Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide
Active Ingredient: Fluroxypyr @ 400g/L
Similar or comparable to Neon 400 Herbicide (Conquest), Comet 400 Herbicide (Nufarm), Flagship 400EC Herbicide (ADAMA) & Fireball 400 Herbicide (Apparent)
Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds in fallow, lucerne, maize, millets, pastures, sorghum, sugar cane, sweet corn, and winter cereals. It is also for controlling woody weeds in agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, pastures and rights-of-way.
Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide contains the active ingredient Fluroxypyr, a Group I herbicide that has activity on a wide range of broadleaf weeds. Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide is a non-scheduled poison that’s selective to pasture grasses, rainfast within one hour and has a short plant back period to major crops.
What weeds does Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide target;
Acacia Aulacocarpa (Wattle) | Blue Billygoat Weed | Euphorbia Davidii | Noogoora Burr | St John’s Wort |
Acacia Decora (Wattle) | Blue Heliotrope | Flannel Weed (Sida Cordifolia) | Peach Vine (Ipomoea Ionchophylla) | Star-Of-Bethlehem |
Acacia Harpophylla (Wattle) | Boggabri Weed | Fumitory | Perennial Ground Cherry (Physalis Virginiana) | Starburr (Acanthospermum Hispidum) |
Acacia Leiocalyx (Wattle) | Bokhara Clover | Giant Sensitive Plant | Phasey Bean | Stinking Passion Flower |
Acacia. Salicina (Wattle) | Broadleaf Pepper Tree (Schinus Terebinthifolius) | Green Amaranth | Pigweed (Portulaca Oleracea) | Thornapples (Datura Spp.) |
Amaranthus Spp. | Caltrop | Hairy Wandering Jew (Commelina Benghalensis) | Pinkburr | Three Cornered Jack |
Annual Ground Cherry | Celtis (Celtis Sinensis) | Hexham Scent | Prickly Acacia | Tree Violet (Hymenanthera Dentata) |
Anoda Weed | Chinese Apple | Honey Locust | Prickly African Cucumber | Turnip Weed |
Apple-Of-Peru | Cleavers (Galium Aparine) | Lantana | Prickly Lettuce | Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Albiflora) |
Balsum Pear | Cobblers Pegs | Limebush | Red Or Pink Convolvulus | Wattles |
Bathurst Burr | Cockspur Thorn | Madeira Vine | Redshank | Wild Gooseberry (Physalis Spp.) |
Bedstraw (Galium Tricornutum) | Common Sensitive Plant, | Marshmallow (Malva Parviflora) | Sesbania Pea | Wild Radish |
Bellvine | Common Sowthistle (Sonchus Oleraceus) | Milkweed (Euphorbia Heterophylla) | Shepherd’s Purse | Wild Turnip |
Bellyache Bush | Common Thornapple (Datura Stramonium) | Mimosa Bush (Acacia Farnesiana) | Sida Spp. | Wireweed |
Bittercress (Coronopus Didymus) | Creeping Lantana | Mimosa Pigra | Silverleaf Nightshade | Yellow flower Devil’s Claw |
Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat) | Crofton Weed | Mintweed | Sisal Hemp (Agave Spp.) | Yellow Vine (Tribulus Terrestris) |
Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat) | Deadnettle | Mistflower | Small Flowered Mallow | |
Black Pigweed (Trianthema Portulacastrum) | Docks (Rumex Spp.) | Morning Glory | Snakeweed (Dark And Light Blue) | |
Blackberry Nightshade | Doublegee | Mother-Of-Millions (Kalanchoe Spp.) | Spiny Emex | |
Bladder Ketmia | Dwarf Amaranth | Mustards | Spinyhead Sida |
Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide is a member of the pyridine group of herbicides. The product has a disrupter of plant cell growth mode of action.
Pack Size: 20-Litre, 110-Litre & 1000-Litre
Registrant: Sabakem Pty Ltd (APVMA #88050)
Linda Walker (verified owner)
We have been spraying st johns wart and this product is fantastic. Easy to use and a great result
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