Access Herbicide

Access Herbicide is a specialised herbicide for robust control of almost any woody weed via the cut stump or basal bark application technique. 

Access Herbicide offers a solution for very targeted woody weed control in environmentally sensitive situations, commercial and industrial areas, public lands, fence lines and pastures. 

Active Ingredients: Picloram @ 120g/L & Triclopyr @ 240g/L

Click For Technical Info & Tips For Use
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Access Herbicide ACCESS Corteva


Access Herbicide

Active Ingredients: Picloram @ 120g/L & Triclopyr @ 240g/L

Access Herbicide is a specialised herbicide for robustly controlling almost any woody weed via the cut stump or basal bark application technique.  Access Herbicide offers a solution for very targeted woody weed control in environmentally sensitive situations, commercial and industrial areas, public lands, fence lines and pastures. 

Access contains the active ingredients Triclopyr (240g/L) and Picloram (120g/L), which have activity on a range of broadleaf weeds.  Access is classified as a Group I Herbicide, with a mode of action where the weed cannot grow due to disruption of plant cell growth.

Access is registered for selective control of a wide range of woody and noxious weeds in commercial and industrial areas, public lands, fence lines and pastures by basal bark and cut stump applications.  A new technique to apply Access and diesel or Biosafe Diesel Replacement has recently been approved for use called ThinLine application. The same equipment is used for both techniques – the difference is the stem height that needs to be treated and the dilution rate.

What plants does Access Herbicide target;

African Boxthorn Corymbia Spp Limebush Swamp Box
Algaroba Ellangowan Mimosa Bush Sweet Briar
Angophora – Regrowth Eucalyptus Mulga Teatree
Australian Blackthorn False Sandalwood Narrow Leaf Hop Bush Tiger Pear
Bitter Bark Or Quinine Tree Grevillea Spp Native Blackthorn Tree Pear
Black Watte Groundsel Bush Needlewood Tree-of-heaven
Brigalow Guava Oleander Turpentine Bush
Brisbane Black Wattle Hard Milkwood Parkinsonia Turpentine Tree
Broadleaf Privet Harrisia Cactus Pepper Tree Whitewood
Brown Salwood Hawthorn Prickly Acacia Wild Orange
Brush Box Heartleaf Poison Prickly-pear Wild Peach
Budda Hickory Wattle Punty Bush Wild Rose
Camphor Laurel Hickory Wattle Red Ash Wild Rosemary
Chilean Cestrum Honey Locust Rubber Vine Wild Tobacco Tree
Chinee Apple Kiteleaf Poison Sally Wattle Wilga Tree
Cockspur Thorn Lantana Silver Wattle Willow
Common Pest Pear Lantana Camara Sisal Hemp Yellow Bells
Corkwood Wattle Leucaena Snake Cactus

Access Herbicide Application Methods:

Cut stump: The cut stump method involves cutting off the weed completely at its base (no higher than 15cm from the ground) using a chainsaw, axe, brush cutter or machete. A herbicide solution (such as Access) is then sprayed or painted onto the exposed surface of the cut stump, with the objective of destroying the stump and the root system. It is essential that the herbicide solution is applied as soon as the trunk or stem is cut. A delay of more than 15 seconds for water-based herbicides and 1 minute for diesel-soluble herbicides will give poor results.

Basal barking: This method involves mixing an oil-soluble herbicide in diesel and spraying the full circumference of the trunk or stem of the weed. Basal bark spraying is suitable for:

  • thin-barked woody plants
  • undesirable trees
  • saplings, regrowth, and multi-stemmed shrubs and trees.

Basal barking will usually destroy weeds if the bark is not wet or too thick for the Access Herbicide and diesel to penetrate.

Access Herbicide Pack Sizes: 1L & 5L

Registrant: Corteva Agriscience Australia Pty Ltd  (APVMA #: 46640)

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  1. Peter Monk

    Good Service

    Peter Monk (verified owner)

    The product is very reasonably priced, easily ordered and promptly delivered.

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  2. Kerryl


    Kerryl (verified owner)

    It Kills everything.

