Trimac Industrial Herbicide

Trimac Industrial Herbicide controls certain annual and perennial weeds in commercial and industrial areas, around agricultural buildings, fence lines, and rights of way.

Trimac Industrial Herbicide is a knockdown and residual herbicide that works in the soil to prevent weeds from germinating. Trimac should be mixed with Glyphosate to provide a good initial knockdown and control weed germination over extended periods for best long-term results when spraying established weeds.

Active Ingredients: Terbacil @ 880g/kg & Sulfometuron-Methyl @ 40g/kg

Similar or comparable to Weed Force Weed Stop Herbicide (Weed Force)

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Trimac Industrial Herbicide TRIMAC-INDUSTRIAL Macspred


Trimac Industrial Herbicide

Active Ingredients: Terbacil @ 880g/kg & Sulfometuron-Methyl @ 40g/kg

Similar or comparable to Weed Force Weed Stop Herbicide (Weed Force)

Trimac Industrial Herbicide controls certain annual and perennial weeds in commercial and industrial areas, around agricultural buildings, fence lines, and rights of way. It also controls certain annual and perennial weeds pre-planted in E. globulus and E. nitens plantations.

Trimac Industrial Herbicide is a knockdown and residual herbicide that works in the soil to prevent weeds from germinating. Trimac should be mixed with Glyphosate to provide a good initial knockdown and control weed germination over extended periods for best long-term results when spraying established weeds.

How does Trimac Industrial Herbicide work:

Trimac moves into the soil with rainfall or soil moisture and is taken up by the roots of plants and germinating seedlings. Once taken up by the plant, it acts in two ways. The first causes the plant cell division to stop. The second inhibits photosynthesis.

Trimac Industrial Herbicide is applied at a low rate of 100gm per 100 litres, which means less risk in handling and reduced amounts of chemicals in the environment. It does not bioaccumulate in the soil, and because all of the ingredients act only on enzymes occurring in plants, there is little likelihood of any adverse effects on wildlife.

Trimac is rated as being practically non-toxic to birds, honey bees and mammals.

What weeds does Trimac Industrial Herbicide control:

  • Annual Weeds;
    • Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum)
    • Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula)
    • Geranium (Geranium sp.)
    • Milk Thistle (Sow) (Sonchus oleraceus L.)
    • White Clover (Trifolium repens)
  • Hard to kill Perennial Weeds;
    • Fog grass (Holcus lanatus)

Trimac Industrial Herbicide 1kg is packaged in 100-gm water-soluble bags. One pack of premeasured water-soluble packaging reduces handling and provides insurance against incorrect application rates. It can be used around guideposts, roadside furniture, substations, aerodromes, and other public utilities.

Pack Sizes: 1kg (10 x 100g water soluble packs) & 5kg (5 x 1kg water-soluble packs)

Registrant: Macspred Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 54812)

Residual Herbicide Range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredients Terbacil & Sulfometuron-Methyl.
  • Knockdown and residual weed control.
  • Compatible with various knockdown herbicides.
  • Low mixing rate (1gm/L water).
  • Premeasured water-soluble packaging
  • It can be used around guideposts, roadside furniture, substations, aerodromes, and other public utilities.

Directions Of Use

Click here for Trimac Industrial Herbicide directions for use.

Crop and Situation: Commercial and Industrial areas, including around building lines, rights of way, roadsides, guideposts, powerlines and substations, aerodromes, public utilities and fencelines.

Weeds Controlled:

  • Annuals – Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula), Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), White Clover (Trifolium repens), Geranium (Geranium sp.) Milk Thistle (Sow) (Sonchus oleraceus L.)
  • Hard To Kill Perennials – Fog grass (Holcus lanatus)

Rate: 100gm per 100L (1gm per 1L)

Critical Comments:

  • Apply to weeds less than 10cm in height or diameter.
  • Use with Glyphosate (in accordance with its label recommendations) for dense weed infestations and where weeds are greater than 10 cm in height and diameter.
  • Apply this product with a water volume of approximately 1000 litres per hectare.

