Tressel 250 SL Herbicide (Hexazinone)

Tressel 250 SL Herbicide is for the control of certain broadleaf weeds, perennial and annual grasses, and woody weeds in Pinus radiata plantations, pasture situations and commercial and industrial areas and rights of way. It is also for the control of various weeds in sugarcane.

Tressel 250SL Hexazinone Herbicide allows effective commercial control and clearing of unwanted timber, scrub and woody weeds that reduce your property’s carrying capacity. 

Active Ingredient: Hexazinone @ 250g/L

Similar Or Comparable to Hexatron Herbicide (Conquest), Velpar L Herbicide (Dupont) & Bobcat SL Herbicide (ADAMA)

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Tressel 250 SL Herbicide (Hexazinone) TRESSEL Axichem


Tressel 250 SL Herbicide (Active Ingredient: Hexazinone @ 250g/L)

Similar Or Comparable to Hexatron Herbicide (Conquest), Velpar L Herbicide (Dupont) & Bobcat SL Herbicide (ADAMA)

Tressel 250 SL Herbicide is for the control of certain broadleaf weeds, perennial and annual grasses, and woody weeds in Pinus radiata plantations, pasture situations and commercial and industrial areas and rights of way. It is also for the control of weeds in sugarcane. Tressel allows effective commercial control and clearing of unwanted timber, scrub and woody weeds that reduce your property’s carrying capacity.   

Tressel 250 SL Herbicide contains Hexazinone, a foliar contact and soil-active residual herbicide that controls many problems, including Acacia and Eucalypt species. When used according to the directions, only a small amount of herbicide is required to control each plant, reducing the overall chemical costs. Tressel Herbicide helps overcome the problem of suckers and regrowth in pastures. When applied correctly, the herbicide gets right into the roots and lignotuber of the tree, where suckering usually starts. Complete control may take 12 months or more, but in the end, control is sure.  It can be applied through soil & foliar applications or stem injection.

What are some of the woody species Tressel 250 SL Herbicide targets;

Acacia Spp Such As Brigalow (A.Harpophylla) Eucalyptus Spp. Such As Poplar Box/Bimble Box (E. Populenea) Prickly Acacia (Acacia Nilotica)
African Boxthorn (Lycium Ferocissimum) Eucalyptus Spp. Such As Red Bloodwood (E.Dichromophloia) Red Ironbark/Mugga (E. Sideroxylon)
Bitterbark/Quinine Tree (Alstonia Constricta) False Sandalwood/Budda (Eremophila Mitchelli) Red Stringybark (E. Macrorhyncha)
Blackberry (Rubus Spp.) Grey Box/Gum-Topped Box (E. Moluccana) Rubber Vine (Cryptostegia Grandiflora)
Blakely’s Red Gum (E. Blakelyi) Ironbark (Silverleaf) (E. Melanopholia) Silver Wattle (A. Dealbata)
Broadleaf Peppermint (E. Dives) Lime Bush (Eremocitrus Glauca) Sweet Briar (Rosa Rubiginosa)
Broadleaf Teatree (Melaleuca Virdiflora) Longleaf Box (E.Goniocalys) Tree-Of-Heaven(Ailanthus Altissima)
Brown Box (E. Macrocarpa) Messmate Stringybark (E. Obliqua) White Box (E. Albens)
Brown Stringybark (E. Baxteri) Monterey Cypress (Cupressus Macrocarpa) White Cypress Pine (Callitris Columellaris)
Congo Mallee (E. Dumosa) Morton Bay Ash (E. Tessellaris) White Stringybark (E. Globoidea)
Coolibah (E. Microtheca) Mountain Grey Gum/Monkey Gum (E.Cypellocarpa) Whitewood (Atalaya Hemiglauca)
Creswick Apple Box (Scent Bark) (E.Aromaphloia) Narrow Leaf Peppermint (E. Radiata) Yellow Wood (Terminalia Oblongata)
Currawong/Hickory (White Wood) (A.Doratoxylon) Parkonsonia (Parkonsonia Aculata) Yorrell (White Mallee) (E. Glacilis)
Dawson Gum (E. Cambageana) Pointed Mallee (Red Mallee) E. Socialis)
Dogwood/Common Cessinia/ Dolly Bush (Cassinia Aculeata) Poplar Box/Bimble Box (E. Populenea)

The complete table of weeds controlled can be found on Tressel 250 SL Herbicide ‘directions for use’.

State Government limitations and restrictions relating to tree and regrowth clearing may restrict the use of Tressel 250 SL Herbicide (Hexazinone) in certain situations, and the end user must investigate and adhere to these restrictions.

