Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide

Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide is a non–selective, broad-spectrum insecticide/miticide with residual properties. It provides quick and effective knockdown control of a broad range of pests and, with a high load formulation, is compatible with common fungicides and herbicides.

Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin @ 300g/L

Similar or Comparable to Talstar 100EC Insecticide (FMC)

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Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide BIFENTHRIN-ULTRA Imtrade


Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide

Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin @ 300g/L

Similar or Comparable to Talstar 100EC Insecticide (FMC)

Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide is a non–selective, broad-spectrum insecticide/miticide with residual properties. It provides quick and effective knockdown control of a broad range of pests and, with a high load formulation, is compatible with common fungicides and herbicides.

Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide is a contact and residual insecticide/miticide. It can be used as a protective treatment when applied at regular intervals or as a knockdown treatment to control existing pests. The best results are obtained when Bifenthrin Ultra is applied before pest populations build up to damaging levels. This product is unsuitable for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs where mites or other insect predators or parasites are established and provide effective mites and other insect control.

What pests does Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide target;

Apple Dimpling Bug False Wireworm Red-Legged Earth Mite
Banana Rust Thrips Fig Longicorn Strawberry Spider Mite
Banana Weevil Borer Green Mirid Sugarcane Wireworm
Blue Oat Mite Leaf Eating Weevil Sugarcane Wireworm
Brown Pasture Looper Long-tailed Mealybug Tomato Russet Mite
Bryobia Mites Native Budworm Two Spotted Mite
Corn Earworm Native Budworm Whitefly
Cotton Bollworm Pasture Webworm

Where can Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide be used;

Bananas Canola Grapes
Cotton Filed Peas Lucerne Seed Crops
Baba Beans Lupins Navy Beans
Subterranean Lucerne Pears
Clover Wheat Sugarcane
Barley Citrus Tomatoes

Why Choose Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide
When used as directed, Bifenthrin Ultra provides quick and effective knockdown control of various pests. It can also be used as a preventative treatment when applied at regular intervals.

  • Broad Spectrum Control: Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide provides effective knockdown and preventative control for a wide range of insects in both broad acre and horticultural crops. It is also a highly effective control for a number of mite species, such as the Red-Legged earth mite, Blue Oat mite and Bryobia mite in cereal, oilseed and pulse crops and pastures.
  • High-Loading Active: Bifenthrin Ultra has the highest loading (concentration) of Bifenthrin for broad acre and horticultural insect/mite control available on the market. It consists of 30% Bifenthrin with a customised solvent and surfactant blend, making up the remainder. This translates to reduced handling, packaging and transport.
  • Residual Action: Bifenthrin Ultra has low water solubility and is not easily lost to the environment. A single application will provide valuable residual control of up to 20 days for some crops and potentially treat multiple generations of the target pest. Bifenthrin Ultra is a non-systemic insecticide, and therefore, thorough coverage is needed to ensure adequate residual control.
  • Compatibility: Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide is compatible with commonly used fungicides such as Mancozeb 750, Antracol, Chlorothalonil 720, the herbicides Paraquat 250, Flumetsulam 800, Imazethapyr 700, Simazine 900, Bouncer, Chlorsulfuron, Triasulfuron 750 and Pendimethalin 330. This provides flexibility and efficiency in every spray

Pack Size: 10-Litre

Registrant: Imtrade Australia Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 65676)

Crop protection insecticide range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Bifenthrin.
  • Non–selective, broad-spectrum insecticide/miticide.
  • Valuable residual properties.
  • High-loading formulation.
  • Compatible with common fungicides and herbicides.
  • Quality assured in Australia.

Directions Of Use

Click here for Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide directions for use:

  • Application rates vary from 16mL – 267mL per Hectare for broadacre spraying & from 8mL – 333mL per 100L for High Volume applications.
  • Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide may be applied by either ground rig or aircraft.
  • Thorough coverage is essential to ensure adequate control.
  • Do not apply as a fog or mist.