Crop and Situation: Commercial and Industrial areas, including around building lines, rights of way, roadsides, guideposts, powerlines and substations, aerodromes, public utilities, fence lines

Weeds Controlled:

  • Annuals – Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula), Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), White Clover (Trifolium repens), Geranium (Geranium sp.) Milk Thistle (Sow) (Sonchus oleraceus L.)
  • Hard To Kill Perennials – Fog grass (Holcus lanatus)

Rate per Ha: 500gm or 1kg per Ha.

Critical Comments:

  • Apply to weeds less than 10cm in height or diameter.
  • Mix with Glyphosate (in accordance with its label recommendations) for dense weed infestations and where weeds are greater than 10 cm in height and diameter.
  • Apply this product with a water volume of 100 litres per hectare.
  • Use the higher rate for dense weed infestation.
  • Use the lower rate when retreating areas with minimal regrowth.
  • Buffer areas from 1 to 5m where Chemical creep is not acceptable.

Crop and Situation: Eucalyptus globulus, E. nitens, plantations

Pre Planting Application
(a) Pasture Sites
(b) Native Woodland,
Heath and Second Rotation Sites – Long-term control

Weeds Controlled:

  • Annuals – Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula), Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), White Clover (Trifolium repens), Geranium (Geranium sp.) Milk Thistle (Sow) (Sonchus oleraceus L.)
  • Hard To Kill Perennials – Fog grass (Holcus lanatus)

Rate per Ha: 1kg per Ha

Critical Comments:

  • Trimac Industrial can only be used in NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, Sa & WA.
  • For weeds advanced beyond the 4-leaf stage or when more rapid knockdown is required, tank mix with Glyphosate 360 Herbicide in accordance with its label recommendations.

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Trimac Industrial Herbicide directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Aerodrome - Weed Control, Around Guide Posts, Buildings - Around, Commercial Area - General, Industrial Land Or Area, Power Station Weed Control, Public Utility Weed Control, Rights Of Way, Roadside Weed Control & Weed Control - Power Lines Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Capeweed, Geranium, Sow Or Milk Thistle, White Clover, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Tasmanian Bluegum & Eucalyptus Nitens - Prior To Planting, Annual Ryegrass, Capeweed, Geranium, Sow Or Milk Thistle, White Clover, Yorkshire Fog Grass

Tips For Use


  • Do not use on leached sandy soils low in organic matter.
  • Do not use when intense rainfall is likely or on soils saturated with water, as off-target movement may occur.
  • Do not store the mixed product overnight, as settling out may occur.

General Instructions:


  • Apply Trimac Industrial Herbicide with a water volume of approximately 1000 litres per hectare for handgun applications.
  • Macspred Trimac Industrial Herbicide is a soil residual with some knockdown. It controls susceptible weeds through both post-emergence and pre-emergence (residual action).
  • Best results are obtained if this product is applied to bare ground or to small weeds (up to 10 cm in height or diameter. The product should be applied to actively growing weeds which are not stressed by factors such as moisture (drought or waterlogging), frost etc.
  • For dense weed infestations and where weeds are greater than 10 cm in height and diameter, add Glymac Dri 700 or other glyphosate formulations registered for the purpose (in accordance with label recommendations).
  • This product is a water-dispersible formulation that mixes readily in water.
  • Sufficient moisture is required after treatment to enable root absorption by the weed species.
  • The degree of control and duration of effect will vary with the soil texture, organic matter content, soil pH and rainfall.
  • As soil pH increases the rate of herbicide breakdown decreases so that on soils with a high pH the efficacy on weeds may be higher (over time) than on soils with a lower pH.
  • As soil organic matter increases the rate of herbicide breakdown increases so that longest residual control is obtained in soils with low organic matter.
  • Do not apply during periods of intense rainfall or under conditions that will cause drift or movement to non-target areas.

