Tordon 75-D Herbicide – DISCONTINUED

Tordon 75-D Herbicide was discontinued in 2024.

Tordon-75-D Herbicide is registered as a spray treatment for control of a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in winter and summer cereals, fallow, sugar cane (QLD only) and agricultural non-crop areas.

Active Ingredients: Picloram @ 75g/L & 2,4-D @ 300g/L

Similar or comparable to Depic 75-D Herbicide (Conquest), Pulverize 75-D Herbicide (Axichem) & Ramjet 75-D Herbicide (Apparent)


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Tordon 75-D Herbicide - DISCONTINUED TORDON-75D Corteva


Tordon 75-D Herbicide was discontinued in 2024.

Active Ingredients: Picloram @ 75g/L & 2,4-D @ 300g/L

Similar or comparable to Depic 75-D Herbicide (Conquest), Pulverize 75-D Herbicide (Axichem) & Ramjet 75-D Herbicide (Apparent)

Tordon-75-D Herbicide is registered as a spray treatment for control of a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in winter and summer cereals, fallow, sugar cane (QLD only) and agricultural non-crop areas.

How can Tordon 75-D Herbicide be applied;

  • Ground Boom.
  • Aircraft.
  • High Volume.
  • Stem Injection.
  • Cut Stump.
  • Frilling (ringbark).
  • Injecting spray into the centre of the weed.

What are some of the weeds that Tordon 75-D Herbicide targets;

African Boxthorn Camelthorn Ground Cherry Parthenium Weed St John’s Wort
Alkaki Sida Cape Honey Flower Groundsel Bush Paterson’s Curse Star Thistle
Amaranth Cape Or Montpellier Broom Hardhead Perennial Gooseberry Stinking Roger
Amaranthus Chilean Cestrum Hawthorn Perennial Pigweed Sunflower
Amsinckia Chinese Scrub Hexham Scent Potato Weed Sweet Briar
Apple-Of-Sodom Cobbler’s Pegs Hoary Cress Prairie Ground Cherry Tangled Hypercium
Artichoke Thistle Colocynth Hogweed Prickly Poppy Thornapple
Bathurst Burr Common Heliotrope Inkweed Quena Three-Cornered Jack
Bellvine Creeping Crofton Weed Ivyleaf Sida Radish Weed Tree-Of-Heaven
Bindweed Creeping Knapweed Khaki Weed Ragwort Tufted Honey Flower
Bitou Bush Crofton Weed Knotweed Redroot Turnip Weed
Black Bindweed Crow Garlic Lantana (Camara) Redroot Amaranth Tutsan
Black Knapweed Cutleaf Mignonette Limebush Redshank Variegated Thistle
Black Pigweed Devil’s-Fig Mayne’s Pest Rubber Vine Volunteer Lucerne
Blackberry Dock Melilotus Russian Knapweed Wandering Jew
Bladder Campion Dog Rose Mexican Poppy Saffron Thistle Whiteweed
Bladder Ketmia Doublegee Mintweed Sesbania Pea Wild Gooseberry
Blue Heliotrope English Broom Mistflower Sickle Pod Wild Radish
Blue Top Eucalyptus Morning Glory (Ipomoea Spp.) Silverleaf Nightshade Wild Rose
Boneseed Fat Hen Mustard Skeleton Weed Wild Tobacco Tree
Borreria Field Garlic New Zealand Spinach Slim Amaranth (Seed) Wireweed
Burr Grass Furze Noogoora Burr Smartweed Yellow Burrweed
Burr Ragweed Giant Pigweed Onion Weed Sow Or Milk Thistle Yellow Vine
Californian Thistle Golden Thistle Ox-Eye Daisy Spiny Broom Yellow Weed
Caltrop Gorse Pampas Lily-Of-The-Valley Square Weed Zamia Palm

Tordon 75-D Herbicide is a phenoxy herbicide that can cause severe damage to native vegetation and susceptible crops such as cotton, grapes, tomatoes, oilseed crops and ornamentals.