Tressel 250 SL Herbicide Pack Sizes: 10Litre

Registrant: Axichem Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 64858)

Woody Weed Control Product Range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Hexazinone.
  • It is an effective foliar contact and soil-active residual herbicide.
  • Helps overcome the problem of suckers and regrowth in pastures.
  • Only a small amount of Tressel 250SL Hexazinone Herbicide is required to control each plant.
  • Applied by Soil Application, Foliar Application or Stem Injection.

Directions Of Use

For Tressel 250SL Herbicide ‘directions for use’, click here

Soil Application:

  • Spotgun applications to individual bushes/trees in non-forestry situations range from 2mL – 4mL spot for each metre in the height of the bush/tree.
  • The 4mL Spotgun delivers a metered dose of Tressel 250SL Herbicide directed onto the soil, not the trunk, at the base of the plant and within the dripline.  From there, it is moved into the soil by rainfall, which takes it up by the roots and then moves to the leaves.
  • The rate of application and the number of spots depends on the height of the plant to be controlled and the species.  
  • The grid application pattern should be used where suckers are forming a dense ground cover.
  • If there is leaf litter underneath the plant, clear a small area, and then apply the Tressel 250SL Herbicide. 
  • See Tressel 250SL Herbicide directions of use for full instructions.

The soil application technique should be used;

  • For seedlings up to the stage when stem injection is practical
  • For regrowth resulting from other control measures
  • For multi-stem shrub-type growth
  • Where selectively is not required.

The spear attachment (sold separately) should be used on sloping ground and when heavy leaf litter is beneath the plant.  Place the spear on the high side of the bush about 2cm into the soil.

Stem Injection:

  • Stem injection applications in non-forestry situations rate vary from 0.5mL – 2mL per cut.
  • The stem injection technique offers a more economical method of controlling larger regrowth than the soil application technique.
  • Make axe cuts with a narrow-bladed axe (5-7cm wide) into the sapwood just under the bark at waist height.  Do not cut into the hardwood. Inject the metered dose of Tressel 250SL Herbicide while the axe is still in the cut and within 5 seconds of making the cuts.  Chemical uptake is dependent on good sap flow. The number of cuts will depend on the circumference of the tree. See Tressel 250SL Herbicide’s directions for use for full instructions.
  • For multi-stemmed trees, treat each stem as an individual tree.

The Stem Injection Technique is used for larger regrowth timber when selectivity is important.  Stem Injection is more economical than soil applications in this situation.

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Tressel 250 SL Herbicide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective.



Questions and answers from customers

    When using via stem injection, do you mix water with the Tressel 250 SL Herbicide?

  1. Q When using via stem injection, do you mix water with the Tressel 250 SL Herbicide?
    Asked by Holly Dawson on July 11, 2023 3:49 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The herbicide is undiluted when applying Tressel 250 SL Herbicide by Stem Injection.

  2. Can this product by a boom spray along a boundary fence If so what rate and what water application Suckers, lemandra, braken fern
  3. Q Can this product by a boom spray along a boundary fence If so what rate and what water applicatio...... Read more
    Asked by Damien timbs on December 1, 2021 4:35 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Tressel Herbicide directions for use (page 8) has rates for use in Non-Forestry Applications by Ground Application.  They do not specifically list rates for woody weeds (suckers, bracken etc) however, will provide a general guide on the rates to use.  On page 4 of the directions, there are boom spray rates for Woody Weeds in forestry situations @ 15L/Ha which may help.  There are also instructions regarding water rates (100L-400L per hectare) and the inclusion of surfactants that need to be noted as well.

