Woody Herbicide – Apparent (Triclopyr & Picloram)

Woody Herbicide is registered for control of a range of environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds.  Once applied, Woody moves quickly to the tips of growing shoots and roots where the active ingredient disrupts plant growth.

Active Ingredients: Triclopyr @ 300g/L & Picloram @ 100g/L

Similar Or Equivalent To Grazon DS (Dow), Raizon (PCT) Conqueror (Nufarm), Fightback (ADAMA), Picker (Imtrade), Scrubba (Axichem) & Hatchet (Conquest)

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Woody Herbicide - Apparent (Triclopyr & Picloram) WOODY Apparent AG


Woody Herbicide – Apparent (Triclopyr & Picloram)

Active Ingredients: Triclopyr @ 300g/L & Picloram @ 100g/L

Similar Or Equivalent To Grazon DS (Dow), Raizon (PCT) Conqueror (Nufarm), Fightback (ADAMA), Picker (Imtrade), Scrubba (Axichem) & Hatchet (Conquest)

Woody Herbicide is registered for control of a range of environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds as specified.  Once applied, Woody moves quickly to the tips of growing shoots and roots where the active ingredient disrupts plant growth.

The active ingredients Triclopyr & Picloram have activity on a range of broadleaf weeds.  Woody Herbicide is classified as a group I Herbicide. Once applied the weed cannot continue to grow due to the disruption of cell growth of the plant.

Woody Herbicide is registered for the control of a range of environmental, noxious and herbaceous weeds as specified in the Directions Of Use (supplied with the product).  Once applied, Woody Herbicide moves to the tips of growing shoots and roots, where the Triclopyr and Picloram affect the plant’s growth.

What are target weeds controlled by Woody Herbicide:

African Boxthorn Chilean Cestrum Eucalyptus Lion Tail Siam Weed
Angophora Chinee Apple Flax Leaf Broom Lucerne Sickle Pod
Australian Or Native Blackthorn Chinese Scrub Furze Or Gorse Manuka Smooth Tree Or Drooping Prickly Pear
Banksia Cockspur Thorn Galenia Mesquite Sow Or Milk Thistle
Bitter Bark Or Quinine Tree Common Prickly Pear Giant Bramble Mesquite – Prosopis Velutina St John’s Wort
Blackberry Common Sensitive Plant Groundsel Bush Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose
Blackberry Nightshade Common Sida Hawthorn Mother-of-millions Tobacco Weed
Blue Heliotrope Or Blue Top Cowvine Horehound Paddy Melon Wattle – Except Corkwood Wattle
Camel Or Afghan Melon Crofton Weed Japanese Sunflower Parkinsonia Wild Rosemary
Camphor Laurel Cucumber Melon Lantana – Lantana Camara Parkinsonia Wild Tobacco Tree
Cape Or Montpellier Broom Eastern Cotton Bush Lantana – Lantana Montevidensis Polymeria
Casuarina Or Sheoak English Broom Limebush Rubber Vine

What are the situations Woody Herbicide can be used in;

  • Agricultural Non-crop Areas
  • Commercial Area (Outdoors)
  • Forest Weed Control
  • Industrial Land/Areas
  • Pastures
  • Rights Of Way
  • Fallow Land
  • Non-crop Areas On Flood Plains

Woody Herbicide is compatible to be mixed with Komachi Activator Herbicide (Aminopyralid) as a premium control option for Eucalyptus species.  The Active Ingredient of Komachi is Aminopyralid (Present As Triisopropanolamine Salt) @ 80g/L

For woody weed control, Woody Herbicide is recommended to be applied via foliar spray. With foliar spraying, the herbicide is diluted with water at a specific rate and sprayed over the foliage to point of run-off (until every leaf is wetted, but not dripping). This method is most suited to shrubs and dense vines less than 6m tall. Advantages include quickness and economy. Disadvantages include the potential for spray drift and off-target damage.

Foliar spraying can be done in a number of ways, including:

  • Blanket spraying using a boom spray from a tractor.
  • A hose and handgun spraying solution from a herbicide tank.
  • A backpack spray unit.
  • With splatter guns (larger droplets at higher concentrations) for regrowth.

Woody Herbicide Pack Sizes: 5L & 20L

Registrant:  Titan Ag Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 64014)

Woody Weed Herbicide Range

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  1. Mark Bowden

    Good Alternate to the more expensive option

    Mark Bowden (verified owner)

    Good product – equivalent to Grazon but better value. Works well for Lantana control especially with the addition of a small amount of ‘Extra’ Metsulfuron/Amino Pyralid granules. Specialist Sales always make the effort to dispatch quickly and use reliable carriers – I can count on them to receive product promptly.

