WeedMaster Duo Herbicide (Glyphosate)

Weedmaster Duo Herbicide is registered to control annual and perennial weeds, brush and woody weeds, aquatic weeds, unwanted trees in forestry and a wide range of crops. It is fully loaded with an aquatically approved surfactant for use with high water rates in horticulture and industrial situations.

Weedmaster Duo contains two salts to improve plant uptake, unlike standard glyphosate formulations. The result is a more effective product that also gives you extra flexibility thanks to its enhanced tank mix compatibility. Weedmaster Duo Herbicide has the added advantage of full aquatic registration, so it can be used around waterways.

Active Ingredients: 360g/L Glyphosate (present as the isopropylamine and mono-ammonium salts)

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WeedMaster Duo Herbicide (Glyphosate) WEEDMASTER-DUO Nufarm


Weedmaster Duo Herbicide (Dual Salt Technology)

Active Ingredients: 360g/L Glyphosate (present as the isopropylamine and mono-ammonium salts)

Weedmaster Duo Herbicide is fully loaded with an aquatically approved surfactant for use with high water rates in horticulture and industrial situations. Weedmaster Duo contains two salts to improve plant uptake, unlike standard glyphosate formulations. The result is a more effective product that also gives you extra flexibility thanks to its enhanced tank mix compatibility.

Weedmaster Duo Herbicide has the added advantage of full aquatic registration, so it can be used around waterways.

Weedmaster Duo Herbicide Delivers:

  • Fast, reliable, broad-spectrum weed control
  • Excellent tank mix compatibility
  • Improved plant uptake due to Dual Salt Technology
  • Aquatically approved surfactant that is frog friendly for use near drains, rivers and creeks
  • High water rate application due to fully loaded surfactant.

Weedmaster Duo Herbicide – the Product:

Weedmaster Duo contains 360g/L of glyphosate, present as the isopropylamine and mono-ammonium salts. The important difference between Weedmaster Duo and other 360g/L glyphosates is that it uses those two bases to form soluble glyphosate salts – the unique Dual Salt Technology process. The inclusion of mono-ammonium salt along with a unique surfactant package accelerates the progress of glyphosate through the cuticle into the plant sap transport system.

Weedmaster Duo Herbicide Registrations:

Weedmaster Duo is registered to control annual and perennial weeds, brush and woody weeds, aquatic weeds, unwanted trees in forestry and a wide range of crops.

What weeds does WeedMaster Duo Herbicide target;

African Boxthorn Cereals Kangaroo Grass Poa Tussock Sub. Clover
Alligator Weed Chickweed Kikuyu Grass Poplar Box Swamp Mahogany
Amaranth Chinese Scrub Lantana Potato Weed Sweet Briar
Amsinckia Cobbler’s Pegs Lesser Swinecress Prairie Grass Sweet Summer Grass
Annual Ground Cherry Cocksfoot Liverseed Grass Privet Thornapple
Annual Phalaris Common Reed Longleaf Box Qld Blue Grass Topped Lavender
Annual Ryegrass Coppice Control Lovegrass (African) Rhodes Grass Turnip Weed
Artichoke Thistle Couch Ludwigia Peruviana Rhus Variegated Thistle
Australian Bluebell Crofton Weed Marri Rope Twitch Volunteer Cereals
Bamboo Cudweed Messmate Stringybark Rushes Volunteer Lupins
Barley Grass Cumbungi Mexican Poppy Ryegrass Volunteer Pine
Barnyard Grass Dead Nettle Milk Thistle Saffron Thistle Volunteer Sorghum
Bent Grass Dock Mintweed Scotch Thistle Volunteer Sunflower
Bitou Bush Double Gee Mistflower Sedge (Tall) Water Couch
Blackberry Eucalyptus Spp. Narrowleaf Ironbark Sifton Bush Water Hyacinth
Bladder Ketmia Flatweed Narrowleaf Peppermint Silver Grass Water Lettuce
Blady Grass Flooded Gum New Zealand Spinach Silverleaf Ironbark White Mahogany
Boneseed Fog Grass Noogoora Burr Silverleaf Nightshade Wild Lettuce
Bracken Fumitory Nutgrass Silvertop Ash (Ironbark) Wild Mustard
Brome Grass Ghost Gum Pampas Grass Skeleton Weed Wild Oats
Brown Beetle Grass Glyceria Paradoxa Grass Sorghum Wild Radish
Bullich Goosefoot Paragrass Sorrel Wild Turnip
Burr Medic Gorse (Furze) Paspalum Soursob Willows
Californian Thistle Ground Cherry Paterson’s Curse Sowthistle Winter Grass
Caltrop Groundsel Bush Pellitory Spear Thistle Yellow Waterlily
Camel Melon Guinea Grass Perennial Phalaris Spiny Burrgrass Yellowvine
Camphor Laurel Gum Topped Bloodwood Phalaris Spotted Gum Yorkshire Fog
Canary Grass Hawthorn Phragmites Spurge
Capeweed Hoary Cress Pigweed St John’s Wort
Carpet Grass Jarrah Pink Bloodwood Stinkgrass (Lovegrass)
Cat’s Ear Johnson Grass Plantains Stinking Goosefoot

