Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide


Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide is for the control of brush and broadleaf weeds in native pastures, rights of way, commercial and industrial areas and for the control of certain broadleaved weeds in winter cereal crops.

Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide is made from metsulfuron, a residual sulfonylurea compound, used as a selective pre and postemergence herbicide for broadleaf weeds and some annual grasses.

Similar or comparable to Brush-Off Herbicide (Dupont), Associate Herbicide (Nufarm), Sabakem Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide (Sabakem), OzCrop Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide (Ozcrop),  Militia Metsulfuron 600 WG Herbicide (Axichem), Ken-Met 600 WG Herbicide (Kenso) & Surefire Metsulfuron (PCT)

Active Ingredient: Metsulfuron-Methyl @ 600g/kg

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Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide CONQUEST-METSULFURON Conquest Crop Protection


Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide

Active Ingredient: Metsulfuron-Methyl @ 600g/kg

Similar or comparable to Brush-Off Herbicide (Dupont), Associate Herbicide (Nufarm), Sabakem Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide (Sabakem), OzCrop Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide (Ozcrop),  Militia Metsulfuron 600 WG Herbicide (Axichem), Ken-Met 600 WG Herbicide (Kenso) & Surefire Metsulfuron (PCT)

Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide is for the control of brush and broadleaf weeds in native pastures, rights of way, commercial and industrial areas and for the control of certain broadleaved weeds in winter cereal crops.

Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide is made from metsulfuron, a residual sulfonylurea compound, used as a selective pre and postemergence herbicide for broadleaf weeds and some annual grasses. It is a systemic compound with foliar and soil activity, and it works rapidly after it is taken up by the plant. Its mode of action is by inhibiting cell division in the shoots and roots of the plant, and it is biologically active at low use rates. It is very effective on weeds that include bulbs or tubers.

Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide is commonly used in broadacre farming, woody weed & brush control and forestry situations. It is usually used together with other herbicides that control the weeds not susceptible to metsulfuron. Metsulfuron-methyl also controls susceptible weeds in cereals, where selectivity is due to rapid metabolism within the cereal plants.

What weeds does Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide control;

Skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea) Furze (gorse) (Ulex europaeus) Rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora)
African turnip weed (Sisymbrium thellungii) Great mullein (aarons Rod) (Verbascum thapsus) Saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus)
Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) Hare’s ear (Conringia orientalis) Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
Austral bracken – Common bracken (Pteridium esculentum) – Bracken Fern Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna (Crataegus laevigata)) Slender celery (Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Apium leptophyllum))
Australian blackthorn (Bursaria spinosa) Henbit dead-nettle (Lamium amplexicaule) Slender thistles (Carduus tenuiflorus, Carduus pycnocephalus)
Australian dodder (Cuscuta australis) Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium orientale (Sisymbrium columnae)) Smallflower fumitory (Fumaria parviflora)
Ball mustard (Neslia paniculata) Inkweed (Phytolacca octandra) Smartweed (water pepper) (Polygonum hydropiper)
Bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia) Japanese sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) Smooth sowthistle (common sowthistle, milk thistle) (Sonchus oleraceus)
Black bindweed – Climbing buckwheat (Fallopia convolvulus) (Polygonum convolvulus) Kangaroo thorn (hedge wattle) (Acacia paradoxa (Mimosa armata, Acacia armata, Acacia microcantha, Acacia ornith)) Soursob (Annona muricata, Oxalis pescarpae)
Blakely’s red gum (Eucalyptus blakelyi) Lantana (Lantana camara L.) Spiny emex (three cornered jack, doublegee) (Emex australis)
Boggabri weed (Amaranthus mitchellii) Lincoln weed (sand rocket) (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) St. Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Boneseed – Bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) Long storksbill (Erodium botrys) Stagger weed (Stachys arvensis)
Bramble – blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) Mallee catchfly (Silene apetala) Subterranean clover (subclover) (Trifolium subterraneum)
Bridal creeper (Myrsiphyllum asparagoides) (asparagus medeoloides, dracaena medeoloides, medeola) Medics (Medicago spp) Sweet Briar (eglantine) (Rosa rubiginosa)
Broadleaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) Mistflower (Creeping crofton weed) (Ageratina riparia (Eupatorium riparium)) Turnip weed (short fruited wild turnip, giant mustard) (Rapistrum rugosum)
Cape tulip (Homeria spp.) Narrow-leaved peppermint (Eucalyptus radiata) Variegated thistle (Cardus marianus, milk thistle, blessed milkthistle, Marian thistle, Mary thistle, Saint Mary’s thistle, Mediterranean milk thistle,) (Silybum marianum)
Chicory (Cichorium intybus) New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia tetragonioides) Volunteer chickpeas (Cicer arietinum)
Common chickweed (Stellaria media) Noogoora burr (Xanthium occidentale (Xanthium pungens)) Volunteer field peas (Pisum sativum)
Common ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) Onion grass (Romulea rosea) Volunteer lupins (blue lupins, narrow leaf lupin) (Lupinus angustifolius (Lupinus albus))
Crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora (Eupatorium adenophorum) Parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus) Volunteer Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
Cut-leaf mignonette (Reseda lutea L.) Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum L) Wild garlic, ramsons, buckrams (Allium ursinum (Allium vineale))
Darling pea (swainsonia, broughton pea) (Swainsona spp) Prickly lettuce (wild lettuce) (Lactuca serriola (Lactuca saligna)) Wild turnip (Brassica rapa (Brassica tournefortii))
Dense – flower fumitory (Fumaria densiflora) Prostrate knotweed (Wireweed, Common knotgrass, Hogweed) (Polygonum aviculare (Polygonum heterophyllum)) Yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora)
Docks (sorrels) (Rumex acetosella) Red pigweed (munyeroo, purslane) (Portulaca oleracea) Yellow burr weed (amsinckia) (Amsinckia species)
Faba bean (Vicia faba minor) Redstem filaree (pinweed, common storksbill) (Erodium cicutarium) Privet ((Ligustrum spp.)
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Rough poppy (Papaver hybridum)

