Crowbar Herbicide (Diclofop-Methyl)

Crowbar Herbicide is for the control of Crowsfoot grass in turf and for Post-emergent Control of Annual Ryegrass, Common Barb-grass and Wild Oats in Wheat, Linseed, Peas and other crops.

Crowbar Herbicide has excellent turf safety characteristics on warm-season grasses, including Couch, Kikuyu, Qld Blue & Buffalo. It is very effective in controlling Crowsfoot when in the early growth stages (seedling to tillering).

Active Ingredient: Diclofop-Methyl @ 375g/L

Similar or comparable to Di-Grass Selective Herbicide (Sipcam) & ProForce Destro Herbicide (Indigo)

Click For Technical Info & Tips For Use
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Crowbar Herbicide (Diclofop-Methyl) CROWBAR Amgrow


Crowbar Herbicide

Active Ingredient: Diclofop-Methyl @ 375g/L

Similar or comparable to Di-Grass Selective Herbicide (Sipcam) & ProForce Destro Herbicide (Indigo)

Crowbar Herbicide is for the control of Crowsfoot grass in turf and for Post-emergent Control of Annual Ryegrass, Common Barb-grass and Wild Oats in Wheat, Linseed, Peas and other crops.

Crowbar is a selective systemic herbicide, which is absorbed primarily by the leaves, with some absorption by the roots in moist soil. Once inside the plant, Diclofop methyl undergoes rapid transformation to the diclofop molecule, which is translocated within the plant.

Crowbar Herbicide is a Group A mode of action. Diclofop Methyl, the active ingredient in Crowbar works by inhibiting fatty acid production via the prevention of acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) synthase. As a result, Diclofop Methyl has been proven to destroy the plant’s cell membrane, prevent the translocation of assimilates (plant food reserves) to the root system, reduce plant chlorophyll content, and inhibit photosynthesis and meristem activity.

Why choose Crowbar herbicide:

  • Contains the active ingredient Diclofop-Methyl. 
  • Proven performance.
  • Cost-effective option for large-area treatment.
  • Excellent turf safety characteristics on warm-season grasses, including Couch, Kikuyu, Qld Blue & Buffalo.
  • Very effective in controlling Crowsfoot when in the early growth stages (seedling to tillering).
  • It can be applied regularly throughout the season.
  • Rainfall and irrigation won’t diminish effectiveness as much as other products.
  • A systemic selective herbicide that effectively kills target grass weeds in crops.
  • Absorbed via the roots also if moisture is present in the root zone.
  • Some residual activity in soil on later germinating weeds.
  • Easy to use and apply and can be tank-mixed with compatible pesticides and fertilisers.

Turf Application:

Crowbar Herbicide is applied at a rate of 1.0 – 2.5L/Ha (100mL – 250mL/100m2). 

  • Use the lower rate for seedlings and the higher rate for more established Crowsfoot plants. 
  • A repeat application may be required in 2-4 weeks when treating more mature Crowsfoot plants.
  • Results are best when Crowbar is applied under good growing conditions and weeds have sufficient leaf area ie 2 to 3 days after mowing.
  • When using Crowbar, the following factors are critical to maximising herbicidal performance. 
  • Aim to apply Crowbar to the base of weeds to ensure penetration.

Crowbar Herbicide Pack Size: 20L

Registrant: Amgrow Pty Ltd  (APVMA #: 66608)

Turf Herbicide Product Range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Diclofop-Methyl. 
  • Proven performance.
  • Cost-effective option for large-area treatment.
  • Excellent turf safety characteristics on warm-season grasses, including Couch, Kikuyu, Qld Blue & Buffalo.
  • Very effective in controlling Crowsfoot when in the early growth stages (seedling to tillering).
  • It can be applied regularly throughout the season.
  • Rainfall and irrigation won’t diminish effectiveness as much as other products.
  • A systemic selective herbicide that effectively kills target grass weeds in crops.
  • Absorbed via the roots also if moisture is present in the root zone.
  • Some residual activity in soil on later germinating weeds.
  • Easy to use and apply and can be tank-mixed with compatible pesticides and fertilisers.

Directions Of Use

For Crowbar Herbicide Directions for Use, click here

Turf Rates:

  • Turf: (Kikuyu, Hybrid Coubh dv. Tifdward)
    • Weed: Crowsfoot Grass ((Eleusine indica)
    • Rate: 1L/Ha or 100mL in 100L Water, applied over 1000m2
  • Turf: Queensland Blue Couch
    • Weed: Crowsfoot Grass ((Eleusine indica)
    • Rate: 1L-1.5L/Ha or 100mL-150mL in 100L Water, applied over 1000m2
  • Turf: Common couch, Buffalo, hybrid couch cv. Tifway, carpet grass & salt couch
    • Weed: Crowsfoot Grass ((Eleusine indica)
    • Rate: 1L-2.5L/Ha or 100mL-250mL in 100L Water, applied over 1000m2

Turf Critical Comments:

  • Apply to weeds between the seedling and tillering stage for the best results.
  • Use lower rates for seedlings and higher rates for established grass weeds.
  • A repeat spray may be needed in 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Results are best when Crowbar Herbicide is applied under good growing conditions and weeds have sufficient leaf area ie 2 to 3 days after mowing.

