Slasher Organic Weedkiller (Nananoic Acid)

Slasher Organic Weedkiller is a non-selective fast acting herbicide designed for use around public and private areas where other herbicides may be unsafe to the user, the environment, or the general public.

Slasher Organic Weedkiller is for non-selective control of seedling and young broadleaf and grass weeds.  Slasher Organic Weedkiller can also be used for suppression of established weeds and perennial species and for control of moss and algae.  

Active Ingredient: Nananoic Acid @ 525g/L

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Slasher Organic Weedkiller (Nananoic Acid) SLASHER-ORGANIC-WEEDKILLER OCP - Organic Crop Protectants


Slasher Organic Weedkiller

Active Ingredient: Nananoic Acid @ 525g/L

Similar or comparable to Slayer Organic Herbicide (PCT) & Apparent Alternative Herbicide (Titan Ag Pty Ltd)

Slasher Organic Weedkiller is for non-selective control of seedling and young broadleaf and grass weeds.  Slasher Organic Weedkiller can also be used for suppression of established weeds and perennial species and for control of moss and algae.  

Slasher Organic Weedkiller is a non-selective fast acting herbicide designed for use around public and private areas where other herbicides may be unsafe to the user, the environment, or the general public.

Slasher Organic Weed Killer contains 525g/L Nananoic Acid (Pelargonic Acid) which occurs naturally in plants. Independent trials have validated that Slasher Weedkiller is considerably more cost effective than the standard Organic weed killers.  It can be used where other herbicides pose significant risks in terms of public health and safety, drift onto sensitive plants and where soil residues can be taken up by larger trees.

Slasher Organic Weedkiller is a contact weedkiller that acts on the foliage causing it to quickly dehydrate and collapse.  Results are seen as browning and wilting usually within hours of application.  To be effective Slasher Weedkiller must come into contact with the green parts of the plant.

Pack Sizes: 1L, 5L, 20L & 1000L

Registrant: Organic Crop Protectants (APVMA #: 68118/110733)

Slasher Organic Weedkiller - Before and After
Slasher Organic Weedkiller – Before and After

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What others are saying

  1. Nils Uellendahl

    Works quick

    Nils Uellendahl (verified owner)

    This product works as describes, mix it, spray it on, 60 minutes the weed is brown and dying. And it’s organic.
    Specialist sales – great to deal with, price competitive, responsive, quick processing and shipping.

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  2. Bruce Armstrong

    Bruce Armstrong (verified owner)

    Works well maybe a bit slower than they say . But this could be because it is Winter time

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  3. Roger Leake


    Roger Leake (verified owner)

    Quick and effective

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  4. Jay

    Jay (verified owner)

    Works well. What more can I say?

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  5. Darren

    Darren (verified owner)

    Works so quickly!

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  6. Nick F

    Great product

    Nick F

    Can’t fault Slasher as a go-to weed killer

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Nananoic Acid. 
  • Glyphosate free (the active ingredient used in Roundup).
  • Registered for use in organic farming systems (Australian Organic Registered Farm Input – Allowed Input 222 *R – Not approved under USDA-NOP).
  • Bio Tick Certified Product (Supports Soil Biodiversity, No Residues, Biological, Child & Pet Friendly & Socially Responsible).
  • Visible results within hours after spraying.
  • No lasting residues.
  • Active ingredient made from natural plant oils.
  • Versatile weed, moss and algae killer.

Directions Of Use

Situation: Paths, Driveways, Around Sheds, Gardens, Amenity Horticulture, Areas, Protected Cropping Situations, Around Nursery Stock,  Spot Spraying In Lawns And Turf.

Weeds Controlled: Annual And Small Perennial Weeds And Grasses

Rate: 50-70mL per Litre of Water

Critical Comments: Spray to completely cover weed surface. Re-application at around 7 days may be necessary if regrowth occurs. This product may damage lawn and turf when used as a spot spray. Perennial weed species may require repeated applications to obtain long term control. To control weeds in Protected cropping situations apply on each side of the crop row.

