Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide

Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide is for the control of weeds in turf, wheat, oats, barley, cereal rye and triticale (alone or undersown), grain sorghum, linseed, clover and lucerne pastures, fallow, non-crop, roadsides and rights-of-way.

Active Ingredient: Bromoxynil @ 200g/L

Similar or comparable to Bromoxynil 200 Selective Herbicide (Apparent) & Bronco 200 Herbicide (ADAMA)

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Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide BROMICIDE-200 Nufarm


Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide

Active Ingredient: Bromoxynil @ 200g/L

Similar or comparable to Bromoxynil 200 Selective Herbicide (Apparent) & Bronco 200 Herbicide (ADAMA)

Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide is for the control of weeds in turf, wheat, oats, barley, cereal rye and triticale (alone or undersown), grain sorghum, linseed, clover and lucerne pastures, fallow, non-crop, roadsides and rights-of-way.

What Turf situations can Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide be used in;

  • Established Couch (including Queensland blue)
  • Buffalo
  • Bent
  • Paspalum
  • Kikuyu
  • Fescue, and Rye lawns

What weeds does Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide control in Turf;

  • Bindy-eye (Calotis hispidula)
  • Jo-jo (Onehunga) (Soliva pterosperma)
  • Cudweed (Gnaphalium spp.)

What weeds does Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide target in fallow, crops and pasture;

African daisy (Senecio pterophorus) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Fierce thornapple (Datura ferox) Paterson’s curse (Salvation Jane) (Echium plantagineum) Three cornered Jack (Doublegee, Spiny emex) (Emex australis)
Amsinckia (Amsinckia spp.) Chamomile (Matricaria matricarioides) Fireweed (Senecio spp.) Pheasant’s eye (Adonis microcarpa) Three-horned bedstraw (Gallium tricornutum)
Amsinckia per 15L (Amsinckia spp.) Charlock (Sinapsis avensis) Fleabane (Conyza spp.) Pimpernel (Anagallis arvesnsis) Tree hogweed (Polygonum patulum)
Annual ground cherry (Physalis angulata) Cleavers Fumitory (Fumaria spp.) Purple calandrinia (Calandrinia menziesii) Turnip weed (Giant mustard) (Rapistrum rugosum)
Anoda weed (Anoda cristata) Common peppercress (Lepidium africanum) Hexham scent (King Island Melilot) (Melilotus indicus) Rough poppy (Papaver hybridum) Variegated thistle (Silybum marianum)
Bellvine (l. plebeia) Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Horned poppy (Glaucium flavum) Saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus) Volunteer conventional cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)
Bifora (Bifora testiculata) Corn gromwell (Ironweed, Sheepweed) (Buglossoides arvensis) Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium orientale) Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Volunteer Roundup Ready cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)
Bindweed/buckwheat (Fallopia convolvulus) Corn gromwell (Ironweed, Sheepweed) (Buglossoides arvensis) Lesser swinecress (Coronopus didymus) Slender thistle (Carduus tenuiflorus) Wild mustard (Sisymbrium spp.)
Birds eye (Carrot Weed) (Cotula australis) Cowvine or Peachvine (Ipomoea lonchophylla) Mexican poppy (Argemone ochroleuca) Sow thistle/milk thistle (Sonchus oleracheus) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)
Black bindweed (Climbing buckwheat) (Fallopia convolvulus) Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicale) Mintweed (Salvia reflexa) Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) Wild turnip (Brassica tournefortii)
Bladder Ketmia (Hibiscus trionum) Fat hen (Chenopodium album) Morning glory (l. Purpurea) Subterranean Clover (Trifolium subterraneum) Wireweed (Polygonum aviculare)
Boneseed/Bitou-bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) Field madder (Sherardia arvensis) Mountain sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) Tares (Vicia sativa)

Bromoxynil is a member of the nitriles group of herbicides (Group C) and acts on susceptible plants by inhibiting photosynthesis. Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide is essentially a contact herbicide and although it is absorbed through leaves, it has limited translocation and mobility due to its rapid speed of action. Plant symptoms show rapid chlorosis followed by desiccation or leaf burn within 2 to 3 days of treatment.

