Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide

Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide is a water-soluble hi-load glyphosate herbicide for the non-selective control of over 200 annual and perennial weeds. 

Crucial Herbicide is tailor-made for Australian conditions with a 600g/L load of triple glyphosate salts and triple surfactant.  It provides a 600g/L loading of active ingredients that has fast plant uptake & proven and market-leading compatibility with other pesticides.  This allows fast brownout, short spray to sow timings & outstanding efficacy.

Active Ingredients: Glyphosate as Potassium, Monomethylamine & Ammonium Salts @ 600g/L & Tallow Amine Surfactant @ 0.77g/L

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4 out of 5 (6 customers reviews)


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Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide CRUCIAL Nufarm


Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide

Active Ingredients: Glyphosate as Potassium, Monomethylamine & Ammonium Salts @ 600g/L & Tallow Amine Surfactant @ 0.77g/L

Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide is a water-soluble hi-load glyphosate herbicide for the non-selective control of many annual and perennial weeds.  Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide is tailor-made for Australian conditions with a 600g/L load of triple glyphosate salts and triple surfactant.  Crucial Herbicide provides a 600g/L loading of active ingredients that has fast plant uptake & proven and market-leading compatibility with other pesticides.  This allows fast brownout, short spray to sow timings & outstanding efficacy.

Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide has the widest range of registered label use patterns of any glyphosate formulation, including pre-sowing, in-crop, over-the-top (OTT) and pre-harvest registrations. Crucial Herbicide is the most reliable on the toughest weeds when tested in 100 in-field trials, making it Nufarm’s most extensive trial program ever.  The crucial formulation features outstanding compatibility with a very wide range of tank-mix partners. That means less hassle, less stress and more confidence. 

Where can Nufarm’s Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide be used;

Agricultural Areas. Fallow And Pre-Sowing. Post-Sow Pre-Emergent (PSPE) Uses, Shielded Sprayers And Band Spraying.
Brush And Woody Weeds – Mixtures With Associate Metsulfuron. Fleabane Control For Fallow And Pre-Sowing – Mixtures With Amicide Advance 700. Pre And Post Harvest Uses, Pasture Topping.
Canola – Hybrids With The Optimum Gly Herbicide Tolerance Trait. General Weed Control – (Handgun, Knapsack, Tree And Vine Crops). Turfgrass and recreational areas.
Canola – Roundup Ready. Industrial and non-agricultural areas. Unwanted Tree Control.
Canola – Truflex With Roundup Ready Technology. Orchards/Vines.
Cotton – Roundup Ready Flex. Pasture Renewal.

Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide is a non-volatile, non-selective, water-soluble liquid herbicide with non-selective herbicidal activity. It is absorbed by plant foliage and green stems and moves through the plant from the point of contact to and into the root system. Effects may not be apparent for 3–7 days (annual weeds), 2–3 weeks (perennial weeds), or longer under cool, cloudy conditions. Crucial Herbicide will control emerged weeds only and provide no residual weed control. Apply treatments to weeds with at least one true leaf (broadleaf weeds) or two leaves (grasses) to provide an adequate surface area for herbicide application uptake. Crucial Herbicide may be used prior to sowing any crop (edible or non-edible) but not prior to transplanting tomato seedlings

Are Glyphosate Herbicides like Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide safe to use;

  • Independent regulators in every major agricultural market in the world have assessed the risks of glyphosate to humans and the environment.
  • Without exception, these regulators have determined that glyphosate is safe to use in accordance with label directions

Pack Sizes: 20L, 110L & 1000L

Registrant: Nufarm Australia Limited (APVMA #: 86761)

What are some of the 200 weeds that Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide targets;

African lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) Camel/Afghan melon (Citrullus lanatus) Heliotrope (Heliotropium europaeum) Plantains (Plantago species) Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum
African turnip weed (Sisymbrium thellungii) Camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) Hexham scent (Melilotus indica) Poa tussock (Poa labiilardierei) Summer grass (Digitaria ciliaris)
Ageratum (Ageratum species) Canary grass (Annual Phalaris) (Phalaris canariensis) Hoary cress (Lepidium draba) Polymeria, annual (Polymeria pusilla) Swamp mahogany (Lophostemon suaveolens)
Amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) Poplar box (E. populnea) Sweet Briar (Rosa rubiginosa)
Amaranth, dwarf (Amaranthus macrocarpus) Carpet grasses (Axonopus species) Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium orientale) Potato weed (Galinsoga parviflora) Sweet summer grass (Brachiaria eruciformis)
Amaranth, native (Amaranthus interruptus) Charlock (Sinapsis arvensis) Ivyleaf speedwell (Veronica hederifolia) Prairie grass (Bromus catharticus) Thornapples (Datura species)
Amaranth, redroot (Amaranthus retroflexus) Chickweed (Stellaria media) Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) Tree hogweed (Polygonum patulum)
Annual ground cherry (Physalis angulate) Chinese scrub or Sifton bush (Cassinia arcuata) Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) Prickly paddy melon (Cucumis myriocarpus) Turnip weed (Rapistrum rugosum)
Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) Clammy Goosefoot (Chenopodium pumilio) Kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra) Privet (Ligustrum spp.) Tussock grass (Poa labiilardierei)
Apple of Peru (Nicandra physalodes) Climbing buckwheat (Fallopia convolvulus) Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) Quack grass (Elytrigia repens) Variegated thistle (Silybum marianum)
Artichoke thistle (Cynara cardunculus) Clover species (Trifolium species) Lantana (Lantana camara) Queensland Bluegrass (Dichanthium sericeum) Volunteer beans
Australian bindweed (Convolvulus angustissimus) Cobblers peg (Bidens pilosa) Lesser canary grass (Phalaris minor) Raspweed (Haloragis aspera) Volunteer canola
Australian bluebell (Wahlenbergia stricta) Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) Lesser swinecress (Lepidium didymum) Red Natal grass (Melinis repens) Volunteer cereals
Australian crassula/stonecrop (Crassula spp.) Columbus grass (Sorghum almum) Lincoln weed (Diplotaxistenuifolia) Red-leg grass (Bothriochloa macra) Volunteer cotton (Gossypium spp.)
Awnless Barnyard grass (Echinochloa colona) Common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum) Liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides) Redshank (Persicaria maculosa) Volunteer lentils (Lens culinaris)
Ball mustard (Neslia paniculata) Coppice (Eucalyptus globulus) Long-leaved box (E. goniocalyx) Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) Volunteer lupins (Lupinus species)
Bamboo (Phyllostachysspp) Couch (Cynodon dactylon) Lovegrasses (Eragrostis species) Rhus (Toxicodendron succedaneum) Volunteer peas
Barbed wire grass (Cymbopogon refractus) Cowvine (Ipomoea lonchophylla) Marri (E. calophylla) Rhynchosia (Rhynchosia minima) Volunteer Pine (Pinusspp.)
Barley grasses (Hordeum species) Crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris) Marshmallow (Malva parviflora) Rope twitch (Elytrigia repens) Volunteer safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) Crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora) Medics (Medicargo species) Ryegrasses (Lolium species) Volunteer sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
Bathurst burr (Xanthium spinosum) Cudweeds (Gnaphalium species) Melilotus (Melilotus indica) Saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus) Volunteer sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
Bellvine (Ipomea plebeian) Dead nettle (Lamium amplexicaule) Melons (Various genera) Scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium) Volunteer vetch (Vicia sativa)
Bent grasses (Agrostis species) Dinebra (Dinebra retroflexa) Messmate (E. obliqua) Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichotoma) Wandering Jew (Tradescantia fluminensis)
Bifora (Bifora testiculata) Docks (Rumex species) Mexican poppy (Argemone ochroleuca) Sesbania pea (Sesbania cannabina) Ward’s weed (Carrichtera annua)
Billygoat weed (Ageratum species) Doublegee (Emex australis) Mintweed (Salvia reflexa) Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Water couch (Paspalum distichum)
Bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata) English couch (Elytrigia repens) Mistflower (Ageratina riparia) Silver grasses (Vulpia species) White mahogany (E. acmenoides)
Black bindweed (Fallopia convolvulus) Erodium (Erodium species) Narrow-leaved ironbark (E. crebra) Silver-leaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Wild gooseberry (Physalis angulata)
Black spear grass (Heteropogon contortus) Eucalyptus spp. Narrow-leaved peppermint (E. radiata) Silver-leaved ironbark (E. melanophloia) Wild lettuce (Lactuca saligna)
Blackberry (Rubus spp.) False castor oil plant (Datura stramonium) Native millet (Panicum decompositum) Silvertop ash (E. sieberi) Wild mustard (Sisymbrium officinale)
Blackberry nightshade (Solanum nigrum) Fat hen (Chenopodium album) Native rosella (Hibiscus heterophyllus) Skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea) Wild oats (Avena species)
Bladder ketmia (Hibiscus trionum) Fescues (Vulpia species) Native vigna (Vigna lanceolata) Soldier thistle (Picnomon acarna) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)
Blady grass (Imperata cylindrica) Flatweed (Hypochaeris radiata) Navua sedge (Cyperus aromaticus) Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) Wild turnip (Brassica tournefortii)
Blue top (Ageratum species) Flaxleaf fleabane (Conyza bonariensis) New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia tetragonoides) Soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae) Willows
Boggabri weed (Amaranthus mitchellii) Flooded gum (Eucalyptus grandis) Noogoora burr (Xanthium strumarium) Sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Willows (Salix spp.)
Boneseed (C. monilifera subsp. monilifera) Forage rape (Brassica campestris spp) Nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus) Sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Winter grass (Poa annua)
Boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) Fumitories (Fumaria species) Paradoxa grass (Phalaris paradoxa) 750 Spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare) Wire grasses (Aristida species)
Bracken (Pteridium esculentum) Ghost gum (Corymbia papuana) Paragrass (Urochloa mutica) Spineless caltrop (Tribulus micrococcus) Wireweed (Polygonum aviculare)
Brome grasses (Bromus species) Gorse (Ulex europaeus) Paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum) 3600 Spiny burrgrass (Cenchrus longispinus) Yellow burr weed (Amsinckia calycina)
Bullich (Eucalyptus megacarpa) Green Amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum) Spotted gum (C. maculata) Yellow vine (Tribulus micrococcus)
Burr medic (Medicargo polymorpha) Ground cherry (Physalis angulata) Phalaris (Phalaris species) Spurges (Eupatorium species) Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus)
Button grass (Dactyloctenium radulans) Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia) Pigeon grasses (Setaria spp.) St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Californian burr (Xanthium orientale) Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus) Pigweed, black/giant (Trianthema portulacastrum) Stinkgrass (Eragrostis cilianensis)
Calomba daisy (Oncosiphon suffruticosum) Gum-topped bloodwood (C.dichromophloia) Pigweed, red (Portulaca oleracea) Stinking goosefoot (Chenopodium vulvaria)
Caltrop (Tribulus terrestris) Hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale) Pink bloodwood (C. intermedia) Storksbills (Erodium spp)