Situation: Orchards and Vineyards & Fallow Paddocks

Weeds Controlled: Annual And Small Perennial Weeds And Grasses

Rate: Mix 5-7 litres per 100 litres water.

Critical Comments: Apply as a band spray 400 mm wide on each side of the orchard or vine crop row. Apply at early vegetative stage of weeds. Best results are obtained at 4-8 leaf stage when weed canopy is less than 15 cm in height. Established weeds may require more than one application. Repeat spray after 5-7 days if required. Spray over all weed foliage to ensure full foliage penetration and coverage. Partial foliage penetration or coverage will result in partial control.

Situation: Gardens, Paths, Rockeries, Tiled Roofs, Walls, Driveways, Around buildings, Spot Spraying in Lawns and Turf 

Weeds Controlled: Algae, Lichen, Liverwort, Moss

Rate: 40-70mL per Litre of Water

Critical Comments: Spray to completely cover plant surface. For heavy infestations, clean off by brushing after 3 days and reapply if necessary.

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Slasher Organic Weedkiller Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.

Questions and answers from customers

    Is Slasher Organic Weedkiller (Nananoic Acid) an effective way of controlling Cape Ivy (Delairea odorata)?

  1. Q Is Slasher Organic Weedkiller (Nananoic Acid) an effective way of controlling Cape Ivy (Delairea ...... Read more
    Asked by Isaac on September 18, 2024 10:24 am
    Answered by the admin

    Slasher Organic Weedkiller (Nananoic Acid) is ineffective in controlling Cape Ivy. Slasher is primarily designed to control annual and broadleaf weeds and some young woody weeds. It acts as a contact herbicide, burning down the top growth of plants. Cape Ivy is a vigorous, perennial vine that can regenerate from root fragments and stem cuttings. A contact herbicide like Slasher might provide some initial control by killing the top growth, but it's unlikely to eradicate the entire plant. For effective Cape Ivy control, you'll need to use a systemic herbicide that can be translocated throughout the plant, killing both the above-ground and below-ground parts.

  2. I need to spray on an area that is 100m long x 1.5 m wide. What size container of Slasher Organic Weedkiller should I purchase?

  3. Q I need to spray on an area that is 100m long x 1.5 m wide. What size container of Slasher Organic...... Read more
    Asked by Julie Mills on January 11, 2024 1:45 pm
    Answered by the admin

    An area of 100m x 1.5m = 150sqm. The mixing rate of Slasher Organic Weedkiller is 7L per 100L of water. This mix is applied between 900L and 1400L per Ha (10,000sqm). At the lower rate, 13.5L of spray mix will cover 150sqm, requiring 945mL of Slasher concentrate. At the higher rate, 21L will be needed to cover 150sqm, which will require 1.47L of Slasher concentrate.

  4. I’m an organic gardener growing vegetables and herbs. If Slasher Organic Weedkiller is accidentally sprayed or comes into contact with anything edible, will it kill my produce? Also, if used on weeds where I do grow produce, will it affect the soil at all and will it be safe to plant seedlings and sow seeds in that soil? Also, will it kill beneficial bugs in my garden at all, bees, ladybeetles or any earthworms?

  5. Q I’m an organic gardener growing vegetables and herbs. If Slasher Organic Weedkiller is accidental...... Read more
    Asked by Di on November 4, 2023 1:24 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Slasher Organic Weedkiller is a non-selective contact weedkiller, likely to kill or severely damage the plants it comes in contact with, including non-target vegetables. All the ingredients in Slasher Weedkiller are 100% biodegradable and will only last a few days on the soil surface. It effectively has a zero plant and soil residue profile. Insects that might be harbouring in weeds at the time of spraying with Slasher Weedkiller will be killed. Hence, a “non-target arthropods” warning was placed on Slasher Weedkiller, including the statement about beneficial insects that may also be in the weeds at the time of spraying.