The APVMA permit (PER9907) advises Metsulfuron-Methyl Herbicide can be used for Singapore Daisy (Sphagneticola trilobata) control. The recommended mix of Glyphosate 360 g/L (200mL/10L Water) with Metsulfuron-methyl 600WG (1.5gm/10L) can be applied in a spot spray application.  The inclusion of a good wetting agent or penetrant is advised to achieve the best results.

Why choose Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide;

  • Contains the active ingredient Metsulfuron-Methyl.
  • Controls certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereal crops and broadleaf weeds and brush species in pastures, rights of way, commercial and industrial areas.
  • Active ingredient Metsulfuron-Methyl @ 600g/kg is a residual sulfonylurea compound.
  • Makes weed control cost-effective with a one-pass application. 
  • Soluble concentrate granule that completely dissolves in water to make spray mix.
  • Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide is compatible with a full range of grass and broadleaf herbicides (refer to the direction of use).
  • Controls more than 80 different brush species, broadleaf, and bulbous weeds.
  • It controls mixed infestations of hard-to-control woody weeds.
  • It can be applied by Handgun, Boom, Gas Gun & Aerial.
  • Very effective general-purpose grass & broadleaf spray when tank mixed with Glyphosate Herbicide.

Pack Size: 500 grams and 5 Kilograms.

Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide Registrant: Conquest Crop Protection Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 55191)

Woody Weed Herbicide Range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Metsulfuron-Methyl.
  • Controls certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereal crops and broadleaf weeds and brush species in pastures, rights of way, commercial and industrial areas.
  • Active ingredient Metsulfuron-Methyl @ 600g/kg is a residual sulfonylurea compound.
  • Makes weed control cost-effective with a one-pass application. 
  • Soluble concentrate granule that completely dissolves in water to make spray mix.
  • Compatible with a full range of grass and broadleaf herbicides (refer to the direction of use).
  • Controls more than 80 different brush species, broadleaf, and bulbous weeds.
  • It controls mixed infestations of hard-to-control woody weeds.
  • It can be applied by Handgun, Boom, Gas Gun, & Aerial.
  • Very effective general-purpose grass & broadleaf spray when tank mixed with Glyphosate Herbicide.

Directions Of Use

For Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide directions for use, click here.

General Application Rates:

Brush Applications (Native Pastures, Rights of Way, Commercial and Industrial Areas):

  • Handgun: 5g – 20g/100L Water
  • Boom: 60g – 80g/100L Water
  • Gas Gun: 1g/1L Water

Broadacre Applications:

  • Boom: 5-7grams/Hectare

Rates are a general guide only.  Before opening, read Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions.  The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Will Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide kill Fishbone Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia)? 

  1. Q Will Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide kill Fishbone Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia)? 
    Asked by Dave on January 25, 2025 8:51 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide is not explicitly listed for controlling Fishbone Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia). We do not have any herbicides that list Fishbone Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia) on the label as a weed controlled. A glyphosate-based herbicide designed for fast knockdown of many species may be effective. Please ensure you read the SDS and Label before purchase and use to confirm suitability for your situation and follow all manufacturer guidelines. These are available under 'SDS and Technical' on the product page on our website.

