Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep

Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep is a unique 4 way anthelmintic drench for use in sheep. Q-Drench Contains abamectin, albendazole, closantel and levamisole, which are members of the macrocyclic lactone, benzimidazole, salicylanilide and imidazothiazole groups respectively.

Active Ingredients: Abamectin 1.0 g/L, Albendazole 25.0 g/L, Closantel 37.5 g/L & Levamisole hydrochloride 40.0 g/L

Similar or comparable to Quartet 4-Way Combination Drench for Sheep (Alleva)

Click For Technical Info & Tips For Use
5 out of 5 (1 customers reviews)

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Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep Q-DRENCH Zoetis


Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench for Sheep (Active Ingredients: Abamectin 1.0 g/L, Albendazole 25.0 g/L, Closantel 37.5 g/L & Levamisole hydrochloride 40.0 g/L)

Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep is a unique 4-way anthelmintic drench for use in sheep. Q-Drench Contains abamectin, albendazole, closantel and levamisole, which are members of the macrocyclic lactone, benzimidazole, salicylanilide and imidazothiazole groups, respectively.

Similar or comparable to Quartet 4-Way Combination Drench for Sheep (Alleva)

Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench is a Broad-spectrum oral anthelmintic that is effective against susceptible gastrointestinal roundworms (including strains with single or dual resistance to macrocyclic lactones, benzimidazoles, levamisole or closantel, and strains of Haemonchus contortus with emerging resistance to closantel). It is also effective against lungworms, tapeworms, mature and late immature liver fluke, nasal bot and itch mites.

Q-drench can also be used to prevent the introduction of resistant strains onto a property and in a strategic worming program on sheep properties. Resistance may develop to any chemical. Ask a local veterinary practitioner or animal health advisor for recommended parasite management practices for your area to reduce the development of resistance.  It is advisable that a resistance test be conducted before any parasite treatment is used.

Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench is registered to control;

  • Barber’s Pole Worm ~ Haemonchus contortus – including inhibited L4 stage and strains with single, dual or triple resistance to macrocyclic lactones, benzimidazoles, levamisole or closantel, and strains with emerging resistance to closantel.
  • Small Brown Stomach Worm ~ Teladorsagia (Ostertagia) circumcincta – including inhibited L4 stage and strains with single or dual resistance to macrocyclic lactones, benzimidazoles or levamisole:
  • Black Scour Worm ~ Trichostrongylus colubriformis – including strains with single or dual resistance to macrocyclic lactones, benzimidazoles or levamisole.
  • Large Stomach Worm ~ Haemonchus placei
  • Stomach Hair Worm ~ Trichostrongylus axei
  • Black Scour Worm ~ Trichostrongylus vitrinus
  • Small Intestinal Worm ~ Cooperia spp
  • Thin-Necked Intestinal Worm ~ Nematodirus spp
  • Large Mouthed Bowel Worm ~ Chabertia ovina
  • Nodule Worm ~ Oesophagostomum columbianum
  • Large Bowel Worm ~ Oesophagostomum venulosum
  • Whip worm ~ Trichuris ovis
  • Intestinal threadworm ~ Strongyloides papillosus
  • Hookworm ~ Bunostomum spp
  • Nasal Bot ~ Oestrus ovis
  • Lungworm ~ Dictyocaulus viviparus (Large lungworm)
  • Liver Fluke ~ Fasciola hepatica – mature fluke and immature forms including 6-week-old stages. Reduces the output of viable fluke eggs.
  • Tapeworms ~ Moniezia spp – heads and segments
  • Itch mite ~ Psorergates ovis

Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench Pack Sizes: 1L, 5L (backpack), 10L (drum).

