SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer

SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer is a fast-acting granular fipronil insecticide for the non-repellent control of argentine stem weevils and ants in turf and external surrounds of buildings and structures. SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer uses a high-quality graded silica carrier to provide optimum distribution of fipronil in treated areas.

SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer is a non-selective ant treatment solution. It does not matter what the feeding preference, whether sugar, protein, oil or carbohydrate, SAS PRO controls the lot.

Active Ingredient: Fipronil @ 0.25g/kg

Similar or comparable to Surefire Fipronil Granular Ant Killer (PCT)

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5 out of 5 (2 customers reviews)

2 or more$60.00 eachAvailable
2 or more$160.00 eachAvailable

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SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer SAS-PRO Sundew


SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer

Active Ingredient: Fipronil @ 0.25g/kg

Similar or comparable to Surefire Fipronil Granular Ant Killer (PCT)

SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer is a fast-acting granular fipronil insecticide for the non-repellent control of argentine stem weevils and ants in turf and external surrounds of buildings and structures. SAS PRO uses a high-quality graded silica carrier to provide optimum distribution of fipronil in treated areas.

SAS PRO is a non-selective ant treatment solution. It does not matter what the feeding preference, whether sugar, protein, oil or carbohydrate, SAS PRO controls the lot. This broad spectrum of activity means that you can be confident of excellent results if SAS PRO is applied where ant activity is occurring or suspected of occurring. SAS PRO does not require special application equipment, mixing or cleaning up after application. It is convenient and ready to go when you are.

SAS PRO is a highly effective, fast-acting, non-repellent, odourless product specially formulated for outdoor use to control ants and argentine stem weevils. When spread on outdoor surfaces, it provides excellent barrier protection. SAS PRO will not harm soil and plants when used as directed. Inconspicuous in use, it is ideal for pavers and paths. It can be used on lawns, gardens or hard surfaces.

Why choose SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer;

  • The non-repellent formulation means that ants don’t know what hit them until it’s too late.
  • Fast acting for quick results.
  • The fastest way to treat nuisance ants.
  • A low rate of active ingredient (Fipronil) allows for flexible application.
  • A non-scheduled poison that is ideal for sensitive areas.
  • The Smart Kill Technology used to formulate SAS PRO means the insecticide is transferred from one ant to another resulting in localised colony elimination.
  • Sugar, protein, oil or carbohydrate-feeding nuisance ants are all controlled with one application.
  • A non-scheduled poison – safe for people, animals and the environment.
  • Made in Australia by a family-owned, 100% Australian business.

What insects does SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer target;

  • Argentine Stem Weevil
  • Funnel Ants
  • Nuisance Ants
  • Red Imported Fire Ants
  • Yellow Crazy Ants

Where can SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer be used;

  • Turf (Lawns, Commercial Turf Farms, Parks, Recreational Areas, Golf Courses, Bowling Greens & Sports Fields).
  • External surrounds of buildings and structures, including gardens, lawns, ant nests and trails.

After extensive field trials, pest control professionals recommended that SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer be used on broken surfaces such as lawns, garden beds, between pavers, compost, ant trails, nests, etc. As part of an Integrated Pest Management strategy, products should not be used as stand-alone treatments. Sundew Professional Solutions recommends that two other products should be used in combination with SAS PRO to enhance the overall effectiveness of treating nuisance ants:

  • Sundew ANTagonist PRO Polymer Enhanced Bifenthrin applied to hard surfaces such as concrete, walls, driveways, posts, sleepers, ant trails, nests, etc.
  • Sundew AttractANT PRO Ant Bait Gel is strategically applied in targeted areas adjacent to ant trails, nests or where they are suspected of feeding or visiting.
  • Sundew EnsnarePRO suspension concentrate 50 g/L indoxacarb non-repellent technology for indoor (and outdoor) situations.

Pack Sizes: 1kg & 10kg

  • 1kg supplied as an easy-apply shaker pack.
  • A bonus empty shaker pack is supplied with 10kg packs

Registrant: Sundew Solutions Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 67629)

SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer & Red Imported Fire Ants
Red Imported Fire Ants at a site in Cornubia, South East  Queensland (circa 2020) in a homeowners lawn treated with SAS PRO Granular Ant Killer, which, when ants are exposed, is transferred back to the nest where it kills the Queen and destroys the colony.

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5 out of 5 stars

2 reviews

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What others are saying

  1. Nick Kroh

    Ants have been beaten

    Nick Kroh (verified owner)

    Would really recommend this product, we could not keep the ant’s out of the dog food, problem is now solved

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  2. mrdavetownsend

    Me: 1, Bull ants: 0

    mrdavetownsend (verified owner)

    After 2 years of trying everything (including fire which didn’t end well) I reluctantly resorted to chemicals. I had a very large area of land that you couldn’t even walk through without getting bitten, let alone try to dig it.
    Asked for advice and while they were clear bull ants/jumping jacks weren’t listed on this product I took a gamble.
    2 heavy doses, some piled up around the nest and the rest dug into the ground and 1 week later I literally have tens of thousands of dead ants piles up and can (almost) walk the area bare foot.
    Outstanding product and will definitely keep some in stock for future infestations!
    Thank you!