Boom Spray (Commercial and Industrial Areas)

  • When using Macspred Trimac Industrial Herbicide for application by ground spraying equipment only. Use a boom spray (or off-centre nozzle if necessary) properly calibrated to a constant speed and rate of delivery to ensure thorough coverage and a uniform spray pattern and rate of application over the area to be treated.
  • Apply a minimum of 100 L prepared spray/ha.
  • When using a flat fan nozzles select a nozzle designed to reduce drift and provide larger sized droplets and 1100 fan angle.
  • When spraying using offset nozzles, select nozzles that produce larger-sized droplets at the lowest pressure and the correct width.
  • Use no finer than 100 mesh filters.
  • Clean spray equipment immediately after use.

Application to Eucalypts

  • Macspred Trimac Industrial Herbicide is a herbicide designed to control weeds prior to the transplanting of healthy Eucalypt seedlings, which are a minimum of 20 cm high. Do not transplant smaller seedlings or seedlings which are stressed.
  • This product is not suitable for use where Eucalypt seed is to be directly sown into the treated area.
  • Do not plant Eucalypt seedlings for at least 4 weeks after application of this product.
  • In soils that have pH > 6 and/ or low organic matter where herbicide breakdown will be slow, crop damage may occur if seedlings are planted less than 4 weeks after herbicide application.
  • For best control, apply during periods of active plant growth. Application when vegetation is dormant, semi-dormant or under moisture stress may not be as effective.
  • In temperate winter rainfall areas where temperatures are generally below 25°C during the period of active growth, the overall effect may be slow to appear. Apply only during April-September when adequate rainfall is expected.
  • Sufficient moisture is required after treatment to promote root absorption by the weed species.
  • Results obtained may vary depending on rainfall, soil types, and other conditions (as above).
  • Do not apply Macspred Trimac Industrial Herbicide during periods of intense rainfall or under conditions that will cause drift or movement to non-target areas.
  • Do not apply as a post-plant treatment, as severe tree damage may result.

E. globulus and E. nitens

  • Ground Application – Apply in 100 to 400L water per hectare with a properly calibrated boom.
  • Aerial Application – Apply a minimum of 50L water per hectare.
  • Do not add a surfactant/ wetting agent, or crop injury may occur.

Crop Safety

To avoid death or injury to E. globulus and E. nitens trees do not apply the product in the following situations:

  • On trees that show poor vigour due to disease or environmental factors such as drought, frost, moisture stress or waterlogging;
  • On poorly drained soils;
  • On gravelly or rocky soils and exposed subsoils.

Loading, Application and Equipment

  • Trimac Industrial Herbicide is a wettable formulation. The product is mixed with water and applied at the recommended rates by handgun application or boom (see directions for use tables).
  • The product should be mixed with a minimum of 100-Litre water using the following method:
    1. Partially fill the spray tank with water
    2. Add the appropriate amount of product to the spray tank.
    3. With the agitation system engaged, top up to the correct volume with water.
  • The material should be kept in suspension at all times by continuous agitation.
  • The strainer and screens should be 100 mesh or coarser to prevent nozzle blockage.


Compatibility and spray tests have been conducted on the following products. Trimac Industrial may be mixed with the following products only:

  • Companion Products;
    • Glyphosate formulations. (Macspred Glymac 450 Glyphosate, Glyphosate 450 and 360 Formulations, Macspred Glymac Dri 700 Glyphosate, Macpherson’s Bi Dri 700 Glyphosate, Macspred Bi Dri 800 (Glyphosate only)
    • Metsulfuron Methyl (Brush Off and Macspred Metmac)
    • Clopyralid (Macspred Clomac)
    • Surfactants and additives Macspred Bestwet, SST Brushwet, Miller NuFilm P, Exit, Miller Foam Fighter Anti Foam -K, Miller Mist Controller and Uptake Oil only
  • Non-Companion Products;
    • 540 Glyphosate formulations, Roundup Powermax
    • For an updated list of products compatible with Trimac, Contact your nearest Macspred Australia representative or conduct a small jar test for compatibility.

