Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide (Picloram & MCPA)

Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide containing 420 g/L MCPA  and 26 g/L picloram is for the control of climbing buckwheat, common sowthistle, skeleton weed, capeweed, doublegee and other broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and linseed crops.

Active Ingredients: Picloram @ 26g/L & MCPA @ 420g/L

Similar or Comparable to Tordon 242 Herbicide & Trooper 242 Herbicide (Nufarm)

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Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide (Picloram & MCPA) BUCKWHEAT Conquest Crop Protection


Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide (Picloram & MCPA)

Active Ingredients: Picloram @ 26g/L & MCPA @ 420g/L

Similar or Comparable to Tordon 242 Herbicide (Dow) & Trooper 242 Herbicide (Nufarm)

Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide containing 420 g/L MCPA  and 26 g/L picloram is for the selective control over 15 broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and linseed crops.

What weeds does Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide target;

Climbing Buckwheat (Black Bindweed) Skeleton Weed N.Z. Spinach
Common Sowthistle Turnip Weed Wireweed
Doublegee (Spiny Emex) Variegated Thistle Capeweed
Mustard Wild Radish Docks
Saffron Thistle Wild Turnip Sorrel

Where can Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide be used;

Barley Wheat
Canary Grass Linseed
Oats Linola

Buckwheat Herbicide is a Group I herbicide that affects cell wall plasticity and nucleic acid metabolism, leading to uncontrolled cell division and growth, which causes vascular tissue destruction.  After application, symptoms include stem twisting and/or leaf malformations which can be seen within days of treatment, followed by chlorosis of the growing point. Weed death is slow.

Picloram, one of the active constituents in this product, remains active in the soil for extended periods depending on the rate of application, soil type, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. Susceptible broadleaf crops planted within 12 months of applying the product may be affected.  See the minimum re-cropping periods on the product label.

How can Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide be applied;

  • Ground application (Boom) – Apply Buckwheat Herbicide with an accurately calibrated boom sprayer in at least 50L/ha of water. Flat fan nozzles are recommended using pressures in the range 200-300kPa. Set the boom height to ensure double overlap of the nozzle pattern.
  • Aerial Application – Apply in a minimum volume of 35L/ha of water. Use equipment calibrated to produce droplets with an average diameter (Volume Mean Diameter) of 200-250 microns. Do not apply when the temperature is above 30°C, when there is no wind or when the wind is blowing toward susceptible crops.

Pack Size: 20-Litre

Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide Registrant: Conquest Crop Protection Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 58805)

Farm Herbicide Product Range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredients Picloram & MCPA.
  • Selectively controls over 15 broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and linseed crops.
  • Compatible with a wide range of crop protection chemicals.
  • It can be applied by Boom & Aerial Application.
  • Group I Herbicide.

Directions Of Use

General Application Rates:

  • NSW & Qld only: 670mL – 1L per Hectare
  • WA only: 600mL – 1L per Hectare

Rates are a general guide only.  Before opening, carefully read Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Barley - 3 Leaf To Early Tillering Stage Black Bindweed, Dock, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Mustard, New Zealand Spinach, Saffron Thistle, Skeleton Weed, Sorrel, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Variegated Thistle, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Canary Grass & Wheat - 3 Leaf To Early Tillering Stage Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Dock, Mustard, New Zealand Spinach, Saffron Thistle, Skeleton Weed, Sorrel, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spiny Emex, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Linola & Linseed Crop Black Bindweed, Mustard, New Zealand Spinach, Saffron Thistle, Skeleton Weed, Spiny Emex, Variegated Thistle, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Wireweed Or Knotweed - Seed
Oats - 3 Leaf To Early Tillering Stage & Triticale-3 Leaf To Early Tillering Stage Black Bindweed, Capeweed, Dock, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Mustard, Saffron Thistle, Skeleton Weed, Sorrel, Spiny Emex, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed

Tips For Use


  • Do not apply to crops or weeds which are not actively growing or to plants that may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought-affected) or previous herbicide treatment, such as crop damage or reduced levels of control, may result.
  • Do not use it in high winds.
  • Do not spray if rain is likely to occur within four hours.
  • Do not apply close to or on areas containing roots of desirable vegetation, where the treated soil may be washed into areas growing or to be planted to desirable plants, or on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing, or to be planted to susceptible crops or plants.
  • Do not move soil, which may have been sprayed, to areas where desirable plants are to be grown.

General Instructions:


  • Conquest Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide can be mixed with water only. 
  • Mix only sufficient chemicals for each day’s use and avoid storing mix. 
  • Half fill the spray tank with water, add the required quantity of Conquest Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide, and complete filling. 
  • Agitate continuously to ensure thorough mixing before and during application.

Tank Mixture:

  • Wettable powder or dry flowable formulation (e.g. Water dispersible granules) should be added to the spray tank first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowable), water-soluble salts, and then emulsifiable concentrate formulations (e.g. Fluroxypyr 200). Add spraying oils and surfactants (wetters) last, if required.

Minimum Recropping Periods:

  • Picloram, one of the active constituents in this product, remains active in the soil for extended periods depending on the rate of application, soil type, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter.
  • Do not plant susceptible broadleaf crops within 12 months of applying the product. Cereal crops and grasses can be sown safely after using Conquest Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide for in-crop weed control.


Conquest Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide is compatible with the following: (Read and follow all label directions, restraints, plant-back periods, withholding periods and safety directions on the partner label as well as those on the Conquest Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide label).

Broadleaf Herbicides

  • Eclipse Herbicide
  • Clopyralid Herbicide
  • MCPA amine
  • Metsulfuron-methyl
  • Fluroxypyr 200 Herbicide
  • 2,4-D amine

Grass Herbicides

  • Diclofop Methyl (Di-Grass) (annual ryegrass only)
  • Topik 240 EC (wild oats and phalaris only)


  • Wetter 1000 (when mixed with Metsulfuron-methyl)
  • Uptake or In2 Spraying Oil (when mixed with Topik 240EC)


  • Lemat
  • Rogor

Conquest Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide is not compatible with zinc products (such as Zinc dextrase and Zinc heptahydrate), copper salts (such as sulphate) and manganese sulphate. Do not use with hard water or water clarified with alum.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. 
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. 
  • Do not store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed.

Safety Directions:

  • Harmful if swallowed. 
  • Attacks eyes. 
  • It will irritate the skin. 
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. 
  • If products are in the eyes, wash them out immediately with water. 
  • Do not inhale spray mist. 
  • When preparing the spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield or goggles. 
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre (Phone Australia 13 11 26).
  • Additional information is listed in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details: (WHP)

  • Do not graze or cut crops or pastures for stock food for 7 days after application.
  • Harvest: Not required when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide SDS Download Pdf

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