Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Sheep Drench (Moxidectin & Praziquantel)

Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench & Tapeworm Treatment For Sheep & Lambs is for treating and controlling moxidectin-sensitive gastrointestinal parasites (including benzimidazole and/or levamisole-resistant strains) and tapeworm of sheep and lambs.

Cydectin Plus Tape is a second-generation macrocyclic lactone endectocide that is effective against parasites sensitive to this family, and Praziquantel which is effective against tapeworms.

Active Ingredients: Moxidectin @ 1g/L & Praziquantel 18.8g/L


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Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Sheep Drench (Moxidectin & Praziquantel) CYDECTIN-PLUS-TAPE Virbac


Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench and Tapeworm Treatment for Sheep and Lambs

Active Ingredients: Moxidectin @ 1g/L & Praziquantel 18.8g/L

Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench & Tapeworm Treatment For Sheep & Lambs is for treating and controlling moxidectin-sensitive gastrointestinal parasites (including benzimidazole and/or levamisole resistant strains) and tapeworm of sheep and lambs.


Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench and Tapeworm Treatment for Sheep and Lambs is a second-generation macrocyclic lactone endectocide that is effective against parasites sensitive to this family, and Praziquantel which is effective against tapeworms.

Which parasites does Cydectin Plus Tape treat;

  • Mature (adult) and immature (L4)
    • Barber’s pole worm – Haemonchus contortus
    • Black scour worm – Trichostrongylus spp & Trichostrongylus colubriformis
    • Stomach hair worm – Trichostrongylus axei
    • Small brown stomach worm – Ostertagia (Teladorsagia) spp, Ostertagia circumcincta & Ostertagia lyrata
    • Small intestinal worm – Cooperia spp & Cooperia oncophora
    • Thin necked intestinal worm – Nematodirus spp, Nematodirus battus, Nematodirus filicollis & Nematodirus spathiger
    • Intestinal threadworm – Strongyloides papillosus
    • Nodule worm – Oesophagostomum columbianum
    • Large-mouthed bowel worm – Chabertia ovina
    • Large lungworm – Dictyocaulus filaria
  • Adult nematodes
    • Black scour worm – Trichostrongylus rugatus & Trichostrongylus vitrinus
    • Small brown stomach worm – Ostertagia trifurcata
    • Small intestinal worm – Cooperia curticei
    • Thin necked intestinal worm – Nematodirus abnormalis & Nematodirus helvetianus
    • Large bowel – worm Oesophagostomum venulosum
    • Whipworm – Trichuris ovis
  • Ectoparasites
    • Itch mite – Psorergates ovis

Why Choose Cydectin Plus Tape:

  • Contains moxidectin
    • Moxidectin is the most potent member of drenches’ macrocyclic lactone (ML) family, meaning it can kill worms resistant to ivermectin and abamectin.
  • Contains Praziquantel
    • Praziquantel is the only available chemical that controls the segments and tapeworm heads at registered doses. It makes sense to remove tapeworms to reduce the overall worm burden of your lambs, giving them the best opportunity to achieve peak performance.
  • Broad spectrum parasite control
    • Cydectin Plus Tape is highly effective against all major internal parasites susceptible to an ML drench, including gastrointestinal roundworms and large lungworms. These worms can reduce overall productivity, especially in young animals. Weight gains and wool growth can be reduced significantly. Cydectin Plus Tape also controls tapeworm and itch mites.
  • Persistent activity
    • Cydectin Plus Tape prevents reinfection with Ostertagia circumcincta (small brown stomach worm) for at least 14 days. It prevents pasture contamination by Ostertagia circumcincta eggs for at least 35 days. Persistent activity is important when there is significant pasture contamination, as it can delay the need for subsequent drenching. Preventing pasture contamination by eggs can also delay the need for subsequent drenching.
  • Recommended for lambs
    • For a young lamb, life is a risky business. They are vulnerable to cold, predators and worms. As soon as a lamb starts to eat pasture, it develops a worm burden. Unlike older sheep, lambs haven’t built up their immunity against worms. Worm infections lead to reduced wool production and lower body weights in sheep of any age; a high worm burden will have a far bigger impact on young sheep. Cydectin Plus Tape can be safely used in young lambs.
  • Safety
    • Cydectin Plus Tape has a wide margin of safety when used as recommended and is readily accepted by sheep. It can be safely used concurrently with other fluke treatments and vaccines.

Pack Sizes: 5L & 10L

Registrant: Virbac (Australia) Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 52085)

Sheep Drench Product Range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Moxidectin – the most potent macrocyclic lactone (ML).
  • It contains the active ingredient Praziquantel, which is effective against tapeworm.
  • Broad spectrum roundworm control.
  • Fourteen days of persistent activity against small brown stomach worms.
  • Controls tapeworm (both heads and segments).
  • Recommended for highly contaminated pastures.
  • Recommended for lambs infected with roundworms and tapeworms.
  • Unselenised.