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Agricultural/Farm Buildings Artichoke Thistle, Asthma Plant, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bitter Bark Or Quinine Tree, Blackberry, Blackberry Nightshade, Blakely's Red Gum Or Gum, Brigalow, Broadleaf Peppermint, Broadleaf Teatree, Brown Stringybark, Budda Or False Sandalwood, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chicory, Common Sida, Coolibah, Couch Grass, Creeping Buttercup, Creswick Apple Box Or Scent Bark, Dawson Gum, Dock, Dogwood,Common Cassinia Or Dollybush, Eucalyptus, Fleabane, Great, Ripgut Or Kingston Brome, Green Amaranth, Grey Box, Gum Topped Or Grey Box, Hickory, Whitewood Or Currawong, Kikuyu Grass, Limebush, Longleaf Box, Lovegrass, Medic, Messmate Stringybark, Monterey Cypress, Moreton Bay Ash, Mountain Grey Or Monkey Gum, Narrowleaf Peppermint, Nutgrass, Parkinsonia, Parthenium Weed, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Pointed Or Red Mallee, Poplar Box, Prickly Acacia, Red Ironbark, Red Stringybark, Rhodes Grass, Ribwort, Ribgrass Or Lamb's Tongue, Rubber Vine, Silver Wattle, Silverleaf Ironbark, Soft Brome - Bromus Hordeaceus, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Summer Grass, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tree-Of-Heaven, White Box, White Cypress Pine, White Or Congoo Mallee, White Stringybark, Whitewood, Wild Oat, Yellow Wood, Yorrell Or White Mallee
Commercial/Industrial Premises African Boxthorn, Artichoke Thistle, Asthma Plant, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bitter Bark Or Quinine Tree, Blackberry, Blackberry Nightshade, Blakely's Red Gum Or Gum, Brigalow, Broadleaf Peppermint, Broadleaf Teatree, Brown Stringybark, Budda Or False Sandalwood, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chicory, Common Sida, Coolibah, Couch Grass, Creeping Buttercup, Creswick Apple Box Or Scent Bark, Dawson Gum, Dock, Dogwood,Common Cassinia Or Dollybush, Eucalyptus, Fleabane, Great, Ripgut Or Kingston Brome, Green Amaranth, Gum Topped Or Grey Box, Hickory, Whitewood Or Currawong, Kikuyu Grass, Limebush, Longleaf Box, Lovegrass, Medic, Messmate Stringybark, Monterey Cypress, Mountain Grey Or Monkey Gum, Narrowleaf Peppermint, Nutgrass, Parkinsonia, Parthenium Weed, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Pointed Or Red Mallee, Prickly Acacia, Red Ironbark, Red Stringybark, Rhodes Grass, Ribwort, Ribgrass Or Lamb's Tongue, Rubber Vine, Silver Wattle, Soft Brome - Bromus Hordeaceus, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Summer Grass, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tree-Of-Heaven, White Box, White Cypress Pine, White Or Congoo Mallee, White Stringybark, Whitewood, Wild Oat, Yellow Wood, Yorrell Or White Mallee
Loamy Sands & Sandy Soils Annual Ryegrass, Bracken, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Clover, Dandelion - Hypochaeris Glabra, Dogwood,Common Cassinia Or Dollybush, Hop Goodenia, Kangaroo Grass, Ryegrass, Serrated Tussock, Silver Wattle, Sorrel, Sunshine Acacia, Varnish Acacia Or Wattle, Wallaby Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Native Woodland Heath & Second Rotation Dogwood,Common Cassinia Or Dollybush, Hop Goodenia, Ryegrass, Silver Wattle, Sunshine Acacia, Varnish Acacia Or Wattle
Native Woodland Tree Release Post Planting Bracken, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Dogwood,Common Cassinia Or Dollybush, Hop Goodenia, Silver Wattle, Sunshine Acacia, Varnish Acacia Or Wattle, Wallaby Grass
Pinus Plantation - Pinus Radiata Dogwood,Common Cassinia Or Dollybush, Hop Goodenia, Serrated Tussock, Silver Wattle, Sunshine Acacia, Varnish Acacia Or Wattle, Wallaby Grass
Sugar Cane Amaranth - Seedling, Awnless Barnyard Grass, Barnyard Or Water Grass, Bellvine, Billygoat Weed Or Blue Top, Blackberry Nightshade, Button Grass, Calopo, Centro, Cobbler's Pegs, Common Morning Glory, Green Summer Grass, Guinea Grass, Passionfruit Vine - Seedling, Red Convolvulus, Square Weed Or Borreria, Star Of Bethlehem Or Cupid's Flower, Summer Or Crab Grass, Thickhead, Turnip Weed - Pre Emergence
Tree Release - Post Planting Bracken, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Clover, Dandelion - Hypochaeris Glabra, Dogwood,Common Cassinia Or Dollybush, Hop Goodenia, Kangaroo Grass, Ryegrass, Serrated Tussock, Silver Wattle, Sunshine Acacia, Varnish Acacia Or Wattle, Wallaby Grass

Tips For Use


  • Do not use on lawns, walkways, driveways or tennis courts.
  • Do not apply more than once per calendar year.
  • Do not apply if heavy rain or storms are forecast within 3 days.
  • Do not irrigate to the point of field runoff for at least 3 days after application.
  • Do not use it in water-logged areas.

Sugarcane Restraints:

  • Do not use in plant cane prior to hilling cultivation
  • Do not apply by aircraft, misting machines or hand-held ultra-low volume controlled droplet applications (CDA units).
  • Do not apply to fields where the slope exceeds 5%.
  • Do not spray over sugarcane or allow excessive spray contact as crop injury may result.
  • Do not use on light sandy soils as injury to cane may result.
  • Do not use in young plant cane.
  • Do not use equipment or spraying methods that cause spray or spray drift to contact the growing point of the sugarcane.
  • Do not spray plants that are waterlogged, or under stress of any kind, or covered with soil or dust.
  • Do not spray plants covered with heavy dew, but rain following spraying will not affect results.

Limitation Notice (NSW Only):

  • With the exception of regrowth less than five years old and under 3 metres tall, the clearing of more than five hectares of trees by aerial, ground or spot-gun application in NSW is prohibited, unless specifically authorised by permit.
  • This restriction does not apply to woody weeds and stem injection of trees.

