Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide

Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds in fallow, lucerne, maize, millets, pastures, sorghum, sugar cane, sweet corn, and winter cereals.

It is also for controlling woody weeds in agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, pastures and rights-of-way.

Active Ingredient: Fluroxypyr @ 400g/L

Similar or comparable to Neon 400 Herbicide (Conquest), Comet 400 Herbicide (Nufarm), Flagship 400EC Herbicide (ADAMA) & Fireball 400 Herbicide (Apparent)

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5 out of 5 (1 customers reviews)


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Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide SABAKEM-FLUROXYPYR Sabakem


Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide

Active Ingredient: Fluroxypyr @ 400g/L

Similar or comparable to Neon 400 Herbicide (Conquest), Comet 400 Herbicide (Nufarm), Flagship 400EC Herbicide (ADAMA) & Fireball 400 Herbicide (Apparent)

Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds in fallow, lucerne, maize, millets, pastures, sorghum, sugar cane, sweet corn, and winter cereals. It is also for controlling woody weeds in agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, pastures and rights-of-way.

Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide contains the active ingredient Fluroxypyr, a Group I herbicide that has activity on a wide range of broadleaf weeds. Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide is a non-scheduled poison that’s selective to pasture grasses, rainfast within one hour and has a short plant back period to major crops.

What weeds does Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide target;

Acacia Aulacocarpa (Wattle) Blue Billygoat Weed Euphorbia Davidii Noogoora Burr St John’s Wort
Acacia Decora (Wattle) Blue Heliotrope Flannel Weed (Sida Cordifolia) Peach Vine (Ipomoea Ionchophylla) Star-Of-Bethlehem
Acacia Harpophylla (Wattle) Boggabri Weed Fumitory Perennial Ground Cherry (Physalis Virginiana) Starburr (Acanthospermum Hispidum)
Acacia Leiocalyx (Wattle) Bokhara Clover Giant Sensitive Plant Phasey Bean Stinking Passion Flower
Acacia. Salicina (Wattle) Broadleaf Pepper Tree (Schinus Terebinthifolius) Green Amaranth Pigweed (Portulaca Oleracea) Thornapples (Datura Spp.)
Amaranthus Spp. Caltrop Hairy Wandering Jew (Commelina Benghalensis) Pinkburr Three Cornered Jack
Annual Ground Cherry Celtis (Celtis Sinensis) Hexham Scent Prickly Acacia Tree Violet (Hymenanthera Dentata)
Anoda Weed Chinese Apple Honey Locust Prickly African Cucumber Turnip Weed
Apple-Of-Peru Cleavers (Galium Aparine) Lantana Prickly Lettuce Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Albiflora)
Balsum Pear Cobblers Pegs Limebush Red Or Pink Convolvulus Wattles
Bathurst Burr Cockspur Thorn Madeira Vine Redshank Wild Gooseberry (Physalis Spp.)
Bedstraw (Galium Tricornutum) Common Sensitive Plant, Marshmallow (Malva Parviflora) Sesbania Pea Wild Radish
Bellvine Common Sowthistle (Sonchus Oleraceus) Milkweed (Euphorbia Heterophylla) Shepherd’s Purse Wild Turnip
Bellyache Bush Common Thornapple (Datura Stramonium) Mimosa Bush (Acacia Farnesiana) Sida Spp. Wireweed
Bittercress (Coronopus Didymus) Creeping Lantana Mimosa Pigra Silverleaf Nightshade Yellow flower Devil’s Claw
Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat) Crofton Weed Mintweed Sisal Hemp (Agave Spp.) Yellow Vine (Tribulus Terrestris)
Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat) Deadnettle Mistflower Small Flowered Mallow
Black Pigweed (Trianthema Portulacastrum) Docks (Rumex Spp.) Morning Glory Snakeweed (Dark And Light Blue)
Blackberry Nightshade Doublegee Mother-Of-Millions (Kalanchoe Spp.) Spiny Emex
Bladder Ketmia Dwarf Amaranth Mustards Spinyhead Sida

Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide is a member of the pyridine group of herbicides. The product has a disrupter of plant cell growth mode of action.

