Wasp 300 WG Herbicide


Wasp 300 WG Herbicide is a water-soluble granule formulation (WG) for post-emergent control or suppression of broadleaf weeds in winter cereal crops, brush, and broadleaf weeds in pastures and non-agricultural areas.

Wasp 300 WG Herbicide contains the powerful active ingredient aminopyralid with the addition of metsulfuron to control a wide range of woody weeds and other broadleaf weeds.

Active Ingredients: Aminopyralid @ 375g/Kg & Metsulfuron-Methyl @ 300g/Kg

Similar or comparable to Stinger Herbicide (Corteva), Salve Herbicide (Grow Choice) & Ray 675 Wg Herbicide (Axichem)

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Wasp 300 WG Herbicide WASP Apparent AG Titan Ag


Wasp 300 WG Herbicide

Active Ingredients: Aminopyralid @ 375g/Kg & Metsulfuron-Methyl @ 300g/Kg

Similar or comparable to Stinger Herbicide (Corteva), Salve Herbicide (Grow Choice) & Ray 675 Wg Herbicide (Axichem)

Wasp 300 WG Herbicide is a water-soluble granule (WG) formulation for post-emergent control or suppression of broadleaf weeds in winter cereal crops, brush, and broadleaf weeds in pastures and non-agricultural areas. Wasp 300 WG Herbicide contains the powerful active ingredient aminopyralid with the addition of metsulfuron to control a wide range of woody weeds and other broadleaf weeds. It contains both Group 2 & 4 herbicides designed to assist Integrated Weed Management (IWM) programs.

What weeds does Wasp 300 WG Herbicide Target in Woody Weed & Pasture situations?

Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) Golden dodder (Cuscuta australia) Peppermint gum (E. radiata)
Annual clover (Trifolium spp.) Gorse (Ulex europaeus) Privet (Ligustrum spp.)
Annual medics (Medicago spp.) Great mullein (Verbascum thapsus) Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea)
Apple box (Angophora floribunda) Harrisia cactus (Eriocereus spp.) Red gum (E. blakelyi)
Australian blackthorn (Bursaria spinosa) Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) Rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora)
Bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypifolia) Inkweed (Phytolacca octandra) Smartweed (Polygonum spp.)
Bitou bush/Boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) Japanese sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) Soursob (Oxalis pes-capre)
Blackberry (Rubus spp.) Kangaroo thorn (Acacia paradoxa) St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Bridal creeper (Myrsiphyllum asparagoides) Lantana (Lantana camara) Storksbill/Wild geranium (Erodium spp.)
Cape tulip: one & two leaf (Homeria spp.) Messmate stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua) Sweet briar (Rosa rubiginosa)
Common bracken (Pteridium esculentum) (Bracken Fern) Mimosa pigra Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)
Crofton weed (Eupatorium adenophorum) Mistflower (Eupatorium riparium) Wait-a-while (Caesalpinia decapetala)
Darling pea (Swainsona spp.) Noogoora burr (Xanthium pungens) Wild garlic (Allium vineale)
Docks (Rumex spp.) Onion grass/Guildford grass (Romulea rosea) Wild turnip (Brassica tournefortii)
Doublegee/Spiny emex/ Three cornered jack (Emex australia) Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) Yellow box (E. melliodora)
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum)

What weeds does Wasp 300 WG Herbicide target in winter cereals and fallow?

African turnip weed (Sisymbrium thellungii) Medic (Medicago spp.)
Boggabri weed (Amaranthus macrocarpus) New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia tetragonoides)
Chickpeas (Volunteer) (Cicer arietinum) Parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus)
Chicory (Cichorum intybus) Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola)
Climbing buckwheat (Fallopia convolvulus) Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea)
Clover (Subterranean) (Trifolium subterraneum) Saltbush (Atriplex muelleri)
Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) Slender celery (Apium leptophyllum)
Dock (broadleaf) (Rumex obtusifolius) Spiny emex (Doublegee) (Emex australis)
Faba beans (Volunteer) (Vicia faba) Stagger weed (Stachys arvensis)
Hogweed (Wireweed) (Polygonum aviculare) Volunteer sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium orientale) Wild turnip (Brassica tournefortii)

