Neon 400 Herbicide (Fluroxypyr)

Neon 400 Herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide used for the control of a wide range of weeds in winter cereals as well as woody weeds in agricultural non crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures and rights-of-way.

Neon 400 Herbicide contains the active ingredient Fluroxypyr, a chemical which has activity on a wide range of broadleaf weeds.

Active Ingredient: Fluroxypyr @ 400g/L

Similar or Comparable to OzCrop Fluroxypyr 400EC (Ozcrop), Flagship 400 (Adama) & Comet 400 Herbicide (Nufarm) & Fireball 400EC Herbicide (AIRR Apparent).

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Neon 400 Herbicide (Fluroxypyr) NEON-400 Conquest Crop Protection


Neon 400 Herbicide

Active Ingredient: Fluroxypyr @ 400g/L

Similar or Comparable to OzCrop Fluroxypyr 400EC (Ozcrop), Flagship 400 (Adama) & Comet 400 Herbicide (Nufarm) & Fireball 400EC Herbicide (AIRR Apparent).

Neon 400 Herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide that controls a wide range of weeds in winter cereals and woody weeds in agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures, and rights-of-way. 

Neon 400 Herbicide contains the active ingredient Fluroxypyr, a chemical that has activity on a wide range of broadleaf weeds. Neon 400 is classified as a Group 4 Herbicide (previously Group I), with a mode of action where the weed cannot grow due to disruption of plant cell growth. Fluroxypyr belongs to the Pyridines group of chemicals.

What weeds does Neon 400 Herbicide target;

Acacia Aulacocarpa (Wattle) Blue Billygoat Weed Euphorbia Davidii Noogoora Burr St John’s Wort
Acacia Decora (Wattle) Blue Heliotrope Flannel Weed (Sida Cordifolia) Peach Vine (Ipomoea Ionchophylla) Star-Of-Bethlehem
Acacia Harpophylla (Wattle) Boggabri Weed Fumitory Perennial Ground Cherry (Physalis Virginiana) Starburr (Acanthospermum Hispidum)
Acacia Leiocalyx (Wattle) Bokhara Clover Giant Sensitive Plant Phasey Bean Stinking Passion Flower
Acacia. Salicina (Wattle) Broadleaf Pepper Tree (Schinus Terebinthifolius) Green Amaranth Pigweed (Portulaca Oleracea) Thornapples (Datura Spp.)
Amaranthus Spp. Caltrop Hairy Wandering Jew (Commelina Benghalensis) Pinkburr Three Cornered Jack
Annual Ground Cherry Celtis (Celtis Sinensis) Hexham Scent Prickly Acacia Tree Violet (Hymenanthera Dentata)
Anoda Weed Chinese Apple Honey Locust Prickly African Cucumber Turnip Weed
Apple-Of-Peru Cleavers (Galium Aparine) Lantana Prickly Lettuce Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Albiflora)
Balsum Pear Cobblers Pegs Limebush Red Or Pink Convolvulus Wattles
Bathurst Burr Cockspur Thorn Madeira Vine Redshank Wild Gooseberry (Physalis Spp.)
Bedstraw (Galium Tricornutum) Common Sensitive Plant, Marshmallow (Malva Parviflora) Sesbania Pea Wild Radish
Bellvine Common Sowthistle (Sonchus Oleraceus) Milkweed (Euphorbia Heterophylla) Shepherd’s Purse Wild Turnip
Bellyache Bush Common Thornapple (Datura Stramonium) Mimosa Bush (Acacia Farnesiana) Sida Spp. Wireweed
Bittercress (Coronopus Didymus) Creeping Lantana Mimosa Pigra Silverleaf Nightshade Yellow flower Devil’s Claw
Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat) Crofton Weed Mintweed Sisal Hemp (Agave Spp.) Yellow Vine (Tribulus Terrestris)
Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat) Deadnettle Mistflower Small Flowered Mallow
Black Pigweed (Trianthema Portulacastrum) Docks (Rumex Spp.) Morning Glory Snakeweed (Dark And Light Blue)
Blackberry Nightshade Doublegee Mother-Of-Millions (Kalanchoe Spp.) Spiny Emex
Bladder Ketmia Dwarf Amaranth Mustards Spinyhead Sida

What situations can Neon 400 Herbicide be used in;

  • Targeting certain weeds in agricultural non-crop areas and rights-of-way, commercial and industrial areas, forests and pastures.
  • Established grass pastures
  • Sorghum, maize, millets and sweet corn (state restrictions apply)
  • Winter cereals (wheat, barley, oats and triticale)
  • Summer & fallow
  • Sugar Cane (Qld, NSW, NT & WA only)
  • Lucerne (NSW)
  • Poppies (Tas)

How can Neon 400 Herbicide be applied;

  • High Volume Application (Hand Gun & Knapsack)
  • Low Volume, High Concentrate Application (Drench Gun or Gas Powered ‘Splatter’ Gun)
  • Basal Bar & Cut Stump Application
  • Ground Application (Boom Spray)
  • Ground Directed Application (Dropper Nozzles)
  • Aerial Application

Neon 400 Herbicide is a non-scheduled poison that’s selective to pasture grasses, rainfast within one hour and has a short plant back period to major crops. Grasses are normally unaffected by Neon 400 Herbicide and quickly establish after treatment. Transitory damage can occur on some species, particularly those that are spread by stolons, such as cough grass (Cynodon dactylon), Kikuyu grass and carpet grass (Axonopus sp.)

Pack Sizes: 20L & 1000L

Registrant: Conquest Crop Protection Pty Ltd.  (APVMA #: 68984)

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