Check the product label for the full list of weeds controlled, Specific rates are registered for application by boom sprays, handguns and knapsacks. For brush and woody weeds, there are specified low-volume application rates and aerial rates for application in tank mixes with Associate (Metsulfuron Methyl). Wiper and controlled droplet application equipment can also be used in specific situations. Check the product label for full details.

Pack Sizes: 1L, 5L,10L & 20L

Registrant: Nufarm Australia Limited (APVMA #:53576)

Glyphosate Product Range

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4.43 out of 5 stars

7 reviews

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What others are saying

  1. Samantha

    A great gardening tool. Kills weeds no fuss!

    Samantha (verified owner)

    It’s easy to prepare. Just spray over the weeds and a week later they dead. I use it around the sheds and the caravan. I love this stuff!!

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  2. Colin Carpenter

    1ltr duo

    Colin Carpenter

    This would kill the top off your beer so you could have a drink. Love It

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  3. chance


    chance (verified owner)

    fast postage and great product

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  4. David Turner

    David Turner (verified owner)

    Prompt service and delivery. No problems.

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  5. Scott

    Scott (verified owner)

    Prompt service and del

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  6. Tony

    Tony (verified owner)

    It’s very good

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  7. Barry P.

    Barry P. (verified owner)

    this weedmaster duo is a very effective broad spectrum weed and grass killer … ideal for a hobby farmer like myself.
    easy to dilute to a std ratio that is good on every thing ive needed, from all types of thistles to grasses.
    it takes about 2 weeks for the target weeds to fully die off.
    ive been using duo for a couple of years and will stick with it.

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Features & Benefits

  • It contains the active ingredient Glyphosate present as the isopropylamine and mono-ammonium salts.
  • Recommended for rapid, reliable performance in horticulture and industrial situations.
  • Outperforms standard 360g/L glyphosate formulations on a range of weeds in various situations.
  • Full aquatic registration also makes Weedmaster Duo ideal for council use in parks and gardens and along drains, rivers and creeks.
  • Recommended for the control of annual and perennial weeds, brush and woody weeds, aquatic weeds, unwanted trees in forestry and a wide range of crops.

Directions Of Use

Mixing Rates:

Click here to view the Weedmaster DUO Dual Salt Technology Herbicide Directions for Use,

General Weed Control:


For general weed control in Domestic areas (Home gardens), Commercial, Industrial and Public Service areas, Agricultural buildings and other farm situations. For specific weeds, brush and woody weeds or unwanted trees, refer to the appropriate weeds-controlled table

Rate: 10mL/L of water

Critical Comments:

  • Apply when weeds are actively growing. 
  • Apply to ensure complete and uniform wetting of foliage. 
  • For the control of many grasses and broadleaf weeds.
  • Visible symptoms may take from 3-7 days to develop.