Directions Of Use


Cydectin Plus Tape is given orally by mouth at the recommended dose rate of 1mL/5kg bodyweight


Dose Volume

Animals Treated


(mL) 5L



2 2500 5000
11 – 15 3 1666


16 – 20

4 1250 2500
21 – 25 5 1000


26 – 30

6 833 1666
31 – 35 7 714


36 – 40

8 625 1250
41 – 45 9 555


46 – 50

10 500 1000
51 – 55 11 454


56 – 60

12 416 833
61 – 65 13 384


66 – 70

14 357 714
70+ 1mL/5kg 1mL/5kg


Animals over 70 kg bodyweight to be dosed at 1mL/5 kg


  • Cydectin Plus Tape is applied using standard oral drenching equipment.
  • Dose the mob according to the heaviest animal by bodyweight in the group.
  • A representative sample of animals should be weighed before treatment.
  • Do not underdose.
  • Do not drench in marking cradles due to the increased risk of aspiration into the lungs.
  • Check the accuracy of drenching equipment before and during use.

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench & Tapeworm Treatment For Sheep & Lambs  Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Can Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench & Tapeworm Treatment For Sheep & Lambs be used on goats, and if so what is the dose rate?

  1. Q Can Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench & Tapeworm Treatment For Sheep & Lambs be used on goat...... Read more
    Asked by Debbie on November 23, 2023 7:59 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench & Tapeworm Treatment For Sheep & Lambs is not registered or recommended for use for goats. Specialist Sales has a range of goat products in Shop Our Range, Animal Health, sub-category Goat Products. You can also contact your local veterinarian, who can provide you with an off-label recommendation.

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Lambs & Sheep Barber's Pole Worm (also Inhibited L4), Barber's Pole Worm-haemonchus Contortus, Black Scour Worm - Teladorsagia Spp., Black Scour Worm - Trichostrongylus Spp., Cooperia Curticei, Cooperia Oncophora, Intestinal Hair Worm - T. Colubriformis, Intestinal Threadworm - S. Papillosus, Large Bowel Worm - O. Venulosum, Large Lungworm - Dictyocaulus Filaria, Large Mouthed Bowel Worm, Nematodirus Abnormalis, Nematodirus Battus, Nematodirus Filicollis, Nematodirus Helvetianus, Nodule Worm - , O. Circumcincta - Including Inhibited L4, Ostertagia Circumcincta, Ostertagia Trifurcata, Sheep Itch Mite, Small Intestinal Worm , Small Strongyles-benzimidazole Resistant, Stomach Hair Worm, Tapeworm - Monieza Expansa, Thin Necked Intestinal Worm, Thin Necked Intestinal Worm N. Spathiger, Trichostrongylus Rugatus, Trichostrongylus Spp. - Adult/4th Stage, Whipworm - Trichuris Ovis

Tips For Use

How to orally drench sheep.

When to Use Cydectin Plus Tape:

  • At weaning
    • Drenching at weaning minimises parasites’ impact on your lambs at a time when they are in a high growth phase or undergoing nutritional stress and have little immunity to fight the worms themselves. Any hurdle to their growth at this stage can lead to long-term underperformance.
  • Post-weaning
    • Lambs remain vulnerable for several months post-weaning. They should be monitored regularly using worm egg counts and treated if worms become a problem.
  • Strategic treatment of adult sheep (e.g. ewes)
    • The source of infection for lambs is, in most cases, adult sheep. Although tapeworms are unlikely to have clinical impacts on adult sheep, strategic treatment of ewes can reduce pasture contamination and resulting infection levels in their offspring.
  • On high-risk pastures with moderate to high larval contamination, and when tapeworm is present
    • Use Cydectin plus Tape when sheep are on or will be moved to high-risk pastures with moderate to high contamination with larval parasites and at risk of contamination with the infective stages of tapeworm.
  • Drench resistance testing
    • Understanding the level of resistance to the various drench families on a particular property is essential. Faecal egg count reduction tests (FECRTs) provide objective measurements of which drenches are working and which fall below the efficacy required for good worm control (i.e. 95% efficacy). FECRTs should be conducted every two to three years to monitor any changes in resistance levels.
  • Worm testing
    • Worm egg counts provide valuable information to optimise drench timing. Egg counts will show if a drench is not required because of low worm numbers but will also reveal production limiting worm infections before clinical signs such as scouring or wasting are evident. A larval differentiation assay provides identification of the worm species present so that the optimal type of drench can be selected.


  • Store below 25ºC (air conditioning) and protect from sunlight.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
    For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​


Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Meat: Do not administer less than seven (7) days before slaughter for human consumption.
  • Milk: Do not use in female sheep which are producing or may in the future produce milk or milk products for human consumption.
  • Export Slaughter Interval (ESI): 7 days

SDS & Technical

Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench SDS Download Pdf
Cydectin Plus Tape Oral Drench TechNote Download Pdf

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