Provaunt Turf Insecticide

Provaunt Turf Insecticide controls Argentine Stem Weevil (ASW) adults and larvae and Lepidoptera grub (lawn grub) larvae in turf. Provaunt targets and destroys adults and larvae, including the critical 3rd and 4th Instars. This powerful, unique chemistry can be used preventatively and curatively to shut down the ASW’s life cycle. 

Provaunt Turf Insecticide not only targets and destroys the lifecycle of Argentine Stem Weevils but also provides highly effective control of both the late-stage larvae and adult stages.

Active Ingredient: Indoxacarb @ 200g/kg

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Provaunt Turf Insecticide PROVAUNT Syngenta


Provaunt Turf Insecticide

Active Ingredient: Indoxacarb @ 200g/kg

Provaunt Turf Insecticide controls Argentine Stem Weevil (ASW) adults and larvae and Lepidoptera grub (lawn grub) larvae in turf. Provaunt targets and destroys adults and larvae, including the critical 3rd and 4th Instars. This powerful, unique chemistry can be used preventatively and curatively to shut down the ASW’s life cycle. 

Provaunt Turf Insecticide not only targets and destroys the lifecycle of Argentine Stem Weevils but also provides highly effective control of both the late-stage larvae and adult stages.

Why choose Provaunt Turf Insecticide:

  • It contains the active ingredient Indoxacarb, a different mode of action for the turf industry (Group 22A).
  • It targets and shuts down the Argentine Stem Weevil life cycle.
  • It is absorbed in the waxy cuticle of plant tissue, providing good residual activity as the larvae and adult feed. 
  • Treated adults stop feeding and die over several days.  
  • It targets and destroys both adults and larvae (only APVMA registration), including the critical third and fourth Instars.
  • Flexibility – formulated with powerful and unique chemistry with preventative and curative action.
  • Allows for the reduction of organophosphate use (e.g. Chlorpyrifos & Diazinon).
  • Improved environmental and HSE profile.
  • Powerful resistance management tool.

What pests does Provaunt Turf Insecticide target:

  • Argentine Stem Weevil larvae and adults (Listronotus bonariensis)
  • Caterpillars including;
    • Black Cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon)
    • Lawn Armyworm (Spodoptera mauritia)

Provaunt Turf Insecticide delivers excellent curative performance, with optimal results achieved when applications are made before population numbers build to damaging levels. For Argentine Stem Weevil adults, applications should be made with the appearance of overwintering adult pests. A second application should be made in early summer to treat adults and stem-feeding larvae. For Lepidoptera grubs, an application should be made as soon as activity is detected.

Provaunt Turf Insecticide contains Indoxacarb in a WG (water-dispersible granule) formulation. Indoxacarb, when ingested by insects, leads to paralysis, which stops feeding and damage, resulting in Argentine Stem Weevil’s death. Provaunt is translaminar, meaning that it lodges in the cells of the turfgrass plants where the insect can ingest it. Importantly. Provaunt will also control contact with various life cycle stages of Argentine Stem Weevil.

Pack Size: 500gm

Registrant: Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 85434)

Turf & Domestic Insecticide Range

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Features & Benefits

  • It contains the active ingredient Indoxacarb, a different mode of action for the turf industry (Group 22A).
  • It targets and shuts down the Argentine Stem Weevil life cycle.
  • It is absorbed in the waxy cuticle of plant tissue, providing good residual activity as the larvae and adult feed. 
  • Treated adults stop feeding and die over several days.  
  • Targets and destroys both adult and larvae (only APVMA registration), including the critical 3rd and 4th Instars.
  • Flexibility – powerful, unique chemistry with preventative and curative action.
  • Allows for the reduction of organophosphate use (e.g. Chlorpyrifos & Diazinon).
  • Improved environmental and HSE profile.
  • Powerful resistance management tool.

Directions Of Use

Click here for directions on Provaunt Turf Insecticide.

Situation: Golf greens and surrounds

Pest: Argentine Stem Weevil larvae and adults (Listronotus bonariensis)

Rate: 1.25kg/ha (1250gm/10,000m² or 12.5gm/100m²) 

Critical Comments: 

  • Two seasonal treatment opportunities should be targeted.
  • Apply late winter/early spring when overwintered adults are observed to minimise egg laying and population build-up. 
  • Early application is essential.
  • Make a second application in early summer as a treatment for adults and foliar-feeding larvae.

Situation: Golf greens and surrounds, Fairways

Pest: Caterpillars including Black Cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon), Lawn Armyworm (Spodoptera mauritia)

Rate: 375gm/ha (375gm/10,000m² or 3.75gm/100m²)

Critical Comments:  

  • Apply immediately when pest activity is noted. 
  • To ensure optimum control, delay watering (irrigation) or mowing for 24 hours after application.

Rates are a general guide only.  Before opening, carefully read Provaunt Turf Insecticide directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions.  The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Can dogs go on the lawn after you spray with Provaunt Turf insecticide? If not, what can we use with dogs to kill mole crickets on our lawn?

