) Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)
Blady Grass (Imperata cylindrica) Flatweed (Cat’s Ear) (Hypochaeris radicata) Paradoxa Grass (Phalaris paradoxa) Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) Wild Turnip (Brassica tournefortii)
Boggabri Weed (Amaranthus macrocarpus) Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis, F. muralis) Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum) Soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae) Winter Grass (Poa annua)
Brome Grass (Bromus spp.) Ground Cherry (Physalis angulata) Paterson’s Curse/Salvation Jane (Echium plantagineum) Spear Thistle (Cirsium vulgare) Wireweed (Polygonum aviculare)
Burr Medic (Medicago spp.) Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum) Perennial Phalaris (Phalaris aquatica) Spiny Burrgrass (Cenchrus spp.) Yellowvine/Caltrop (Tribulis terrestris)
Californian Thistle (Cirsium arvense) Hoary Cress (Cardaria draba) Pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Spurge (Euphorbia spp.) Yorkshire Fog (Holcus lanatus)
Caltrop (Tribulus terrestris) Indian Hedge Mustard (Sisymbrium orientale) Plantains (Plantago spp.) St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Canary Grass (Phalaris spp.) Johnson Grass (Sorghum halepense) Potato Weed (Galinsoga parviflora) Sub-clover (Trifolium subterraneum)

What brush and woody weeds does Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide control;

Bitou Bush/Boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.)
Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) Lantana (Lantana camara)
Box Thorn (Lycium ferocissium) Mistflower (Eupatorium riparium)
Crofton Weed (Eupatorium adenophorum) Sifton Bush/Chinese Scrub (Cassinia arcutata)
Groundsel Bush (Baccharis halimifolia) Sweet Briar (Rosa rubiginosa)

What aquatic weeds does Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide control;

Alligator Weed Rushes (Juncus spp.)
Brown Beetle Grass Sedge – Tall (Cyperus gracilis)
Cumbungi (Typha spp.) Water Couch (Paspalum distichum)
Glyceria (Glyceria maxima) Water Hyacinth
Paragrass (Brachiara mutica) Water Lettuce
Phragmites Common Reed (Phragmites australis) Yellow Waterlily

Pack Size: 5L & 20L

Registrant: Ozcrop Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 64091)

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  1. Geoff

    Specialist Sales 5Lt Glyphosate 450


    I usually got my gardening chemicals from Bunnings but found the prices had increased a lot and the concentration had dropped by 75% making their Glyphosate very expensive. Specialist Sales are the place to buy your chemicals. Keep up the good work👌

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  2. sefer sivac


    sefer sivac (verified owner)

    Good compared to others,

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  3. Andy

    Great product

    Andy (verified owner)

    Good value compared to others and works very well.

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  4. BillyBoy

    Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide

    BillyBoy (verified owner)

    As good as it gets.

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  5. fraserboy5

    Goodbye weeds

    fraserboy5 (verified owner)

    Excellent product for any general weeds

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Features & Benefits

  • It contains the active ingredient Glyphosate with Aquatic approved surfactant.
  • 20% more active ingredient per litre than traditional biactive glyphosate herbicides (ie Roundup Biactive).
  • General weed control in domestic areas (home gardens), commercial, industrial and public service areas, agricultural buildings and other farm situations.
  • Non-residual herbicide.
  • ‘Aquatic approved’ surfactant allows use in sensitive areas such as around streams, creeks, dams, channels and drains.  
  • Designed specially with aquatic weeds in mind.
  • Controls a broad spectrum of annual, perennial and aquatic weeds.

Directions Of Use

Mixing Rates:

General Use Rates – Perennial Weeds

Knapsack: 60-160 mL per 15 L of water

Boom: 2.0-7.4 L/ha

Handgun: 400-800 mL per 100 L of water

General Use Rates – Annual Weeds

Knapsack: 60-80 mL per 15 L of water

Boom: 1.5-2.4 L/ha

Handgun: 400-560 mL per 100 L of water

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Herbicide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    I have existing plants and wanted to mix the product in some topsoil to go around these existing plants. Is there a method and dosage mix I should use? The product I have at the moment isn't working as well despite two separate applications over three days, although there's discolouring in some of the weeds. Do I need to add a surfactant?

