Piccolo 240 Herbicide
Active Ingredient: Picloram @ 240g/L
Similar or comparable to Picoflex Herbicide (Adama) & Macspred Picloram Herbicide (Macspred)
Piccolo 240 Herbicide controls a wide range of annual, perennial, noxious and woody weeds in Agricultural Non-Crop Areas, Cereals, Fallow, Linseed, Linola, Maize, Pasture, Sorghum and Sugarcane.
Piccolo 240 Herbicide is a picloram-based herbicide highly effective in selectively controlling broadleaf weeds while leaving desirable grasses relatively unharmed. It targets and suppresses the growth of a wide range of broadleaf weeds, including woody plants and brush species, while having minimal impact on grasses.
What weeds does Piccolo 240 Herbicide target;
African boxthorn | Cutleaf mignonette | Paterson’s curse |
Alkali Sida | Dock | Potato |
Amaranth or amaranthus | Dog Rose | Prairie Ground Cherry |
Amsinckia, yellow burweed or burr grass | Eastern Cotton Bush | Quena |
Angophora | Eucalyptus | Ragwort |
Annual Ground Cherry | Fat hen | Redroot or redroot amaranth |
Apple-of-Sodom | Furze or gorse | Rubber vine – not infected with rust |
Artichoke thistle | Galenia | Saffron thistle |
Australian Blackthorn | Giant Bramble | Sesbania pea – sesbania Cannabina |
Banksia | Giant or black pigweed | Siam weed |
Bathurst burr | Golden Thistle | Sickle pod |
Bellvine | Groundsel bush | Silverleaf nightshade |
Bindweed | Hawthorn | Skeleton weed |
Bitou bush or boneseed | Hoary cress or whiteweed | Smartweed |
Black bindweed | Horehound | Smooth tree pear |
Black knapweed | Inkweed | Sowthistles |
Blackberry – rubus spp. | Japanese sunflower | Spiny broom |
Blackberry in assoc with other weed | Khaki weed | Spiny emex |
Bladder Campion | Lantana – lantana camara | St john’s wort |
Bladder ketmia | Lantana – Lantana Montevidensis | Star thistle |
Blue Heliotrope or Blue top | Lime Bush | Stinking Roger |
Borreria | Lion Tail | Sunflower |
Brooms | Lucerne | Sweet briar or wild rose |
Burr Ragweed | Manuka | Tangled Hypercium |
Californian thistle | Mayne’s Pest | Thornapple |
Caltrop or yellow vine – seedling | Melilotus or hexham scent | Tobacco Weed |
Camelthorn | Mesquite | Tree-of-heaven |
Camphor laurel | Mexican poppy | Tufted honey flower |
Cape Honey Flower | Mintweed | Turnip weed |
Casuarina or Sheoak | Mistflower or creeping crofton weed | Tutsan |
Chilean Cestrum | Morning glory – ipomoea spp. | Variegated thistle |
Chinee Apple | Mother-of-millions | Wandering Jew |
Chinese scrub | Mustard | Wattle |
Cobbler’s pegs | New zealand spinach | Wild garlic |
Cocspur Thorn | Noogoora burr | Wild radish |
Colocynth | Onion Weed | Wild rosemary |
Common Heliotrope | Ox-eye Daisy | Wild tobacco tree |
Common Prickly Pear | Paddys Lucerne | Wireweed, knotweed or hogweed |
Common Sensitive Plant | Pampas lily-of-the-valley | Zamia palm |
Creeping/russian knapweed,hardhead | Parkinsonia | |
Crofton weed | Parthenium weed |
How can Piccolo 240 Herbicide be applied;
- Ground Boom
- Aerial Application
- High Volume Application
- Controlled Droplet Application.
- Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques.
- Blanket Wiper Application
- Stem Injection
- Frilling
- Cut Stump Application.
Herbicides made from picloram, such as Piccolo 240 Herbicide, are known for their effectiveness due to several key factors:
- Selective Weed Control: Picloram-based herbicides are highly effective in selectively controlling broadleaf weeds while leaving desirable grasses relatively unharmed. They target and suppress the growth of a wide range of broadleaf weeds, including woody plants and brush species, while having minimal impact on grasses.
- Systemic Action: Picloram is a systemic herbicide absorbed by the leaves and then translocated throughout the plant, reaching the roots and other growing points. This systemic action allows it to effectively control weeds by killing them from within, including the underground root systems, which can prevent regrowth.
- Persistence in Soil: Picloram has a long residual activity in the soil, which means it remains active for an extended period. This persistence allows for prolonged control of weeds, reducing the need for frequent reapplications. It can be particularly useful in controlling perennial and deep-rooted weeds.
- Low Application Rates: Picloram-based herbicides are often effective at low application rates, which can contribute to cost-effectiveness and reduced environmental impact. The lower rates required for control make it an efficient option for weed management.
- Resistance Management: Picloram belongs to the pyridine group of herbicides, which has a different mode of action than other commonly used herbicides. This unique mode of action helps manage weed resistance, providing an alternative control option for weeds that may have developed resistance to other herbicide classes.
It’s worth noting that while picloram-based herbicides such as Piccolo 240 Herbicide can be highly effective, it is important to use them responsibly and according to label instructions. This includes considering factors such as environmental impact, application timing, target weeds, and any specific restrictions or precautions mentioned on the product label.
Pack Size: 10-Litre
Registrant: Axichem Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 91358)
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