Tombstone Duo Fungicide

Tombstone Duo Fungicide is an effective combination of the two fungicides Trifloxystrobin & Tebuconazole to prevent and systemically control diseases on azaleas, roses, many ornamental plants and lawns.

Tebuconazole works systemically from within the plant to control disease, and trifloxystrobin helps prevent fungal infection.

Active Ingredients: Trifloxystrobin @ 100g/L & Tebuconazole @ 200g/L

Similar or comparable to Yates Zaleton Dual Action Systemic Fungicide (Bayer) & Dedicate Turf And Ornamental Fungicide (Environmental Science Australia)


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Tombstone Duo Fungicide TOMBSTONE Indigo Specialty Products


Tombstone Duo Fungicide

Active Ingredients: Trifloxystrobin @ 100g/L & Tebuconazole @ 200g/L

Similar or comparable to Yates Zaleton Dual Action Systemic Fungicide (Bayer) & Dedicate Turf And Ornamental Fungicide (Environmental Science Australia)

Tombstone Duo Fungicide is an effective combination of the two fungicides Trifloxystrobin & Tebuconazole to prevent and systemically control diseases on azaleas, roses, many ornamental plants and lawns. Tebuconazole works systemically from within the plant to control disease, and Trifloxystrobin helps prevent fungal infection.

What diseases will Tombstone Duo Fungicide control in turf;

  • Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani).
  • Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homoecarpa).
  • Winter Fusarium or Fusarium Patch (Microdochium nivale).
  • Anthracnose (Colletotrichum graminicola).
  • Secondary Diseases – Leptosphaerulina spp., Curvularia spp.
  • Black and White Helminthosporium (Bipolaris spp., Drechslera spp., Exserohilum spp.)
  • ERI (Ectotrophic Root Infecting Fungi).
  • Spring Dead Spot.

Why choose Tombstone Duo Fungicide to control various diseases in Turf;

  • It Provides curative, protectant and eradicating activity.
  • Excellent rainfast properties. Works in all weather conditions.
  • A broad spectrum of activity. Registered to control 9 turf diseases, including foliar and root pathogens.
  • Registered for the control of Leptosphaerulina and Curvularia. There are limited registered options for these pathogens.
  • Registered for the control of ERI diseases, both from a curative and preventative basis.
  • Provides contact, translaminar, mesosystemic and systemic activity, providing inside-out disease protection.
  • Contains two strong, active ingredients for turf with different modes of action.
  • Available in multiple pack sizes. 500mL and 1L to accommodate all turf-growing situations.

What diseases with Tombstone Duo Fungicide control in certain nursery situations such as Azaleas, Ornamental Plants, Roses and Ornamentals and non-fruit-bearing plants of the Myrtaceae family (Eucalypts, Melaleuca, Callistemon).

  • Azalea Petal Blight (Ovulinea azaleae).
  • Botrytis Blight or Grey Mould (Botrytis cinerea).
  • Downy Mildew (Peronosprora spp.).
  • Leaf Spots (Pseudomonos spp.).
  • Rusts (Uromyces erythronii, Puccinio spp.).
  • Black Spot (Diplocarpon rosae).
  • Powdery Mildew (Sphaerotheca pannosa var rosae; Erysiphe cichora cearum; Oidium spp.).
  • Myrtle Rust (Uredo rangelii).

Why choose Tombstone Duo Fungicide to control certain nursery plant diseases;

  • It provides curative, protectant and eradicating activity.
  • Excellent rainfast properties. Works in all weather conditions and rainfast within hours of application.
  • A broad spectrum of activity. Registered for the control of a minimum of 9 ornamental plant pathogens.
  • Registered for the control of Myrtle Rust. There are limited registered options for these pathogens currently.
  • Provides contact, translaminar, mesosystemic and systemic activity, providing inside-out disease protection.
  • Contains two active ingredients with different modes of action for fast and extended residual protection.
  • It can be used year-round.
  • Lower use rates.
  • Available in multiple pack sizes – 500mL & 1L

Tombstone Duo Fungicide has been used on various ornamental plant species (ie azaleas, begonias, chrysanthemums, cinerea, geraniums, gerbera, Myrtaceae, native daisies, pelargoniums, roses, snapdragon), without damage. Some species and varieties, however, are particularly sensitive to chemical sprays and as this sensitivity is often related to local conditions, it is advisable to treat only a small number of plants first in order to ascertain the reaction before treating a whole target group.

Pack Sizes: 100mL, 500mL & 1L

Registrant: Farmalinx Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 81858)

Turf & Domestic Fungicide Range

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