Sledge Herbicide

Active Ingredient: Pyraflufen-Ethyl @ 25g/L

Sledge herbicide is a Group G spike for Glyphosate to improve brownout of hard to kill broadleaf & grass weeds.

When used with robust rates of Glyphosate, Sledge herbicide provides reliable, broad spectrum weed control.

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Sledge Herbicide SLEDGE Sipcam


Sledge Herbicide

Active Ingredient: Pyraflufen-Ethyl @ 25g/L

Sledge herbicide is a Group G spike for Glyphosate to improve brownout of hard to kill broadleaf & grass weeds.  When used with robust rates of Glyphosate, Sledge provides reliable, broad-spectrum weed control.

Sledge is a new formulation that offers superior tank mixing compatibilities and cost-effective weed control.  As per all Group G chemistry, Sledge is a contact herbicide and therefore good spray coverage is essential.  When used as a spike Sledge herbicide should be applied with label rates of Glyphosate products.

Prior to sowing broadacre crops or starting a fallow in winter, Sledge can be used at 50–80ml / Ha plus recommended label rates of Raze or other Glyphosate products.

Sledge is also registered for use at 80 -160ml / Ha prior to sowing summer crops or starting a summer fallow. Refer to the label for further information.

Sledge is particularly strong on brassica weeds including volunteer canola.  Robust weed control is also provided on weeds including Erodium, Capeweed and Caltrop.  Over summer Sledge has proven effective on both Paddy and Afghan Melons.

Weeds that are actively growing and small in size, are much more susceptible to Sledge herbicide when mixed with Glyphosate.

Sledge Herbicide contains Pyraflufen-Ethyl.  Pyraflufen-ethyl is an ethyl ester resulting from the formal condensation of the carboxy group of pyraflufen with ethanol.  A proherbicide for pyraflufen, it is used for the control of broad-leaved weeds and grasses in a variety of crops.

Why choose Sledge Herbicide:

  • Contains the active ingredient Pyraflufen-Ethyl.
  • Robust weed control.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Convient 5L & 10L pack sizes.
  • No plant back restrictions.
  • Good compatibility with a wide range of products.
  • Addition of oils or adjuvants is not required.
  • 7 day Grazing withholding period (WHP).
  • Can be used in 2,4-D Ester exclusion zones.

Pack Sizes: 5 Litre & 10 Litre

Registrant: Sipcam Pacific Australia Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 83053)

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Pyraflufen-Ethyl.
  • Robust weed control.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Convient 5L & 10L pack sizes.
  • No plant back restrictions.
  • Good compatibility with a wide range of products.
  • Addition of oils or adjuvants is not required.
  • 7 day Grazing withholding period (WHP).
  • Can be used in 2,4-D Ester exclusion zones.

Directions Of Use

Crop / Situation: Prior to sowing winter crops or starting a winter fallow.

Weeds Controlled: Annual ryegrass, Barley grass, Caltrop, Canola, Capeweed, Deadnettle, Dwarf amaranth, Erodium/Storksbill, Fat hen, Marshmallow, Oats, Prickly lettuce, Subterranean clover, Tree hogweed (Polygonum patulum), Veronica (Veronica sp.), Wild Radish & Wireweed/Hogweed

Rate per Ha: 50-100 mL plus recommended label rate of glyphosate product

Critical Comments:

  • Use the higher rate of Sledge on larger weeds and for faster brown-out.
  • Refer to the glyphosate product label and select a rate of glyphosate suitable for the conditions and weed size in each situation.
  • Apply to actively growing weeds at the 2-6 leaf stage.
  • Visible symptoms of brownout will take 2-7 days to develop.
  • Application to old, hardened or stressed weeds and in harsh environmental conditions such as high temperatures and low soil moisture may not result in adequate control.
  • To ensure uptake of Sledge do not sow crops for at least 1 hour after application.
  • Always refer to the appropriate companion product label in case a longer re-crop sowing period is required.
  • On summer fallows, the addition of an adjuvant such as Hotup or Hasten may improve results. Refer to the adjuvant label for rates and mixing instructions.

Crop / Situation: Prior to sowing summer crops or starting a summer fallow.

Weeds Controlled: Any of the weeds listed above plus:- Afghan melon (Aristida holathera) & Prickly paddy melon (Cucumis myriocarpus).

Rate per Ha: 80-160 mL plus recommended label rate of glyphosate product.

Critical Comments:

  • Use the higher rate of Sledge on larger weeds and for faster brown-out.
  • Refer to the glyphosate product label and select a rate of glyphosate suitable for the conditions and weed size in each situation.
  • Apply to actively growing weeds at the 2-6 leaf stage.
  • Visible symptoms of brownout will take 2-7 days to develop.
  • Application to old, hardened or stressed weeds and in harsh environmental conditions such as high temperatures and low soil moisture may not result in adequate control.
  • To ensure uptake of Sledge do not sow crops for at least 1 hour after application.
  • Always refer to the appropriate companion product label in case a longer re-crop sowing period is required.
  • On summer fallows, the addition of an adjuvant such as Hotup or Hasten may improve results. Refer to the adjuvant label for rates and mixing instructions.

Crop / Situation: Fallow

Weeds Controlled: Control of volunteer cotton seedlings Including Roundup Ready varieties

Rate per Ha: 200 to 400 mL plus D-C Tron Cotton @ 2L.

Critical Comments:

  • Apply to cotton seedlings up to 8 leaf.
  • Use the lower rates when targeting volunteer cotton seedlings up to the 4 leaf growth stage and the higher rates when targeting weeds greater than 4 leaf, or when the targeted population is high.
  • Apply by ground rig only.
  • Good spray coverage is essential.

Cotton Defoliation: 40mL – 80mL per Ha.