  1. Q I have existing plants and wanted to mix the product in some topsoil to go around these existing ...... Read more
    Asked by Jorai on December 16, 2024 4:13 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide is only applied as a foliar spray to control weeds. It has no residual control and is ineffective if mixed with soil. If you use Glyphosate as a foliar spray, adding a wetter, adjuvant or surfactant would guarantee better control of weeds. Depending on the situation you are spraying, a non-ionic wetting agent should be sufficient, such as Wetter 1000 or Reactor 600.

  2. Is Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide safe to use near waterways, lakes, and rivers?

  3. Q Is Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide safe to use near waterways, lakes, and rivers?
    Asked by Brian on July 21, 2024 2:39 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide is registered for use when controlling weeds on the margins of streams, lakes, dams, channels and drains. Xtraqatic is also registered for use in aquatic areas to control emerged weeds in all bodies of fresh and brackish water, which may be flowing, non-flowing or transient.

  4. Do you have a wetting agent to complement Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide? Do I need to add a wetting agent with this Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide?  When used to spray noxious weeds in a waterway, our local council has suggested Glyphosate Roundup Biactive Foliar Spray.  Is Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide equivalent product to Roundup?

  5. Q Do you have a wetting agent to complement Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide? Do I need ...... Read more
    Asked by Magan on November 15, 2022 12:15 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Nemo Surfactant is recommended where aquatic-approved glyphosate is to be used. The addition of a surfactant reduces the spray droplets’ surface tension and allows the herbicide to penetrate the leaf surface more effectively, resulting in a better kill. Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide and Roundup Biactive Herbicide are both made from Glyphosate and registered for use in aquatic weed control. The Xtraqatic Biactive Herbicide is 20% stronger than traditional Roundup Biactive 360 Glyphosate Herbicide.