Registrant: Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd (APVMA # 56573)

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  1. Len Gaston


    Len Gaston (verified owner)

    It is the only drench I have used that I don’t have worry about overdose as I have had a mob overdosed accidentaly and there was no problems ( the drench gun malfunctioned )

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Features & Benefits

  • It contains the active ingredients Abamectin, Albendazole, Closantel and Levamisole
  • 4 actives with 4 different modes of action in every dose
  • Ideal for strategic drenching programs
  • Delays development of resistant worm strains
  • Made in Australia for Australian conditions
  • Cost-effective, broad-spectrum worm control

Directions Of Use

Click here for Q-drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep Directions for Use


Dose Rate: 1 mL/5 kg bodyweight.

Bodyweight (Kg) Dose (mL) Doses per 1L Doses per 5L Doses per 10L
11-15 3 333 1667 3333
16-20 4 250 1250 2500
21-25 5 200 1000 2000
26-30 6 167 833 1667
31-35 7 143 714 1429
36-40 8 125 625 1250
41-45 9 111 556 1111
46-50 10 100 500 1000
51-55 11 91 455 909
56-60 12 83 417 833
61-65 13 77 385 769
66-70 14 71 357 714
71-75 15 67 333 667

Sheep heavier than 75 kg to be dosed at 1 mL per 5 kg.

For use as a quarantine drench, treat all animals on arrival, or ideally at the farm of origin, and hold them in yards for at least 24 hours before release.

For use in a strategic worm control program, speak to an animal health advisor or veterinarian.


  • Administer orally.
  • Check the accuracy of the drench equipment before and during use.
  • A representative sample of animals should be weighed before treatment. 
  • Dose the mob to the heaviest animal by live-weight in each group (ewes, wethers, rams, lambs).
  • Do not underdose.
  • Where there is a large variation in size within the group, the dose rate should be based on the label directions for each weight range.
  • Drafting into two or more lines may be appropriate to avoid excessive overdosing.
  • Shake well before use.
  • See the dose rate table on the product label for further information.

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Q-drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Can you use Q drench and Flexolt Oral Lice Treatment at the same time?

  1. Q Can you use Q drench and Flexolt Oral Lice Treatment at the same time?
    Asked by peter on November 4, 2024 7:09 am
    Answered by the admin

    Due to the lack of trial data to date, the manufacturers (Intervet) of Flexolt Oral Lice Treatment for Sheep do not currently recommend the concurrent use of Flexolt Oral Lice Treatment For Sheep with a drench. Trials are being undertaken on this claim. However, in the meantime, the advice is to leave 24 hours between a worming treatment (any product that explicitly targets worms) and the Flexolt treatment.

  2. Can Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep be put in the sheep's food, such as an individual bucket for each sheep with Lucerne chaff and molasses?

  3. Q Can Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep be put in the sheep's food, such as an individual...... Read more
    Asked by Melinda on July 14, 2024 5:56 am
    Answered by the admin

    Q-Drench Multi Combination Drench for Sheep only recommends oral administration with appropriate drenching equipment.  For further clarification, please contact the manufacturer Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd p. 1800 022 442  e. [email protected]

  4. Does Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep help with mange and the mites? Thanks

  5. Q Does Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep help with mange and the mites? Thanks
    Asked by Chris on May 21, 2023 1:12 pm
    Answered by the admin

    Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep 'directions for use' controlled parasites list includes the Itch mite (psoregates ovis), one of several mite types that can cause mange.  The directions for use can be found on the product screen; scroll down to the heading 'SDS & Technical' and select; a PDF will be available for download or printing.

  6. I used Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep on a 6-month alpaca and noticed dead white worms in faeces 5 days after drenching.  I am not sure, but they may be tapeworm as they seemed to have a distinct module at each end (3 in one dropping). I had seen this prior to drenching also.  Does this mean the drench is still killing or has been ineffective in this alpaca or will dead worms still be passed 5 days after administering?

  7. Q I used Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep on a 6-month alpaca and noticed dead white wor...... Read more
    Asked by Suzanne on June 19, 2022 10:24 am
    Answered by the admin

    Observing tapeworms in your animal's dung is not uncommon as they are easily the most visible worm compared to other internal parasites.  Observing these worms does not necessarily mean the drench has been effective or not, and it is the eggs of the worms that are of concern.  A 'faecal egg count' is recommended to accurately test for parasites, drench resistance, etc.