General Instructions:

  • This product is foliar and root-absorbed and will give residual soil activity.
  • For best foliar and residual control, apply during periods of active plant growth.
  • Application when vegetation is dormant, semi-dormant, under moisture stress or during winter months may not be as effective.
  • In temperate winter rainfall areas where temperatures are generally below  5°C during periods of active growth, overall effect may be slower to appear.
  • For best control of perennials, apply during the months of spring in these areas.
  • In WA and SA, apply Tressel Herbicide only during April-August when adequate rainfall is expected.
  • Sufficient moisture is required after treatment to promote root absorption by the weed species.
  • Do not apply Tressel 250 SL Herbicide during periods of intense rainfall or under conditions that will cause drift of movement to non-target areas.
  • On slopes of 20% to 30% apply Tressel 250 SL Herbicide by strip, spot or stem injection applications only.
  • On slopes, greater than 30%, apply by sport or stem injection application only.
  • The L/ha rates in the directions for use tables refer to sprayed hectares.
  • Visible symptoms and degree of effectiveness will vary with temperature, soil types, rainfall, soil moisture and stress level of plants.

Important Points:

  • Hexazinone may be used all year round but since rainfall is required to move it into the soil and to promote active plant growth, quickest results are obtained when it is applied to moist soil and rainfall follows soon after application.
  • Hexazinone can remain on the soil surface during extended periods of dry weather and when rain comes there is little loss of control.
  • Do not apply, flush or clean equipment near desirable vegetation, as Hexazinone Herbicide residue may affect them. 
  • As a general rule, you should not apply Hexazinone Herbicide closer than twice the height of trees and vegetation you do not wish to control.

Control Times:

  • Once in the soil, Hexazinone Herbicide is taken up by the roots and translocated within the plant.
  • It works by inhibiting the photosynthesis process, starving the plant to death. 
  • This is a slow process.
  • The plant may not appear affected for a while (particularly under dry conditions) and may defoliate and re-foliate several times before it completely dies.
  • Complete control normally occurs within 12 months; however, under adverse conditions, it sometimes may take longer.


  • Do not enter treated areas until the spray has dried, unless wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves.
  • Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use.

Protection of crops, native and non-target plants:

  • The product may kill many trees and other desirable plants if not correctly applied.
  • Do not apply on or near desirable trees or other plants (except as recommended for crop use), or on areas where their roots may extend, as guidance, this is two times their height or more depending on the species and other conditions.
  • Do not apply in areas where a surface flow of water could wash the chemical into areas where the roots or desirable trees or plants may extend.
  • Do not drain or flush spray equipment, Spotgune or Stem injector near desirable trees or in areas where their roots may extend.
  • Do not apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures.

Protection of Livestock:

  • a) Spotgun and Stem Injection Applications – Stock does not need to be moved away from Spotgune and Stem Injection treated areas.
  • b) Foliar Spray Applications – Keep stock away from sprayed areas.

Protection of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans and the Environment:

  • Do not contaminate streams, rivers or watercourses with the chemical or the used containers.
  • The tank mix with Capo Herbicide (Glufosinate) may be toxic to native mammals.
  • Do not apply tank mix with AC Capo on sites where vulnerable, threatened, endangered or critically endangered mammals are known to occur.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. Do not use or store at temperatures of 0°C, or below, as the product will freeze.
  • Flammable, keep away from heat, sparks and naked flame.
  • Keep from contact with fertilisers, insecticides, fungicides and seeds.
  • Do not reuse the container.

Safety Directions:

  • It will irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes and skin.
  • Do not inhale spray mist.
  • When using it together with other products, consult their label safety directions.
  • When opening the container and preparing the spray or using the concentrated product, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and a washable hat, elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves, and face shield or goggles.
  • When using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves.
  • If the product is on the skin, immediately wash the area with soap and water.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shields or goggles and contaminated clothing.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • If in eyes, hold the eyes open, flood them with water for at least 15 minutes and see a Doctor.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​


Stem Injection Techniques

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

Sugarcane – when mixed with Imazapic and Paraquat

  • Harvest: Not required when used as directed
  • Grazing: Do not graze crop or sprayed vegetation or cut for Stockfood for 6 weeks after application.

Sugarcane – when tank mixed with Isoxaflutole and Paraquat

  • Harvest: Do not harvest for 19 weeks after application.
  • Grazing: Do not graze or cut for stock food for 6 weeks after Application.

Sugarcane – when tank mixed with Isoxaflutole and Glufosinate

  • Harvest: Do not harvest for 19 weeks after application.
  • Grazing: Do not graze the cut for stock food for 16 weeks after application.

SDS & Technical

Tressel 250 SL Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Tressel 250 SL Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Tressel 250 SL Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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