Where can Wasp 300 WG Herbicide be used;

  • Established Pastures (tolerant grass species) – Not safe for legumes in the pasture
  • Natural/Native Pasture
  • Non Agricultural Situations
  • Commercial and Industrial Areas
  • Rights of Way
  • Winter Cereals
  • Follow/Pre plant knockdown weed control

Why choose Wasp 300 WG Herbicide;

  • Contains the active ingredients Aminopyralid and Metsulfuron.
  • Effective control of hard-to-kill woody weeds.
  • Acts on roots as well as weed foliage of weeds for biomass reduction
  • Low rates in most situations and easy-to-handle WG formulation
  • Good compatibility with many herbicides and insecticides for pest control
  • Wasp 300 WG Herbicide contains both Group 2 & 4 herbicides designed to assist Integrated Weed Management (IWM) programs.
  • Broad spectrum.
  • Retention of grasses in pastures.
  • Faster brownout compared to metsulfuron alone.
  • Various application methods include High Volume Spraying (Hand Gun), Aerial Application (by Helicopter only), Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques (Gas Gun) & Boom Application.
  • Compatible with a range of Herbicides and Insecticides. 

Pack Size: 500gm

Wasp 300 WG Herbicide Registrant: Titan Ag Pty Ltd (Apvma #: 93290)

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredients Aminopyralid and Metsulfuron.
  • Effective control of hard-to-kill woody weeds.
  • Acts on roots as well as weed foliage of weeds for biomass reduction
  • Low rates in most situations and easy-to-handle WG formulation
  • Good compatibility with many herbicides and insecticides for pest control
  • Wasp 300 WG Herbicide contains Group 2 & 4 herbicides designed to assist Integrated Weed Management (IWM) programs.
  • Broad spectrum.
  • Retention of grasses in pastures.
  • Faster brownout compared to metsulfuron alone.
  • Various application methods include High Volume Spraying (Hand Gun), Aerial Application (by Helicopter only), Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques (Gas Gun) & Boom Application.
  • Compatible with a range of Herbicides and Insecticides.

Directions Of Use

Click here for Wasp 300 WG Herbicide directions for use;

  • High Volume Spraying (Hand Gun): 10g – 40g per 100L Water
  • Aerial Application (by Helicopter only): 100g – 320g per Ha
  • Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques (Gas Gun): 20g per 10L Water + Penetrant)
  • Boom Application: 14g – 160g per Ha


The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal and dangerous and render the product ineffective. is a water-dispersible granule (WDG) to be mixed with water.

  • Wasp should be added to the spray tank with simultaneous agitation.
  • If the ability to agitate the spray tank is limited, premix the Wasp in a bucket before adding to the main tank.
  • Once diluted correctly, Wasp Herbicide remains dispersed. The material must be kept in suspension at all times by continuous agitation.
  • When the prepared spray solution has been allowed to stand, thoroughly re-agitate before using.
  • When using tank mixes, Wasp must be in suspension before adding the partner product or surfactant.

If tank-mixing with other products, the following order should be followed:

  1. Quarter-fill the spray tank, maintaining agitation, then:
  2. Add Wasp Herbicide (as described above).
  3. Add water to half-fill the spray tank.
  4. Add wettable powders, water-dispersible granules or suspension concentrates.
  5. Add emulsifiable concentrates.
  6. Add the surfactant when the spray tank is half full.
  7. Add water to bring to the final spray volume

Use of Surfactant/wetting Agent:

  • BS1000 Biodegradable surfactant, Chemwet 1000 Wetting Agent, Uptake Spraying Oil or Pulse Penetrant are recommended for use with Wasp.