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Sledge Herbicide directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions.

Questions and answers from customers

    Is Sledge Herbicide effective against Fleabane?

  1. Q Is Sledge Herbicide effective against Fleabane?
    Asked by Jeff on April 16, 2023 1:30 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Sledge Herbicide is not registered for or recommended to control fleabane.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Cotton Acceleration Of Boll Opening, Defoliation Of Cotton Plants
Fallow Volunteer Cotton - Seedlings
Fallows Or Prior To Planting A Crop Barley Grass, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Canola - Brassica Campestris, Capeweed, Common Storksbill, Paddy Melon, Subterranean Clover, Volunteer Oat
Summer Fallow Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Blue Heliotrope Or Blue Top, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Camel Or Afghan Melon, Canola - Brassica Campestris, Capeweed, Common Heliotrope, Common Storksbill, Deadnettle - Lamium Spp., Dwarf Amaranth Or Boggabri Weed, Fat Hen, Hyssop Loosestrife, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Paddy Melon, Prickly Lettuce, Sowthistles, Speedwell, Subterranean Clover, Tree Hogweed, Volunteer Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed Or Knotweed - Seedling
Winter Fallow Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Blue Heliotrope Or Blue Top, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Canola - Brassica Campestris, Capeweed, Common Heliotrope, Common Storksbill, Deadnettle - Lamium Spp., Dwarf Amaranth Or Boggabri Weed, Fat Hen, Hyssop Loosestrife, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Prickly Lettuce, Sowthistles, Speedwell, Subterranean Clover, Tree Hogweed, Volunteer Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed Or Knotweed - Seedling
Implement, Minimal Soil Disturbance, Prior To Planting A Pasture, Prior To Sowing Summer Crops O, Prior To Sowing Winter Crops Afghan Melon, Bindy-Eye, Bitter Melon, Bull's Head, Bullhead, Caltrop Burr, Camel Melon, Cat's-Head, Caterpillar Weed, Cathead, Common Crowsfoot, Common Oats, Corn Sowthistle, Defoliation Aid, European Heliotrope, Evolvulus Spp., Fallopia Patulum, Goat's-Head, Gooseberry Melon, Heliotrope, Henbit, Hogweed, Jointed Charlock, Lesser Loosestrife, Marshmallow, Perennial Sow Thistle, Potato Weed, Prickly Paddy Melon, Puncture Vine, Radish (wild), Roundup Ready Cotton Varieties, Sonchus Arvensis, Sonchus Asper, Sonchus Oleraceus, Sow Thistles, Tribulus Maximus, Tribulus Micrococcus, Tribulus Terrestris, Whip Thistle, White Charlock, White Goosefoot, White Weed, Wild Charlock, Wild Heliotrope, Wild Lettuce, Wild Radish - Cereals

Tips For Use

General Instructions
Before opening, carefully read Directions for Use, Precautionary Statements, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.


  • When applied as a foliar spray to cotton pre-harvest, Sledge provides fast, effective defoliation of cotton plants.
  • Adequate defoliation is generally achieved within 7 to 14 days dependent on weather and crop conditions.
  • Apply Sledge when the last harvestable boll is physiologically mature.
  • Defoliation of crops with moderate to high levels of nitrogen remaining in the soil are more prone to leaf freezing than crops that have depleted soil nitrogen.
  • Do not apply Sledge under cold conditions when mixed with thidiazuron (night temperatures below 12°C and/or mean day/night temperatures below 18°C).

All other situations:

  • The addition of Sledge to Raze (or other glyphosate products) or Inferno (or other paraquat products) may increase the rate of brownout and final control, when compared to the use of the glyphosate or paraquat products alone.
  • Refer to the product label for Raze (or other glyphosate product) or Inferno (or other paraquat product) and select a rate suitable for the conditions and weed size in fallow situations.
  • Apply to volunteer cotton seedlings up to the 8-10 leaf growth stage.
  • Ensure thorough coverage is achieved. Best results are achieved when cotton volunteers are actively growing. Avoid application when volunteer cotton seedlings are moisture stressed.


Cotton only:

  • Sledge is compatible with Ethephon 720 Growth Regulator, thidiazuron (500g/L), Prep 720 Growth Regulator, Rover Systemic Insecticide, Intruder Insecticide, Pegasus Miticide, Folidol M500 Insecticide Spray, Hasten Spray Adjuvant and D-C-Tron Cotton spray oil.
  • Mixtures with all other products should be tested before mixing or applying commercial quantities.

All other situations:

  • Sledge Herbicide is compatible with Raze and other formulations of glyphosate and Inferno and other formulations of paraquat, DC Tron, Hasten and Hot Up.
  • Mixtures with all other products should be tested before mixing or applying commercial quantities.


  • Do not apply if rain is expected within 2 hours.
  • Do not apply alone.
  • Do not apply by aircraft in situations other than cotton crop application.
  • Do not apply by a vertical sprayer


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions

  • Harmful if inhaled.
  • Do not inhale spray mist.
  • Will damage eyes.
  • Will irritate the skin.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • When opening the container and preparing the spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and face shield or goggles.
  • If products on skin, immediately wash the area with soap and water.
  • If the product is in eyes, wash it out immediately with water.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing.
  • Wash hands after use.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Cotton Harvest: Do not harvest for 7 days after application.
  • Grazing Cotton: Do not feed, or allow treated cotton trash or stubble to be fed to livestock.
  • All Other Situations: Do not graze or cut for stock food for 7 days after application.

SDS & Technical

Sledge Herbicide Label APVMA Download Pdf
Sledge Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Sledge Herbicide SDS Download Pdf
Sledge Herbicide Techsheet on Broadleaf & Grassweed Brownout Download Pdf

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