  2. Can I use Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide on a village green kikuyu grass to control creeping oxalis and spurge?

  3. Q Can I use Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide on a village green kikuyu grass to control creeping oxalis ...... Read more
    Asked by ian on April 2, 2024 8:44 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide is not registered or recommended for turf or domestic situations. We would suggest a turf selective herbicide such as Bow & Arrow Herbicide or Kamba M to remove broadleaf weeds from Kikuyu,

  4. Will Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide control/kill carpet grass in Qld blue couch? If not what could I use? 

  5. Q Will Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide control/kill carpet grass in Qld blue couch? If not wha...... Read more
    Asked by Brian on January 17, 2023 10:07 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Carpet grass is not registered to be controlled by Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide.  Metsulfuron is also not registered or recommended for use in domestic gardens or turf situations, as damage to close-by non-target species (trees, shrubs etc.) can occur.

  6. If I was to cut stems and paint stumps of established ornamental ginger with 1g of Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide per 1L water, would it be an effective method of control? If not, do you have any better suggestions? Many thanks!

  7. Q If I was to cut stems and paint stumps of established ornamental ginger with 1g of Metsulfuron 60...... Read more
    Asked by Alexandra on January 7, 2023 4:55 am
    Answered by the admin

    Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide is only registered and recommended to be applied as a foliar spray via Handgun, Boom, Gas Gun & Aerial applications, not by the cut stump method.  Herbicides that are formulated and recommended to be applied by cut stump applications include Access Herbicide, Vigilant II Gel Herbicide, Garlon 600 (Triclopyr) Herbicide, Starane Advanced, Tordon Regrowth Master and equivalents to Tordon DSH (i.e. Treeson, Shredder and Commander Dual)

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Barley - Fallow/Pre-Plant, Barley - Post Crop & Weed Emergence, Cereal Rye - Fallow/Pre-Plant, Cereal Rye - Post Crop & Weed Emergence, Triticale - Fallow/Pre-Plant, Triticale - Post Crop & Weed Emergence, Wheat - Fallow/Pre-Plant & Wheat - Post & Weed Emergence African Turnip Weed, Amsinckia,Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Ball Mustard, Black Bindweed, Broadleaf Dock, Calomba Daisy, Cape Tulip, Capeweed, Charlock, Chickweed, Chicory, Climbing Buckwheat - Seedling, Cutleaf Mignonette, Deadnettle, Denseflower Fumitory, Dwarf Amaranth Or Boggabri Weed, Erodium, Crowfoot Or Storksbill, Hare's-Ear Or Treacle Mustard, Indian Hedge Mustard, Lincoln Weed, Sand Rocket Or Mustard, Mallee Catchfly, Medic, New Zealand Spinach, Parthenium Weed, Paterson's Curse, Prickly Lettuce, Red Pigweed (P. Oleracea) - Seedling, Rough Poppy, Saffron Thistle, Saltbush Or Annual Saltbush, Sheep, Shore Or Winged Slender Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Skeleton Weed - Suppression, Slender Celery, Smallflower Fumitory, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Stagger Weed, Subterranean Clover, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Chickpea, Volunteer Faba Bean, Volunteer Field Pea, Volunteer Sunflower, White Lupin, Wild Geranium, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Wild, Crow Or Field Garlic, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Commercial Area - General, Industrial Land Or Area, Native Pasture - With Legumes & Rights Of Way Alligator Weed, Apple Box, Australian Or Native Blackthorn, Bellyache Bush, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Blakely's Red Gum Or Gum, Bracken, Bridal Creeper, Crofton Weed, Darling Pea, Fennel, Furze Or Gorse, Golden Dodder - Cuscuta Australis, Great Mullein, Harrisia Cactus, Hawthorn, Inkweed, Japanese Sunflower, Kangaroo Thorn, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Messmate Stringybark, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Narrowleaf Peppermint, Noogoora Burr, Parthenium Weed, Paterson's Curse, Privet, Ragwort, Roughbark Apple, Rubber Vine, Smartweed, St John's Wort, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tree-Of-Heaven, Wait-A-While, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Yellow Box
Domestic And/Or Public Area Apple Box, Australian Or Native Blackthorn, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Blakely's Red Gum Or Gum, Bracken, Furze Or Gorse, Hawthorn, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Messmate Stringybark, Narrowleaf Peppermint, Privet, St John's Wort, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tree-Of-Heaven, Yellow Box
Flood Plain Mimosa Pigra
Pasture Renovation, Perennial Cocksfoot Grass - Over 1 Year & Perennial Phalaris Grass - Over 1 Year Annual Clovers, Cape Tulip, Dock, Erodium, Crowfoot Or Storksbill, Medic, Onion Or Guildford Grass, Paterson's Curse, Ragwort, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Wild Geranium, Wild, Crow Or Field Garlic