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  3. Question


    Do I need a acdc licence to use this in Queensland

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    • class="comment byuser comment-author-specialistsales odd alt depth-2" id="li-comment-171280">


      Access Herbicide is legal to be purchased and applied by the general public in Qld. This may change if the situation you are spraying in is regulated by local or state government laws which you need to check on a case by case basis.

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active Ingredients Triclopyr & Picloram
  • Specialty herbicide for use as a cut stump or basal bark treatment to control a range of woody weeds.
  • Formulated to be mixed with diesel or in environmentally sensitive situations with Biosafe.
  • Through the specialised application techniques, provides targeted weed control with minimal off-target risk.
  • Via basal bark treatment, provides excellent control of thin-barked saplings and multi-stemmed weeds where foliar spraying would be difficult or pose a risk to the environment.
  • Via cut stump treatment, prevents regrowth of trees following mechanical control.

Directions Of Use

Access is registered for selective control of a wide range of woody and noxious weeds in commercial and industrial areas, public lands, fence lines and pastures, by basal bark and cut stump applications.

A new technique to apply Access and diesel has recently been approved for use called ThinLine application. The same equipment is used for both techniques – the difference is the height of the stem that needs to be treated and the dilution rate.

Standard Basal Bark Application:

Basal bark application is used to treat saplings and regrowth generally less than 5 cm in basal diameter. Access is applied mixed with diesel to assist penetration through the bark. Weeds with thick, corky bark cannot be treated successfully using this method. Do not treat if the stems are wet or charred as this prevents the herbicide from penetrating through the bark.

Thinline Application:

ThinLine application is a modified version of basal bark application. For smooth stemmed species (as per label on back), mix Access at 1:9 with diesel and treat the stem of the plant from ground level up to 5 cm high. This technique uses less diesel and reduces the time required to treat each stem compared to conventional basal bark spraying.

Weeds Table:

Acacia spp. including Cockspur thorn Red ash (white myrtle)
Black wattle Corkwood wattle Rubber Vine
Brigalow Corymbia spp. Swamp box
Hickory wattle Ellangowan poison bush Sweet briar
Mimosa bush Eucalyptus spp. regrowth Teatrees
Mulga False sandalwood Turpentine
Sally wattle Green cestrum Turpentine bush
Silver wattle Grevillea spp. Whitewood
African boxthorn Groundsel bush Wild orange
Algaroba (Prosopis spp.) Guava Wild peach
Australian blackthorn Hard milkwood Wild rosemary
Bitterbark Hawthorn Wild tobacco tree
Broadleaf privet Heartleaf poison bush Wilga
Brush box Honey locust Yellow bells (Tecoma spp.)
Cacti including : Kiteleaf Camphor laurel
Common pest pear Leucaena Peppercorn tree
Harrisia cactus Lime Bush (Schinus molle)
Prickly pear Lantana Prickly acacia
Snake cactus Narrow leaf hop bush Sisal hemp
Tiger pear Needlewood Tree of Heaven
Tree pear Oleander Willow
  Parkinsonia Chinee apple
  Punty bush    

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Access Herbicide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.  The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Hi looking at mixing Access Herbicide with diesel at a ratio of 1 to 9. Can you please advise how many mL Access Herbicide is required for a 5L sprayer?

  1. Q Hi looking at mixing Access Herbicide with diesel at a ratio of 1 to 9. Can you please advise how...... Read more
    Asked by Darrell on April 6, 2024 8:53 am
    Answered by the admin

    Access Herbicide registered 'directions for use'  can be found on the Specialist Sales product page by scrolling down to 'SDS & Technical'. A pdf will be available to view, download or print. Included in the 'directions for use' is a 'Dilution Table' with the breakdown of each of the recommended common mixing rates into mL. The rate 1:9 (ThinLine application) equates to 555mL Access Herbicide to be added to 5L diesel.

  2. I basal barked some bamboo with Access Herbicide 6-months ago. Will it still be in the soil if I want to plant something else?