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredients Triclopyr & Picloram.
  • Recommended on hard to kill noxious weeds & woody weeds.
  • Registered to control of a range of environmental, noxious woody and herbaceous weeds.  
  • Moves quickly to the tips of growing shoots and roots where the active ingredients disrupt plant growth.
  • Includes the active ingredients Picloram and Triclopyr.
  • Cost effective option for foliar spraying of tough-to-kill woody weeds and many noxious herbaceous weeds.
  • Acts on both foliage and roots to provide rapid brownout of leaves, dry-down of stems and destruction of the root mass to prevent regrowth.
  • Controls the target weeds without harming pasture grasses.
  • Can be applied by various methods including High Volume Spraying, Hand Gun, Knapsack, Aerial Application, Controlled Droplet Application (CDA), Low Volume HIgh Concentrate Application Techniques, Gas Powered Gun (ie Splatter Gun), Sprinkler Sprayer, Boom Application & Blanket Wiper

Directions Of Use


For most weeds the rate of Woody Herbicide to apply is between 350 and 500 mL per 100 litres of water.

Compatible with various Herbicides including Metsulfuron Methyl, 2,4-D Amine 625, Lantana DP 600 and Glyphosate to enhance the spray mix

Compatible with various adjuvants including Wetter 1000 & Polyether Modified Polysiloxane Penetrants (ie Pulse, Probe, Eurochem Or Saturate) for best results.

Always check the label for the correct rate, application instructions and compatible products.


Depending on the size of the job at hand:

  • Large dense infestations (for example, large, old dense blackberry stands) are best treated with a large motorised pump and handgun unit. This equipment can often be hired or a contract spray applicator can be engaged.
  • A suitable knapsack or hand pump spray unit will suffice in many situations, provided that good coverage can be achieved (to the point of run-off).
  • Ideally use a spray unit that is dedicated for application of herbicides only (to avoid cross contamination).
  • Measuring jug.
  • Cotton overalls or long-sleeved shirt and long pants.
  • Washable hat.
  • Elbow-length PVC gloves.
  • Safety glasses or face shield.


If possible, mix Woody Herbicide with clean water sourced from town supply or a rainwater tank, although any source of clean water may be used. Avoid using water that is particularly ‘hard’ or strongly alkaline as that may reduce herbicide efficacy. Half fill the spray tank with water then add the Woody Herbicide before adding the remainder of the water. If the product label requires the addition of a spray oil, penetrant or wetting agent to assist in control your particular weed population, mix in once the spray tank is full. 

Once mixed, the spray solution should ideally be kept agitated and used immediately. However, if circumstances conspire to interrupt spraying, a mixture of Woody Herbicide and water can be stored for up to seven days, provided that it is intermittently agitated each day, and well agitated again before use.

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.


Questions and answers from customers

    Can Woody Herbicide be used to kill privet?

  1. Q Can Woody Herbicide be used to kill privet?
    Asked by Rick on February 15, 2025 7:23 am
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide does not list privet on the registered 'directions of use' weeds table. Herbicides recommended for the control of small-leaf privet (Ligustrum sinense) & broad-leaf privet (Ligustrum lucidum) are glyphosate (e.g. Knockout 450 Herbicide Glyphosate, Knockout Pro 540 Glyphosate Herbicide, and other various brands), Triclopyr 600 g/L (e.g. Garlon 600 Herbicide, Axeman Triclopyr 600 Herbicide various brands), Triclopyr 240 g/L + Picloram 120 g/L (e.g. Access), Metsulfuron-methyl 600 g/kg (e.g. Conquest Metsulfuron 600WG Herbicide, Surefire Metsulfuron Methyl 600 WG Herbicide and other various brands), or Aminopyralid 375 g/L + Metsulfuron-methyl 300 g/L (e.g. Wasp 300 WG Herbicide, and other various brands).  Always read the 'directions of use' to ensure suitability to your situation.