  8. Is it recommended to leave sheep in yards [fasting] for any length of time either before or after drenching with Q Drench for Sheep?

  9. Q Is it recommended to leave sheep in yards [fasting] for any length of time either before or after...... Read more
    Asked by Kaye on April 28, 2022 8:57 am
    Answered by the admin

    There are no requirements to yard sheep for a set period before or after application of Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep unless a quarantine drench is required.  If the application is for a quarantine drench, the sheep should be treated upon arrival and held in dirt yards for 1-3 days before release on feed and water.  

  10. What is the shelf life of Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep?

  11. Q What is the shelf life of Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep?
    Asked by Stephen on April 11, 2022 4:26 pm
    Answered by the admin

    The Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep stock on hand in April 2022 had an expiry date of;

    • 1L Q-Drench - January 2024
    • 5L Q-Drench - February 2024
    • 10L Q-Drench - February 2024 
  12. Do you know ESI withholding period for Q-Drench Multi Combination Drench for Sheep?

  13. Q Do you know ESI withholding period for Q-Drench Multi Combination Drench for Sheep?
    Asked by warren ohl on February 26, 2022 10:43 am
    Answered by the admin

    According to the APVMA and information on the directions for use, Q-Drench does not have an ESI established.  For advice on the ESI, contact Jurox Limited on 1800 023 312 before using the product.

  14. How long does Q-Drench remain active in the sheep?
  15. Q How long does Q-Drench remain active in the sheep?
    Asked by James A Triggs on December 31, 2021 1:56 pm
    Answered by the admin
     Q-Drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep does not have any claims for persistent activity, which is why it is not listed on the label.  All the active ingredients used in Q-drench are short-acting & only kill parasites sheep at the time of drenching without any residual activity. 

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Sheep Barber's Pole Worm (also Inhibited L4), Black Scour Worm - Trichostrongylus Spp., Hookworm - Bunostomum Spp., Intestinal Threadworm - S. Papillosus, Large Bowel Worm - O. Venulosum, Large Mouthed Bowel Worm, Large Stomach Worm, Liver Fluke - Mature And Immature, Lungworm - Dictyocaulus Viviparus, Nasal Bot, Nodule Worm - , O. Circumcincta - Including Inhibited L4, Sheep Itch Mite, Small Intestinal Worm , Stomach Hair Worm, Tapeworm (moniezia Spp.) - Head/segments, Thin Necked Intestinal Worm, Whipworm - Trichuris Ovis

Tips For Use


  • Do not use Q-Drench in female sheep that are producing or may in the future produce milk or milk products for human consumption.
  • Do not Q-Drench use in lambs under 6 weeks of age or 10 kg bodyweight.


  • Exercise care in handling weak, pregnant and young animals to avoid unnecessary stress.
  • Avoid yarding animals off-feed overnight, and ensure animals have access to water when yarded before drenching.
  • Recommended dose should not be exceeded, except under veterinary supervision

Safety Directions:

  • Poisonous if absorbed by skin contact or swallowed.
  • It may irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes and skin.
  • When opening the container and pouring large quantities, wear elbow-length PVC gloves.
  • After each day’s use, wash your gloves.
  • Wash hands after use.


  • Store below 30°C (room temperature).
  • Store in the original container.
  • Do not freeze.
  • Do not store at low temperature.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre, Phone 13 1126. If skin contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly.
  • Additional information is listed in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Meat:  28 days.
  • Milk:  Do not use in female sheep which are producing, or may in the future produce, milk or milk products for human consumption.

Trade Advice:

Export Slaughter Interval (ESI):  

This product does not have an ESI established.  For advice on the ESI contact Jurox Limited on 1800 023 312 before using the product.

SDS & Technical

Q-drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Q-drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep Label Download Pdf
Q-drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep SDS Download Pdf
Q-drench Multi-Combination Drench For Sheep TechSheet Download Pdf

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