Glyphosate Range

Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide – Nufarm

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4.67 out of 5 stars

6 reviews

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What others are saying

  1. Stephen Modra

    Does the job

    Stephen Modra (verified owner)

    Bought this for some troublesome weeds on my driveway.
    It works a treat

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  2. Gavin Adams

    Crucial is a very ordinary product

    Gavin Adams (verified owner)

    I have always been a Round-Up Max user but I was looking for something a bit better and stronger as I felt the Round up was not performing like normal so after speaking with the team at Specialist Sales they advised me that Crucial was the better product so I got 20Lts and I have to say NO it is not a better product after 4 sprays over 4 weeks the weeds are still surviving with no signs of dying. I use 170mils to 25 Lts of water which is 20 mils more than the chart states the product does not work anything like Round Up Max, I do not recommend this product I would say stick with Round Up Max.

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    • class="comment byuser comment-author-janine even depth-2" id="li-comment-714422">
      Janine Teitge

      Janine Teitge

      Hi Gavin, thank you for your review. After speaking with you and putting you in contact with the manufacturer, Nufarm, we have been advised by Nufarm that they believe there may be an issue with glyphosate resistance, and/or weed growing stress conditions, and/or water quality that has led to this less-than-desirable result. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this with us.
      Specialist Sales Team.

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  3. Peter

    Excellent product

    Peter (verified owner)

    Excellent product and does what is required.

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  4. Steffan

    As expected !


    Glyphosate 600 at 2/3 the cost in Perth, got here in 8 days. Used for spot spray and firebreaks, works as expected…. very well! Will purchase again.

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  5. Gary Carlyon

    Gary Carlyon (verified owner)

    Excellent product for use

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  6. Justin Shipman

    Justin Shipman (verified owner)

    Great product, great service

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredients  Glyphosate (Potassium, Monomethylamine & Ammonium Salts) & Tallow Amine Surfactant.
  • Revolutionary world’s first triple salt technology glyphosate (2019).
  • Triple salt and perfectly matched triple surfactant takes Nufarm’s Crucial to a new unrivalled benchmark.
  • Outstanding strength with more glyphosate per litre (600g/L load).
  • Low Foam.
  • Market-leading compatibility.
  • Widest ever label package of any glyphosate formulation, including in-crop over-the-top registrations.
  • Outstanding efficacy.
  • Fast brownout.
  • Easy-to-use liquid formulation.
  • Viscosity is equal to Nufarm’s Weedmaster Argo.
  • Most advanced glyphosate technology ever.
  • The Nufarm quality peace of mind.

Directions Of Use

General Directions:

General Weed Control (In Domestic Areas (Home Gardens), Commercial, Industrial and Public Service Areas, Agricultural Buildings and Other Farm Situations: Rate: 6mL per 1-Litre of water

Annual Weeds:

  • Handgun: 300-450 mL/100L
  • Knapsack: 45-65mL/15L

Perennial Weeds:

  • Handgun: 450-1200 mL/100L
  • Knapsack: 65-180mL/15L

Woody Weeds:

  • Handgun: 300-1200 mL/100L
  • Knapsack: 45-125mL/15L

Fallow, Pre-Sowing & General Weed Control: 0.6-5.5L/Ha

  • 0.6-1.8 L/Ha for annual weed species
  • 1.8-3.6 L/Ha for perennial species
  • 5.5 L/Ha for hard-to-control perennial species

Brush & Woody Weeds:

  • Handgun or Knapsack: 250mL Crucial plus 3gm Associate Metsulfuron per 100L of water
  • Aerial or Boom For Blackberry, Coppice and Volunteer Pine wildlings: 4.8L/Ha plus 60g Associate Metsulfuron per Ha.
  • For other weeds: 2.4 L/Ha plus 30 g Associate Metsulfuron per Ha

Unwanted Tree Control:

Cut Stump: 1:1 – 1:15 (Product:Water)

Foliar (Gas Gun or Splatter gun): 1:15 to 1:5 (Product:Water) 

Foliar High Volume Spray: 600-800mL/100L

Stem Injection: Undiluted to 1:1 (1mL-2mL per cut)

Rates are a general guide only.  Before opening, carefully read Crucial Herbicide directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions.  The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Does Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide control onion weed, polygala, African Daisy, pinus radiata?