Instructions specific for woody and herbaceous weed control:

  • If a specific surfactant/wetting agent is not listed in the Directions For Use table, or when mixing with glyphosate, use BS1000 or Chemwet 1000 at 100 mL/100 L of final spray solution (0.1 % v/v).
  • When Pulse, Eurochem or Consume Penetrant is recommended in the Directions For Use table, use 20 mL/10 L (gas gun application) or 100 or 200 mL/100 L (boom or high volume applications) (i.e. 0.1 or 0.2% v/v).
  • When Uptake Spraying Oil is recommended in the Directions For Use table, use 500 mL/100 L of final spray solution (i.e. 0.5 % v/v).

Instructions specific for the treatment of pasture and pasture renovation

  • Always add BS1000 or Wetter 1000 at 200 mL/100 L of final spray solution (0.2 % v/v).

Rates are a general guide only. Before opening, carefully read Wasp 300 WG Herbicide directions for use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, and dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Will Wasp 300 WG Herbicide work on St Johns Wort as a stand-alone treatment. I usually use Metsulfuron and grazon equiv and was wondering if this would replace this.

  1. Q Will Wasp 300 WG Herbicide work on St Johns Wort as a stand-alone treatment. I usually use Metsul...... Read more
    Asked by Peter on April 7, 2024 9:42 am
    Answered by the admin

    Wasp 300 WG Herbicide is registered to control St John's Wort via High-Volume Spraying (Hand Gun) in Non-Agricultural (native pastures), Commercial, and Industrial Areas, and rights-of-way. The 'directions for use' recommend 20mL Wasp 300 WG plus 150mL Glyphosate 450 g/L plus an Organosilicone Penetrant 200mL per 100L water. Always read the 'directions for use' carefully to ensure suitability for your situation.

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Barley - Post Crop & Weed Emergence, Cereal Rye - Post Crop & Weed Emergence, Triticale - Post Crop & Weed Emergence & Wheat - Post & Weed Emergence African Turnip Weed, Boggabri Weed, Chicory, Climbing Buckwheat, Deadnettle, Dock, Indian Hedge Mustard, Medic, New Zealand Spinach, Parthenium Weed, Perennial Pigweed, Prickly Lettuce, Saffron Thistle, Saltbush, Slender Celery, Spiny Emex, Stagger Weed, Subterranean Clover, Turnip Weed, Variegated Thistle, Volunteer Chickpea, Volunteer Faba Bean, Volunteer Sunflower, Wild Turnip - Brassica Tournefortii, Wireweed, Knotweed Or Hogweed
Flood Plain Blackberry, Mimosa Pigra
Natural Pasture (Native), Non-Agricultural Area - General & Rights Of Way Alligator Weed, Apple Box, Australian Or Native Blackthorn, Bellyache Bush, Bitou Bush Or Boneseed, Blackberry, Blakely's Red Gum Or Gum, Bracken, Bridal Creeper, Crofton Weed, Darling Pea, Fennel, Golden Dodder, Great Mullein, Gum - Peppermint, Harrisia Cactus, Hawthorn, Inkweed, Japanese Sunflower, Kangaroo Thorn, Lantana - Lantana Camara, Messmate Stringybark, Mimosa Pigra, Mistflower Or Creeping Crofton Weed, Noogoora Burr, Parthenium Weed, Paterson's Curse, Privet, Ragwort, Rubber Vine, Smartweed, St John's Wort, Sweet Briar Or Wild Rose, Tree-Of-Heaven, Wait-A-While, Wild Turnip, Yellow Box
Pasture Renovation & Tolerant Grass Sp. - Over 1 Year Old Annual Clovers, Cape Tulip, Dock, Erodium, Crowfoot Or Storksbill, Medic, Onion Or Guildford Grass, Paterson's Curse, Ragwort, Sorrel, Soursob Or Oxalis, Three Cornered Jack Or Doublegee, Wild, Crow Or Field Garlic

Tips For Use

Application Tips:

Rainfastness: Ensure application of Apparent Wasp WG occurs at least 1 hour before rain or dew and 48 hours before heavy rain.