  6. Can I use Slasher Organic Weedkiller on a buffalo lawn?

  7. Q Can I use Slasher Organic Weedkiller on a buffalo lawn?
    Asked by Richard on October 30, 2023 4:58 pm
    Answered by the admin

    You can use Slasher Organic Weedkiller if you intend on killing or severely damaging the parts of the lawn you spray. Slasher Organic Weedkiller is not a selective weedkiller and is very effective against broadleaf species, including buffalo grass. If you spray products made from Nananoic Acid (i.e. Slasher) on a buffalo grass lawn, it will likely damage or kill the grass. The extent of the damage will depend on the concentration of the nanoanoic acid and the duration of exposure.

  8. How long must I wait after using Slasher in the paddock before livestock can graze?

  9. Q How long must I wait after using Slasher in the paddock before livestock can graze?
    Asked by Sue on March 21, 2023 4:46 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Slasher Organic Weedkiller (Nananoic Acid) registered 'directions for use' advises there is a nil withholding period when used as directed, with a precaution not to re-enter treated areas until the product has dried. 

  10. Can Slasher Organic Weedkiller be used with Fulvic Acid to improve plant uptake, or does this have no effect?

  11. Q Can Slasher Organic Weedkiller be used with Fulvic Acid to improve plant uptake, or does this hav...... Read more
    Asked by Jamie on March 17, 2023 8:41 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Using Fulvic Acid or other adjuvants or surfactants with Slasher Organic Weedkiller is not recommended when using the product. Commercial trials have demonstrated that Slasher Weedkiller has an irreversible effect on plant vegetation within minutes of application in full sun. Slasher must be sprayed over all weed foliage to ensure full foliage penetration and coverage. Partial foliage penetration or coverage will result in partial control. The use of uptake products will not enhance this control. When Nananoic Acid/Pelargonic Acid is applied as a spray, it is absorbed by the leaves and stems of the plant, penetrating the outer layer of the cell membrane. This disrupts the cell membrane's integrity, causing leakage of vital cell contents and dehydration of the plant. 

  12. Does Slasher kill Kikuyu? Can it be used to control Kikuyu?

  13. Q Does Slasher kill Kikuyu? Can it be used to control Kikuyu?
    Asked by Mark Sellars on July 30, 2022 3:53 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Slasher Organic Weedkiller can suppress and control established weeds and perennial species, including Kikuyu.  As Slasher only affects the parts of the plant sprayed, the Kikuyu will reshoot from the roots.  Slasher does not translocate from the leaf to the root system as herbicides such as glyphosate do.  The Slasher unlikely will kill the whole Kikuyu plant sprayed but will significantly suppress it.

    The Slasher will need to be reapplied regularly to the Kikuyu regrowth to keep it under control.

  14. Does Slasher Organic Weedkiller have any effect on fireweed?

  15. Q Does Slasher Organic Weedkiller have any effect on fireweed?
    Asked by Paul Webster on July 7, 2022 11:32 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Slasher Organic Weedkiller is an acid-based product that is non-selective.  It does not claim to control Fireweed but does claim control over many perennial species.  As it is a contact weedkiller that acts on foliage, causing it to dehydrate and collapse quickly, it could be effective on Fireweed, providing complete coverage of the plant.  It will only kill the vegetation sprayed and does not translocate to the root system for a total kill.  Repeat applications are likely to be required.

  16. Will Slasher Organic Weedkiller affect the Seed of the weed I am wanting to control?

  17. Q Will Slasher Organic Weedkiller affect the Seed of the weed I am wanting to control?
    Asked by Doug on April 7, 2022 4:23 am
    Answered by the admin

    Slasher Organic Weedkiller does not control, kill or sterilise seeds that are sprayed.