Pack Size: 20-Litre, 110-Litre & 1000-Litre

Registrant: Sabakem Pty Ltd (APVMA #88050)

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  1. Linda Walker

    Linda Walker (verified owner)

    We have been spraying st johns wart and this product is fantastic. Easy to use and a great result

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Fluroxypyr.
  • It is a foliar spray option for many perennial woody and noxious herbaceous weeds.
  • Controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds in fallow and various cropping situations.
  • It may also be used as a basal bark or cut stump treatment when mixed with diesel.
  • A very short residual life in the soil allows the planting of sensitive crops and shrubs soon after application.
  • Controls the target weeds without harming grass pastures.
  • Various application methods include High Volume Spraying, Boom, Aerial, Low Volume High Concentrate, Gas Powered (Splatter) Gun, Basal Bark and Cut Stump methods.

Directions Of Use

General Rates:
Woody Weeds in Agricultural Non-Crop Areas and Rights-of-Way, Commercial and Industrial Areas, Forests and Pastures.

  • High-Volume Application:
    • Rate: 38mL – 750mL per 100L Water
  • Basal Bark and Cut Stump Application:
    • Rate: 750mL – 2.5L per 100L Water or 5mL Undiluted per plant
  • Broadcast And Aerial Application:
    • Rate: 1.5L per Ha
  • Low Volume, High Concentrate Application (ie Gas Powered Splatter Gun):
    • Rate: 500mL per 10L Water

Established Grass Pastures:

  • Rate: 375mL to 1.5L per Ha

Sorghum, Maize, Millets and Sweet corn (NSW & Qld only):

  • Rate: 250mL – 750mL per Ha

Winter Cereals (Wheat, Barley, Oats and Triticale):

  • Rate: 250mL – 750mL per Ha

Summer Fallow:

  • Rate: 250mL – 750mL per Ha

Winter Fallow:

  • Rate: 375mL – 750mL per Ha

Sugar Cane:

  • Ground Rate: 650mL per Ha
  • Aerial Rate: 750mL per Ha
  • High Volume: 225mL per 100L Water
  • Knapsack: 35mL per 15L Water

Lucerne (NSW Only):

  • Rate: 250mL per Ha

Poppies (Tas Only):

  • Rate: 500mL – 750mL per Ha

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Established Grass Pastures Blue Billygoat Weed, Common Sensitive Plant, Giant Sensitive Plant, Silverleaf Nightshade, Spinyhead Sida, St John's Wort
Lucerne Bathurst Burr, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Noogoora Burr, Pigweed Spp., Wild Gooseberry - Physalis Spp.
Maize, Millet & Sorghum Anoda Weed, Apple-Of-Peru, Bathurst Burr, Bladder Ketmia, Boggabri Weed, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Common Pigweed, Cowvine, Dwarf Amaranth Or Boggabri Weed, Giant Or Black Pigweed, Green Amaranth, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Hairy Wandering Jew, Noogoora Burr, Redshank, Sesbania Pea - Sesbania Cannabina, Silverleaf Nightshade, Spurge, Starburr, Sunflower, Thornapple, Volunteer Peanut, Wild Gooseberry - Physalis Spp.
Poppy Blackberry Nightshade, Cleavers, Fumitory, Prickly Lettuce, Shepherd's Purse, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Volunteer Potato, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Sugar Cane Balsam Pear, Bellvine, Blackberry Nightshade, Blue Billygoat Weed, Centro, Cowpea, Giant Sensitive Plant, Lablab Bean, Milkweed, Morning Glory - Ipomoea Spp., Noogoora Burr, Phasey Bean, Pink Convolvulus, Pinkburr, Prickly African Cucumber, Red Convolvulus, Spinyhead Sida, Star Of Bethlehem Or Cupid's Flower, Stinking Passion Flower Or Vine
Summer Fallow Bathurst Burr, Bellvine, Bladder Ketmia, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Common Pigweed, Cowvine, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Noogoora Burr, Perennial Ground Cherry, Polymeria, Rhynchosia, Sesbania Pea - Sesbania Cannabina, Silverleaf Nightshade, Thornapple, Volunteer Peanut, Volunteer Sunflower, Wild Gooseberry - Physalis Spp.
Sweet Corn Anoda Weed, Apple-Of-Peru, Bathurst Burr, Blackberry Nightshade, Bladder Ketmia, Boggabri Weed, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Common Pigweed, Cowvine, Dwarf Amaranth Or Boggabri Weed, Giant Or Black Pigweed, Green Amaranth, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Hairy Wandering Jew, Noogoora Burr, Redshank, Sesbania Pea - Sesbania Cannabina, Silverleaf Nightshade, Spurge, Starburr, Sunflower, Thornapple, Volunteer Peanut, Volunteer Potato, Wild Gooseberry - Physalis Spp.
Winter Cereal Bedstraw, Black Bindweed, Cleavers, Common Sowthistle, Deadnettle - Lamium Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Mustard, Prickly Lettuce, Shepherd's Purse, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Turnip Weed, Volunteer Lupin, Volunteer Potato, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Winter Fallow Bedstraw, Black Bindweed, Cleavers, Prickly Lettuce, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Woody Weeds In Agricultural Non-Crop Areas And Rights-Of-Way, Woody Weeds In Commercial And Industrial Areas & Woody Weeds In Forests And Pastures Bathurst Burr, Bellyache Bush, Black Bindweed, Blackberry Nightshade, Blue Heliotrope Or Blue Top, Bokhara Clover, Broadleaf Pepper Tree, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Chinee Apple, Chinese Celtis, Cobbler's Pegs, Cockspur Thorn, Common Sensitive Plant, Crofton Weed, Dock, Flannel Weed - Abutilon Oxycarpum, Honey Locust, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Lantana Spp., Limebush, Madeira Vine, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Milkweed, Mimosa Bush, Mimosa Pigra, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Mother-Of-Millions, Noogoora Burr, Prickly Acacia, Sida, Sisal Hemp, Small-Flowered Mallow, Snakeweed, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Stinking Passion Flower Or Vine, Tree Violet, Wandering Jew, Wattle, Yellow Vine Or Spineless Caltrop, Yellowflower Devil's-Claw