Plant Stress: Apparent Wasp WG should not be applied to crops or weeds that may be stressed due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logging or drought) or previous herbicide treatment, as crop damage or reduced levels of control may result. When treatment is followed by severe stress, growth retardation may occur.

Application Use Pattern: To minimise the risk of weed resistance, do not apply more than one application of Apparent Wasp WG per season either alone or in a tank mix.

Use of Surfactants:

  • Wetter 1000 Wetting Agent, Paraffinic Spraying Oil (Uptake & Penatrol) and Organosilicone Surfactants (Consume or Eurochem) are recommended for use with Wasp WG to ensure effective herbicide uptake.


  • Do not sow susceptible crops into paddocks treated the previous season with Wasp 300WG Herbicide until after the required plant back period has elapsed – see general instructions.
  • Do not spray if foliage is wet from rain or dew, if rain is likely to occur within one hour, or if heavy rain is likely to occur within 48 hours.
  • Do not store a suspension of Wasp 300 WG Herbicide or tank mixes for more than 1 day; otherwise, significant breakdown will occur. Do not use on furrow or flood-irrigated crops.
  • Do not apply before the three-leaf stage of the crop when used for post-emergent weed control.
  • Do not treat newly sown pastures, as severe damage may occur.
  • Do not use it on pasture seed crops.
  • Do not apply more than one application of Wasp 300 WG Herbicide, either alone or tank-mixed per season.
  • Do not apply to blackberry bushes bearing mature fruit.
  • Do not burn off, cut or clear blackberry or other woody weeds for at least 6 months after spraying.
  • Do not apply by aerial application in wind in excess of 15 km/hr and/or air temperatures above 35oC (except when applying to Mimosa pigra).
  • Do not use in winter cereal crops undersown with legume pasture species e.g. medics, clovers.
  • Do not apply other sulfonylurea herbicides in a tank mix with Wasp 300 WG Herbicide as a preplant application. Use of this product on land that has a soil pH of 5.5 or less may result in some crop retardation, particularly if the crop is stressed.
  • Do not apply to crops or weeds that may be stressed due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logging or drought) or previous herbicide treatment, as crop damage or reduced levels of control may result. When treatment is followed by severe stress such as drought, prolonged cold, waterlogging or frost conditions, growth retardation may occur. Crops normally recover without loss of yield. Disease, nematode or insect damage after application may also result in crop injury.
  • Do not apply to wheat varieties King, Jacup, Miling and Harrier. Wasp 300 WG Herbicide has been tested over major commercially grown cereal varieties, but not all of those that may be grown. For more information on cereal variety selection, consult your local agronomist or Ttitan Ag representative.
  • Care should be taken if it is intended to apply Wasp 300 WG Herbicide in the same season to a crop already treated with another sulfonylurea herbicide, as crop damage may occur.
  • Do not apply to durum wheat varieties. Avoid double overlaps to reduce the risk of injury to rotational crops the following season. In areas prone to flooding, treatment should commence after any annual flooding, as such areas flooded within 9 months following application may have reduced results.

Spray Drift Restraints:

  • Specific definitions for terms used in this section of the label can be found at apvma.gov.au/spraydrift
  • Do not allow bystanders to come into contact with the spray cloud.
  • Do not apply in a manner that may cause an unacceptable impact on native vegetation, agricultural crops, landscaped gardens and aquaculture production or cause contamination of plant or livestock commodities outside the application site from spray drift. Wherever possible, correctly use application equipment designed to reduce spray drift and apply when the wind direction is away from these sensitive areas.
  • Do not apply unless the wind speed is between 3 and 20 kilometres per hour at the application site during the time of application.
  • Do not apply if there are hazardous surface temperature inversion conditions present at the application site during the time of application. Surface temperature inversion conditions exist most evenings one to two hours before sunset and persist until one to two hours after sunrise.