Pack Size: 20-Litre

Registrant: Nufarm Australia Limited (APVMA #: 31614)

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Bromoxynil.
  • Compatible with a large range of broadleaf herbicides.
  • Group C Herbicides for use in tank mixes for herbicide resistance management strategies.
  • Soft on crops.
  • Wide application window.
  • Fast activity on susceptible weeds.
  • Broad-spectrum weed control when tank-mixed with Weedmaster Glyphosate which is particularly effective on large grasses
  •  Flexibility with the application by ground or air.

Directions Of Use

General Rates: 

Turf: Established Couch (including Queensland blue), Buffalo, Bent, Paspalum, Kikuyu, Fescue, and Rye lawns

  • Boom Sprayer: 6L/Ha
  • High Volume: 300mL per 100L
  • Knapsack: 60mL/15L per 100m2

What, Barley & Durum: 0.9-1.2L/Ha

Wheat, Barley, Cereal Rye, Oats and Triticale: including those undersown with Clover, Lucerne or Medics Clover Seed Crops: 1.4L/Ha

Wheat, Barley, Cereal Rye, Oats and Triticale: including those undersown with Clover, Lucerne or Medic Linseed Lotus seed or forage crops (Qld only): 1.4L – 2.8L/Ha

Grain Sorghum: 1.5L-2L/Ha

Pastures – Grass, Lucerne and Clover based:

  • Boom Sprayer: 750mL – 1.5L/Ha
  • High Volume: 75mL per 100L
  • Knapsack: 15mL/15L per 100m2

Fallow, Non-Crop, Roadsides and Rights of Way:

  • Boom Sprayer: 1.5L – 6L/Ha
  • High Volume: 75mL – 300mL per 100L
  • Knapsack: 15mL-60mL/15L per 100m2

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective

Questions and answers from customers

    How long after spraying Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide can cattle graze the pasture?

  1. Q How long after spraying Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide can cattle graze the pasture?
    Asked by Penny Cameron on August 26, 2024 7:16 pm
    Answered by the admin

    If you plan to sell cattle to be slaughtered soon, the WHP for Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide states, 'not graze treated crops or pasture or cut for stock food for eight (8) weeks after application.' If the cattle are not being sold for slaughter or used for human consumption, the best practice is to wait for the treated area to dry completely, usually a 24-48-hour period. Please read the product label thoroughly to understand your obligations regarding using this herbicide before application.

  2. Will Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide kill my rye, oats or clover?

  3. Q Will Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide kill my rye, oats or clover?
    Asked by Robyn on July 31, 2023 5:58 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide is registered for the control of weeds in turf, wheat, oats, barley, cereal rye and triticale (alone or undersown), grain sorghum, linseed, clover and lucerne pastures, fallow, non-crop, roadsides and rights-of-way, i.e. when used as directed should not damage previously mentioned crops. Always read the 'directions for use' carefully to ensure suitability to your situation and 'critical comments'.   The 'directions for use' are on the Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide product screen. Scroll down to the heading 'SDS & Technical'; a PDF file will be available to download or print.

  4. Is Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide safe to use around horses?

  5. Q Is Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide safe to use around horses?
    Asked by Laraine on May 13, 2023 6:28 am
    Answered by the admin

    Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide is not restrained or precautioned for use around areas where horses are grazing. While it is generally considered safe when used according to the label instructions, it is important to take precautions when using any herbicide around horses or other animals. The best practice is to minimize direct contact between horses and the herbicide. Keep horses out of treated areas during and immediately after application until the area sprayed has dried.

  6. Will Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide kill fireweed?

  7. Q Will Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide kill fireweed?
    Asked by kelvin on September 3, 2022 6:01 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide is registered to be applied to Fireweed during the Autumn-Winter period when weeds are young and actively growing. However, it is not effective on mature plants.  For mature Fireweed control, Grazon Extra and Shotup Herbicide are recommended to be applied as a thorough foliage spray.  Fireweed, once established, is extremely challenging to eradicate, which is why ongoing follow-up treatments may be required.  