Annual Weed Control:

Boom: 2-3L/ha

Handgun: 500-700mL/100L

Knapsack: 75-100mL/15L

Perennial Weed Control:

Boom: 1.5L – 9L/ha

Handgun: 500mL – 1.5L/100L

Knapsack: 75mL – 300mL/15L

Brush & Woody Weed Control:

Handgun: 500mL – 1.5L/100L

Knapsack: 75mL – 300mL/15L

Low Volume (i.e. Gas Gun / Splatter Gun): 1:29 – 1:19 (Product: Water)

Unwanted Tree Control:

Mixture by Volume: 1:1 – 1:5 (Product:Water)

Ensure trees are actively growing at the time of treatment and not under the stress of drought, waterlogging or cold.

All other application rates refer to Directions For Use

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Weedmaster DUO Dual Salt Technology Herbicide Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Can Weedmaster Duo Herbicide be used on lawn/grass areas around domestic dwellings?

  1. Q Can Weedmaster Duo Herbicide be used on lawn/grass areas around domestic dwellings?
    Asked by Eric on February 18, 2023 10:48 am
    Answered by the admin

    WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide is a non-selective formulation suitable for use in outdoor commercial & domestic areas around dwellings.

  2. Is WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide for spray use only? Can it be used to cut and paint gorse?

  3. Q Is WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide for spray use only? Can it be used to cut and pa...... Read more
    Asked by Jane on January 19, 2023 12:59 pm
    Answered by the admin

    WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide is not registered to be used via cut stump application to control Gorse effectively. For Gorse, it is registered to be applied by Aerial or Boom Spray, Handgun, Knapsack and controlled droplet applications. Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is a better herbicide to control Gorse by Cut Stump (Picloram & Aminopyralid).

  4. Does Weedmaster DUO Dual Salt Technology Herbicide kill Camphor Laurel?

  5. Q Does Weedmaster DUO Dual Salt Technology Herbicide kill Camphor Laurel?
    Asked by paul on October 29, 2022 4:02 pm
    Answered by the admin

    WeedMaster Duo is registered to control Camphor Laurel as a stem injection. The mixing rate is 1:1, and 2mL is injected per cut/ hole. The mix should penetrate the sapwood beneath the bark spacing at 13cm centres around the tree circumference. For more detailed information, we recommend carefully reading the 'directions for use', which can be found on the product screen under the 'SDS and Technical' tab.

  6. How long before you see the effect of the WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide after application?

  7. Q How long before you see the effect of the WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide after app...... Read more
    Asked by Gillian on August 29, 2022 9:31 am
    Answered by the admin

    This product moves through the plant from the point of contact and into the root system.  WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide (Glyphosate) claims visible effects on annual weeds take 3-7 days, but on perennial weeds may not be obvious for 2-3 weeks or longer in some cases. Visible effects of control may be delayed by cool or cloudy weather at and following treatment.  Visible effects are a gradual yellowing and wilting of the plant which advances to complete browning of above ground growth and deterioration of underground plant parts. Delay application until vegetation has emerged to the stages described in the “Weeds Controlled” tables. Unemerged parts arising from attached underground rhizomes or root stocks of perennials will not be affected by spray and will continue to grow. For this reason best control of most perennial weeds is obtained at late growth stages approaching maturity.

  8. Is WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide (Glyphosate) okay to use in urban areas, i.e. parklands etc., where people are? Are there any residual issues?

  9. Q Is WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide (Glyphosate) okay to use in urban areas, i.e. pa...... Read more
    Asked by carl turk on August 25, 2022 12:18 pm
    Answered by the admin

    WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide (Glyphosate) is registered for use in agricultural and non-agricultural areas, i.e. around buildings in commercial and industrial areas and domestic and public service areas.  People should not be allowed nearby whilst spraying is occurring but may reenter the area once the spray has dried.

    WeedMaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide (Glyphosate) is inactivated immediately in the soil and does not provide residual weed control.

  10. There are brown tree frogs in the area where a honeysuckle creeper is invading trees and creek bank. Can I be sure that the frogs will not be harmed. It is impossible for me to clear all the area by hand, I have dug out accessible creeper. It tends to take root where it touches the steep bank down to water level. It has invaded tree up to 25 feet and I have cut the vine near ground level, when new shoots appear do I spray them or cut and paint?