Tips For Use

Fluroxypyr Conversion Chart (333g/L to 400g/L)

333g/L Formulation i.e. Starane Advanced (Corteva) 400g/L Formulation
600mL/Ha 500mL/Ha
900mL/Ha 750mL/Ha

Oils And Surfactants:


  • Use an appropriate crop oil/surfactant adjuvant at the rate of 500 mL/100 L of spray mix.
  • When using less than 100 L/ha spray volume, ensure a minimum of 250 mL/ha of this adjuvant is used, unless 1L/100 L or 1 L/ha is specified.

Surfactants (Wetters)


  • Do not apply to plants that may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought-affected), poor nutrition, presence of disease, or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result.
  • Thorough coverage of both foliage and stems, to the point of runoff, is essential for high-volume applications (see General Instructions; application methods Woody Weed Situations section).
  • Do not spray if rain is likely to occur within one hour.

Protection Of Crops, Native And Other Non-Target Plants

  • Susceptible crops include but are not limited to clovers, cotton, fruit, hops, lupins, ornamentals, peas, pine trees, potatoes, navy beans, safflower, shade trees, soybeans, sunflower, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables and vines.
  • Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 can be damaging to susceptible crops during both growing and dormant periods.
  • Grasses are normally unaffected by Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 and establish quickly after treatment.
  • Transitory damage can occur on some species, particularly those spread by stolons such as cough grass (Cynodon dactylon), Kikuyu grass and carpet grass (Axonopus sp.)
  • Do not allow spray to drift onto susceptible crops, shade trees and Pinus spp.
  • Do not use under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that could cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants.

Protection Of Livestock

  • Do not graze or cut treated crops for stock food except as specified under withholding periods.
  • Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying.
  • Do not allow the stock to re-enter paddocks containing treated poisonous plants until the plants have died down.

Protection Of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans And the Environment

  • Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers.
  • Alongside waterways, treat only noxious weeds and poisonous plants.


  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store in a closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. When opening the container, preparing the spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield or goggles.
  • Wash hands after use. After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shields or goggles and contaminated clothing.

First Aid Instructions:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre.
  • Phone Australia 13 11 26.
  • If swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
  • If in eyes, wash out immediately with water.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP)

  • Grazing: Do not graze failed crops and treated pastures or cut for stock food for seven (7) days after application. 
  • Harvest: Poppies – Do not spray poppies later than ten (10) weeks before harvest. 
  • Other Crops – Not required when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide Label APVMA Download Pdf
Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Sabakem Fluroxypyr 400 Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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