  18. I am trying to find out what the other ingredients are Slasher Organic Weedkiller as it just lists the active ingredient, nonanoic acid, not the rest, and also to know if the active ingredient is methyl or ethylene glycol pelargonate based as that has other problems of toxicity? If it's not that it may be ok for us to use.

  19. Q I am trying to find out what the other ingredients are Slasher Organic Weedkiller as it just list...... Read more
    Asked by Kym Cazzolato on February 25, 2022 4:07 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The 'other ingredients' used to formulate products such as Slasher Organic Weedkiller are the manufacturer's intellectual property.  They are not available to the general public to avoid others attempting to formulate the product themselves or competitors copying it.  Please feel free to contact the manufacturer 'Organic Crop Protectants' on 1800 634 204 to see if they are willing to pass on the ingredients.

  20. Can lantana be controlled using Slasher Organic Weedkiller?
  21. Q Can lantana be controlled using Slasher Organic Weedkiller?
    Asked by Glen Stewart on December 21, 2021 6:46 am
    Answered by the admin

    Slasher Organic Weedkiller is only suitable to control seedling and young broadleaf and grass weeds.  It does not have any claims of control over woody weeds such as Lantana.  The Slasher is likely to burn the leaves off lantana that is sprayed, but regrowth soon after should be expected.

  22. Will Slasher kill onion weed
  23. Q Will Slasher kill onion weed
    Asked by Carol Parkinson on October 21, 2021 5:14 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Slasher Organic Weedkiller is not registered to kill or suppress onion weed so control is not guaranteed.  However, as Slasher is effective on many annual and small perennial weeds and grasses it would definitely be worth a try.  As Slasher Weedkiller will rapidly kill small weeds with a large surface area and small root systems this makes onion weed a difficult plant to control.   If a weed has enough stored carbohydrates in its roots, rhizomes or stems it can reshoot and you may need to re-apply more than once within 7-10 days after the initial spray. Larger weeds may need more than 1-2 sprays to kill the plant.

    Slasher Organic Weedkiller is a contact weedkiller that acts on the foliage causing it to quickly dehydrate and collapse.  It does not translocate through the plant into the root system.  To be effective Slasher Weedkiller must come into contact with the green parts of the plant.

  24. Is this product safe for pets
  25. Q Is this product safe for pets
    Asked by cameron carr on October 3, 2021 9:42 am
    Answered by the admin

    Slasher Weedkiller can be used safely around areas where children and pets play and where other animals might graze.  The best practice is that you do not enter (or allow pets or others to enter) until the product has dried.   As there is no residual effect, once the product has dried it is fine for pets to reenter the area.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Amenity Area, Amenity Horticulture Areas, Fallow Land, Nursery Stock - Protective Crop, Orchard - Established, Shed - Around & Vineyard - Established Capeweed, Chickweed, Clover, Common Storksbill, Couch Grass, Fat Hen, Peppercress, Potato Weed - Seedling, Ribwort, Ribgrass Or Lamb's Tongue, Stinking Roger
Buildings - Around & Commercial And Industrial Areas Algae, Annual Weed - Seedling, Capeweed, Chickweed, Clover, Common Storksbill, Couch Grass, Fat Hen, Lichen, Liverwort, Moss, Peppercress, Perennial Weed, Potato Weed - Seedling, Ribwort, Ribgrass Or Lamb's Tongue, Stinking Roger, Weed - Suppression
Domestic And/or Public Area Annual Weed - Seedling, Capeweed, Chickweed, Clover, Common Storksbill, Couch Grass, Fat Hen, Peppercress, Perennial Weed, Potato
Public Service Area & Rights Of Way - General Weed - Seedling, Ribwort, Ribgrass Or Lamb's Tongue, Stinking Roger, Weed - Suppression
Driveway, Garden, Path & Spot Spraying In Lawns & Turf Algae, Capeweed, Chickweed, Clover, Common Storksbill, Couch Grass, Fat Hen, Lichen, Liverwort, Moss, Peppercress, Potato Weed - Seedling, Ribwort, Ribgrass Or Lamb's Tongue, Stinking Roger
Roof Tile, Shingle Or Slate & Walls And Rockeries Algae, Lichen, Liverwort, Moss