Tordon 75-D Herbicide Pack Sizes: 5-Litre and 10-Litre

Registrant: Corteva Agriscience Australia Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 40487)

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredients Picloram and 2,4-D.
  • Targets a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds.
  • Can be used in various crops winter and summer cereals, fallow, sugar cane (QLD only) and agricultural non-crop areas.
  • Various application methods including Stem Injection, Cut Stump, High Volume & Boom Applications

Directions Of Use

General Rates:

Winter Cereals (Wheat, Barley, Oats and Triticale)
Rate: 300mL/Ha (+ 375mL/Ha 24D 625 Amine in certain situations)

Stubble or Fallow Land prior to sowing Winter Cereals
Rate: 700mL-1-L/Ha

Summer Cereals (Sorghum and Maize) – NSW, ACT and Qld only
Rate: 330mL-500mL/Ha

Sugarcane (Qld, NSW only)
Rate: 700mL-1.5L/Ha

Stem Injection Application
Dilution Rate: Mix 1 part Tordon 75-D with 1.5 parts water.
Rate: 2mL of diluted chemical per cut.

Cut Stump Application
Rate: 500mL/10L & Undiluted

High Volume Application
Rate: 75mL – 2L/100L Water

Boom Application:
Rate: 300mL – 15L/Ha

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Tordon 75-D Herbicide directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.


Questions and answers from customers

    Will Tordon 75-D Herbicide kill Sensitive weed?

  1. Q Will Tordon 75-D Herbicide kill Sensitive weed?
    Asked by Kevin on January 3, 2025 6:28 am
    Answered by the admin

    Tordon 75-D has been discontinued and did not include Sensitive weed/Sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) on the label as a weed controlled. Some suggested herbicides that do claim to control Sensitive plant include Ozcrop Dicamba 500 Herbicide, Kamba 750 Herbicide, Neon 400 Herbicide, Sabakem Fluroxypur 400 Herbicide, and Hatchet Herbicide. These are currently stocked by Specialist Sales and can be found by typing the product name into the search bar. Please ensure you read the SDS and Label prior to purchase and use to confirm suitability for your situation & follow all manufacturer's guidelines. These are available under 'SDS and Technical' on the product page on our website. 

  2. What is the plant-back period after applying Tordon 75-D Herbicide?

  3. Q What is the plant-back period after applying Tordon 75-D Herbicide?
    Asked by Wayne on October 8, 2024 6:23 pm
    Answered by the admin

    You cannot plant susceptible crops within 12 months of applying Tordon 75-D Herbicide at winter or summer cereal use rates. Cereal crops & grasses can be sown safely after applying Tordon 75-D at recommended rates. Rates in excess of recommendations will result in increased soil residue, and a chemical test may be required to indicate any remaining presence of picloram in the soil. Crops susceptible to Tordon 75-D include but are not limited to; peas, lupins, lucerne, navy beans, soybeans, and other legumes; cotton, fruit, hops, ornamentals, potatoes, safflower, sugar beet, sunflower, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables and vines. Please ensure you read the SDS & Label before use to review for your specific situation. 

  4. I have hundreds of tiny poplar saplings in a paddock. Will Tordon 75-D Herbicide kill them via boom spray?

  5. Q I have hundreds of tiny poplar saplings in a paddock. Will Tordon 75-D Herbicide kill them via bo...... Read more
    Asked by Ian on March 18, 2024 2:34 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Tordon 75-D Herbicide is only registered for controlling Poplar Box via stem injection or cut stump applications, not foliar application by boom spray. To the best of our knowledge, there are no herbicides registered for boom spraying poplar suckers, but an 'off-label' application of Grazon-Extra, Metsulfuron Methyl and Organosilicone Penetrant may be worth considering. A high water rate would be required to thoroughly soak all the plant's foliage.

  6. Will Tordon 75-D Herbicide kill bamboo that is 90mm thick? 

  7. Q Will Tordon 75-D Herbicide kill bamboo that is 90mm thick? 
    Asked by Barry marshall on January 15, 2024 7:31 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Tordon-75-D Herbicide is registered as a spray treatment for controlling a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, which does not include grasses ( including Bamboo).  We recommend glyphosate as a spot spray or cut stump application for bamboo control.

  8. Will Tordon 75-D Herbicide work on rat's tail grass?

  9. Q Will Tordon 75-D Herbicide work on rat's tail grass?
    Asked by David Allomes on December 15, 2022 9:16 am
    Answered by the admin