  1. Q Does Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide control onion weed, polygala, African Daisy, pinus radiata?... Read more
    Asked by Lucas Dale on September 25, 2024 8:21 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The complete list of weeds that Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide is registered to control can be found on the products 'directions for use' (available to view or download on the Specialist Sales website). Onion weed, Polygala, and African Daisy are not listed as weeds controlled. However, Volunteer Pine (Pinus spp.) is listed, provided the Crucial is mixed with Metsulfuron Methyl.

  2. Can Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide be used near waterways, lakes, rivers, streams both free flowing and or transient?

  3. Q Can Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide be used near waterways, lakes, rivers, streams both free flo...... Read more
    Asked by Brian on August 2, 2024 6:51 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide is not registered for use on aquatic weeds or in (or close by) aquatic situations. However, in certain situations it can be used on dry drains and channels. When tank-mixed with Terrad’or and applied via boom spray, there is a mandatory downwind buffer zone of 20 metres around natural aquatic areas. For further clarification, please contact the manufacturer, Nufarm, on 1800 683 276.

  4. Is Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide the strongest weed killer, and do I need to buy a surfactant? 

  5. Q Is Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide the strongest weed killer, and do I need to buy a surfactant? ... Read more
    Asked by Robert on November 5, 2023 10:18 am
    Answered by the admin

    Of the glyphosate herbicides currently available, Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide has the highest load of active ingredients, making it a potent glyphosate herbicide. Adding surfactants to herbicides like glyphosate guarantees the best chance of a good result, particularly if the weeds being targeted are advanced in growth, considered harder to kill (i.e. glossy or hairy leaves) and if the spraying conditions are challenging (i.e. heat stress).

  6. Would you recommend using a surfactant like Wetter 1000 with Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide? Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide significantly stronger than 450?

  7. Q Would you recommend using a surfactant like Wetter 1000 with Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide? Cr...... Read more
    Asked by Grant on October 22, 2023 1:19 pm
    Answered by the admin

    We recommend using a surfactant like Wetter 1000 with Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide. Surfactants help herbicides spread and adhere to weeds more effectively, leading to better weed control. Wetter 1000 is a non-ionic surfactant, which means that it is compatible with most herbicides, including glyphosate. Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide contains 25% more active ingredients than Glyphosate 450 formulations, hence the lower mixing rates. The main difference between the Crucial and other Glyphosate 450 formulations is the glyphosate salts the products are made from.  Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide contains the active ingredients glyphosate as potassium, monomethylamine & ammonium salts, whereas Glyphosate 450 only contains the active ingredient of glyphosate present as the isopropylamine salt. These ingredients used in the Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide make it a superior glyphosate to the 450 formulation.

  8. Can Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide be used for desiccating canola and cereal oats?

  9. Q Can Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide be used for desiccating canola and cereal oats?
    Asked by Dave on October 30, 2022 8:52 am
    Answered by the admin

    Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide is registered for desiccation in certain crops, including Canola. Desiccation of Cereal Oats is not listed on the Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicides label and would need to be clarified by the manufacturer, Nufarm, on 1800 683 276. We strongly recommend reading the APVMA Label, 'Section 8. Pre and Post Harvest Uses, Pasture Topping', which you will find on the product screen under the 'SDS and Technical' tab.