Tips For Use

General Instructions:

  • Slasher Organic Weedkiller is a natural contact weedkiller containing pelargonic acid (nonanoic acid).
  • Pelargonic acid occurs naturally in plants including geraniums.
  • It acts on the  foliage, causing it to quickly dehydrate and collapse.
  • Results are seen as browning and wilting usually within 1 hour of application.
  • Visible results can take longer than 1 hour on certain  tough weeds or weeds in shaded conditions.
  • For best results, apply when temperature is over 10°C.
  • To be effective, Slasher Organic Weedkiller must come into contact with the green  parts of the plant.
  • Slasher Organic Weedkiller will control many weed species and is non selective.


  • Half fill the spray tank and commence agitation.
  • Slowly add required amount of Slasher Weedkiller.
  • Top up with required quantity of water.
  • Agitate well before commencing spray procedure and occasionally agitate (shake) the sprayer every 5-10 minutes to keep the slasher well mixed in the spray water.


  • Ensure that all weed foliage is totally covered with spray as Slasher Weedkiller is a contact spray only. Partial coverage will give only partial control.
  • Apply by ground equipment only using for example boom or spot sprayers.
  • Apply using a coarse droplet spray.
  • Optimum application volumes are related to weed maturity and density.
  • Contact with the weed is essential for control, as such apply in a way to ensure complete and thorough coverage  of foliage.
  • Do not spray porous surfaces without prior testing.
  • May cause discolouration on porous hard surfaces.


  • Do not spray if weeds are wet or if rainfall is expected before spray deposits dry on plant surfaces
  • Do not water treated area for 24 hours to achieve maximum results
  • Do not apply if heavy rains or storms that are likely to cause runoff from soil are forecast within 3 days of application.
  • Do not allow spray to contact or drift onto plants you do not want killed.


  • Wear eye protection when mixing or using.
  • Re-Entry Period – Do not enter treated areas until the product has dried.

Safety Directions: 

  • Will irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • When opening the container and preparing spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), elbow-length chemical resistant gloves and face shield or goggles.
  • When using the prepared spray wear gauntlet-length chemical resistant gloves and goggles.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • After each day’s use wash gloves, face shield or goggles, and contaminated clothing.

First Aid: 

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131126, New Zealand 0800 764 766.
  • If swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
  • If skin contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly.
  • If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Slasher Organic Weedkiller Questions & Answers

What Is Nonanoic Acid?

Nonanoic acid (Pelargonic acid) is produced naturally in plants when the fatty acid Oleic acid is oxidised by stress associated free radicals to form Pelargonic acid. When left unchecked Pelargonic acid denatures internal cells walls eventually causing plant death. Slasher Weedkiller does the same thing when sprayed on the outer epidermal layers of plants. 

What Makes Slasher Weedkiller Different to Other Nonanoic (pelargonic Acid) Based Sprays?

Commercial production of Nonanoic acid for industrial use normally involves 100% synthetic petrochemical processing. Other processes involve ozone based oxidation of animal fats. The Pelargonic acid in Slasher Weedkiller is produced in a “nature identical” process from GMfree plant oils using the same free radical oxidation reaction that occurs in plants.

Will Slasher Weedkiller Kill All Weeds Including Woody Weeds?

Slasher Weedkiller will rapidly kill small weeds with a large surface area and small root system. However, if a weed has enough stored carbohydrates in its roots, rhizomes or stems it can reshoot. Hence you may need to re-apply more than once within 7-10 days after the initial spray. Larger weeds including woody weeds may need more than 1-2 sprays to kill the plant.