  11. Q There are brown tree frogs in the area where a honeysuckle creeper is invading trees and creek ba...... Read more
    Asked by D. Baird on March 25, 2022 12:06 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Weedmaster Duo Dual Salt Technology Herbicide is not classified as acutely toxic to wildlife and fish. It needs to be present in water for approx 96hours at relatively high levels to be harmful to tadpoles.  The toxicity information in the products SDS does not mention toxicity to frogs.  The manufacturer can't rule out damage to wildlife when used correctly at the recommended rates.  Weedmaster can be applied either as a foliar spray or cut stem application.  The cut stem application will reduce the chance of spraying any non-target species but require more work.  We would not recommend spraying the honeysuckle if it covers a tree, as you may inadvertently poison the tree.  

    Vigilant II Herbicide Gel is a popular product to target many weed species in sensitive environmental situations.  This product needs to be either painted onto the leaves of plants or be applied by the cut stem method.

  12. Is this safe if dogs eat the grass the next day that was poisoned
  13. Q Is this safe if dogs eat the grass the next day that was poisoned
    Asked by Michelle Smith on October 31, 2021 10:17 am
    Answered by the admin

    Pets may be at risk if they touch or eat plants that are still wet with spray from products containing glyphosate.  The best practice in a domestic situation for pets is to remove them while the spray is wet, however, once it has dried then they are fine to return to the area.  If you were to remove the dog until the next day (to be on the safe side) you would not have any problems if it was to eat some of the sprayed grass.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Agricultural Areas - See Label, Avocado, Over 3 Years Old, Banana, Over 3 Years Old, Blueberry Over 3 Years Old, Chickpea - See Label, Citrus Fruit - Over 3 Years Old, Cotton, Dessert Fig Over 3 Years Old, Duboisia Or Corkwood, Over 3 Years Old, Guava, Over 3 Years Old, Kiwi Fruit Over 3 Years Old, Lychee, Over 3 Years Old, Mango, Over 3 Years Old, Monstera Fruit, Over 3 Years Old, Navy Bean, Non-agricultural Area - General, Nut Over 3 Years Old, Olive, Over 3 Years Old, Pawpaw Over 3 Years Old, Peanut, Persimmon, Over 3 Years Old, Pome Fruit, Over 3 Years Old, Raspberry Over 3 Years Old, Soybean, Stone Fruit Over 3 Years Old, Sugar Cane & Vineyard - Over 3 Years Old African Lovegrass, Alligator Weed, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Annual Weed Control, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo (bambusa Spp.), Barley Grass, Barnyard Or Water Grass, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Blady Grass, Bracken, Brome Grass, Brown Beetle Grass - Diplachne Spp., Californian Thistle, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Canary Grasses, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Couch, Common Fumitory, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Cumbungi, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Ground Cherry - Physalis Angulata, Guinea Grass, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Ludwigia Peruviana, Mintweed, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Pellitory, Perennial Pigweed, Phalaris, Plantain, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Or Annual Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Red-leg Grass, Rhodes Grass, Rush, Saffron Thistle, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp., Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Tall Sedge, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Barley, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Oat, Volunteer Sorghum, Volunteer Wheat, Wall Fumitory, Water Couch, Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce, Waterlily, Yellow, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Agricultural/Farm Buildings General Weed Control
Aquatic Weed Control Alligator Weed, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Cumbungi, Para Grass, Rush, Tall Sedge, Water Couch, Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce, Waterlily, Yellow
Brush And Woody Weed Control African Boxthorn, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Chinese Scrub, Crofton Weed, Furze Or Gorse, Groundsel Bush, Hawthorn, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose
Camellia Or Tea, Over 3 Years Old African Lovegrass, Alligator Weed, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Annual Weed Control, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo (bambusa Spp.), Barley Grass, Barnyard Or Water Grass, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Blady Grass, Bracken, Brome Grass, Brown Beetle Grass - Diplachne Spp., Californian Thistle, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Canary Grasses, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Couch, Common Fumitory, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Cumbungi, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Ground Cherry - Physalis Angulata, Guinea Grass, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Ludwigia Peruviana, Mintweed, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Pellitory, Perennial Pigweed, Phalaris, Plantain, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Or Annual Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Red-leg Grass, Rhodes Grass, Rush, Saffron Thistle, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp., Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Tall Sedge, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Barley, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Oat, Volunteer Sorghum, Volunteer Wheat, Wall Fumitory, Water Couch, Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce, Waterlily, Yellow, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Commercial Area - General, Domestic Area - Outdoors, Industrial Land Or Area & Public Service Area Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Bracken, Eucalyptus - Seedling And Sucker, Furze Or Gorse, General Weed Control, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Sorrel, St John's Wort, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Topped Lavender, Volunteer Pine Wildings - Supp., Yorkshire Fog Grass
Commercial/industrial Land, Domestic And/or Public Area & Rights Of Way Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Bracken, Furze Or Gorse, Lantana - Lantana Camara, St John's Wort, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose
Conservation Tillage Weed Control, Prior To Winter Crop & Prior To Winter Pasture Amsinckia, Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Annual Phalaris, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Dock - Seedling, Fumitory, Paterson's Curse, Phalaris, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Silvergrass - Aristida Contorta, Skeleton Weed, Skeleton Weed - Fully Emerged Rosettes, Sorrel, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Emex, Subterranean Clover, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Lupin, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip, Winter Grass
Cotton - Pre-harvest Bathurst Burr, Noogoora Burr, Nutgrass - Seasonal Suppression, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Winter Annual Weeds
Fallow Or Prior To Seeding A Crop Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Annual Phalaris, Australian Bluebell - W. Stricta, Barley Grass, Barnyard Or Water Grass, Bladder Ketmia, Brome Grass, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Camel Or Afghan Melon, Capeweed, Cudweed, Fumitory, Ground Or Annual Ground Cherry, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Mexican Poppy, Mintweed, New Zealand Spinach, Noogoora Burr, Paterson's Curse, Saffron Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Silvergrass - Aristida Contorta, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spurge, Stink Grass, Stinking Goosefoot, Sweet Summer Grass, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Sorghum, Volunteer Sunflower, Wild Lettuce, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip
Foliar Application Bullich, Eucalyptus, Jarrah, Marri, Weeping Willow
Forest African Lovegrass, Alligator Weed, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Annual Weed Control, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo (bambusa Spp.), Barley Grass, Barnyard Or Water Grass, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Blady Grass, Bracken, Brome Grass, Brown Beetle Grass - Diplachne Spp., Californian Thistle, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Canary Grasses, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Couch, Common Fumitory, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Cumbungi, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus - Seedling And Sucker, Furze Or Gorse, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Ground Cherry - Physalis Angulata, Guinea Grass, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Ludwigia Peruviana, Mintweed, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Pellitory, Perennial Pigweed, Phalaris, Plantain, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Or Annual Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Red-leg Grass, Rhodes Grass, Rush, Saffron Thistle, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp., Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tall Sedge, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Topped Lavender, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Barley, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Oat, Volunteer Pine Wildings - Supp., Volunteer Sorghum, Volunteer Wheat, Wall Fumitory, Water Couch, Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce, Waterlily, Yellow, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Non-cultivated Area - General Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Annual