Tips For Use

Restraints (Brush Applications):

  • Do not spray if rainfall is expected within 4 hours.
  • Do not store the prepared spray for more than 2 days.
  • Do not store tank mixes with other products.
  • Do not apply to pastures based on paspalum notatum or setaria spp., as their vegetative growth will be reduced.
  • Do not treat newly sown pastures, as severe damage may occur.
  • Do not use it on pasture seed crops.

Use of Surfactant/ Wetting Agent:

  • Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide alone – it is important that a penetrant, surfactant or wetting agent is always used with this product. If no specific wetting agent/ surfactant is recommended in the directions for use table, use a non-ionic surfactant (100%) at 100ml/ 100l of final spray volume.
  • Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide tank mixed with Glyphosate – Use a non-ionic surfactant when mixing with glyphosate herbicide. An organosilicone penetrant (e.g. Pulse, Eurochem Penetrant or Consume) is recommended in some tank mix situations. This recommendation must be strictly followed to achieve adequate weed control.
  • Gas gun applications – An organosilicone penetrant eg Pulse, Eurochem Penetrant or Consume) should be added at the rate of 10mL/ 5L or 200mL/100L of final spray volume.
  • Where a mineral spray oil is recommended, use 1L/100L of final spray volume (i.e. 1% volume/volume). A non-ionic surfactant should still be used with this mixture.
  • Always read the instructions on the companion product label when tank mixing.


This product is compatible with glyphosate formulations and commonly used pasture & broadacre herbicides such as MCPA Amine, MCPA Ester, 2,4-D Amine, Dicamba, Clopyralid (Lontrel), Fluroxypyr (Starane), and commonly used insecticides such as chlorpyrifos and omethoate. Always refer to the companion product label for instructions/ restrictions.

Ecological and Environmental Effects:

  • Metsulfuron-Methyl has low toxicity to birds, aquatic organisms (including fish), bees and earthworms.
  • The breakdown of metsulfuron-methyl in soils largely depends on soil temperature, moisture content, and pH. (acidity/alkalinity) The chemical will degrade faster under acidic conditions and in soils with higher moisture content and temperature. Due to its higher solubility, the chemical has a higher mobility potential in alkaline soils. 
  • Metsulfuron-methyl is stable to photolysis but will break down in ultraviolet light. It is also stable for hydrolysis in neutral and alkaline conditions.
  • Metsulfuron-methyl is rapidly taken up by plants at the roots and on foliage. The chemical is translocated throughout the plant but is not persistent. When spraying tolerant plants, the chemical is broken down into non-herbicidal products.

Safety Directions:

  • Harmful if swallowed.
  • It will irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • Wear elbow-length PVC gloves and goggles when opening the container and preparing the spray.
  • Wear cotton overalls over normal clothing, buttoned to the neck and wrist, and a washable hat and elbow-length PVC gloves if applied by hand.
  • If the product is on the skin, immediately wash the area with soap and water.
  • If the product is in the eyes, wash it immediately with water.
  • Wash hands after use. 
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves, goggles and contaminated clothing.

Protection of Livestock:

  • There is a nil withholding period for this product, and stock may continue to graze where the product has been used in pasture situations.
  • It is recommended that stock is removed from the pasture for about 3 days to ensure product efficacy.
  • Certain plants, such as bracken, are naturally toxic to stock.
  • When toxic plants are present, it is recommended that grazing be delayed until the complete browning of treated plants has occurred.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP): 

  • Conquest Metsulfuron 600 WG Herbicide alone Conquest Metsulfuron 600 WG Herbicide + Glyphosate 360 – Not required when used as directed. 
  • Mixtures with MCPA Tordon 242, Terbutryn 2,4-D – Do not cut or graze for stock food for 7 days after tank mix application. 
  • Mixtures with Diuron Flowable – Do not cut or graze for stock food for 3 days after tank mix application. 
  • Mixtures with Bromoxynil MCPA – Do not cut or graze for stock food for 14 days after tank mix application. 
  • Conquest Metsulfuron 600 WG Herbicide, Conquest 600 WG Herbicide + Glyphosate – Not required when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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