    Tordon-75-D Herbicide is registered as a spray treatment for control of a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, this does not include grasses. Herbicides made from Flupropanate are the only selective herbicides that successfully target Rat Tail grass.  Unfortunately, Flupropanate (liquid or granular) has been completely unavailable for over 12 months due to manufacturing issues. The only option is a non-selective herbicide such as Glyphosate as a spot spray application.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Agricultural Non-Crop Areas & Commercial And Industrial Areas Toxic Pimelea Species (Desert Riceflowers, Flaxweed)
Barley, Oats, Triticale & Wheat Dock, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mintweed, Mustard, New Zealand Spinach, Radish - Raphanus Raphanistrum, Saffron Thistle, Skeleton Weed, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Sunflower, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Commercial Area - General & Industrial Land Or Area African Boxthorn, Alkaki Or Ivyleaf Sida, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Amsinckia,Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Apple-Of-Sodom, Artichoke Thistle, Bathurst Burr, Bellvine, Bindweed, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Black Bindweed, Black Knapweed, Blackberry, Bladder Campion, Bladder Ketmia, Blue Heliotrope Or Blue Top, Burr Ragweed, Californian Thistle, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Camelthorn, Cape Honey Flower, Cape Or Montpellier Broom, Chilean Cestrum, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Colocynth, Common Heliotrope, Creeping/Russian Knapweed,Hardhead, Crofton Weed, Cutleaf Mignonette, Devil's-Fig, Dock, Dog Rose, English Broom, Eucalyptus, Fat Hen, Furze Or Gorse, Giant Or Black Pigweed, Golden Thistle, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel Bush, Hawthorn, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Inkweed, Khaki Weed, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Limebush, Mayne's Pest, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Morning Glory - Ipomoea Spp., Mustard, New Zealand Spinach, Noogoora Burr, Onion Weed, Ox-Eye Daisy, Pampas Lily-Of-The-Valley, Parthenium Weed, Paterson's Curse, Perennial Pigweed, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Ground Cherry, Quena, Ragwort, Redroot Or Redroot Amaranth, Redshank Or Slim Amaranth - Seed, Rubber Vine, Saffron Thistle, Sesbania Pea, Sickle Pod, Silverleaf Nightshade, Skeleton Weed, Smartweed, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spiny Broom, Square Weed Or Borreria, St John's Wort, Star Thistle, Stinking Roger, Sunflower, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tangled Hypercium, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tree-Of-Heaven, Tufted Honey Flower, Turnip Weed, Tutsan, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Lucerne, Wandering Jew, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Tobacco Tree, Wild, Crow Or Field Garlic, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed, Zamia Palm
Fallow Or Stubble, Prior To Winter Cereal Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Bathurst Burr, Bellvine, Fat Hen, Fleabane, Morning Glory - Ipomoea Spp., Noogoora Burr, Parthenium Weed, Redroot Or Redroot Amaranth, Sesbania Pea, Stinking Roger, Thornapple
Maize Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Bathurst Burr, Bellvine, Bladder Ketmia, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Cobbler's Pegs, Dock, Fat Hen, Giant Or Black Pigweed, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mintweed, Morning Glory - Ipomoea Spp., New Zealand Spinach, Noogoora Burr, Parthenium Weed, Pigweed Spp., Potato Or Yellow Weed, Redroot Or Redroot Amaranth, Redshank, Slim Or Spleen Amaranth, Sesbania Pea, Stinking Roger, Thornapple, Volunteer Lucerne, Wandering Jew, Wild Or Perennial Gooseberry
Pasture & Right-Of-Way - General African Boxthorn, Alkaki Or Ivyleaf Sida, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Amsinckia,Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Apple-Of-Sodom, Artichoke Thistle, Bathurst Burr, Bellvine, Bindweed, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Black Bindweed, Black Knapweed, Blackberry, Bladder Campion, Bladder Ketmia, Blue Heliotrope Or Blue Top, Burr Ragweed, Californian Thistle, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Camelthorn, Cape Honey Flower, Cape Or Montpellier Broom, Chilean Cestrum, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Colocynth, Common Heliotrope, Creeping/Russian Knapweed,Hardhead, Crofton Weed, Cutleaf Mignonette, Devil's-Fig, Dock, Dog Rose, English Broom, Eucalyptus, Fat Hen, Furze Or Gorse, Giant Or Black Pigweed, Golden Thistle, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel Bush, Hawthorn, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Inkweed, Khaki Weed, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Limebush, Mayne's Pest, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Morning Glory - Ipomoea Spp., Mustard, New Zealand Spinach, Noogoora Burr, Onion Weed, Ox-Eye Daisy, Pampas Lily-Of-The-Valley, Parthenium Weed, Paterson's Curse, Perennial Pigweed, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Ground Cherry, Quena, Ragwort, Redroot Or Redroot Amaranth, Redshank Or Slim Amaranth - Seed, Rubber Vine, Saffron Thistle, Sesbania Pea, Sickle Pod, Silverleaf Nightshade, Skeleton Weed, Smartweed, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spiny Broom, Square Weed Or Borreria, St John's Wort, Star Thistle, Stinking Roger, Sunflower, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tangled Hypercium, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Toxic Pimelea Species (Desert Riceflowers, Flaxweed), Tree-Of-Heaven, Tufted Honey Flower, Turnip Weed, Tutsan, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Lucerne, Wandering Jew, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Tobacco Tree, Wild, Crow Or Field Garlic, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed, Zamia Palm
Sorghum Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Bellvine, Bladder Ketmia, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Giant Or Black Pigweed, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Mintweed, Noogoora Burr, Red Pigweed, Sesbania Pea, Thornapple, Wandering Jew, Wild Or Perennial Gooseberry
Sugar Cane Sickle Pod
Unwanted Trees (See Label) Eucalyptus