    For further details on the management and control of both small-leaf & broad-leaf privet, please see: https://www.publications.qld.gov.au/dataset/68f0e6d9-5460-4518-bccb-c28099fd0735/resource/f24b972e-badf-4adc-8bb4-2164ce894fc7/download/small-leaf-privet.pdf  &  https://www.publications.qld.gov.au/ckan-publications-attachments-prod/resources/3ddb57ed-03e4-48e0-859d-e7eb71d732fe/broad-leaf-privet.pdf?ETag=1fc4fd5d3409c32f89b48859cac45a14

  2. Is Woody Herbicide suitable for killing Flamenco vine (Campsis radicans)?

  3. Q Is Woody Herbicide suitable for killing Flamenco vine (Campsis radicans)?
    Asked by Anna on September 24, 2024 8:17 am
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide is not registered or recommended for controlling Flamenco vine (Campsis radicans) in any situation. However, as it targets a wide range of woody weed species, it may be considered for use at your own risk in an 'off-label' trial. Note that results are not guaranteed.

  4. Is Woody Herbicide safe to use to treat weeds on pastures that are being grazed on by horses? How long should stock be withheld from the pasture if necessary?

  5. Q Is Woody Herbicide safe to use to treat weeds on pastures that are being grazed on by horses? How...... Read more
    Asked by Paula on August 16, 2024 11:34 am
    Answered by the admin

    It is generally recommended that livestock be removed from areas being sprayed with Woody Herbicide, at least temporarily. While Woody is generally considered safe for livestock once it has dried, the best practice is to keep livestock away from freshly sprayed areas until the herbicide has dried completely (24-48 hours).

  6. Can Woody Herbicide be used to boom spray over a crop of barley?

  7. Q Can Woody Herbicide be used to boom spray over a crop of barley?
    Asked by Jon on August 7, 2024 1:00 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide is only registered for use in Agricultural Non-crop Areas, Commercial Areas (Outdoors), Forest Weed Control, Industrial Land/Areas, Pastures, Rights Of Way, Fallow Land, and Non-crop Areas on floodplains. It is not registered or recommended for use in cropping situations such as wheat or Barley. A selective herbicide safe for use in Barley should only be used in this situation.

  8. If Siam weed is sprayed after flowering has commenced, will Woody Herbicide stop the flower transition to seed?

  9. Q If Siam weed is sprayed after flowering has commenced, will Woody Herbicide stop the flower trans...... Read more
    Asked by Sherpa on July 16, 2024 1:53 pm
    Answered by the admin

    When applying Woody Herbicide as a foliar application to control Siam Weed at flowering, the prevention of the flowers from dispersing seeds as the plants die will be largely dependent on their stage of development. The Department of Primary Industries recommends control of Siam Weed before flowering to achieve the best results.

  10. How long after application of Woody Herbicide to biddy bush should I expect to see results?

  11. Q How long after application of Woody Herbicide to biddy bush should I expect to see results?
    Asked by Nicole on March 14, 2024 6:42 am
    Answered by the admin

    Herbicides containing triclopyr and picloram (e.g., Woody Herbicide) are considered slow-acting. Provided the weather conditions are favourable, a good penetrant/adjuvant was used in the spray mix, and the overall health and vigour of the plants are reasonable, results should become apparent within 2-3 weeks of application.

  12. Does Woody Herbicide kill clover in a pasture situation?

  13. Q Does Woody Herbicide kill clover in a pasture situation?
    Asked by Glenn on August 14, 2023 6:56 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide 'directions for use' label outlines crops susceptible to Apparent Woody Herbicide. These include but are not limited to peas, lupins, lucerne, navy beans, peanuts, soybeans and OTHER LEGUMES (i.e. clover). Apparent Woody is damaging to susceptible crops during both growing and dormant periods. Grasses are normally unaffected and establish quickly after treatment. The 'directions for use' are on the Woody Herbicide product screen. Scroll down to the SDS & Technical tab and select. A pdf file will be available to download or print.

  14. Can I use Woody herbicide in a splatter gun to kill Lantana? What is the application rate?

  15. Q Can I use Woody herbicide in a splatter gun to kill Lantana? What is the application rate?
    Asked by Dean on July 23, 2023 11:53 am
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide is registered for application with a Gas Powered Gun (i.e. Splatter Gun) at 500mL per 10L Water. The products direction for use label only recommends this method be used for controlling Blackberry, Camphor Laurel, Cockspur Thorn, Crofton Weed, Eucalyptus species, Mistflower, Sweet Briar, St Johns Wort and Wild Tobacco Tree. Many end users use this application method 'off-label' at their own risk to control Lantana with positive feedback.