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Features & Benefits

  • It contains the active ingredient Fipronil to allow flexible application.
  • Made in Australia by a family-owned, 100% Australian business.
  • Non-scheduled poison – safe for people, animals and the environment.
  • No specialised equipment is required to treat quickly and efficiently.
  • No mixing, no fuss, ready-to-use granules.
  • Australia’s fastest way to treat nuisance ants.
  • The targeted treatment binds to organic matter and does not move great distances in the environment. 
  • Trusted Fipronil-based formulation for treating funnel ants in commercial turf and nuisance ants in domestic situations.
  • A high-quality graded silica carrier is utilised to provide optimum distribution of fipronil in treated areas. 
  • For use in external areas hard to treat with traditional sprays such as garden beds, between pavers, lawns, etc.
  • Each 10kg bucket has a convenient free shaker pack for easy application.
  • Also available in a handy 1kg shaker pack.
  • For best results, apply along ant trails and around nests.
  • Fipronil-based granule provides total colony eradication with Sundew Smart Kill Technology.
  • Broad spectrum or activity.
  • Long residual activity.
  • Convenient ready-to-use granules.
  • Ideal around sensitive areas such as schools and daycares where nuisance ants cause great distress.
  • Approved for treating Red Imported Fire Ants, Yellow Crazy Ants and Argentine Stem Weevil.
  • Whether ants have a sugar, protein or oil-feeding preference, it does not matter. SAS PRO controls the lot.

Directions Of Use

Situation: Turf (for example, lawns, commercial turf farms, parks, recreational areas, golf courses, bowling greens & sports fields)

Pests: Argentine Stem Weevil & Funnel Ants

Rate: 75-150kg per Ha (750gm – 1.5kg per 100m².)

Critical Comments: 

  • Broadcast SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer with suitable application equipment to ensure uniform coverage over the treatment area. 
  • The treatment area must be irrigated with up to 4 mm of water immediately after application. 
  • Inspect treatment areas for continuing activity. 
  • If required, repeat applications may be made at 2-month intervals up to 5 applications per year.

Situation: External surrounds of buildings and structures, including gardens, lawns, ant nests and trails.

Pests: Nuisance Ants, including Red Imported Fire ants and Yellow Crazy Ants.

Rate: 75-150kg per Ha (750gm – 1.5kg per 100m².)

Critical Comments:

  • Apply SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer to areas where ants are active. 
  • Sprinkle evenly over the area to be treated.
  • Where possible, apply directly on and around ant nests or trails.
  • Reapply as necessary. 
  • Use a high rate for heavy infestations and maximum residual control. 
  • Use the low rate for maintenance situations or to control light infestations. 
  • When applied to pavers, sweep excess product into cracks for best control.

Rates are a general guide only.  Before opening, carefully the SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer read directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions.  The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Does SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer have a shelf life or best before date?

  1. Q Does SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer have a shelf life or best before date?
    Asked by Beau on May 12, 2024 9:06 am
    Answered by the admin

    SAS PRO Professional Granular Ant Killer does not have a best-before or expiry date. However, the manufacturer recommends best practice by using it within approximately 5 years from the 'date of manufacture'. Store it in the closed original container in a cool, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Ant Track Or Nest Pest Control, Commercial Building/Structure - External Areas, Domestic Building/Structure - External Areas, Garden & Lawn Nuisance Ants, Including Red Imported Fire Ant And Yellow Crazy Ant
Bowling And Golf Green Turf, Commercial Turf Grass, Golf Course Turf, Oval Or Park Turf Or Lawn, Recreational Turf, Sports Ground & Turf Argentine Stem Weevil, Funnel Ant

Tips For Use


  • Do not apply inside buildings.


  • Do not spread granules directly onto humans, pets, exposed food, food preparation areas or food utensils.

General Instructions:

  • For optimum results, use a correctly calibrated granule applicator.

Protection Of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans And the Environment:

  • Very toxic to aquatic life. 
  • Do not contaminate wetlands or watercourses with this product or used containers.

Protection Of Pets And Livestock:

  • Before treatment, remove animals and pets from the areas to be treated. 
  • Cover or remove any open food and water containers. 
  • Keep away from domestic pets, especially dogs.
  • If dogs eat the granules, contact your veterinary surgeon immediately. 
  • Use caution around pets – ensure the product is well dispersed, i.e. swept in between pavers, cracks and crevices and dispersed into soil and/or lawn. 
  • Cover or remove fishponds, aquariums etc., before application. 
  • Do not apply SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer within 2 metres of a fishpond or water containing fish or aquatic species.
  • Do not graze treated turf or feed turf clippings from any treated area to poultry or livestock.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. 
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • It will irritate the eyes. 
  • Avoid contact with eyes. 
  • Wash hands after use.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). 

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details WHP: 

  • Not applicable when used as directed.

SDS & Technical

SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer Label APVMA Download Pdf
SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer Label Download Pdf
SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer Label SDS Download Pdf
SAS PRO Professional Granule Ant Killer TechSheet Download Pdf

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