Tussock Herbicide
Active Ingredient: Flupropanate @ 745g/L
Similar or equivalent to Taskforce Herbicide (Vee Dri), AC Sporo 745 Herbicide (Axichem) & Surefire Flupropanate Herbicide (PCT)
Tussock Herbicide is for the control of certain grasses, including serrated tussock, Chilean needle grass, giant rat’s tail grass (GRT), giant parramatta grass, and African lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) in pastures, grazing lands and other situations. It is a selective herbicide, meaning that it will kill the target weeds without harming most other plants.
Tussock Herbicide contains Flupropanate, which has residual properties, meaning that it will remain in the soil and continue to kill germinating weed seedlings for an ongoing period after application. This makes it an effective herbicide for controlling long-lived perennial weeds, such as serrated tussock and giant rat’s tail grass. Tussock can be applied by ground (boomspray), aerial & spot Spray applications.
What grass weeds does Tussock Herbicide target;
- African Feathergrass (Pennisetum macrourum)
- African love grass (Eragrostis curvula)
- Columbus Grass (Sorghum album)
- Coolatai Grass (Hyparrhenia spp)
- Couch (Cynodon dactylon)
- Giant Parramatta Grass (S. fertilis)
- Giant Rat’s Tail Fescue (S.pyramidalis)
- Giant rat’s tail grass (GRT) (Sporobolus natalensis)
- Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense)
- Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum)
- Needle grasses (Nassella neesiana, N. leucotricha, N. hyalina, N. charruana, N. tenuissima)
- Parramatta grass (Sporobolus spp.)
- Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum)
- Rats Tail Grasses
- Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma)
Where can Tussock Herbicide be used;
- Industrial Use
- Nature Reserves
- Non-Crop Situations
- Pastures (perennial grass pastures)
- Roadsides
- Tea Tree Oil Plantations
- Urban Open Space
- Woodlands
Tussock Herbicide is a systemic herbicide primarily absorbed by the roots of plants and translocated to other parts of the plant, killing germinating seedlings for up to 3-4 years after initial treatment. It acts slowly, and the first signs of weed death may take up to 3 months, depending on factors such as soil type and rainfall.Â
Tussock is very slow-acting (3-12 months). The tips of the target weed will yellow off first, which may take 2-4 months, depending on the time of year it was applied. Tussock Herbicide is washed into the soil by rain or heavy dews and is then absorbed by the roots of the target weeds.
Flurpopanate herbicides, whether liquid or granular, are neither registered nor recommended for domestic, garden, or turf use.
Pack Size: 1L, 5L, 10L & 20L
Registrant: Grow Choice Pty Ltd (APVMA 51909)
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