  10. Does a 20L drum of Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide expire?

  11. Q Does a 20L drum of Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide expire?
    Asked by Jeff white on August 19, 2022 3:34 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Crucial Glyphosate 600 Herbicide does not provide an expiry or 'best before date'.  If possible, we recommend trying to use the product within a few years (3-5) from the date of manufacture, even though there is no period when the product starts to lose efficacy.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Adzuki Beans - Pre-Harvest, Chickpea - Pre-Harvest, Cowpea - Pre-Harvest, Faba Beans - Pre Harvest, Lentil - Pre-Harvest, Mungbean - Pre-Harvest, Soybean - Pre-Harvest & Vetch - Pre-Harvest Annual Weeds, Crop Desiccation, Harvest Aid
Agricultural Area - General African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Amsinckia, Annual Ryegrass, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Bladder Ketmia, Blady Grass, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Cowvine, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fleabane, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Indian Hedge Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Long Storksbill, Corkscrew, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Medic, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Muskweed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Sowthistles, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spiny Emex, Spurge, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Turnip Weed, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Canola, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Cotton - Seedlings, Volunteer Lupin, Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Band Spraying, Pasture Manipulation Prior To Drilling, Pasture Manipulation Prior To Forage, Pasture Manipulation Prior To Leucaena & Pasture Manipulation Prior To Soybeans Barbed Wire Grass, Black Speargrass, Carpet Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lovegrass, Paspalum, Red Natal Grass, Wire Grasses
Barley (Except Malting Barley) - Pre-Harvest Annual Weeds
Barley - Prior To Sowing, Chickpea - Prior To Sowing & Incorporate, Faba Bean - Prior To Sowing, Fallow Area Maintenance (Prior To Sowing, Field Pea (Prior To Sowing), Lentil (Prior To Sowing), Lupin - Prior To Sowing, Oats - Prior To Sowing, Pasture Prior To Forest Establishment, Subterranean Clover (Prior To Sowing) & Wheat - Prior To Sowing Amsinckia, Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Indian Hedge Mustard, Long Storksbill, Corkscrew, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Medic, Muskweed, Paterson's Curse, Sowthistles, Spiny Emex, Subterranean Clover, Turnip Weed, Volunteer Canola, Volunteer Lupin, Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed
Berries & Other Small Fruit, Camellia Or Tea, Citrus, Duboisia Or Corkwood, Hops, Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit, Sub-Tropical Fruit, Tropical Fruit & Vineyard African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Blady Grass, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Canola - Pre-Harvest/Cutting, Oilseed Mustard, Poppy Oilseed, Safflower Oilseed, Sesame & Wheat - Pre-Harvest Annual Weeds, Harvest Aid
Canola - Roundup Ready Annual Weeds, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Canary Grasses, Capeweed, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Medic, Paterson's Curse, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp., Spear Or Black Thistle, Subterranean Clover, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Chickpea, Volunteer Faba Bean, Volunteer Field Pea, Volunteer Lentil, Volunteer Lupin, Volunteer Vetch Or Tares, Wild Oats Spp, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Winter Grasses - Annual
Canola - Truflex Roundup Ready Annual Ryegrass, Brome Grass - Bromus Unioloides, Capeweed, Paterson's Curse, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Spear Thistle, Subclover, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Field Pea, Wild Oats Spp, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip - Brassica Spp., Winter Grass
Canola Hybrids With The Optimum Gly Herbicide Tolerance Trait Annual Weeds, Australian Bluebell, Brome Grass, Climbing Buckwheat (Less Than 12 Leaves), Dock (Rumex Obtusifolius) - Seedling, Doublegee - Crassula Spp., Erodium Spp., Hoary Cress (Late Rosette To Early Flowering), Lesser Swinecress, Milk Thistle, Paradoxa Grass, Prickly Lettuce, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Skeleton Weed (Fully Emerged Rosettes) - Chondrilla Juncea, Spear Thistle, Spiny Emex, Sub Clover, Volunteer Chickpea, Volunteer Safflower (Up To 6 Leaf) - Carthamus Tinctorius, Wild Lettuce, Wild Oats Spp, Wild Turnip - Brassica Spp., Wireweed
Commercial Area - Outdoors African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Amsinckia, Annual Ryegrass, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Bladder Ketmia, Blady Grass, Blue Gum, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Cowvine, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fleabane, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Indian Hedge Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Long Storksbill, Corkscrew, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Medic, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Muskweed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Sowthistles, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spiny Emex, Spurge, St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Turnip Weed, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Canola, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Cotton - Seedlings, Volunteer Lupin, Volunteer Pine Wildings - Supp., Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Cotton (Prior To Sowing), Cowpea - Prior To Sowing, Fallows Or Prior To Planting A Crop, Sorghum - Prior To Sowing, Soybean - Prior To Sowing & Yard Amsinckia, Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Bladder Ketmia, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Cowvine, Fleabane, Indian Hedge Mustard, Long Storksbill, Corkscrew, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Medic, Muskweed, Paterson's Curse, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Sowthistles, Spiny Emex, Subterranean Clover, Turnip Weed, Volunteer Canola, Volunteer Cotton - Seedlings, Volunteer Lupin, Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed
Cotton - Pre Harvest & Cotton - Refer To Label Bathurst Burr, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass - Seasonal Suppression, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Winter Annual Weeds
