Flupropanate Granular Herbicide
Active Ingredient: Flupropanate @ 86.9g/kg
Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is a high-quality residual herbicide granule for the control of:
African Feathergrass (Pennisetum macrourum) | Giant Rat’s Tail Grass |
African love grass (Eragrostis curvula) | Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) |
Cane grass/Thatch grass, Jaragua grass | Needle grasses (Nassella neesiana, N. leucotricha, N.hyalina, N. charruana, N. tenuissima) |
Chilean Needle Grass | Parramatta grass (Sporobolus pyramidalis and Sporobolus. natalensis) |
Coolatai Grass (Small patchy infestations) (Hyparrhenia spp) | Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum) |
Couch (Cynodon dactylon) | Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma) |
Giant Parramatta Grass (Sporobolus fertilis), |
Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is unique as it will selectively kill the above weed species without devastating many other desirable pasture species. Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is a systemic herbicide with low contact activity as it is mainly taken up by the roots, where it is translocated to other parts of the plant. This process begins after a minimum of 5 mm of rain. The herbicide acts very slowly, and the first signs of the weeds dying may take up to 3 months – depending on factors such as soil type, rainfall, etc. A major benefit of this herbicide is its ability to keep killing germinating seedlings for 3-4 years after initial treatment.
- Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is suitable for Aerial, ground and hand application.
- A granular formulation that is not mixed in water.
- It is an effective residual herbicide. For best control, apply during periods of active plant growth.
- Flupropanate Granular Herbicide is manufactured in Australia with a formula specifically designed for Australian conditions.
- It is an economical choice for use in the control of Invasive Grasses on grazing lands.
Where can Flupropanate Granular Herbicide be used;
- Industrial Use
- Pastures and non-crop situations
- Urban open space, woodlands, roadsides, nature reserves, pastures and non-crop situations
- Commercial Forestry Araucaria, Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Pinus species
- Non Crop Situations
Flupropanate Granular Herbicide can be applied at any time of the year. Treatment becomes effective after sufficient rainfall mobilizes the active into the root zone where it is absorbed by the Target grass. Herbicidal activity will continue for several seasons after application. The granules have a hardy clay carrier with the Flupropanate present both on the surface and within the clay core. This allows the granules to have a two-phase release, with the Flupropanate being rapidly released from the surface of the granule and then more slowly released from within the clay core. This, in turn, allows for better weed control.
The time required for complete plant death depends on soil type, amount of rainfall, root depth, plant species, plant density and rate of Flupropanate used.
The rate for aerial application will be between 7.5 kg/Ha and 15 kg/Ha. A single application is normally effective for several years.
Forage Grass production usually increases as competition is reduced. Increased grass production is also dependent on adequate rainfall and an acceptable grazing management program.
Flupropanate Granular Herbicide may cause temporary herbicidal symptoms to appear on perennial grasses. Higher rates used to control severe infestation may kill some beneficial grasses. This effect may be minimised by managing for application when grasses are dormant.
Flurpopanate herbicides, whether liquid or granular, are neither registered nor recommended for domestic, garden, or turf use.
Pack Sizes: 750gm & 15kg
Registrant: Granular Products Pty Ltd (APVMA #:61689)
KJS (verified owner)
Good on Giant Ratstail does the job
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