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Barley Amsinckia, Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Charlock, Cleavers, Common Peppercress, Corn Gromwell, Ironweed Or Sheepweed, Deadnettle, Fat Hen, Field Madder, Fireweed, Fumitory, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Horned Poppy, Indian Hedge Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mintweed, Mountain Sorrel, Mountain Sorrel/Purple Calandrinia, Paterson's Curse, Pheasant's-Eye Or Adonis, Rough Poppy, Saffron Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Slender, Shore Or Sheep Thistle, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Three-Horned Bedstraw, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Oats - Suppression, Wild Or Mediterranean Turnip, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Barley, Oats, Triticale & Wheat - Undersown With Clover, Lucerne Sow Or Milk Thistle
Barley - Undersown(Clover, Lucerne, Medic), Cereal Rye, Cereal Rye U'sown (Lucerne, Clover, Medic), Oats - Undersown (Lucerne, Clover, Medic), Triticale-Undersown Lucerne/Clover/Medic & Wheat - Undersown (Lucerne, Clover, Medic) Amsinckia, Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Charlock, Common Peppercress, Corn Gromwell, Ironweed Or Sheepweed, Fat Hen, Field Madder, Fireweed, Fumitory, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Horned Poppy, Indian Hedge Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mintweed, Mountain Sorrel, Mountain Sorrel/Purple Calandrinia, Paterson's Curse, Pheasant's-Eye Or Adonis, Rough Poppy, Saffron Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Slender, Shore Or Sheep Thistle, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Three-Horned Bedstraw, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Or Mediterranean Turnip, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Bent Lawn Or Turf, Buffalo Grass Lawn Or Turf, Common Couch Lawn Or Turf, Fescue Lawn Or Turf, Kikuyu Grass Lawn Or Turf, Paspalum Lawn Or Turf, Queensland Blue Couch & Ryegrass Lawn Or Turf Bindy-Eye, Cudweed, Jo-Jo
Clover Pasture Amsinckia, Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Common Peppercress, Corn Gromwell, Ironweed Or Sheepweed, Fat Hen, Field Madder, Fireweed, Fumitory, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mountain Sorrel/Purple Calandrinia, Paterson's Curse, Pheasant's-Eye Or Adonis, Saffron Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Or Mediterranean Turnip, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Clover Seed Crop Amsinckia, Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Charlock, Common Peppercress, Corn Gromwell, Ironweed Or Sheepweed, Fat Hen, Field Madder, Horned Poppy, Indian Hedge Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mintweed, Mountain Sorrel, Mountain Sorrel/Purple Calandrinia, Paterson's Curse, Rough Poppy, Saffron Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Slender, Shore Or Sheep Thistle, Three-Horned Bedstraw, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed
Durum - See Label Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Charlock, Common Vetch Or Tares, Deadnettle, Fleabane, Fumitory, Pimpernels, Scrub Nettle, Shepherd's Purse, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Subterranean Clover, Turnip Weed, Wild Oats - Suppression, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Fallow & Non-Crop Climbing Buckwheat, Cowvine, Peach Vine, Volunteer Cotton - Conventional, Volunteer Cotton - Roundup Ready
Linseed Oil Crop & Lotus Seed Crop Amsinckia, Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Common Peppercress, Corn Gromwell, Ironweed Or Sheepweed, Fat Hen, Field Madder, Fireweed, Fumitory, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mountain Sorrel, Mountain Sorrel/Purple Calandrinia, Paterson's Curse, Pheasant's-Eye Or Adonis, Saffron Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Three-Horned Bedstraw, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Or Mediterranean Turnip, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Lotus Forage Crop Amsinckia, Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Common Peppercress, Corn Gromwell, Ironweed Or Sheepweed, Fat Hen, Field Madder, Fireweed, Fumitory, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mountain Sorrel, Mountain Sorrel/Purple Calandrinia, Paterson's Curse, Saffron Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Three-Horned Bedstraw, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Or Mediterranean Turnip, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Lucerne Pasture - Refer To Label Amsinckia, Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Common Peppercress, Corn Gromwell, Ironweed Or Sheepweed, Fat Hen, Field Madder, Fireweed, Fumitory, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mountain Sorrel, Mountain Sorrel/Purple Calandrinia, Paterson's Curse, Pheasant's-Eye Or Adonis, Saffron Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Three-Horned Bedstraw, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Or Mediterranean Turnip, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Oats & Triticale Amsinckia, Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Charlock, Cleavers, Common Peppercress, Corn Gromwell, Ironweed Or Sheepweed, Fat Hen, Field Madder, Fireweed, Fumitory, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Horned Poppy, Indian Hedge Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mintweed, Mountain Sorrel, Mountain Sorrel/Purple Calandrinia, Paterson's Curse, Pheasant's-Eye Or Adonis, Rough Poppy, Saffron Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Slender, Shore Or Sheep Thistle, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Three-Horned Bedstraw, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Or Mediterranean Turnip, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Pasture African Daisy, Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Fireweed, Pheasant's-Eye Or Adonis, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed
Right-Of-Way - General & Roadside Weed Control African Daisy, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed
Sorghum Grain Anoda Weed, Bellvine, Bladder Ketmia, Common Morning Glory, Cowvine, Dwarf Amaranth Or Boggabri Weed, Fierce Thornapple, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Noogoora Burr, Sow Or Milk Thistle
Wheat Amsinckia,Yellow Burrweed Or Burr Grass, Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Chamomile Or Matricaria, Charlock, Cleavers, Common Peppercress, Common Vetch Or Tares, Corn Gromwell, Ironweed Or Sheepweed, Deadnettle, Fat Hen, Field Madder, Fireweed, Fleabane, Fumitory, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Horned Poppy, Indian Hedge Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Mexican Or Prickly Poppy, Mintweed, Mountain Sorrel, Mountain Sorrel/Purple Calandrinia, Paterson's Curse, Pheasant's-Eye Or Adonis, Pimpernels, Rough Poppy, Saffron Thistle, Scrub Nettle, Shepherd's Purse, Slender, Shore Or Sheep Thistle, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Subterranean Clover, Three-Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Three-Horned Bedstraw, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Oats - Suppression, Wild Or Mediterranean Turnip, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed

Tips For Use


  • Do not apply by mister machines.
  • Do not apply if crops or weeds are stressed due to excessively dry or moist conditions.
  • Do not apply to diseased or frost-affected crops or turf or if frosts are imminent.
  • Do not apply when rain is expected within 3 hours.
  • Do not apply to lucerne crops or clover-based pastures or turf in temperatures above 20 ÌŠC or when temperatures above 20 ÌŠC may follow for some days after application.
  • Do not apply when wind speed is less than 3 or more than 20km per hour at the application site.
  • Do not apply during surface temperature inversion conditions at the application site.
  • Do not apply with smaller than coarse spray quality according to ASAE S572 definition for standard nozzles.

Mixing Information:

  • To ensure even mixing, half fill the spray tank with clean water and add the required amount of this product.
  • Agitate thoroughly, then add the remainder of the water.
  • Agitate again before spraying commences.

Boom Sprayer Application:

  • Use only low boom equipment set up to provide good coverage of weeds within the crop canopy.
  • Use only coarse spray quality according to ASAE S572 definition for standard nozzles.
  • Apply 50-200L (WA: 50-100L) of water per hectare.
  • Calibrate the machine before use to ensure that the correct application rate is obtained.
  • Check the height of the boom above the crop to ensure that the spray is evenly distributed.
  • A minimum of 160L and preferably 200L of water per hectare is recommended where the weed infestation is heavy or the crop cover is dense.

High Volume (Hand Gun) And Knapsack Application:

  • The plants, including the stems, must be thoroughly wet to the point of run-off.
  • Apply when the plants are actively growing.
  • Follow-up treatment may be necessary.
  • Ensure an overall spray coverage on weed seedlings.

Aerial Application:

  • Apply a minimum of 22L of water per hectare.
  • Markers should always move upwind before aircraft passes overhead.
  • Application by micronaire equipment may give variable results.

Re-Entry Period:

  • Do not allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried, unless wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical-resistant gloves.
  • Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use.

Protection Of Crops, Native And Other Non-Target Plants:

  • Drift Warning: Do not apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures.
  • Note: Maximum daily temperatures at or above 20°C at application, or on days following treatment may result in seedling mortality and established plants may be damaged.

Protection Of Livestock:

  • Low hazard to bees.
  • May be applied at any time as recommended in the Directions for Use.

Protection Of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans And Environment:

  • Dangerous to fish.
  • Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with chemical or used containers.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool well-ventilated area out of direct
  • Protect from frost.

Safety Directions:

  • The product is poisonous if inhaled or swallowed.
  • May irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • Do not inhale spray mist.
  • When preparing spray wear elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield.
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves and face shield.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

​This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details WHP:

  • Do not graze treated crops or pasture or cut for stock food for 8 weeks after application. 
  • Crop Harvest: Not required when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide Label APVMA Download Pdf
Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide SDS Download Pdf
Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide Volunteer Cotton Control TechSheet Download Pdf
Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide Sorghum TechSheet Download Pdf
Bromicide 200 Selective Herbicide Hemp Permit PER86924 Download Pdf

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