  • Wasp 300 WG Herbicide is a water-dispersible granule to be mixed with water.
  • Wasp 300 WG Herbicide should be added to the spray tank with simultaneous agitation.
  • If the ability to agitate the spray tank is limited, premix the Wasp 300 WG Herbicide in a bucket before adding it to the main tank. Once diluted correctly, Wasp 300 WG Herbicide remains dispersed.
  • The material must be kept in suspension at all times by continuous agitation.
  • When prepared, and the spray solution has been allowed to stand, thoroughly re-agitate before using. In tank mixes, Wasp 300 WG Herbicide must be fully in suspension before adding the partner product or surfactant.

If tank-mixing with other products, the following order should be followed: 

  1. Half-fill the spray tank, maintaining agitation, then: 
  2. Add Wasp 300 WG Herbicide (as described above). 
  3. Add water to 70% fill the spray tank. 
  4. Add wettable powders, water-dispersible granules or suspension concentrates. 
  5. Add emulsifiable concentrates. 
  6. Add the surfactant. 
  7. Add water to bring to the final spray volume.

Other Limitations:

  • In Tasmania, for blackberry do not treat bushes carrying mature or near mature fruit.
  • For native vegetation, the use of Wasp 300 WG Herbicide on native vegetation must be done in accordance with state and and/or local legislation.


  • Re-entry: wait until the spray has dried.
  • If prior re-entry is required, wear cotton overalls buttoned to neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves.
  • Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use.

Protection Of Crops, Native And Other Nontarget Plants:

  • See also the Minimum Recropping Periods Section.
  • Susceptible crops and plants include but are not limited to, canola, chickpeas, clovers, cotton, faba beans, field peas, flowers, fruit trees, hops, lentils, lupins, lucerne, medics, ornamentals, potatoes, peas, safflower, shade trees, sub-clover, sugar beet, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables, vetches, vines (grape and kiwi fruit), wattles and white clover. Field peas, faba beans, lentils and vetches are particularly susceptible.
  • This product will kill legumes (clovers, medics) present in the pastures at the time of spraying. In the season following the application of this product, the regeneration or establishment of sensitive crops may be adversely affected by soil residues. Do not allow spray drift onto sensitive native vegetation. Do not apply close to or on areas containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed to areas growing or to be planted to desirable plants, or on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing or to be planted to susceptible crops or plants. Do not move soil, which may have been sprayed, to areas where desirable plants are to be grown.

Management Of Residues In Compost, Mulches And Animal Waste

  • Do not send treated crops off-farm as hay, silage or for use as animal bedding. Aminopyralid residues from treated plants may pass into animal manure, composts, mushroom substrates, and mulches and cause injury to sensitive broadleaf plants.
  • Do not spread manure from animals that have grazed or consumed forage or hay from treated areas on land used for growing susceptible broadleaf crops.

Stubble from Treated Crops

  • Ensure that harvesters effectively spread crop straw and do not leave a heavy ‘header trail’ after harvest. Burn (if legal in the area) or bale and remove, slash or incorporate stubble as soon as practical after harvest and for as long as possible before planting next year to allow the microbial breakdown of any residues in straw. Heavy stubble loads may carry more residues into the following season.
  • Where heavy stubble burdens and/or non-wetting soils exist and less than the recommended amount of rain has fallen from application to planting the susceptible crop (see above), only plant a winter or summer cereal.

Where Wasp 300 WG Herbicide residue carryover is suspected, and susceptible crops are to be planted, test the treated area as follows: 

  • Field bioassay – where rain allows, plant a small area of the susceptible crop 4 to 6 weeks before desired planting date and take note of any symptoms of injury. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant a cereal crop (see recommendations for northern and southern Australia below).
  • Pot bioassay – where it is not practical to do field bioassay, plant a small number of seeds of the susceptible crop into pots containing soil from the treated field. Do this test 4 to 6 weeks before the desired planting date. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant a cereal crop (see recommendations for northern and southern Australia below).
  • Lentils are highly sensitive to Wasp 300 WG Herbicide and, therefore, are a good test species for a bioassay.
  • Planting Crops Following Use of Wasp 300 WG Herbicide in Previous Cereal Crop Planting crops ‘dry’ without appropriate rain (see below) in the fallow prior to planting increases the risk of injury to susceptible crops. This practice should be avoided, or only a cereal crop should be planted. Only plant a cereal crop in severely dry conditions, where less than 30% of average annual rainfall and/or less than the minimum rain has fallen between application and planting the next year (see below).