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Bifenthrin Ultra 300EC Insecticide directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Hi I use Zeus Bifenthrin to control army worm and funnel ants on my 60,000m2 of residential lawn. It looks like your Imtrade Ultra 300 EC product would be more cost effective for me than your Zeus product given Bifenthrin concentration to product price. Could you please advise if these two products will have the same impact given different solvents, fillers and any other ingredients .i.e. would turf farmers use the Imtrade 300 EC product? Thanks for your help. Regards Todd

  1. Q Hi I use Zeus Bifenthrin to control army worm and funnel ants on my 60,000m2 of residential lawn....... Read more
    Asked by Todd on February 15, 2023 6:51 am
    Answered by the admin

    Although Zeus Insecticide and Termiticide, and Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide are made from Bifenthrin, they are registered to control entirely different pests in different situations. The Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide is not registered or recommended for use in Turf to control Armyworm or Funnel Ants. Hence, we can't advise or guarantee it is used for this purpose. You may choose to trial the use of the product 'off-label', but the manufacturer will not guarantee results.

  2. Can you use Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide to pour around a house for a termite barrier?

  3. Q Can you use Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide to pour around a house for a termite barrier?
    Asked by Max on April 19, 2022 6:59 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide is not registered for use as a termiticide, only in cropping and agriculture situations.  It is formulated differently from the Bifenthrin Termiticides.  It includes different solvents, fillers and other ingredients that modify its properties, including knockdown and residual effects.  We do not recommend using Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide as a termiticide.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Banana Banana Rust Thrip, Banana Weevil Borer, Strawberry Spider Mite
Barley, Canola, Clover, Faba Bean, Field Pea, Lucerne, Lupin, Subterranean Clover & Wheat Blue Oat Or Pea Mite, Brown Pasture Looper, Bryobia Mite - Bryobia Spp., Pasture Webworm - Hednota Spp., Redlegged Earth Mite
Citrus Leafeating Insect
Cotton Apple Dimpling Bug - C. Liebknechti, False Wireworm, Green Mirid Bug, Native Budworm Or Bollworm, Sugarcane Wireworm - Agrypnus Variabilis, Two Spotted Mite
Grape Fig Longicorn
Lucerne Seed Crop Native Budworm Or Bollworm
Navy Bean Corn Earworm, Native Budworm Or Bollworm
Pear Longtailed Mealy Bug
Sugar Cane Sugarcane Wireworm
Tomato Corn Earworm, Native Budworm Or Bollworm, Tomato Russet Mite, Two Spotted Mite, Whitefly

Tips For Use

General Instructions:

  • Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide is a contact and residual insecticide/miticide.
  • It can be used as a protective treatment when applied at regular intervals or as a knockdown treatment to control existing pests.
  • The best results are obtained when Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide is applied before pest populations build up to damaging levels.
  • This product is not suitable for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs where mites or other insect predators or parasites are established and provide effective mites and other insect control.


  • Do not use it as a foliar spray in banana plantations and orchards where mite predators or other benefits are established, providing effective mite control or other pest control.
  • Do not apply as a foliar treatment if rainfall is expected before spray deposits dry on leaf surfaces.
  • Do not apply to bananas by aircraft.
  • Re-Entry To Treated Fields/crops: Do not re-enter treated field/crop until spray deposits have dried unless wearing suitable protective clothing (i.e. waterproof hat, overalls, boots and gloves).


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.
  • Store in a locked room or place away from children, animals, food, feedstuffs, seeds and fertilisers.

Safety Directions:

  • Harmful if swallowed or inhaled.
  • It may irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Repeated exposures may cause allergic disorders.
  • Do not inhale vapour or spray mist.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • When opening the container, preparing the product for use and using the product, wear cotton overalls over normal clothing, buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves and a half facepiece respirator.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing.

First aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Give a glass of water.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding period details (WHP):


  • For Ground Applications – Do not harvest for 1 day after application.
  • For Foliar Applications – Do not harvest for 8 days after application.


  • Do not harvest for 14 days after application.
  • Do not graze or cut for stock feed.
  • Do not feed cotton trash to livestock.

Navy Beans & Pears:

  • Do not harvest for 14 days after application.


  • Do not harvest for 1 day after application.

Subterranean Clover, Clover, Field Peas, Fababeans, Wheat, Barley, Lucerne And Lupins:

  • Do not graze or cut for stock food for 4 weeks after application.

Citrus & Grapes:

  • Not required when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide Label Download Pdf
Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide SDS Download Pdf
Bifenthrin Ultra 300 EC Insecticide TechSheet Download Pdf

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