Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide (Imidacloprid)

Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide is a soluble liquid formulation made from Imidacloprid for use via trunk or stem injection for the control of a range of insect pests in trees

Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide is the most environmentally sound way to achieve insect control in trees.

Active Ingredient: imidacloprid @ 200g/L

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Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide (Imidacloprid) SILVASHIELD Bayer CropScience


Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide

Active Ingredient: imidacloprid @ 200g/L

Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide is the most environmentally sound way to achieve insect control in trees. SilvaShield is an injectable insect pest control for trees.  SilvaShield is a soluble liquid formulation for use via trunk or stem injection for the control of a range of insect pests in trees as per the directions for use.

SilvaShield Injectable Tree Insecticide is a novel formulation of imidacloprid developed specifically for direct injection into trees. The unique formulation enhances systemic uptake and distribution of imidacloprid in the tree allowing much lower rates of active ingredient compared to alternative application methods such as soil injection. A single treatment can provide extended protection against various insect pests with minimal impact on non-target organisms.

Target Pests:

  • Thaumastocoris bugs and leaf blister sawfly larvae (eucalypt trees)
  • Sycamore lace bugs London plane trees)
  • Elm leaf beetle (elm trees)
  • Fig leaf beetle (fig trees)
  • Flatid (Pandanus).

Areas of Use:

Various tree species in

  • Gardens
  • Parks
  • Forests
  • Picnic grounds
  • Streetscapes and other areas where protection of trees is warranted.

When to Use: 

All year round

Pack Size: 1-Litre

Registrant: Bayer Crop Science P/L (APVMA #: 62475)

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What others are saying

  1. Bob

    Perfect Results

    Bob (verified owner)

    I have been using this chemical to treat Elm trees with Dutch Elm Beetle with near perfect results. Customers very Happy.
    Easy to use and at a great price than other companies.

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  2. Lloyd Hetrick

    Good product for treating Elm Leaf Beetle

    Lloyd Hetrick (verified owner)

    I’ve had good results with this product giving up to 3 years protection per treatment. The product is quite easy to use providing you use good quality tree injection equipment

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Imidacloprid
  • Formulated specifically for injection into trees
  • Provides long term protection of trees against insect damage
  • The trunk injection application method provides greater flexibility in terms of site conditions than soil injection (eg. trees surrounded by pavements or roadsides)
  • Minimal off-target impact (active ingredient is placed right into the tree where it is needed)
  • Lower levels of chemical used compared to soil injection
  • No additional water required for treatment
  • Provides faster results than soil injection
  • Depending on the injection system used, trunk injection is less labour-intensive than soil injection
  • Compatible with many types of application equipment

Directions Of Use

Use Rate & General Instructions:

3-5 mL product / 10 cm tree  diameter at breast height (dbh), applied using dedicated tree  injection equipment