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Around Buildings, Commercial/industrial Land, Domestic And/or Public Area, Dry Drains & Channels, Forestry, Margins Of Dams, Lakes And Streams, Rights Of Way & Weed Control By Wiper Application Amaranthus, Annual Ryegrass, Artichoke Thistle, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bent Grass - Agrostis Tenuis, Blady Grass, Brome Grass, Californian Thistle, Caltrop - Tribulus Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Couch, Cumbungi, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Fumitory, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Ground Cherry - Physalis Angulata, Guinea Grass, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Mintweed, Nutgrass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum Spp., Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Rush, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sowthistles, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Tall Sedge, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Water Couch, Wild Mustard - Sisymbrium Spp., Wild Oat, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Aquatic Weed Control Alligator Weed, Brown Beet amaranth Le Or Silver Top Grass, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Cumbungi, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Para Grass, Rush, Tall Sedge, Water Couch, Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce, Waterlily, Yellow
Annual Grass Weed - Seed Set Control Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp.
Avocado Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Ryegrass, Artichoke Thistle, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bent Grass - Agrostis Tenuis, Blady Grass, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulus Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Couch, Cumbungi, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Fumitory, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Ground Cherry - Physalis Angulata, Guinea Grass, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Mintweed, Nutgrass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum Spp., Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Rush, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sowthistles, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Tall Sedge, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Water Couch, Wild Mustard - Sisymbrium Spp., Wild Oat, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Almond, Banana, Citrus, Guava, Kiwi Fruit, Lychee, Macadamia, Mango, Nuts, Onion - Post-plant/pre Emergence, Pasture - Prior To Re-seeding, Pawpaw, Pecan, Pistachio, Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit, Vineyard & Walnut Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Ryegrass, Artichoke Thistle, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bent Grass - Agrostis Tenuis, Blady Grass, Brome Grass, Californian Thistle, Caltrop - Tribulus Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Couch, Cumbungi, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Fumitory, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Ground Cherry - Physalis Angulata, Guinea Grass, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Mintweed, Nutgrass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum Spp., Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Rush, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sowthistles, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Tall Sedge, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Water Couch, Wild Mustard - Sisymbrium Spp., Wild Oat, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Brush And Woody Weed Control Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Boxthorn, Chinese Scrub, Crofton Weed, Groundsel Bush, Hawthorn, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose
Capeweed Seed Set Control Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp.
Crop - Weed Control Prior To Sowing & Pasture - Weed Control Prior To Sowing Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Amsinckia, Annual Phalaris, Annual Ryegrass, Artichoke Thistle, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bent Grass - Agrostis Tenuis, Blady Grass, Brome Grass, Californian Thistle, Caltrop - Tribulus Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Couch, Cumbungi, Deadnettle, Dock - Seedling, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Fumitory, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Ground Cherry - Physalis Angulata, Guinea Grass, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Mintweed, Nutgrass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum Spp., Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Rush, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Skeleton Weed, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Thistles, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Tall Sedge, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Lupin, Water Couch, White Lupin, Wild Mustard - Sisymbrium Spp., Wild Oat, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Land Preparation Prior To Sowing Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Ground Cherry, Annual Phalaris, Annual Ryegrass, Australian Bluebell - W. Gracilis, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulus Terrestis, Capeweed, Cudweed, Fumitory, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Lovegrass, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, New Zealand Spinach, Noogoora Burr, Paterson's Curse, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp., Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Sorghum, Volunteer Sunflower, Wild Lettuce, Wild Mustard - Sisymbrium Spp., Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii
Pasture (bent Grass Infested) & Pasture (poa Tussock Infested) Annual Weeds
Pasture Manipulation Prior To Drilling, Pasture Manipulation Prior To Forage & Pasture Manipulation Prior To Soybeans Carpet Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Paspalum Spp.
Rice - Direct Drilling & rice - Prior To Direct Drilling Annual Phalaris, Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Burrmedic, Subterranean Clover, Winter Grass
Sorghum Control Grain Sorghum - Post Harvest, Grain Sorghum - Pre Harvest, Sorghum - Stubble
Sugar Cane - See Label Sugar Cane - Ratoon Control (see Label)

Tips For Use

Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Herbicide is translocated throughout the plant, where it kills both foliage and roots. Ideally, the best time to use Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Herbicide is when target species are in a state of active growth, moderate climatic conditions are present, and plants are free of disease and dirt cover. While cool and cloudy conditions can sometimes delay the appearance of chemical activity, it can generally be expected that symptoms of chemical effect will appear 2-7 days after the spraying of annual species and 2-3 weeks after the spraying of perennial species. The symptoms are demonstrated by yellowing and accompanying wilting, progressing to a brownout.

Aquatic Weed Control:

  • Reduction in effectiveness may result if more than 1/4 of the aboveground portion of the weed is submerged at treatment. Submerging the treated plants following treatment may result in the spray being washed from the plant surface, thus reducing effectiveness.
  • Do not apply this product within 0.5 km of potable water intake in flowing water (e.g., river or steam), or within 0.5 km of a portable water intake in a standing body of water such as a lake, pond or reservoir.
  • Applications to moving bodies of water should be made while travelling upstream whenever possible to prevent concentration of this herbicide in water. When making bankside application, do not overspray more than 0.5 m into open water.
  • Avoid spraying across moving bodies of water where weeds do not exist.

Do not add extra surfactant/wetter unless it is Approved in aquatic situations.

  • When spraying floating weeds, use a low-volume, low-pressure boom sprayer or sprinkler sprayer.
  • Do not submerge weeds when spraying, as this may wash herbicide off the leaves. When emerged infestations require treatment of the total surface area of impounded water, treating the area in strips may avoid sudden impact on the habitat.