Protection Of Crops, Native And Other Non-Target Plants:

  • Trimac Industrial Herbicide can affect desirable plants if not correctly applied.
  • Follow the instructions given.
  • This product can be safely used within the root zone of established Eucalyptus spp. & Corymbia spp See tree tolerance.
  • When applying to fence lines, it should be noted that some desirable species may be damaged or controlled where their root systems extend into the area treated. It is advisable to notify and consult with neighbours before treating boundary fences. Only apply Trimac to fence lines where some damage to adjacent pasture species is acceptable.
  • When applying this product to yards and gravel areas, leave a 1m buffer on the boundaries to avoid damage.
  • Use the lower rate when applying this with a boom spray or as a spot or strip treatment to hard/compacted surfaces and to roadsides where run-off is likely to occur into sensitive areas.
  • As soil organic matter increases, the rate of herbicide breakdown increases. Thus, the longest residual control is obtained in soils with low organic matter.
  • Use lower rates in soils with low organic matter.
  • Band spray or strip spray in soils low in organic matter.
  • Apply a 5m buffer to areas where a surface flow of water could wash the chemical into drains.
  • As Trimac needs moist soils for incorporation, best results are achieved by applying to moist soil. Avoid water logged or soils near to saturation.
  • Avoid application in extreme/extended dry periods prior to intense rainfall adjacent to sensitive areas, as surface runoff may occur.
  • Do not apply the product or drain or flush equipment on or near desirable trees or other plants or on areas where their roots may extend. As guidance, this is twice their height or more, depending on the species and other conditions.
  • Do not spray foliage or use it on eroded areas where subsoil or tree roots are exposed, as injury to trees may result.
  • Do not apply under meteorological conditions or from equipment that could be expected to cause drift of this product or spray mix into adjacent areas, particularly wetlands, water bodies or water courses.
  • Do not apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment, which may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands, or pastures. See Tree tolerance.
  • Do not apply in intense rainfall.
  • Do not broad acre apply to bare ground on slopes exceeding 30% (~15°).

Tree Tolerance:

  • Field trials and use experience have indicated that the major forestry tree species are tolerant to Macspred Trimac when applied at label rates. For further tree tolerance information, contact your Macspred representative or conduct a small-scale tolerance test.
  • In some instances, stunting may occur when Trimac is applied near small trees. This is usually short-lived, and a full recovery is expected in the next growing season.
  • This stunting can be attributed to a prolonged dry period, pH, organic matter and rate selection.
  • Therefore, rate selection should suit the soil and other conditions.
  • Avoid overspray all tree species as damage to growth tip dominance/damage may occur.

Protection Of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans And Environment:

  • If required, Establish spray buffer zones. Review State regulations and statutory requirements. For example, General Buffers 20 m- Permanent Streams 10 m, Temporary Stream and Drainage Line 10 m.
  • Do not use it in irrigation channels or drains, including roadside ditches and table drains, or in areas where water is likely to flow.
  • Do not empty equipment in the above situations.
  • Do not use on leached, sandy soils that are low in organic matter.
  • Dangerous to aquatic life. Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers.
  • Do not apply to water-logged or saturated soil.

Protection Of Livestock:

  • Keep stock away from treated areas as some noxious weeds may become palatable.


  • During storage, keep from contact with fertilisers, other pesticides and seeds.
  • Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • Do not inhale dust.
  • When preparing spray, wear a face shield or goggles.
  • Wash hands after use.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​


Withholding Period

Withholding period details (WHP): 

  • Do not graze or cut for stock food any treated vegetation.

SDS & Technical

Trimac Industrial Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Trimac Industrial Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Trimac Industrial Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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