  • SilvaShield is intended to be applied undiluted (do not attempt to dilute product with water).
  • Space injection points evenly around the circumference of the tree.
  • Do not use on fruit or nut trees intended for food use.
  • Do not use on trees likely to be used by commercial beehives.
  • In all situations, application post-flowering is recommended.
Eucalypt trees Thaumastocoris bugs 3-5 mL product/ 10 cm dbh (diameter at breast height) Use dedicated tree injection equipment to apply the chemical. Space injection holes approximately 30cm apart around the circumference of the tree. Apply 3 – 5 mL of chemical in each hole and seal the hole. DO NOT reapply in the same holes. Spacing of injection holes should be vertically and horizontally staggered so that they are not aligned with other holes.
Eucalypt trees Leaf-blister sawfly larvae 3-5 mL product/ 10 cm dbh (diameter at breast height) Use dedicated tree injection equipment to apply the chemical. Space injection holes approximately 30cm apart around the circumference of the tree. Apply 3 – 5 mL of chemical in each hole and seal the hole. DO NOT reapply in the same holes. Spacing of injection holes should be vertically and horizontally staggered so that they are not aligned with other holes.
Fig Trees Fig Leaf Beetle 3-5 mL product/ 10 cm dbh (diameter at breast height) Use dedicated tree injection equipment to apply the chemical. Space injection holes approximately 30cm apart around the circumference of the tree. Apply 3 – 5 mL of chemical in each hole and seal the hole. DO NOT reapply in the same holes. Spacing of injection holes should be vertically and horizontally staggered so that they are not aligned with other holes.
London plane trees Sycamore lace bug (Corythucha ciliata) 3-5 mL product/ 10 cm dbh (diameter at breast height) Use dedicated tree injection equipment to apply the chemical. Space injection holes approximately 30cm apart around the circumference of the tree. Apply 3 – 5 mL of chemical in each hole and seal the hole. DO NOT reapply in the same holes. Spacing of injection holes should be vertically and horizontally staggered so that they are not aligned with other holes.
Elm trees Elm leaf beetle (Pyrrhalta luteola) 5 mL product/10cm dbh Use dedicated tree injection equipment to apply the chemical. Space injection holes approximately 15 cm apart around the circumference of the tree. Spacing of injection holes should be vertically and horizontally staggered so that they are not aligned with other holes. Avoid application beneath areas of rot, wounding or other areas where vertical systemic uptake may be blocked within the tree. Where possible inject directly in line beneath branches or limbs. Seal injection holes after application. DO NOT reapply in the same holes. Patchy results may occur if injection holes are not well placed.
Pandanus Flatid 3.5 mL per hole Drill one hole per limb (or trunk in single trunked trees) using dedicated tree injection equipment. Apply 3.5 mL of chemical in each hole and seal the hole. DO NOT reapply in the same holes. Uptake and therefore control of the pest in heavily infested heads already showing severe damage, will be slow and may be incomplete.

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.

Questions and answers from customers

    What is the shelf life of Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide?

  1. Q What is the shelf life of Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide?
    Asked by LJ on May 18, 2024 7:10 am
    Answered by the admin

    Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide does not have a best-before or expiry date. The best practice is to use the product within approximately five (5) years from the date of manufacture.

  2. What do you recommend to use to seal the hole after injecting a tree with Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide?

  3. Q What do you recommend to use to seal the hole after injecting a tree with Silvashield Injectable ...... Read more
    Asked by michael mcgrath on January 16, 2024 10:57 am
    Answered by the admin

    After injecting Silvashield into the drilled hole, you can plug the hole using a softwood, i.e. balsa or cork, to prevent the product from expelling or drying out.

  4. Would this suit a white waxy scale infestation on Lilly Philly trees?

  5. Q Would this suit a white waxy scale infestation on Lilly Philly trees?
    Asked by Alex on August 13, 2023 8:47 am
    Answered by the admin

    Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide is not registered or recommended to control White Wax Scale or White Louse Scale (Unaspis citri). We would suggest considering other options such as Bugmaster Flowable Insecticide (registered for the control of white wax scale on ornamentals), Lime Sulphur Fungicide & Insecticide (White Louse Scale), Spectrum 200 SC Insecticide (soft-scale insects) or White Oil Insecticide (Scale Insects on ornamental trees). Always read the 'directions for use' to confirm suitability to your situation.

  6. Would Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide be suitable for borers in a metrosideros hedge?

  7. Q Would Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide be suitable for borers in a metrosideros hedge?
    Asked by Matt on May 15, 2023 7:48 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide is not explicitly registered to control pests or be used in metrosideros hedges, so results after application can't be guaranteed. As Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide is a systemic insecticide designed to target insect pests via trunk or stem injection, it may be worthwhile conducting an 'off-label' trial on the metrosideros hedges. Alternatively, a soil drench application of Surefire Spectrum 200SC Insecticide may be trialled. For further clarification, please contact the manufacturer (2022 Environmental Science P/L) -

  8. I have several gum trees whose leaves are littered with Lerps/Psyllidae, and it looks like the leaves are dying off. Does Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide kill these insects?

  9. Q I have several gum trees whose leaves are littered with Lerps/Psyllidae, and it looks like the le...... Read more
    Asked by Curtis on November 18, 2022 9:21 am
    Answered by the admin

    Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide is only registered to control Leaf Blister, Sawfly - Larva & Thaumastocoris Bugs when used on Eucalyptus Tree. These may have been the only pests included in the testing stage of the product. However, as Lerps/Psyllidae are not included on the product's label, there is no control guarantee. An off-label trial is the only way to determine if it affects these pests.