  16. Can Woody Herbicide be used to control Bamboo?

  17. Q Can Woody Herbicide be used to control Bamboo?
    Asked by rus on May 6, 2023 12:49 am
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide is not recommended or registered to control Bamboo. Unfortunately, the only product registered for use on Bamboo is Glyphosate (Roundup), which doesn't always guarantee satisfactory results. Glyphosate & a good penetrant (i.e. Consume Penetrant) is best applied by spraying green/lush foliage. It is recommended to be done when foliage/regrowth is 1-2m tall and is used at the higher rate only (i.e. 10mL per 10L Water). The plant must often be cut back, and the new regrowth sprayed. Cutting and painting the stems may offer some cont. However, if the plant is not translocating the chemical back to the root system, the results may not be significant. 

  18. Is Woody Herbicide safe to use where cattle graze? Is there are withholding period for cattle? What happens if they eat trees/weeds sprayed with the herbicide?

  19. Q Is Woody Herbicide safe to use where cattle graze? Is there are withholding period for cattle? Wh...... Read more
    Asked by Kate on April 15, 2023 1:54 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Although not listed on the Woody Herbicide label, removing cattle whilst spraying pesticides is considered the best practice, particularly if they are being sold for human consumption in the future. After spraying, the reentry period should be long enough for the chemical to dry and be translocated through the plant. Twenty-four hours would be more than adequate. Be aware of any plants that may become poisonous once sprayed. Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying, and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down. Many plants remain poisonous after death, and stock should not be allowed access, as there is a likelihood that they may graze the dead material. Such material should be burnt if possible.

    Livestock Withholding Periods do not apply to Woody Herbicide when used as directed.

  20. Does Woody Herbicide kill Bathurst Burrs?

  21. Q Does Woody Herbicide kill Bathurst Burrs?
    Asked by Luke on February 20, 2023 8:19 am
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide is not registered or recommended to control Bathurst Burrs.  The suggested herbicides to control Bathurst Burr include Tordon 75-D, Amicide 625 or 700, 2,4-D Amine 625/700, Fluroxypyr (Starane) & MCPA 750.

  22. Does Woody Herbicide kill grasses if you are spraying weeds in your lawn?

  23. Q Does Woody Herbicide kill grasses if you are spraying weeds in your lawn?
    Asked by Kevin lewis on December 26, 2022 12:28 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide is not registered to be used in turf or domestic situations. Woody targets noxious woody and herbaceous weeds. Depending on lawn type, we recommend considering a more suitable product such as Bow & Arrow Herbicide, Dicamba M, or Surefire Buffalo, Bindi & Broadleaf Weedkiller. These products are registered for the selective control of a range of broadleaf weeds, including Bindi, Clover, Oxalis and other broadleaf weeds in Buffalo, Kikuyu, Couch, QLD Blue Couch and other typical grass lawns. Please read the 'directions for use' carefully before application to ensure the safety of lawn/ turf.

  24. How long can Woody Herbicide be stored after opening?

  25. Q How long can Woody Herbicide be stored after opening?
    Asked by Lee on November 17, 2022 3:58 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide does not have an expiry or best-before date.  Opening the drum does not affect the longevity of the product providing it is stored in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area.  Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

  26. Is Woody Herbicide suitable for rats tail/snake bush?

  27. Q Is Woody Herbicide suitable for rats tail/snake bush?
    Asked by jan on May 1, 2022 9:23 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide will not have any effect on Rat's Tail Grass. Flupropanate or Glyphosate herbicides are recommended for this purpose.

    Woody Herbicide is not registered to control 'Snake Bush'. However, it is likely to be effective as it is a broadleaf shrub/groundcover.  A mixture of metsulfuron-methyl and a suitable wetting agent is also recommended to ensure the best results.

  28. I have lantana on my property. (about 1/2 acre). What is the time frame for the death of this weed and is this the best killer of lantana? Regards, Ross.

  29. Q I have lantana on my property. (about 1/2 acre). What is the time frame for the death of this wee...... Read more
    Asked by Ross Gregory on April 20, 2022 6:34 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide is an excellent option to control Lantana on your property.  A mixture of Woody (50mL/10L), Metsulfuron Methly (1gm/10L), and Consume Penetrant (20mL/10L) will provide you with your best chance of a kill.  Ensure the whole plant is sprayed thoroughly.  The kill time will depend on the time of year sprayed, how active the plant is growing and the growing conditions.  Leaves will yellow within a few weeks, but it will take longer for the chemical to translocate through the root zone for the complete kill, so it's best to leave the plants for as long as possible after spraying.