Protection Of Livestock

  • Do not graze or cut treated crops or plants for stock food except as specified under withholding periods. It is recommended, however, not to graze treated areas for 2 to 3 days to ensure product efficacy.
  • Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying, and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down.

Protection Of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans And Environment

  • Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers.


  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. 
  • Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • It may irritate the eyes and skin.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
  • When opening the container, mixing and loading and preparing spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves, and when mixing, loading and pouring large quantities, wear cotton overalls over normal clothing, buttoned to neck and wrist and elbow length chemical resistant gloves.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing.

First Aid Instructions:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 1126
  • If in eyes, hold your eyes open, flood them with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). 

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP) when Using Wasp 300 Wg Herbicide Alone Or In Tank Mixtures

Cereal Crops:

  • Harvesting For Grain: Not Required When Used As Directed.
  • Grazing For Meat Production: Do not graze for 21 days after application, or if grazing prior to 21 days after application, do not send animals for slaughter that have grazed treated pasture within 21 days of application unless first placing the animals on clean feed for 3 days before leaving the farm.
  • Grazing For Milk Production: Not required when used as directed.
  • Cutting For Animal Feed: Do not cut for 21 days after application.


  • Grazing For Meat Production: Do not graze for 56 days after application or if grazing prior to 56 days after application, do not send animals for slaughter that have grazed treated pasture within 56 days of application unless first placing the animals on clean feed for 3 days before leaving the farm.
  • Grazing For Milk Production: Do not graze for 3 days after application.
  • Cutting For Animal Feed: Do not cut for 56 days after application.

When using wasp 300 wg herbicide in tank mixtures listed in the directions for use tables:

Cereal Crops (Clopyralid 750 Sg):

  • Grazing For Meat Production: Do not graze for 21 days after application, or if grazing prior to 21 days after application, do not send animals for slaughter that have grazed treated pasture within 21 days of application unless first placing the animals on clean feed for 7 days before leaving the farm.
  • Grazing For Milk Production: Do not graze for 7 days after application.
  • Cutting For Animal Feed: Do not cut for 21 days after application.

Cereal Crops (2,4-D Products):

  • Grazing For Meat Production: Do not graze for 21 days after application, or if grazing prior to 21 days after application, do not send animals for slaughter that have grazed treated pasture within 21 days of application unless first placing the animals on clean feed for 3 days before leaving the farm.
  • Grazing For Milk Production: Do not graze for 7 days after application. 
  • Cutting For Animal Feed: Do not cut for 21 days after application.

Cereal Crops (MCPA Products And Picloram + MCPA 242 Herbicide):

  • Grazing For Meat Production: Do not graze for 21 days after application.
  • Grazing For Milk Production: Do not graze for 7 days after application.
  • Cutting For Animal Feed: Do not cut for 21 days after application.

For other tank mixtures, observe the whp and/or export intervals for the partner product if they are longer than those for Wasp 300 WG Herbicide.

Trade Advice:

  • Fodder Intended for Export: Some countries have limits on the level of residue acceptable in animal feeds. Please consult your exporter before using this product on pasture destined to be used for export fodder.
  • Livestock destined for export markets when Wasp 300 WG Herbicide is used as directed and the above withholding period is observed, treated grain and livestock commodities are considered acceptable for export. However, export requirements are subject to change. Consult your exporter for updated information about specific market requirements.

SDS & Technical

Wasp 300WG Herbicide Label APVMA Download Pdf
Wasp 300WG Herbicide Label Download Pdf
Wasp 300WG Herbicide SDS Download Pdf
Wasp 300WG Herbicide TechSheet Download Pdf

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