Cotton - Shielded Spraying & Pasture (Band Spraying) African Lovegrass, African Turnip Weed, Ageratum, Amsinckia, Annual Ground Cherry, Annual Phalaris, Annual Ryegrass, Apple Of Peru, Artichoke Thistle, Australian Bindweed, Australian Bluebell - W. Stricta, Awnless Barnyard Grass, Ball Mustard, Barbed Wire Grass, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bellvine, Bent Grass - Agrostis Spp., Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Bindweed, Black Speargrass, Blackberry Nightshade, Bladder Ketmia, Blady Grass, Blue Top - Ageratum/Heliotropium Spp., Boggabri Weed, Bracken, Broad-Leaved Carpet Grass, Brome Grass, Burr Medic, Button Grass, Californian Burr, Calomba Daisy, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Camel Or Afghan Melon, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Charlock, Chickweed, Climbing Buckwheat, Clover, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Columbus Grass - Seedling, Common Iceplant, Common Thornapple, Couch, Cowvine, Crassula, Cudweed, Deadnettle, Dock, Doublegee, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Erodium Spp., Fat Hen, Fumitory, Giant Or Black Pigweed, Green Amaranth, Guinea Grass, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Hoary Cress, Horehound, Indian Hedge Mustard, Innocent Weed Or Grass, Ivy Leaf Speedwell, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lesser Canary Grass, Lesser Swinecress, Lincoln Weed, Sand Rocket Or Mustard, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Lovegrass, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Medic, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Melon, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Native Amaranth, Native Bluebell, Native Millet, Native Rosella, Navua Sedge, New Zealand Spinach, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Paddy Melon, Paradoxa Grass, Paragrass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris - Phalaris Spp., Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Poa Tussock - Suppression, Polymeria, Potato Weed, Prairie Or Annual Prairie Grass, Prickly Lettuce, Queensland Bluegrass, Radish - Raphanus Raphanistrum, Raspweed, Red Natal Grass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Redroot Or Redroot Amaranth, Redshank, Rhodes Grass, Rhynchosia, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Serrated Tussock, Sesbania Pea - Sesbania Cannabina, Shepherd's Purse, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp., Silverleaf Nightshade, Skeleton Weed, Soldier Thistle, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spurge, Stink Grass, Stinking Goosefoot, Subterranean Clover, Summer Grass, Summer Or Crab Grass - D. Ciliaris, Sweet Summer Grass, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Bean, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Cotton - Seedlings, Volunteer Lentil, Volunteer Lupin, Volunteer Pea, Volunteer Safflower, Volunteer Sorghum, Volunteer Sunflower, Volunteer Vetch Or Tares, Ward's Weed, Water Couch, Wild Gooseberry, Wild Lettuce, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Winter Grass, Wire Grasses, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed, Yellow Vine Or Spineless Caltrop, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Cotton With Roundup Ready Flex Technology - 4 Node To 18 Node Awnless Barnyard Grass - Pre-Emergence - Echinochloa Colona, Barnyard Grass, Barnyard Grass - Pre Emergence, Button Grass, Dinebra - Pre-Emergence - Dinebra Retroflexa, Dwarf Amaranth Or Boggabri Weed, Green Amaranth, Lovegrass - Pre-Emergence - Eragrostis Spp. (Annual Lovegrass), Mossman River Or Burr Grass, Native Millet, Pale Pigeon Grass, Paspalidium Spp., Pepper Grass, Peppercress - Suppression Pre-Emergence - Lepidium Spp., Queensland Bluegrass, Scarlet Or Red Pimpernel, Summer Grasses - Pre-Emergence - Digitaria Spp.
Cotton With Roundup Ready Flex Technology - 60% Boll Open Stage To Harvest Crowsfoot Grass
Crop - Weed Control Prior To Sowing & Pasture - Weed Control Prior To Sowing Amsinckia, Annual Phalaris, Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Calomba Daisy, Capeweed, Dock - Seedling, Fumitory, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Skeleton Weed - Fully Emerged Rosettes, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Spear Or Black Thistle, Subterranean Clover, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Lupin, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Winter Grass
Domestic And/Or Public Area Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Blue Gum, Bracken, Furze Or Gorse, Lantana - Lantana Camara, St John's Wort, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Volunteer Pine Wildings - Supp.
Domestic Area - Outdoors African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Blady Grass, Blue Gum, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Dry Drains & Channels, Non-Agricultural Area - General, Tree And Vine Crops & Tree Nut Plantation African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Blady Grass, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Faba Bean - Pre-Harvest & Field Pea - Pre-Harvest Annual Ryegrass, Annual Weeds, Crop Desiccation, Harvest Aid
Fallow - Optical Spot Spray Technologies Australian Bindweed, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bladder Ketmia, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Wild Turnip, Yellow Vine Or Spineless Caltrop
Fallow Weed Control - Prior To Sowing African Turnip Weed, Ageratum, Amsinckia, Annual Ground Cherry, Annual Phalaris, Annual Ryegrass, Apple Of Peru, Artichoke Thistle, Australian Bindweed, Australian Bluebell - W. Stricta, Awnless Barnyard Grass, Barbed Wire Grass, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bellvine, Bent Grass - Agrostis Spp., Bifora, Carrot Weed Or Bird's Eye, Black Speargrass, Blackberry Nightshade, Bladder Ketmia, Blue Top - Ageratum/Heliotropium Spp., Boggabri Weed, Bracken, Broad-Leaved Carpet Grass, Brome Grass, Burr Medic, Button Grass, Calomba Daisy, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Camel Or Afghan Melon, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Climbing Buckwheat, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Columbus Grass - Seedling, Common Iceplant, Common Thornapple, Couch, Cowvine, Crassula, Cudweed, Deadnettle, Doublegee, Fat Hen, Fumitory, Giant Or Black Pigweed, Green Amaranth, Guinea Grass, Hoary Cress, Indian Hedge Mustard, Innocent Weed Or Grass, Johnson Grass, Lesser Swinecress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Lovegrass, Medic, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Melon, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Native Amaranth, Native Bluebell, Native Millet, Native Rosella, Navua Sedge, New Zealand Spinach, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Paddy Melon, Paradoxa Grass, Paragrass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Potato Weed, Prairie Or Annual Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Radish - Raphanus Raphanistrum, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Redshank, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Serrated Tussock, Sesbania Pea - Sesbania Cannabina, Shepherd's Purse, Silverleaf Nightshade, Skeleton Weed, Soldier Thistle, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spurge, Stink Grass, Stinking Goosefoot, Subterranean Clover, Summer Grass, Summer Or Crab Grass - D. Ciliaris, Sweet Summer Grass, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tree Hogweed, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Bean, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Lentil, Volunteer Lupin, Volunteer Pea, Volunteer Safflower, Volunteer Sorghum, Volunteer Sunflower, Volunteer Vetch Or Tares, Ward's Weed, Water Couch, Wild Gooseberry, Wild Lettuce, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Winter Grass, Wire Grasses, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed, Yellow Vine Or Spineless Caltrop, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Fallows And Seedbeds Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Ground Cherry, Apple-Of-Peru, Australian Bindweed - Seedling, Ball Mustard, Bathurst Burr, Bellvine - Seedling, Blackberry Nightshade, Bladder Ketmia, Blue Top - Ageratum/Heliotropium Spp., Californian Burr, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine - Seedling, Charlock, Common Heliotrope, Common Iceplant, Cowvine, Dock, Erodium (Storksbill) - Seedling, Fat Hen, Flaxleaf Fleabane, Fumitory - Red, Fumitory - White, Horehound - Seedling, Indian Hedge Mustard, Ivy Leaf Speedwell, Lincoln Weed - Seedling, Marshmallow - Seedling, Medic, Melilotus Or Hexham Scent, Melon, Mexican Poppy, Native Rosella, New Zealand Spinach - Seedling, Paterson's Curse, Prickly Lettuce, Raspweed - Seedling, Saffron Thistle, Shepherd's Purse, Skeleton Weed - Suppression, Sorrel - Seedling, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Subterranean Clover, Thornapple, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Canola, Volunteer Lupin, Volunteer Pea, Volunteer Safflower, Volunteer Sunflower, Volunteer Vetch Or Tares, Ward's Weed, White Clover, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Wireweed Or Knotweed - Seedling