Why Is There a Warning that Slasher Weedkiller Should Be Tested on Porous Surfaces Before Spraying?

Slasher Weedkiller is a very good penetrant and is easily absorbed by porous surfaces. Spraying on porous pavers, tiles or concrete may cause a slight change in the colour because of this penetration. A colour change can also occur because algae and moss is killed in the treated area. It is best to treat a small area to see how much discolouration will occur before spot spraying over these types of surfaces. Glazed tiles or recently sealed pavers or concrete do not pose any risk.

Can Slasher Weedkiller Be Used in Organic Crops and What Does the Restricted Organic Input Logo Mean?

Yes, Slasher Weedkiller can be used on all organic crops grown for Australian consumption as long as the following condition is met: Slasher Weedkiller can be used where mechanical cultivation, mulching and mowing, grazing, flame/steam weeding or biological control is deemed ineffective. Under this definition SLASHER Weedkiller is a Restricted Input.

Can I Use Slasher Weedkiller on Certified Organic Produce Destined for Usa or Japan? 

Pelargonic acid remain a Prohibited Input in these export destinations and until we are successful with a direct petition to JAS or USDA-NOP and a decision is reached on its acceptability we have an obligation to advise customers that it is not yet approved under NOP or JAS standards and should not be used on these crops. Consult your Organic Auditor for advice regarding other export destinations.

There Is a Restraint About Not Watering Treated Plants for 24 Hours to Achieve Maximum Results. Do I Need to Leave It that Long Before Irrigating?

Commercial trials have demonstrated that Slasher Weedkiller has an irreversible effect on plant vegetation within minutes of application in full sun. However, under certain conditions like shaded areas, very overcast or cold weather we suggest at least 2-3 hours delay before applying any water to the surface of treated plants.

There Are Restraints on The Label About Not Applying to Soils Within 3 Days of Rain or Irrigation that Is Likely to Cause Run-Off.  What Does This Mean?

The APVMA environmental assessment of Pelargonic acid pointed to a potential unknown effect on a sediment dwelling invertebrate called Daphnia. There is a theoretical risk that large amount of sediment from fallow paddocks sprayed with Slasher Weedkiller could run-off into ponds harbouring such creatures and could potentially impact on their survival. Because of this unknown effect a soil run-off restraint was placed on SLASHER Weedkiller. There are no spray drift restraints or any other aquatic based restrictions. It is not toxic to fish or any other organisms in aquatic environments when used as directed.

Will Slasher Weedkiller Leave Residues in The Soil Like Some Other Herbicides?

No – all the ingredients in Slasher Weedkiller are 100% biodegradable and will only last a few days on the soil surface. SLASHER Weedkiller will not translocate through plant roots so poses no risk to other plants. It effectively has a zero plant and soil residue profile.

The Label States that Slasher Weedkiller Is Not Compatible with Ipm Programs Utilising Beneficial Arthropods?

Slasher Weedkiller has excellent cuticular penetrating properties. Insects that might be harbouring in weeds at the time of spraying with Slasher Weedkiller will be killed. Hence, a “non-target arthropods” warning was placed on Slasher Weedkiller including the statement about beneficial insects which also may be in the weeds at the time of spraying. This is a positive side effect for growers with crops who have problems with aphids, whitefly and thrips that spend time in weeds before migrating to the crop.

Can Slasher Weedkiller Be Used as An Organic Crop Desiccant or Spray Topper?

Slasher Weedkiller is not APVMA registered as an organic crop desiccant but it will burndown post-crop vegetation to stop seeds developing and leaves no lasting residues.

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Not required when used as directed

SDS & Technical

Slasher Organic Weedkiller Label Download Pdf
Slasher Organic Weedkiller SDS Download Pdf
Slasher Organic Weedkiller TechSheet Download Pdf
Slasher Organic Weedkiller Comparison Matrix Download Pdf

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