  10. How deep and what size hole is recommended for tree injection with Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide for Elm beetle treatment on elms? Only into sapwood (phloem) or deeper into heartwood (xylem)?

  11. Q How deep and what size hole is recommended for tree injection with Silvashield Injectable Tree In...... Read more
    Asked by John Monty on October 25, 2022 8:17 am
    Answered by the admin

    Holes should be drilled deep enough to permit the transport of Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide upwards in the vascular tissue (sapwood - xylem) and large enough to allow the injection applicator nozzle to fit.  If you require more specific application information other than what is listed on Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticides directions for use, we recommend contacting the product manufacturer, Environmental Science Australia -

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Elm Tree Elm Leaf Beetle
Eucalyptus Tree Leaf Blister, Sawfly - Larva, Thaumastocoris Bug
Fig Fig Leafhopper
Pandanus Tree Flatid
Tree - See Label For Variety Sycamore Lace Bug

Tips For Use

No dilution is required; this product is intended to be applied undiluted directly into the trunk or branches of trees in order to provide systemic control of insect pests.

SilvaShield Injectable Tree Insecticide can be used as directed on ornamental trees in residential areas, business and office complexes, shopping complexes, multi-family residential complexes, golf courses, airports, cemeteries, parks, playgrounds, and athletic fields. SilvaShield also can be used in commercial forestry production, nurseries, greenhouses, and in state, federal, county and local recreational forests.

The active ingredient in SilvaShield Injectable Tree Insecticide has sufficient residual activity so that applications can be made preceding the attack of the trees by target pests. SilvaShield Injectable also controls existing infestations of most labelled pests. If the level of infestation is severe, the high label rate for the targeted pest is recommended.

Systemic activity occurs only after the active ingredient is translocated upwards in the tree. In some cases, translocation can take 10 days or longer, depending on the transpiration rate of the treated plant. The need for an application can be based on historical monitoring of the site, previous records or experiences, current season adult trapping or other methods. For best results (i.e., to ensure uptake), application should be made when the tree is actively transpiring. Less than satisfactory results, including slow or reduced impact on beetles and larvae, may occur if trees are suffering from lack of moisture, thereby reducing translocation of the active ingredient.

For best results, dedicated injection equipment is recommended.

Do not use on fruit or nut trees intended for food use. Do not use on trees likely to be used by commercial beehives (see additional information on label).

First Aid:

If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Comparison of Trunk Injection vs Soil Injection:

To compare the amount of active ingredient applied between soil injection with a suspension concentrate and trunk injection with SilvaShield

For a 50 cm diameter tree, at label rates, 28 g of active ingredient would be required via soil injection whereas only 3-5 g of active ingredient would be required via trunk injection


How Easy Is It to Inject Trees?

Appropriate injection equipment is necessary in order to efficiently and effectively use this product. A certain level of expertise is also required to ensure that injection is carried out properly. It is recommended that trained arborists or otherwise experienced or qualified persons carry out the treatment with this product.

How Long Does It Take to Inject a Large Tree?

Depending on the application equipment used and the level of expertise of the person carrying out the treatment a large tree (eg. 100 cm in diameter) can take as little as 10 minutes to treat.

Does Injection Damage the Tree?

The chemical itself has been shown not to cause significant damage to a wide range of tree species when injected directly using a number of different injector systems. Trials have shown that compartmentalisation of the injection points occurs after application and there is no evidence to suggest that direct trunk injection causes any long-term structural or physiological damage to the tree.

How Does Trunk Injection Protect the Rest of The Tree?

The Active Ingredient in Silva Shield is imidacloprid which is taken up systemically through the tree vascular system and distributed to areas such as the leaves.

How Long Does Treatment with Silvashield Protect the Tree?

Trials with eucalypts and thaumastocoris have shown that a single treatment of SilvaShield can control insect numbers for a period of 3 years. The length of protection conferred against other pests in other tree species has not been determined but there is evidence from other applications to suggest that extended protection could be expected.

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP): 

  • Not applicable when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide Label Download Pdf
Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide SDS Download Pdf
Silvashield Injectable Tree Insecticide Technical Brochure Download Pdf

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