  30. Is Woody Herbicide suitable for killing Sifton bush?

  31. Q Is Woody Herbicide suitable for killing Sifton bush?
    Asked by Mike on March 24, 2022 11:18 am
    Answered by the admin

    Woody Herbicide is recommended for the control of Sifton Bush (Cassinia Sifton).  The rate is 500-mL in 100-Litres of water and bushes need to be actively growing for optimum effect.  You should also use a suitable wetting agent such as Consume Penetrant.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Agricultural Non-crop Areas, Commercial Area (Outdoors), Forest Weed Control, Industrial Land Or Area, Pasture, Rights Of Way African Boxthorn, Angophora, Australian Or Native Blackthorn, Banksia, Blackberry, Blackberry In Assoc With Other Weed (see, Blue Heliotrope Or Blue Top, Camphor Laurel, Cape Or Montpellier Broom, Casuarina Or Sheoak, Chilean Cestrum, Chinee Apple, Chinese Scrub, Cockspur Thorn, Common Prickly Pear, Common Sensitive Plant, Common Sida, Crofton Weed, Eastern Cotton Bush, English Broom, Eucalyptus, Flax Leaf Broom, Furze Or Gorse, Galenia, Giant Bramble, Groundsel Bush, Hawthorn - Less Than 2 M Tall, Horehound, Japanese Sunflower, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Lantana - Lantana Montevidensis, Limebush, Lion Tail, Manuka, Mesquite, Mesquite - Prosopis Velutina, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Mother-of-millions, Parkinsonia, Rubber Vine - Not Infected With Rust, Siam Weed, Sickle Pod, Smooth Tree Or Drooping Prickly Pear, St John's Wort, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tobacco Weed, Wattle - Except Corkwood Wattle, Wild Rosemary, Wild Tobacco Tree
Fallow Land Bitter Bark Or Quinine Tree, Blackberry Nightshade - Suppression, Camel Or Afghan Melon, Cowvine, Cucumber Melon, Lucerne - Established, Paddy Melon, Polymeria, Sow Or Milk Thistle
Non-crop Areas On Flood Plains Parkinsonia

Tips For Use


In general, smaller weeds are easier to control than large ones. 

Woody Herbicide is most effective when applied to weeds that are not stressed due to lack of moisture, excessive heat, insect or pathogen (such as rust) damage, etc. and are actively growing. Actively growing weeds will draw the chemical into the vascular system and transport it through the stems and down to the roots to ensure maximum efficacy.

Woody Herbicide needs to penetrate into the leaves of treated weeds before any rainfall occurs so do not make applications if rain is possible before the spray is completely dry – usually one hour. Similarly, avoid application if the leaves are wet from rainfall or dew.

Once the weeds have been sprayed leave them undisturbed so that the chemical is able to move throughout the leaves, stems and roots and provide complete kill. Disturbing the weeds by slashing, burning, mulching, etc. before the chemical is fully distributed will compromise the control achieved. We recommend that blackberries and other woody weeds not be disturbed for six months after spraying to maximise the performance of Woody Herbicide.


Apply as a foliar spot spray to completely wet all leaves and stems. Coverage should be to the point of run-off in that the chemical mix is just beginning to drip from the leaves once the spraying is completed. Think of painting a wall and use that motion in your spray action to achieve full coverage of the foliage, then use a more directed stream to thoroughly treat the stems and canes.

This type of application is called high volume spraying as you are applying a large amount of spray mixture to the target weeds. Provided that good coverage of the target weed is possible, high volume spraying can be completed using a variety of equipment – from a small hand pump unit to a knapsack sprayer through to a large motorised pump and handgun unit.

With a foliar spray you are looking to capture enough chemical on the foliage to kill not only the above-ground portion of the weed but all of the root mass as well, so good coverage is essential. If you are spraying very large weeds like blackberries that are several years old, ensure that canes on the inside as well as outside of the foliage mass receive direct contact with the applied spray. 

As a guide, one hectare of blackberries 1–2 metres in height will typically require a spray volume of 3000–4000 litres to be thoroughly covered, whilst the same area of a small herbaceous weed such as ragwort will require 500–1000 litres. 

Always refer to the label & directions before using, as some conditions apply to certain weeds, areas of use etc.  Further details of use can be found in the Direction of Use section on the Product Label.

Read all product literature for further instructions and consult directions for use label supplied with product prior to use.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Withholding Period


Not required when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Woody Herbicide Label (Text) Download Pdf
Woody Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Woody Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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