Fleabane Control For Fallow And Pre-Sowing 0 Mixtures With Amicide Advance 700 Fleabane - Conyza Bonariensis
Rights Of Way African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Blady Grass, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge, St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Pine Wildings - Supp., Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Hay & Silage - Pre Harvest/Cutting Annual Weeds, Prevention Of Regrowth
Industrial Area - Outdoors African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Amsinckia, Annual Ryegrass, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Bladder Ketmia, Blady Grass, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Cowvine, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fleabane, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Indian Hedge Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Long Storksbill, Corkscrew, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Medic, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Muskweed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Sowthistles, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spiny Emex, Spurge, St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Turnip Weed, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Canola, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Cotton - Seedlings, Volunteer Lupin, Volunteer Pine Wildings - Supp., Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Nut Tree Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Brome Grass, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Chickweed, Deadnettle, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Mintweed, Paterson's Curse, Pigweed Spp., Ryegrass, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Spear Or Black Thistle, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Winter Grass
Onion - Post-Plant/Pre Emergence Annual Weeds, Perennial Weed - Suppression
Pasture African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Blady Grass, Blue Gum, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge, St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Pine Wildings - Supp., Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Pasture (Bent Grass Infested) - Suppress Annual Weeds, Bent Grass - Agrostis Spp.
Pasture (Poa Tussock Infested) Annual Weeds, Poa Tussock - Suppression
Pasture Topping To Reduce Seed Set Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Bent Grass - Agrostis Spp., Brome Grass, Calomba Daisy, Capeweed, Serrated Tussock, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue
Perennial Grass - Seed Head Suppression Bent Grass - Suppression
Public Service Area African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Amsinckia, Annual Ryegrass, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Bladder Ketmia, Blady Grass, Blue Gum, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Cowvine, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fleabane, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Indian Hedge Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Long Storksbill, Corkscrew, Marsh Or Smallflower Mallow, Medic, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Muskweed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Sowthistles, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spiny Emex, Spurge, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Turnip Weed, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Canola, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Cotton - Seedlings, Volunteer Lupin, Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Rice - Direct Drilling Annual Phalaris, Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Burr Medic, Canary Grass, Subterranean Clover, Winter Grass
Roundup Ready Flex Cotton African Turnip Weed, Annual Ryegrass, Barnyard Grass - Pre Emergence, Bladder Ketmia, Boggabri Weed, Camel Or Afghan Melon, Caustic Weed, Couch, Deadnettle, Dinebra - Pre-Emergence - Dinebra Retroflexa, Liverseed Grass - Pre-Emergence - Urochloa Panicoides (Liverseed Grass), Lovegrass, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, Spear Or Black Thistle, Stink Grass, Summer Grass, Sweet Summer Grass, Thornapple, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Sorghum, Wild Oat
Sorghum - Post-Harvest Sorghum
Sorghum - Pre-Harvest Annual Weeds, Harvest Aid, Sorghum
Sorghum Control Grain Sorghum - Post Harvest, Sorghum, Sorghum (Post Harvest) - Stubble, Sorghum - See Label For Exceptions
Sugar Cane - Ratoon Crop Sugar Cane - Ratoon Control (See Label)
Sugarcane - Inter-Row Spraying Control Of Annual And Perennial Weeds
Unwanted Tree Control - Cut Stump Jarrah, Longleaf Box, Marri
Unwanted Trees (See Label) Unwanted Trees (see label)
Weed Cont. Around Agricultural Buildings African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Ryegrass, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Barley Grass, Barnyard Grass Or Water Grass, Bathurst Burr, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Blady Grass, Boxthorn, Bracken, Brome Grass, Caltrop - Tribulis Terrestis, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus, Fumitory, Furze Or Gorse, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Groundsel, Guinea Grass, Hawthorn, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana Spp., Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Lupins, Medic, Mintweed, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Pigweed Spp., Plantain, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Ryegrass, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Tussock Grass, Variegated Thistle, Vetches, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Chickpea, Volunteer Faba Bean, Volunteer Field Pea, Volunteer Lentil, Water Couch, Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Weed Cont. Prior To Establishment (No Disturbance) Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Dock, Erodium Spp., Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Plantain, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Sorrel, Spear Or Black Thistle, Subterranean Clover, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Weed Control By Wiper Application African Lovegrass, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo, Blady Grass, Boxthorn, Brome Grass, Canary Grass, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Chickweed, Chinese Scrub, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Heliotrope, Couch, Crofton Weed, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Fumitory, Lantana Spp., Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Nutgrass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Redleg Grass Or Redgrass, Rhodes Grass, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge, Volunteer Cereal, Wild Oat, Willow - Less Than 2m Tall, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Weed Control To Start A Fallow Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Bathurst Burr, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Couch, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Paterson's Curse, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Silver Grass Or Rat's-Tail Fescue, Soursob Or Oxalis, Spear Or Black Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Wild Oat, Wild Radish Or Radish Weed, Wild Turnip

