Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide

Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide is a selective broadleaf weed control in turf and lawns & for the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures, and other non-crop areas.  Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds in turf, in golf tees, greens & fairways, bowling greens, sports fields & parks.

Active Ingredients: 340 g/L MCPA  & 80 g/L Dicamba.

Similar or Comparable to Kamba M (Nufarm), Dissaray Selective Herbicide (Axichem) & Surefire Dicamba M Selective Herbicide (PCT)

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Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide OZCROP_DICAMBA-M Ozcrop


Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide

Active Ingredients: 340 g/L MCPA  & 80 g/L Dicamba.

Similar or Comparable to Kamba M (Nufarm), Dissaray Selective Herbicide (Axichem) & Surefire Dicamba M Selective Herbicide (PCT)

OzCrop Dicamba M Herbicide provides selective broadleaf weed control in winter cereals, pastures, and non-crop areas, plus controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds in lawns, turf, golf tees, greens & fairways, bowling greens, sports fields & parks.

What weeds does Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide control in Turf;

Bindy-eye Cudweeds Jo-Jo (Onehunga) Peppercress Spear Thistle
Capeweed Dandelion Lambs Tongue Purple-Top Staggerweed
Catsear Dock Medics Radish Swinecress
Chickweed Fat-Hen Mustards Red Flowered Mallow Toad Rush
Clovers Fleabane Narrow-Leafed Plantain Scarlet Pimpernel Variegated Thistle
Cotula Fumitory Pearlwort Slender Thistle Wild Turnip
Creeping Oxalis Hogweed Pennywort Soldier Thistle Wireweed

What weeds does Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide control in crops and pastures;

Artichoke Crofton Weed Hoary Cress seedlings Ripplewort Tares
Bathurst Burr Cudweed Hogweed Saffron Thistle Thistle seedlings
Bindweed Dandelion Horehound Scotch Thistle Threecornered Jack
Black Bindweed Deadnettle Inkweed Shepherd’s Purse Tree Hogweed
Buttercups Docks Khaki Weed Slender Thistle Turnip Weed (Rapistrum rugosum)
Caltrop (Yellow Vine) Docks (seedling) Mintweed Smart Weed Variegated Thistle
Capeweed Doublegee Mouse-eared Chickweed Soft Rush Veined Verbena
Charlock Fat-Hen Mustards Soldier Thistle Vetch
Chickweed Fennel Narrow-leaved Plaintain Sorrel Seedlings Volunteer Peas
Chicory Fleabanes Nettles Spear Thistle Ward’s Weed
Climbing Buckwheat Fumitory New Zealand Spinach Spiny Emex Wild Radish
Clover Groundsel Noogoora Burr Spurry Wild Turnip (Brassica toumefortii)
Cockspur Thistle Heliotrope Pennycress Star Thistle Wireweed
Common Ice-Plant Hemlock Potato Weed Stinkwort
Cotton Thistle Hexham Scent (Melilotus) Purple-Top Sunflower
Cotton Thistle Hoary Cress (seedling) Ragwort Swinecress

Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide controls weeds without harming crops, pastures and certain grasses. It targets specific biochemical pathways in weeds that are not present in crops. Dicamba and MCPA are selective herbicides effective against a wide range of broadleaf weeds.

  • Dicamba is a synthetic auxin, a plant hormone that regulates growth. Dicamba interferes with auxin production in weeds, causing them to die.

  • MCPA is a synthetic auxin mimic, binding to the same receptors as auxin in weeds. This binding interferes with the normal function of auxin, causing the weeds to die.

The combination of Dicamba and MCPA makes for a very effective herbicide. Dicamba is good at controlling tough weeds, while MCPA controls a wider range of weeds. Together, they provide broad-spectrum weed control without harming certain crops, pastures and turfgrass.

Pack Sizes: 5L & 20L

Registrant: Ozcrop Pty Ltd (APVMA # 86775)

Broadleaf Selective Turf Herbicide Range

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  1. Carol Barnes

    Carol Barnes (verified owner)

    Works great. Very happy with it. Great service.

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  2. Ian Langens

    Ian Langens (verified owner)

    Great product, great price, great service, great company, my first port of call for all my rural supplies.

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  3. kev b

    kev b (verified owner)

    good product used before fast shipping thankyou

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  4. Doug Moyle

    Great company

    Doug Moyle (verified owner)

    Specialist Sales provides great service. Extremely quick delivery and excellent communication. Best prices as well.

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  5. Trevor

    Great Service

    Trevor (verified owner)

    Good product and the service was amazing. No sooner was it posted and it was on our doorstep in a different state. I will be ordering from this company again.