Tips For Use

Tordon 75-D Herbicide is a phenoxy herbicide that can cause severe damage to native vegetation and susceptible crops such as cotton, grapes, tomatoes, oilseed crops and ornamentals.


  • Do not add surfactants (such as BS-1000) or crop oils (such as Uptake Spraying Oil) unless specifically recommended to do so in the Directions For Use tables.

Tordon 75-D is compatible with:

  • Atrazine (600 g/L flowable or an equivalent granular product)
  • Amine 625 (2,4-D)
  • Diquat
  • Metsulfuron-methyl
  • Glyphosate 450


  • Do not apply if heavy rains or storms are forecast within 3 days.
  • Do not irrigate to the point of runoff for at least 3 days after application.
  • Do not exceed the maximum application rate of 15L/ha (4500 g ae/ha).
  • Do not exceed the maximum daily application rate by backpack spraying of 13.3L/day.
  • Do not apply to crops or weeds which are not actively growing or to plants that may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought-affected) or previous herbicide treatment as crop damage or reduced levels of control, may result.
  • Do not apply close to, or on areas, containing roots of desirable vegetation, where the treated soil may be washed into areas growing, or to be planted to, desirable plants, or on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing, or to be planted to, susceptible crops or plants.
  • Do not move soil that may have been sprayed to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. Picloram, one of the active constituents in this product remains active in the soil for extended periods depending on the rate of application, soil type, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. In some states, some uses of this product are controlled by legislation. Check with your local Department of Agriculture or Primary Industry for details.


  • In Tasmania, this product may only be used from 15 April to 15 September unless otherwise permitted by the registrar of pesticides.

Re-Entry Period:

  • If re-entering treated areas before the spray has dried, workers should wear overalls, elbow-length gloves and water-resistant footwear. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use.

Protection Of Crops, Native And Other Non-Target Plants:

  • Crops susceptible to Tordon 75-D include but are not limited to; peas, lupins, lucerne, navy beans, soybeans, and other legumes; cotton, fruit, hops, ornamentals, potatoes, safflower sugar beet, sunflower, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables and vines.
  • Do not plant susceptible crops within 12 months of applying winter or summer cereal use rates of this product.
  • Cereal crops and grasses can be sown safely after using Tordon 75-D.
  • Rates in excess of these will result in more persistent soil residues.
  • Therefore, do not rotate susceptible plants until an adequately sensitive bioassay or chemical test shows that no detectable picloram is present within the soil.
  • Do not apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures.
  • Avoid spray drift and vapour movement onto susceptible crops such as cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, vines, lupins, fruit trees and ornamentals.

Protection Of Livestock:

  • Do not graze or cut treated crops or plants for stock food except as specified under in the withholding periods.
  • Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down.

Protection Of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans And Environment:

  • Very toxic to aquatic life. Do not contaminate wetlands or watercourses with this product or used container.


  • Store in a closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • Harmful if inhaled or swallowed.
  • Will damage the eyes.
  • Will irritate the skin.
  • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes and skin.
  • When opening the container and preparing the spray, or using undiluted concentrate, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves and a face shield or goggles.
  • When using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat and elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves.
    If applying by hand wear a half facepiece respirator with an organic vapour/gas cartridge or canister.
  • If the product is on the skin, immediately wash the area with soap and water.
  • If the product is in the eyes, wash it out immediately with water.
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

​This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Do not graze or cut crops (except sugarcane) or pastures for stock food for 7 days after application. 
  • Sugarcane: Do not harvest for 8 weeks after application.
  • Do not graze or cut for stock food for 8 weeks after application.

SDS & Technical

Tordon 75-D Herbicide Label APVMA Download Pdf
Tordon 75-D Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Tordon 75-D Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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