Rainfall Effects:

  • Rain within 1 hour of spraying can mean that the chemical may be washed off the plant, resulting in the herbicide being ineffective. Respraying may be needed.
  • Normal rain up to 6 hours after application may reduce effectiveness. Lack of rain, i.e. drought conditions, is not a time to spray, as vegetation will not be receptive to uptaking chemicals. Likewise, in waterlogged conditions or after frost, similar comments apply.

Safety to Crops:

Do not allow Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Herbicide to come in contact with the foliage, fruit or green stems of desirable crops, plants or trees, as the nature of the chemical is non-selective. Some useful guidelines that can help in this regard are:

  1. Do not use it if the wind is blowing towards desirable plants in close proximity.
  2. Avoid fine droplet settings (150 microns or less) when calibrating.
  3. Avoid spraying in winds greater than 8km/hr, still air and on hot days.

While the product is rapidly inactivated on contact with the soil, it is important that certain factors are kept in mind:

  1. Where there is a light presence of unwanted vegetative matter, sowing can commence from one day after spraying.
  2. Where the plant cover is heavy, it is better to allow the vegetative matter to decay before sowing to allow the formation of a satisfactory seed bed.

Spray Preparation:

  1. Ensure the tank is clean, and residues from previous usage have been removed.
  2. Half-fill the tank with clean water, considering that less-than-perfect results may occur if water containing soil particles or hard water containing calcium salt is used. Glyphosate may be inactivated by water which is contaminated with clay particles or soil.
  3. Add the appropriate amount of product as per the Directions for Use Tables.
  4. Mix well, keeping the filling hose below the surface to avoid foaming.
  5. Add water to fill the vat.
  6. Remove the hose from the tank as soon as full to prevent back siphoning.

Do not use mechanical agitators, as these may cause excessive foaming.

Do not add non-approved herbicides and insecticides.

Use only plastic, plastic-lined, stainless steel, aluminium, brass, copper or fibreglass containers or spray tanks.

Galvanised steel or unlined steel containers or spray tanks can react with the product to produce hydrogen gas, which can form a combustible gas mixture that can be flashed by ignition sources.


  • Adding surfactants may improve weed control where water rates are high, or product rates are low.
  • Suggested surfactant rates are 200ml/100l of 1000g/l non-ionic surfactant or 250-500ml of 700g/l surfactant.
  • Do not add spraying oils, agricultural chemicals or any other material except as directed on the label.

Organosilicone Penetrant:

  • In certain situations (as indicated in the Directions for Use table), weed control may be enhanced by adding an organosilicone penetrant 200mL/100L spray solution.

Low Volume Application: (e.g. Gas Gun or Splatter Gun)

  • Apply as an even spray to cover all foliage. Refer to weeds controlled for the dilution and volume of mixture to be applied.
  • If the dilution rate is specified as 1:9, this equals one part Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Herbicide plus 9 parts water.


  • Do not disturb treated weeds by cultivation, sowing or grazing for 1 day after treatment for annual weeds and 7 days after treatment for perennial weeds.
  • Do not treat weeds under poor growing conditions or dormant conditions as occur in drought, waterlogging, disease, insect damage or following a frost.
  • Reduced control may also occur when treating weeds heavily covered with dust or silt.
  • Rainfall occurring up to 6 hours after application may reduce effectiveness.
  • Heavy rainfall within 2 hours of application may wash the chemical off the foliage, and a repeat treatment may be required.

Safety Directions:

  • The product will irritate the eyes and skin. 
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. 
  • When preparing the product for use, wear elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield or goggles. 
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. 
  • After each day’s use, wash contaminated clothing, gloves, face shield, or goggles. 
  • Wear protective waterproof clothing and impervious footwear when using a controlled droplet applicator.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre. Phone 13 11 26
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Not required when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Glyphosate 450 Xtraqatic Herbicide SDS Download Pdf
Glyphosate Facts v Myths Download Pdf

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