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  6. Graeme Beckman

    What I wanted

    Graeme Beckman (verified owner)

    Best price around, speedy delivery

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredients Dicamba & MCPA.
  • Selectively controls weeds in turf, including Bindi, Clovers, Capeweed, Dock, Oxalis and thistles.  (Not suitable for buffalo turf).
  • 5L treats 7,500m² of turf .
  • Glyphosate Free (Active Ingredient – 340g/L MCPA, 80g/L Dicamba).
  • Effective against a wide range of weeds.
  • Relatively safe for crops & pastures.
  • Dicamba is good at controlling tough weeds, while MCPA is good at controlling a wider range of weeds.

Directions Of Use

Click here for Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide Directions for Use.

Turf/lawn Situations

  • Small Turf areas, Golf Tee’s & Greens: 100mL / 15L water sprayed evenly over 150 square metres
  • Bowling Greens: 900mL / 200L water sprayed evenly over 1,400 square metres
  • Large Turf areas – Fields, Parks & Golf Fairways: 6.5L / 250-400L water per hectare (10,000 square metres)

Grass Pasture:

Grass Pasture Situations (All States) – General

  • Per Hectare: 2.8-4.7L
  • Per 100L: 190mL-470mL
  • Per 15L Knapsack: 60mL – 100mL


Cropping Situations – General

  • 1L – 1.7L per Hectare

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    I’m trying to control an outbreak of Birdsfoot Trefoil in mowed pasture grasses on a small acreage. Many native plants of the Leptospermum species surround the outbreak area, which I want to keep. Is Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide suitable, and is it the same as Kamba M?

  1. Q I’m trying to control an outbreak of Birdsfoot Trefoil in mowed pasture grasses on a small acreag...... Read more
    Asked by Mike on February 17, 2025 8:46 am
    Answered by the admin

    To the best of our knowledge, no selective herbicides are registered in Australia for the control of Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus).  Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide is registered for selective broadleaf weed control, which is safe for turf and lawns. You may want to trial an 'off-label' application at your own risk. However, you must avoid drift when applying on or near desirable trees or plants or where the chemical may be washed or moved into contact with their roots.

    Ozcrop Dicamba M and Kamba M contain the same active ingredients, 340 g/L MCPA  & 80 g/L Dicamba, and are both for selective broadleaf weed control in turf and lawns & for the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures, and non-crop areas.

  2. Why is this $100 cheaper than the NuFarm brand? Is it less effective or more hazardous etc?.

  3. Q Why is this $100 cheaper than the NuFarm brand? Is it less effective or more hazardous etc?.
    Asked by Nic on November 30, 2024 5:57 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide and Nufarm Kamba M Herbicide are similar or comparable products to the original Banvel M Herbicide. They contain the same active ingredients and are registered to do the same purpose. There is no difference in efficacy or the scheduled poison rating. The only difference between the two products is the manufacturer and the price point that they have decided to sell them for.

  4. Could I use Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide on Barley undersown with snail medic and Biserrula cv Casbah?

  5. Q Could I use Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide on Barley undersown with snail medic and Biserrula cv Casbah?... Read more
    Asked by Wendy on August 24, 2024 9:31 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide is not registered or recommended for use in Barley, which is undersown with medic and other legumes as Dicamba M targets these legumes. For this situation, we would recommend products such as 2,4-DB.

  6. Could I use Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide on turf Zoysia

  7. Q Could I use Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide on turf Zoysia
    Asked by Jason on May 9, 2024 8:42 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Ozcrop Dicamba M Herbicide does not list Zoysia as a turf species suitable for use. However, it is more likely that trial data was never collected before registration for this variety. Other selective herbicides, such as Bow & Arrow, Monument Liquid Turf Herbicide, and Casper Herbicide, are registered for use on Zoysia.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Turf Bindy-eye, Capeweed, Cat's Ears Or Flatweeds, Chickweed, Clover, Cotulas, Creeping Oxalis, Cudweed, Dandelion - Hypochaeris Glabra, Dock, Fat Hen, Fleabane, Fumitory, Jo-jo, Medic, Mustard, Narrow Leaf Plantain, Pearlwort, Pennywort, Peppercress, Purple Top, Radish, Redflower Mallow, Ribwort, Ribgrass Or Lamb's Tongue, Scarlet Or Red Pimpernel, Slender, Shore Or Sheep Thistle, Soldier Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Stagger Weed, Swinecress, Toad Rush, Variegated Thistle, Wild Turnip, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Barley - See Label, Commercial Rye - See Label, Oats - See Label, Triticale - See Label & Wheat - See Label Capeweed, Charlock, Chickweed, Climbing Buckwheat, Clover, Common Iceplant, Common Vetch Or Tares, Cotton Thistle - Seedling, Cotton Thistle To Bud Formation, Dock, Dock - Seedling, Fat Hen, Hoary Cress - Seedling, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mintweed, Mouse-ear Chickweed, Mustard, Narrow Leaf Plantain, New Zealand Spinach, Saffron Thistle, Soldier Thistle, Sorrel - Seedling, Spurry, Sunflower, Swinecress, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Vetches, Volunteer Pea, Ward's Weed, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Grass Pasture Bathurst Burr, Buttercup, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Chicory, Cockspur Thistle Or Maltese Cockspur, Cotton Thistle, Crofton Weed, Cudweed, Dandelion - Hypochaeris Glabra, Deadnettle, Fleabane, Fumitory, Groundsel, Heliotrope - Heliotropium Spp., Hoary Cress - Seedling, Horehound, Inkweed, Khaki Weed, Mintweed, Nettle, Noogoora Burr, Penny Cress, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Purple Top, Ragwort, Ripplewort, Scotch Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Slender, Shore Or Sheep Thistle, Smartweed, Soft Rush, Spear Or Black Thistle, Star Thistle, Stinkwort, Variegated Thistle, Veined Verbena, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Non-crop Area - General Artichoke, Bindweed, Fennel, Hemlock, Thistle - Seedling