  1. Q Can dogs go on the lawn after you spray with Provaunt Turf insecticide? If not, what can we use w...... Read more
    Asked by Barb on February 24, 2025 2:41 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Provaunt Turf Insecticide is not registered to control mole crickets in turf.  For the control of mole crickets in turf, we suggest Warden 100SC Insecticide, Scarlet Trio Advanced Insecticide, MaxumPro 25 SC Insecticide, BeetleBeta 125 SC Insecticide, Temprid 75 Residual Insecticide, or TermiForce 100SC Termiticide and Insecticide. You can find these products by typing their names into the search bar at the top of the Specialist Sales website. Best practice when applying most insecticides to turf is to remove people and animals from the area while it is being sprayed and until the spray has dried unless the label states otherwise.  Always read the 'directions of use' to ensure the products suit your situation before purchasing and using them. These are available under 'SDS and Technical' on the product page on our website.

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Turf Argentine Stem Weevil, Black Cutworm - Agrotis Ipsilon, Lawn Armyworm

Tips For Use

General Instructions: 

  • Provaunt Turf Insecticide is an oxadiazine insecticide in the form of a water-dispersible granule (WDG). 
  • Irrigation is not required when controlling Argentine Stem Weevil adults or larvae.
  • When treating caterpillars, irrigation and mowing should be delayed for 24 hours.
  • Provaunt delivers excellent curative performance, with optimal results achieved when applications are made before population numbers build to damaging levels. 
  • For Argentine Stem Weevil adults, applications should be made with the appearance of overwintering adult pests. 
    • A second application should be made in early summer to treat adults and stem-feeding larvae. 
  • For Lepidoptera grubs (lawn grubs), an application should be made as soon as activity is detected.


  • Do not apply via aircraft.
  • Do not apply if rainfall is expected within 2 hours of application or if heavy rains or storms are forecast within 3 days.
  • Do not irrigate to the point of runoff for at least 3 days after application.
  • Do not apply within 20 m upwind of water bodies.

Re-entry Period:

  • Do not allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried. 

Spray Drift Restraints:

  • Do not apply with spray droplets smaller than a coarse spray droplet size category according to ‘APVMA Compliance Instructions for Mandatory coarse or Larger Droplet Size Categories’ located under this title in the general instructions section of this label.
  • Do not apply when wind speed is less than 3 or more than 20 kilometres per hour, as measured at the application site.
  • Do not apply during surface temperature inversion conditions at the application site. 

Mandatory No-Spray Zones:

  • Do not apply if there are aquatic and wetland areas, including aquacultural ponds, surface streams and rivers within 10 metres downwind from the application area.


  • Before mixing, start with clean, well-maintained application equipment. 
  • Fill the spray tank to ¼ to ½ full of water.
  • Measure the amount of Provaunt required for the area to be sprayed. 
  • Add Provaunt directly to the spray tank with the agitation engaged. 
  • Mix thoroughly to disperse the insecticide. 
  • Once dispersed, the material must be kept in suspension at all times by continuous agitation. 
  • Use mechanical or hydraulic means. 
  • Do not use air agitation, premix or slurry. 
  • If the spray solution is left standing, ensure thorough re-agitation of the spray mix until fully re-suspended. 
  • Do not allow the spray mix to sit overnight, as re-suspension may be difficult.


  • Apply using coarse droplets (minimum) using Air induction 04 nozzles. 
  • Spray with at least 400 L of water/ha to ensure even coverage. 
  • The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes and using different settings on the sprayer based on industry guidelines or expert advice.
  • Note that the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use is per hectare of product. 
  • You will need to determine your spray rate per hectare before deciding on the amount of product to add to the tank.
  • For optimal control, do not water in when treating Argentine Stem Weevil adults or larvae, and delay irrigation and mowing for 24 hours when treating caterpillars.

Spray Timing:

  • Argentine Stem Weevil adults: Provaunt should be applied when overwintered adults are first observed in late winter/early spring to prevent egg laying.
  • Argentine Stem Weevil larvae and adults: A second application should be made in early summer to treat larvae and adults concurrently as part of a strong chemical rotation program.
  • Caterpillars (including Black Cutworm & Lawn Armyworm): Provaunt will provide excellent curative caterpillar control in turfgrass and should be applied when pests/damage is observed.

Protection Of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans And Environment:

  • Very toxic to aquatic life. 
  • Do not contaminate wetlands or watercourses with this product or used containers.

Protection Of Honey Bees And Other Insect Pollinators:

  • Highly toxic to bees. 
  • Harmful to bee brood. 
  • Do not allow spray drift to flowering weeds or flowering crops in the vicinity of the treatment area.
  • Before spraying, notify beekeepers to move hives to a safe location with an untreated source of nectar and pollen if there is potential for managed hives to be affected by the spray or spray drift.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • Harmful if swallowed. 
  • When opening the container, preparing the spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing). 
  • Wash hands after use. 
  • After each day’s use, wash contaminated clothing.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). 

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Do not graze treated turf/lawn or feed turf/lawn clippings from any treated area to poultry or livestock

SDS & Technical

Provaunt Turf Insecticide Label Download Pdf
Provaunt Turf Insecticide SDS Download Pdf
Provaunt Turf Insecticide Brochure Download Pdf

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