Trimac Industrial Herbicide
Active Ingredients: Terbacil @ 880g/kg & Sulfometuron-Methyl @ 40g/kg
Similar or comparable to Weed Force Weed Stop Herbicide (Weed Force)
Trimac Industrial Herbicide controls certain annual and perennial weeds in commercial and industrial areas, around agricultural buildings, fence lines, and rights of way. It also controls certain annual and perennial weeds pre-planted in E. globulus and E. nitens plantations.
Trimac Industrial Herbicide is a knockdown and residual herbicide that works in the soil to prevent weeds from germinating. Trimac should be mixed with Glyphosate to provide a good initial knockdown and control weed germination over extended periods for best long-term results when spraying established weeds.
How does Trimac Industrial Herbicide work:
Trimac moves into the soil with rainfall or soil moisture and is taken up by the roots of plants and germinating seedlings. Once taken up by the plant, it acts in two ways. The first causes the plant cell division to stop. The second inhibits photosynthesis.
Trimac Industrial Herbicide is applied at a low rate of 100gm per 100 litres, which means less risk in handling and reduced amounts of chemicals in the environment. It does not bioaccumulate in the soil, and because all of the ingredients act only on enzymes occurring in plants, there is little likelihood of any adverse effects on wildlife.
Trimac is rated as being practically non-toxic to birds, honey bees and mammals.
What weeds does Trimac Industrial Herbicide control:
- Annual Weeds;
- Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum)
- Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula)
- Geranium (Geranium sp.)
- Milk Thistle (Sow) (Sonchus oleraceus L.)
- White Clover (Trifolium repens)
- Hard to kill Perennial Weeds;
- Fog grass (Holcus lanatus)
Trimac Industrial Herbicide 1kg is packaged in 100-gm water-soluble bags. One pack of premeasured water-soluble packaging reduces handling and provides insurance against incorrect application rates. It can be used around guideposts, roadside furniture, substations, aerodromes, and other public utilities.
Pack Sizes: 1kg (10 x 100g water soluble packs) & 5kg (5 x 1kg water-soluble packs)
Registrant: Macspred Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 54812)
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