Weed Control, Barley Grass, Barnyard Or Water Grass, Brome Grass, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Canary Grasses, Capeweed, Chickweed, Cobbler's Pegs, Common Fumitory, Deadnettle, Ground Cherry - Physalis Angulata, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Mintweed, Paradoxa Grass, Paterson's Curse, Perennial Pigweed, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Saffron Thistle, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp., Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., Subterranean Clover, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Barley, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Oat, Volunteer Sorghum, Volunteer Wheat, Wall Fumitory, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Winter Grass
Onion - Post-plant/pre Emergence Annual Weed Control, Perennial Weed - Suppression
Pasture African Lovegrass, Alligator Weed, Amaranth Or Amaranthus, Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Annual Weed Control, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo (bambusa Spp.), Barley Grass, Barnyard Or Water Grass, Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Blackberry, Blackberry - Rubus Spp., Blady Grass, Bracken, Brome Grass, Brown Beetle Grass - Diplachne Spp., Californian Thistle, Caltrop Or Yellow Vine, Canary Grasses, Capeweed, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Chickweed, Cobbler's Pegs, Cocksfoot, Common Couch, Common Fumitory, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Cumbungi, Deadnettle, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Eucalyptus - Seedling And Sucker, Eucalyptus - Seedling Up To 2 M Tall, Furze Or Gorse, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Ground Cherry - Physalis Angulata, Guinea Grass, Hedge Or Wild Mustard, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Lesser Swinecress Or Bittercress, Liverseed Or Urochloa Grass, Ludwigia Peruviana, Mintweed, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paradoxa Grass, Paspalum, Paterson's Curse, Pellitory, Perennial Pigweed, Phalaris, Plantain, Potato Or Yellow Weed, Prairie Or Annual Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Red-leg Grass, Rhodes Grass, Rush, Saffron Thistle, Silvergrass - Vulpia Spp., Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Sow Or Milk Thistle, Spear Or Black Thistle, Spiny Burrgrass Or Gentle Annie, Spurge - Euphorbia Spp., St John's Wort, Subterranean Clover, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tall Sedge, Thornapple, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Topped Lavender, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Barley, Volunteer Cereal, Volunteer Oat, Volunteer Pine Wildings - Supp., Volunteer Sorghum, Volunteer Wheat, Wall Fumitory, Water Couch, Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce, Waterlily, Yellow, Wild Oat, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Winter Grass, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Pasture (Bent Grass Infested) Annual Weeds, Bent Grass - Agrostis Tenuis
Pasture (POA Tussock Infested) Annual Weeds, Poa Tussock - Suppression
Pasture Manipulation Prior To Drilling Carpet Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Paspalum
Pasture Topping To Reduce Seed Set Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Brome Grass, Capeweed, Silvergrass - Aristida Contorta
Perennial Weed Control African Lovegrass, Alligator Weed, Artichoke Thistle, Bamboo (bambusa Spp.), Bent Grass - Agrostis Capillaris, Blady Grass, Bracken, Brown Beetle Grass - Diplachne Spp., Californian Thistle, Carpet Grass, Cat's Ear Or Flatweed, Cocksfoot, Common Couch, Common Reed Or Phragmites, Cumbungi, English Couch Or Rope Twitch, Glyceria Or Reed Sweet Grass, Guinea Grass, Hoary Cress Or Whiteweed, Johnson Grass, Kangaroo Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Ludwigia Peruviana, Nutgrass, Pampas Grass, Para Grass, Paspalum, Pellitory, Phalaris, Plantain, Prairie Or Annual Prairie Grass, Queensland Bluegrass, Red-leg Grass, Rhodes Grass, Rush, Silverleaf Nightshade, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, St John's Wort, Tall Sedge, Water Couch, Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce, Waterlily, Yellow, Yorkshire Fog Grass
Rice - Direct Drilling Annual Or Wimmera Ryegrass, Annual Phalaris, Barley Grass, Burr Medic, Canary Grass, Subterranean Clover, Winter Grass
Sorghum - Post-harvest Sorghum - Stubble
Sorghum - Pre-harvest Sorghum - See Label For Exceptions
Stem Injection Camphor Laurel, Flooded Gum, Ghost Gum, Gum Topped Bloodwood, Messmate Stringybark, Narrowleaf Ironbark, Pink Bloodwood, Poplar Box, Privet, Rhus, Silverleaf Ironbark, Silvertop Ironbark, Spotted Gum, Swamp Mahogany, Weeping Willow, White Mahogany
Sugar Cane - Ratoon Crop Sugar Cane - Ratoon Control (see Label)
Weed Control By Cut Stump Application Jarrah, Longleaf Box, Marri, Messmate Stringybark, Narrowleaf Peppermint, Privet, Rhus