Turf Application Tips:

  • Use the lower rate for seedlings and the higher rate for more established Crowsfoot plants. 
  • A repeat application may be required in 2-4 weeks when treating more mature Crowsfoot plants.
  • Results are best when Crowbar is applied under good growing conditions and weeds have sufficient leaf area ie 2 to 3 days after mowing.
  • When using Crowbar, the following factors are critical to maximise herbicidal performance. 
  • Aim to apply Crowbar to the base of weeds to ensure penetration.


General Rates: Barley, Canola Oilseed Crop, Cereal Rye, Linseed Oil Crop, Lupin, Pea, Safflower Oilseed, Triticale & Wheat Crops

  • Rates vary from 0.5L to 3L per Ha.

Rates are a general guide only.  Before opening, carefully read Crowbar Herbicide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Is Crowbar Herbicide available in 5 litres? I am keen to try this on crow's foot grass but would prefer to try a smaller pack first.

  1. Q Is Crowbar Herbicide available in 5 litres? I am keen to try this on crow's foot grass but would ...... Read more
    Asked by Colin Robert Dollery on December 5, 2023 7:24 am
    Answered by the admin

    Crowbar Herbicide is currently only manufactured in 20-litre containers.

  2. I would like to know how to mix Crowbar Herbicide in a 200L sprayer?  

  3. Q I would like to know how to mix Crowbar Herbicide in a 200L sprayer?  
    Asked by Bev Bibbey on April 28, 2022 3:14 am
    Answered by the admin

    The mixing rate for Crowbar Herbicide depends on the situation (i.e. crop/turf) you are spraying, the weeds you are targeting, and the weed's growth stage.  Full instructions, including mixing and application, are available in the directions for use which you can find in the 'SDS and Technical' tab beneath the product listing on the Specialist Sales website.

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Buffalo Grass Lawn Or Turf, Carpet Grass Lawn Or Turf, Common Couch Lawn Or Turf, Hybrid Couch Cv., Tifdwarf Lawn/turf, Hybrid Couch Cv. Tifway Lawn Or Turf, Kikuyu Grass Lawn Or Turf, Salt Couch Turf & Queensland Blue Couch Crowsfoot Grass
Barley, Canola Oilseed Crop, Cereal Rye, Linseed Oil Crop, Lupin, Pea, Safflower Oilseed, Triticale & Wheat Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Common Barb Grass, Wild Or Black Oat
Pasture Legume Seed Crop & Poppy Oilseed Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Wild Or Black Oat

Tips For Use

General Instructions:

  • Results are best under good growing conditions and application to weeds or crop under stress (eg. due to continuous severe frosts, dry or waterlogged conditions) should be avoided.
  • The best results come from early-season applications.
  • Ensure good coverage over the Crowsfoot plant. Use higher water volumes where practical (>500L/Ha).
  • The addition of a non-ionic surfactant or a methylated seed oil has been proven to enhance the control of Crowsfoot.
  • Avoid applications to turfgrass under drought stress or stress from insects, diseases or nematodes.

Application Equipment:

  • Ground Sprayers – Standard boom sprays only are recommended and must be fitted with by-pass-pass or mechanical agitation. It is recommended to use approximately 50 to 150L water/ha and a droplet size of 200 to 300 microns. Do not apply with boomless jets or misters. 
  • With ground boom sprays, better coverage and penetration may be obtained by setting nozzles at 45o angle forward, particularly in dense crops.
  • Knapsack Equipment – Crowbar should be applied at label rates in adequate water to thoroughly wet weeds being sprayed., i.e. 10mL-25mL in 10L Water, applied over 100m
  • Aircraft – Best results have been obtained using 20 to 30L water/ha with a steady cross wind and a swath width of 15 to 18 metres. Aim for a droplet size of 200 to 300 microns. Do not exaggerate swath width. Aircraft operators should consult manufacturer for details.


  • Do not apply if rainfall is expected within 2 hours.
  • Do not spray when temperatures are higher than 25°c.
  • Do not apply to weeds or turf under stress due to, for example: very dry, very wet, nutrient deficient, frost or diseased conditions.
  • Do not use on rye-grass turf.
  • Do not apply Crowbar through any type of irrigation system.
  • Do not tank mix Crowbar with any liquid fertiliser.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. 
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • It will irritate the eyes and skin. 
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. 
  • Do not inhale vapour. 
  • When opening the container and preparing spray and using the prepared spray wear cotton overalls, buttoned to the neck and wrist, a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and goggles. 
  • If the product is in the eyes, wash it out immediately with water. 
  • Wash hands after use. 
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves, goggles and contaminated clothing.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia: 13 11 26
  • If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. 
  • Give a glass of water.
  • Additional information is listed in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Periods (WHP):

  • All Crops: Do not graze or cut for stock feed for 7 days after application
  • Turf: Do not allow treated areas or clippings to be grazed by or fed to livestock

SDS & Technical

Crowbar Herbicide Label APVMA Download Pdf
Crowbar Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Crowbar Herbicide Label SDS Download Pdf
Crowbar Herbicide TechSheet Download Pdf

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