  3. Q I basal barked some bamboo with Access Herbicide 6-months ago. Will it still be in the soil if I ...... Read more
    Asked by Tess on September 28, 2022 2:55 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Access Herbicide is made from Triclopyr and Picloram. Picloram has residual properties that linger in the soil for some time. The US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) indicates that Picloram degrades very slowly if applied to soil, with half-lives ranging from 90 to 513 days, depending on the formulation and quantity applied. The half-life is the period it takes one-half of the amount of pesticide in the soil to degrade. Each passing half-life reduces the amount of pesticide present in the soil by one-half, i.e. 1 to 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8 to 1/16, etc. Half-life can vary due to soil microbial populations, moisture, temperature, and other factors. If you only applied Access Herbicide to the bamboo and not to the soil over six months ago, it is unlikely any residual issues would stop you from replanting.

  4. What is the injection method
  5. Q What is the injection method
    Asked by Ivan battis on December 27, 2021 3:32 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Access Herbicide is only registered to be applied by Basal Bark, Thinline and Cut Stump applications.  It is not recommended to be used as a stem injection.  More information on the recommended application techniques is available on the Specialist Sales website in the ''technical and SDS tab.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Commercial Land, Industrial Land, Forestry, Non-crop Area - General, Pasture & Rights Of Way African Boxthorn, Algaroba, Angophora - Regrowth, Australian Or Native Blackthorn, Bitter Bark Or Quinine Tree, Black Or Brisbane Black Wattle, Brigalow, Broadleaf Privet, Brown Salwood Or Hickory Wattle, Brush Box, Budda Or False Sandalwood, Camphor Laurel, Chilean Cestrum, Chinee Apple, Cockspur Thorn, Common Pest Pear, Corkwood Wattle, Corymbia Spp., Ellangowan, Eucalyptus, Grevillea Spp., Groundsel Bush, Guava, Hard Milkwood, Harrisia Cactus, Hawthorn, Heartleaf Poison, Hickory Wattle, Honey Locust, Kiteleaf Poison, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Leucaena, Limebush, Mimosa Bush, Mulga, Narrow Leaf Hop Bush, Needlewood, Oleander, Parkinsonia, Pepper Tree, Prickly Acacia, Prickly-pear, Punty Bush, Red Ash, Rubber Vine, Sally Wattle, Silver Wattle, Sisal Hemp, Snake Cactus, Swamp Box, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Teatree, Tiger Pear, Tree Pear, Tree-of-heaven, Turpentine Bush, Turpentine Tree, Whitewood, Wild Orange, Wild Peach, Wild Rosemary, Wild Tobacco Tree, Wilga - Tree, Willow, Yellow Bells
Fenceline Weed Control Calotrope

Tips For Use


  • Do not add water to Access Herbicide.
  • Do not apply to weeds that may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected), poor nutrition, presence of disease, or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result.
  • Do not apply to charcoal-coated or wet stems as this can repel the diesel mixture.

Weeds Table:

Acacia spp. including Cockspur thorn Red ash (white myrtle)
Black wattle Corkwood wattle Rubber Vine
Brigalow Corymbia spp. Swamp box
Hickory wattle Ellangowan poison bush Sweet briar
Mimosa bush Eucalyptus spp. regrowth Teatrees
Mulga False sandalwood Turpentine
Sally wattle Green cestrum Turpentine bush
Silver wattle Grevillea spp. Whitewood
African boxthorn Groundsel bush Wild orange
Algaroba (Prosopis spp.) Guava Wild peach
Australian blackthorn Hard milkwood Wild rosemary
Bitterbark Hawthorn Wild tobacco tree
Broadleaf privet Heartleaf poison bush Wilga
Brush box Honey locust Yellow bells (Tecoma spp.)
Cacti including : Kiteleaf Camphor laurel
Common pest pear Leucaena Peppercorn tree
Harrisia cactus Lime Bush (Schinus molle)
Prickly pear Lantana Prickly acacia
Snake cactus Narrow leaf hop bush Sisal hemp
Tiger pear Needlewood Tree of Heaven
Tree pear Oleander Willow
  Parkinsonia Chinee apple
  Punty bush    


First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

​This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP): 

  • The use pattern of this product is such that no withholding periods are required.

SDS & Technical

Access Herbicide Label APVMA Download Pdf
Access Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Access Herbicide SDS Download Pdf
Access Herbicide Technical Manual Download Pdf

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