Hatchet Extra Herbicide (Active Ingredients: Triclopyr @ 300g/L, Picloram @ 100g/L & Aminopyralid @ 8g/L)
Similar or comparable to Grazon Extra Herbicide (Corteva) & Woody Extra Herbicide (Apparent/Titan Ag)
Hatchet Extra Herbicide controls a range of environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds. It contains three active ingredients: Triclopyr, Picloram, and Aminopyralid. This three-way punch creates a synergistic effect that tackles a wider range of weeds than single-ingredient herbicides. This synergy allows for improved control of tough, resilient woody plants. Two of the active ingredients contained in Hatchet Extra have residual properties that, in many situations, can stay active in the soil for a period of time, preventing targeted woody plants and weeds from regerminating.
Hatchet Extra Herbicide is effective on tough environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds: It’s particularly useful against hard-to-kill woody weeds that resist other herbicides. Hatchet Extra Herbicide is selective, meaning it controls target weeds without harming desirable pasture grasses when used as directed.
What weeds does Hatchet Extra Herbicide target;
African Boxthorn | Chinese Shrub | Giant Bramble | Milfoil (Yarrow) | Sifton Bush |
Angophora Spp. | Cockspur Thorn | Gorse | Mistflower | Smartweed |
Australian Blackthorn | Common Sensitive Plant | Green Cestrum | Montpellier Broom | Smooth Tree Pear |
Banksia Spp. | Common Sowthistle | Groundsel Bush (Baccharis Halimifolia) | Mother-Of-Millions | Spear Thistle |
Biddy Bush | Cow Vine | Hawthorn | Paddy’s Lucerne | St John’s Wort |
Bitterbark (Alstonia Constricta) | Crofton Weed | Horehound | Parkinsonia | Sweet Briar |
Blackberry | Cucumber Melon (Cucumis Melo) | Japanese Sunflower | Paterson’s Curse | Thistles |
Blackberry Nightshade (Suppression Only) | Docks | Lantana | Polymeria Pusilla | Tobacco Weed |
Blue Heliotrope | Eastern Cotton Bush (Maireana Microphylla) | Lantana – Camara | Prickly Paddy Melon | Tropical Soda Apple |
Camel Melon | English Broom | Lantana – Montevidensis | Prickly Pear (Common) | Wattle (Acacia Spp.) (Except Corkwood Wattle) |
Camphor Laurel | Eucalyptus Spp. | Limebush | Prosopis Velutina | Wild Rosemary (Cassinia Laevis) |
Cape Broom | Fireweed | Lion Tail (Leonatis Nepetifolia) | Ragwort | Wild Tobacco Tree |
Capeweed | Flax Leaf Broom | Lucerne (Established) | Rubber Vine (Not Infected With Rust) | |
Casuarina Spp. | Flax-Leaf Fleabane (Conyza Bonariensis) | Fleabane | Manuka | Siam Weed |
Chinese Apple | Galenia | Mesquite (Prosopis Spp.) | Sicklepod |
How can Hatchet Extra Herbicide be applied;
- High Volume Spraying
- Hand Gun
- Knapsack & 12 Volt Sprayer Packs
- Aerial Application
- Controlled Droplet Application (CDA)
- Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques (i.e. Gas Powered/Splatter Gun & Sprinkler Sprayers)
- Boom Application (woody weeds and fallow)
- Blanket Wiper (fallow)
Hatchet Extra Herbicide is a member of the pyridines and pyridyloxy-carboxylates group of herbicides. Its mode of action disrupts the plant cell growth. Aminopyralid and picloram remain active in the soil for extended periods depending on the rate of application, soil type (clay content), rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. Triclopyr does not remain active in the soil for the same extended periods.
Pack Sizes: 1L, 5L, 20L & 1000L
(1000L IBC pricing available upon request – contact us for a quote)
Registrant: Conquest Crop Protection Pty Ltd (APVMA #94072)
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