Tips For Use


  • Do not disturb treated weeds by cultivation, sowing or grazing for 1 day after treatment of annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds.
  • Do not treat weeds under poor growing or dormant conditions such as occur in drought, water logging, disease, insect damage or following frost.
  • Reduced control may also occur when treating weeds heavily covered with dust or silt. Rainfall occurring up to 6 hours after application may reduce effectiveness. Heavy rainfall within 2 hours of application may wash the chemical off the foliage, and a repeat treatment may be required.
  • Do not use it before sowing tomatoes.

General Instructions:

  • This product is a non-volatile, water-soluble liquid with non-selective herbicidal activity against many annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses.
  • This product may be used for weed control in agricultural land prior to sowing any edible or non-edible crop but not prior to transplanting tomato seedlings.
  • This product is absorbed by plant foliage and green stems.
  • It is inactivated immediately in the soil and does not provide residual weed control.
  • This product moves through the plant from the point of contact and into the root system.
  • Visible effects on annual weeds take 3-7 days, but on perennial weeds may not be obvious for 2-3 weeks or longer in some cases. 
  • Visible effects of control may be delayed by cool or cloudy weather during and following treatment.
  • Visible effects are a gradual yellowing and wilting of the plant, which advances to complete browning of above-ground growth and deterioration of underground plant parts.
  • Delay application until vegetation has emerged to the stages described in the “Weeds Controlled” tables.
  • Unemerged parts arising from attached underground rhizomes or root stocks of perennials will not be affected by spray and will continue to grow. For this reason, best control of most perennial weeds is obtained at late growth stages approaching maturity.

Mixing Instructions:

  • This product mixes readily with water.
  • Reduced results may occur if water-containing soil is used, e.g. water from ponds and unlined ditches, or if hard water containing calcium salts is used.
  • Ensure the spray tank is free of any residue from previous spray materials.
  • Fill the spray tank with one-half the required amount of clean water and add the proper amount of this product.
  • Mix well before adding the remaining portion of water.
  • Placing the filling hose below the surface of the spray solution will prevent excessive foaming.
  • Removing the hose from the tank immediately after filling will prevent back siphoning into the water source.
  • DO NOT use mechanical agitators, as these may cause excessive foaming.

Application Information:

  • This product is a non-selective translocated herbicide.
  • Direct spray contact, or even slight drift, may cause severe injury or destruction of any growing crop or other desirable plants, including trees.
  • Clean all equipment after use by thoroughly washing with water.

Application Checklist:

  • Do not treat weeds under poor growing or dormant conditions (such as occur in drought, waterlogging, disease, insect damage or following frosts) as reduced weed control may result. Reduced efficacy may also occur when treating weeds heavily covered with dust or silt.
  • Do not add additional surfactant or mix with any other agricultural chemicals, herbicide oils, or any other materials except as specifically directed on this label. Rainfall occurring up to 6 hours after application may reduce effectiveness. Heavy rainfall within 2 hours after application may wash the chemical off the foliage & a repeat treatment may be required.
  • Do not disturb treated weeds by cultivation, sowing or grazing for one day after treatment of annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds to ensure herbicide absorption.
  • A withholding period for grazing stock is not required. However, it is recommended that grazing of treated plants be delayed (as recommended above) to ensure herbicide absorption. Certain plants, such as soursob, st john’s wort & bracken, may be naturally toxic to stock. Where known toxic plants are present, grazing should be delayed until complete browning of treated plants has occurred. The addition of non-ionic surfactant is recommended at a rate of 100ml of a 600g/l product (or equivalent) per 100l spray solution.
  • Delay treatment of plants wet with dew or rain if water droplets run off when plants are disturbed.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • The product will irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. When preparing the product for use, wear elbow-length PVC gloves and face shields or goggles.
  • When using a controlled droplet applicator, wear protective waterproof clothing and impervious footwear.
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shields or goggles and contaminated clothing.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 13 11 26.  
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Not required when used as directed.
  • A Withholding Period for grazing stock is not required. However, it is recommended that grazing of treated plants be delayed (as recommended above) to ensure herbicide absorption.  Certain plants such as, Soursob, St John’s Wort & Bracken, may be naturally toxic to stock. Where known toxic plants are present, grazing should be delayed until complete browning of treated plants has occurred.

SDS & Technical

Weedmaster DUO Dual Salt Technology Herbicide Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Weedmaster DUO Dual Salt Technology Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Weedmaster DUO Dual Salt Technology Herbicide SDS Download Pdf
Weedmaster DUO Dual Salt Technology Herbicide Techsheet Download Pdf
Glyphosate - Facts v Myths Brochure Download Pdf

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