Tips For Use

General Restraints:

  • Do not use Nufarm Crucial Herbicide or any other product containing glyphosate, as the only method of weed control if glyphosate-resistant weeds are suspected or present.
  • To ensure herbicide absorption, do not disturb weeds by cultivation, sowing or grazing for 1 day after treatment of annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds, except where noted.
  • Do not treat weeds under poor growing conditions due to moisture stress, waterlogging, severe frosting, insect damage etc. 
  • Apply treatments to actively growing weeds that have at least one true leaf (broadleaf weeds) or two leaves (grasses) to provide an adequate surface area for herbicide uptake. 
  • Reduced performance may also occur where weeds are covered with dust or silt. 
  • If heavy grazing has occurred, allow regrowth to 6-8 cm before spraying and use the higher rates recommended (where higher rates are listed for the relevant crop/situation).


  • Certain plants may be naturally toxic to stock. 
  • Where known toxic plants are present do not allow the stock to graze until complete browning of treated plants has occurred.
  • Do not apply by aircraft when mixed with Terrad’or Herbicide
  • Do not apply by aircraft when the temperature is above 30°C.

Re-Entry Period:  

  • Re-entry is not allowed until the product has dried unless wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical-resistant gloves.
  • Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use.

Protection Of Crops, Native And Other Nontarget Plants:

  • Avoid contact with foliage, green stems or fruit of crops, desirable plants and trees, since severe injury or destruction may result.
  • Do not apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures.
  • Do not apply if the wind is blowing towards a sensitive crop or situation and off-target damage cannot be avoided.

Protection Of Wildlife, Fish, Crustacea And Environment:

  • Do not contaminate dams, rivers or streams with the product or used container.
  • Do not apply to weeds growing in or over water.
  • Do not spray across open bodies of water.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. 
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • May irritate the eyes and skin. 
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. 
  • When opening the container, preparing spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, and elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves. 
  • Wash hands after use. 
  • After each day of use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). 

​This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance.  You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period


  • Barley, Canola, Linseed, Lupins, Mustard, Safflower, Sesame & Sunflower: Do not cut or graze for stock food for 7 days after application.
  • Cotton & Poppies: Do not graze or cut for stock food.
  • Hay/Silage (other than crops listed separately in this section): Do not mow or cut for 1 day after application. A minimum of 3 days prior to cutting is recommended where conditions result in slow translocation in the target plant.
  • Wheat: Do not cut or graze for stock food for 5 days after application.
  • All other uses: Not required when used as directed


  • Barley, Poppies, Pulses, Safflower, Sesame, Sorghum, Sunflower: Do not harvest for 7 days after application.
  • Canola, Mustard: 
    • Not required when used as directed on canola hybrids with the optimum gly herbicide tolerance trait. 
    • Not required when used solely in-crop over Roundup-ready canola prior to bud formation.  
    • Do not harvest for 5 days after application to a standing crop as a pre-harvest/cutting application.
    • Not required when used at windrowing.
  • Cotton: Not required when used as directed.
  • Linseed: Do not harvest for 10 days after application.
  • Wheat: Do not harvest for 5 days after application.
  • All other uses: Not required when used as directed.
  • Tank Mixtures: Refer to the tank mix partner label and follow accordingly

Export Of Treated Produce:

  • Growers should note that MRLs or import tolerances do not exist in all markets for produce treated with Crucial Herbicide.
  • If you are growing produce for export, please check with Nufarm Australia Limited for the latest information on MRL’s and import tolerance before using Crucial Herbicide.

SDS & Technical

Crucial Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Crucial Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Crucial Herbicide SDS Download Pdf
Crucial Herbicide - Use TechNote Download Pdf
Crucial Herbicide - Registrations TechNote Download Pdf
Crucial Herbicide - Pre-Harvest Application TechNote Download Pdf
Crucial Herbicide - Optical Spray Use Registrations TechNote Download Pdf
Crucial Herbicide -Use in Tolerant Canola TechNote Download Pdf
Glyphosate Facts v Myths Brochure Download Pdf

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