Tips For Use

When Spraying Dicamba M In Turf:

For best results: 

  • Do not mow turf for at least 2 days before or after application.
  • Do not spray when rain seems likely to occur within 4 hours.
  • Do not spray when weeds are wet with dew or rain.
  • Do not spray if soil fertility is low or if the soil is water-logged.
  • Do not spray weeds under stress (heat or waterlogging, etc).
  • Only spray actively growing weeds.
  • Ensure thorough wetting of all weed foliage.
  • Do not fertilise turf for 2 weeks after spraying.

Mixing Directions: 

  • Add the required amount of the product directly to the tank and mix well. 


  • For Boom Application: Apply with a properly calibrated boom spray using not less than 50 litres of water per hectare unless indicated otherwise in the Critical Comments column found in the directions for use. 
  • For Aerial Application: Apply at least 25 litres of total spray volume per hectare. The aircraft should fly as low as practical under the prevailing conditions to minimise drift. 
  • For High Volume Application: Apply a minimum of 1500 Litres per hectare.
  • Knapsack Application: A 15 Litre Knapsack treats 150 square metres.

Spray when the weeds are young and actively growing. A temporary wilting may be evident in crops after application. If seasonal conditions are unusually late or dry, seek further advice, as damage results from spraying under these conditions. Growers should seek advice before spraying recently released cereal varieties. There is a nil tolerance of pea seed contaminates in  Cereal grain, and less than 100% control of Volunteer Peas could result in dockage.


  • Do not spray when rain seems likely to occur within 4 hours.
  • Do not spray when weeds are wet with dew or rain or under stress from drought, low soil fertility, extreme cold or water logging.
  • Do not spray outside recommended crop growth, as crop damage may result.
  • Do not apply to crops or grass pastures with clover, lucerne or medics.
  • Do not apply to legume pastures.
  • Do not apply to plants suffering from stress.

Protection of crops, native and other non-target plants;

  • Do not apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures.
  • Spray equipment must be calibrated accurately before working on crops.
  • Keep the container sealed (airtight) when not in use.
  • Avoid spray drift and vapour movement onto susceptible crops such as cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, vines, lupins, fruit trees and ornamentals.
  • Minimise spray drift by using low pressure and nozzles, which do not have a fine droplet size.
  • Do not apply this product on or near desirable trees or plants or in locations where the chemical may be washed or moved into contact with their roots.
  • Do not use it in high wind.
  • All spray equipment must be thoroughly washed out after use and must not be used for spraying horticultural crops.
  • Do not use at a higher rate than recommended.

Protection of livestock, wildlife, fish, crustaceans and environment;

  • Do not use the container for any other purpose.
  • Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area away from children, animals, food, feedstuffs, herbicides, seed and fertilisers.
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • Harmful if absorbed by skin contact or inhaled or swallowed.
  • It will irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Do not inhale vapour.
  • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders.
  • When opening the container and preparing the spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and face shield or goggles.
  • When using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, a washable hat and elbow-length PVC gloves.
  • If the product is in the eyes, wash it out immediately with water.
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water after each day’s use, wash gloves, face shields or goggles and contaminated clothing.

Safe Work Australia:

  • Causes serious eye damage.
  • Suspected of causing cancer.
  • Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness and cracking.
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.
  • If on skin: Wash with plenty of soap and water.
  • If Swallowed: Call a Poison Center or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
  • Rinse mount.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre (Phone Australia 13 11 26).
  • Additional information is listed in the Safety Datasheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Do not graze or cut for stock food for 7 days after application.
  • Harvest withholding period – Not required when used as directed

SDS & Technical

Ozcrop Dicamba M SL Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Ozcrop Dicamba M SL Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Ozcrop Dicamba M SL Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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